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"It's quickplay" and how to turn off all my interest in Overwatch

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I think it's a pretty bad expectation to think that all your QP matches will build into a solid team. I'm not sure why people would think this would be the case, people are going to play what they want at times when they want to. Of course it would be nice for there to be great synergies within your team but that's just not realistic at all times...

It is not realistic at all times, but i'd expect it to be most/many times. Yesterday for example I played 5 QP matches because a friend did not want to play comp. I won all 5 because NONE of the enemy teams had a tank. Over the course of 5 games i did not see a single tank, just widows, hanzo, lucio, torb, bastion, mcree,sombra,sym,etc.
It is just sad to crush anyone because (since we were 3 people) my team just pick the right roles. It is not like most of us are good players (i'm diamond, the rest are gold), yet we won like we were pros playing against old people.
If i queue alone the inverse happens. My problem is that people REFUSE to cooperate ,like at all. I'm playing rein and see a reaper flaking us on the left. I say reaper on the left. He manages to kill hanzo, widow , soldier and make an assist on tracer; like people listened to me and thought something like " meh, i don't care".

you can't expect that the game puts you into a team where players like playing those roles. I'd rather lose a game and play as a hero i enjoy than slog through a round of playing dudes that i have no interest in playing, while the guy who whines about the change is playing his favorite hero.

I always change to whatever role the team needs the most. The only chars i "can't" play are the snipers because i don't do headshots very often.
The problem is the bold; this is not a COD where you only have 1 char; you "should" play 2 or 3 chars from each role, if you can't you are just cuting both your fun (since you are forced to that char everytime) and diminishing your team capability (you can be hard countered).

Is QP not for praticing both using 1 char AND teamwork? For most people no, QP is to play OW like COD.


The problem is the bold; this is not a COD where you only have 1 char; you "should" play 2 or 3 chars from each role, if you can't you are just cuting both your fun (since you are forced to that char everytime) and diminishing your team capability (you can be hard countered).

Wait until you achieve Grandmaster where you see one-trick Symmetras, Mercy mains, attacking Torbs and other people in every match


Junior Member
I think it's just maybe a bit unreasonable to expect quickplay to cater to your desires here. Yes, people who are actively useless on a team can be frustrating, but you seem to be taking bad play personally which is a quick ticket to having no fun at all. There's some stuff I think you should consider here:

-Overwatch is huge now, and the skill levels and desire for competition among the playerbase will vary wildly.
-Not everyone cares about the meta, or knows how to "really" play Overwatch. Some people are slow, or new. Some people just like the characters. C'est la vie.
-Kids play Overwatch.
-People who don't play many games play Overwatch.
-The tutorial modes don't provide any sort of realistic situations, so practice is a completely valid reason to play QP.

It really, really sounds like you want to be playing competitive. It's just a little unreasonable, I think, to queue solo and expect every teammate to be on the same page. I get that it's frustrating that there's no in-between, but I think the closest thing to a stopgap between the free-for-all madness of QP and the die-hard seriousness of competitive is queuing with friends in QP. At least then you know what you're getting.

You are right but I don't think I get it personal, I tend to end all the matches as bad as they are, even though there are external problems to it, for example not having too much time to play and see that I will be stuck in a pointless match, then I go off.

I don't expect people to play all in mindset because that's nuts and I'm sorry if that's what it looks like, what I try to say is that the phrase "is just qp" as a free pass to do whatever you feel like... I don't know it seems a bit of an excuse to throw matches all the time and being toxic.

Of course this is a stretch and I have found people who likes to have fun even if we lose. My main complain is about people who is actively try to have fun above others, this means being toxic etc.

There are solutions like muting the chat, I don't usually report, only if the user is insulting me directly or any of the team, reporting for poor teamwork is not as easy because there are too many factors to determinate what's wrong;

-stuck characters

So I tend to avoid that as much as possible.

If you report them, I don't really know what happens, I have never seen a banner user or something like that by poor teamwork (one of the many report issues) if you leave the match you will have warnings for leaving the match and, eventually, you will have a penalty of even up to 12 matches with your exp. points reduced to -75% so;

When I said that I was refering that I don't know what happens so I don't do it

Maybe sticking with a small community as you suggest or to competitive could be a fix, but I don't think it's good for the game itself to keep going on this trend

You won't make me not play Hanzo in QP, OP!

If you want to and you want to have fun with others, you can play as whoever you want!

Lovely avatar btw
I'm relatively new to OW, but what other modes are there where you can play traditional matches against real players without affecting anyone else's ranking?
Arcade has a ton of modes you can play, and people try to win those because you get loot boxes from it.
I have similar frustrations. I have no problem with people work-shopping new characters as QP is the best place to do that. I can't stand people not trying though or making zero attempt to play the objective. If you want to fuck around and not try take that shit to arcade. Don't even get me started on people who think comp is the place to try playing junkrat for the first time either.


Fuck the meta, I want to have fun and play the character I feel like playing at the moment. Sure I'll drift towards the class or type of character that the team needs to be somewhat balanced at the moment or change character if I'm being destroyed or countered over and over, but I won't be micromanaged to satisfy some boring ass meta or the needs of some rude idiot online.


Junior Member
Fuck the meta, I want to have fun and play the character I feel like playing at the moment. Sure I'll drift towards the class or type of character that the team needs to be somewhat balanced at the moment or change character if I'm being destroyed or countered over and over, but I won't be micromanaged to satisfy some boring ass meta or the needs of some rude idiot online.

That's fine, but the thread is about toxic behaviour and people who doesn't want to play the game, just mess around and throwing. If you want to try a hero even if doesnt match the mode ot the stance of the match is fine, just don't ruin other's by being toxic or throwing
You are right but I don't think I get it personal, I tend to end all the matches as bad as they are, even though there are external problems to it, for example not having too much time to play and see that I will be stuck in a pointless match, then I go off.

I don't expect people to play all in mindset because that's nuts and I'm sorry if that's what it looks like, what I try to say is that the phrase "is just qp" as a free pass to do whatever you feel like... I don't know it seems a bit of an excuse to throw matches all the time and being toxic.

Of course this is a stretch and I have found people who likes to have fun even if we lose. My main complain is about people who is actively try to have fun above others, this means being toxic etc.

There are solutions like muting the chat, I don't usually report, only if the user is insulting me directly or any of the team, reporting for poor teamwork is not as easy because there are too many factors to determinate what's wrong;

-stuck characters

So I tend to avoid that as much as possible.

Honestly if Blizzard would bring back/fix the "avoid this player" option, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. It was a good solution for this kind of thing.


Have to disagree with you. I'd like if everybody tried and made an effort to win, but it is just a quick match designed for a casual, no pressure match. I'm thinking specifically of MOBAs too where the time investment is higher.

Training, to actually get any actual experience is done in quick matches. Training against AI is nigh on worthless as I haven't seen a competent AI opponent in any MOBA or FPS. So people train in QM vs other real people. They're going to suck as they're learning. Then you'll have people who just don't want to have to deal with people shouting at them for losing them rank points or w/e, so they play QM. Further more, there'll be people who just want to click about and don't give a crap about but wanna do it with real people at least.

Not everyone is always aiming to win, and trying to force a state like that on people is just counter to the idea of quick casual matchups. That said, people intentionally ruining the experience over all with bad mouthing, or getting themselves killed or AFK'ing are just crap and I believe you can report for that sorta stuff.
I'm the Lucio pushing the payload alone and dying because there's no tank and no one helping me, and I still disagree with OP, if you want serious play go to competitive.


Fuck the meta, I want to have fun and play the character I feel like playing at the moment. Sure I'll drift towards the class or type of character that the team needs to be somewhat balanced at the moment or change character if I'm being destroyed or countered over and over, but I won't be micromanaged to satisfy some boring ass meta or the needs of some rude idiot online.

You are precisely NOT the problem. It is your "type" of players that i expect to find in QP. Basically people that try new chars but change when needed or if the game isn't going well.
The problem, in my experience, is that the majority of the players just pick one char and ignore everyone else.


Junior Member
Honestly if Blizzard would bring back/fix the "avoid this player" option, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. It was a good solution for this kind of thing.

The thing that was a thing, maybe the servers or the matches are not as frequent now so they have to pair more people together? I don't know why they removed it in the first place.


I use quick play to learn heroes and tactics without jeopardizing the other 5 people's ranking. It's unfair to them and makes me the troll of the group if I come in there and start to learn and test with different heroes. The AI doesn't do much because they all just go with scripted plans.
Well, yeah, if you separate all of the good players that care about the game, strategy, and whatnot into one playlist (ranked) then you're going to have a pretty bad time in the playlist that remains.


* plays mode that's been designated as not strictly competitive.
* whines when people don't play it competitively.

I feel like this is an extension of the thread around people not using mics. I'll play the game I bought any which way I choose to play and you can hold that.


No idea how people want to be mediocre at everything they do. No matter what it is I try. Like if you want to dick around in single player games or as a full stack, whatever, but otherwise you're just annoying teammates
The thing that was a thing, maybe the servers or the matches are not as frequent now so they have to pair more people together? I don't know why they removed it in the first place.

except people abused it to avoid good players too

Yeah, they removed it because you could technically avoid people who were simply better than you and mess with the MM which apparently made high level MM very slow; I think getting rid of it entirely was kinda throwing the baby out with the bath water though. If I remember right it was removed before comp even existed, so maybe bringing it back for QP only is a good idea.


Gold Member
i feel like maybe some people that play online somehow become numb or forget that there is another person sitting on the other side and they have their own free will. probably due to people being isolated from society or becoming more narcissistic. it makes no sense for you to expect to control them as much as if they commanded you to do something would you just abide?

the best you can expect is some collective motivating factor or shared goal like in competitive where everyone wants to win. even in quickplay you may get 5 other people that are very motivated to win and may work as a team if that happens good, if it doesnt then whatever move on.


thanks for the laugh
i feel the OP. i don't like heading to the pool during the regular hours because it's full of absolute poser try-hards trying to take milliseconds off their lengths and clogging up the filters with their freshly shaved chest and pubic hair.

to avoid this i tend to always go to the aqua fun time party zone slots, but people don't even attempt to stay in their lanes or maintain proper form. i'm all for a more casual setup but i don't see what artificial waves, inflatable hot-dogs and dive bombs have to do with the long defined core swimming disciplines.

i try to report them to the lifeguards and they nod along but it gets to the point where i don't even think they're paying attention.


Junior Member
Yeah, they removed it because you could technically avoid people who were simply better than you and mess with the MM which apparently made high level MM very slow; I think getting rid of it entirely was kinda throwing the baby out with the bath water though. If I remember right it was removed before comp even existed, so maybe bringing it back for QP only is a good idea.

That's why I don't think a free pass to abandon QP would be a solution either because it's easily exploitable.

Maybe OW as it is today is the better way it could be

* plays mode that's been designated as not strictly competitive.
* whines when people don't play it competitively.

I feel like this is an extension of the thread around people not using mics. I'll play the game I bought any which way I choose to play and you can hold that.

I never whine, that's not the premise of the thread.


Quickplay might be the casual mode but at least I never have to deal with screaming nerds lecturing you about whatever non-acceptable for their idea of the metagame character you pick in Competitive.


Nah, I'm on the opposite side of this fence. I'm in quickplay because I want to play a game quickly, regardless of who is on my team or the opposing side. I'm not there to dick about, but at the same time, I want to play the character I'd like to without being screamed at because they're not good for the meta. I do think it's possible to suggest strategies or changes to the team without evoking a response of "it's quickplay", but if you do, y'know... it is quickplay.
Quickplay might be the casual mode but at least I never have to deal with screaming nerds lecturing you about whatever non-acceptable for their idea of the metagame character you pick in Competitive.
This thread's bringing out the type of gamers who call others tryhards and nerds.

Nah, I'm on the opposite side of this fence. I'm in quickplay because I want to play a game quickly, regardless of who is on my team or the opposing side. I'm not there to dick about, but at the same time, I want to play the character I'd like to without being screamed at because they're not good for the meta. I do think it's possible to suggest strategies or changes to the team without evoking a response of "it's quickplay", but if you do, y'know... it is quickplay.
It's not even about picking characters that suit the meta. A decent team needs at least one tank and one healer. That's all there is to it. If you're one of the last to pick, and those needs aren't already met, fill the role, or ask somebody else to. Don't just go pick Genji or Hanzo because it's quickplay and you've decided you want to play an objective-based game mode like it's team deathmatch. And don't be surprised when people complain because you're off playing a team-based game like it's free-for-all.


I often play quickplay to try heroes i am bad at like widow or road. I have no interest to 'try hard' on that mode


On the other hand, I've played in plenty of casual Overwatch games where everyone is trying yet someone is screaming at people because they're not winning.


The defeatist attitude in QP is mind-boggling. Like, oh yeah, that's right, may as well just act utterly brain dead and never bother with the objective.


I don't know if this is a recent trend or not, but in games like NBA 2K and CoD, I find more and more that people just don't care about winning. I'm not going to solely say it's the younger generation, but it seems like they are typically the ones that don't care if they win or lose. I fear some may focus on getting great Reddit or YouTube clips instead of actually wanting to play.

For those of us that always play to win (because winning is more fun), this is incredibly frustrating. I actually gave up playing 2K recently because I found that the majority of the community just didn't care.
It's casual matches with a bunch of random people. You cannot and will not control them and you're crazy if you think reporting (lol) or whining in chat will change that.

Join/start a community, discord, whatever and increase the amount of like-minded people you know so that you can almost always organize a group.



I don't get this mentality either. Overwatch is a competitive PvP only game, a big part of the fun is trying to win. And to win you at least need to try to play decent and towards the objective. Even the people saying they are trying to get better at new hero have a slim excuse; you are not going to learn anything or get any better if the team comp is so bad you get steam rolled back to getting your spawn camped.


People like OP are part of why I don't play multiplayer games. No place to just have fun and fuck around, everything's got to be a big deal. Yawn.

So you don't care if you win or lose? I'm glad you stay away from multiplayer, because I would hope most people that play want to win (that's kind of the point of playing a game).


I always change to whatever role the team needs the most. The only chars i "can't" play are the snipers because i don't do headshots very often.
The problem is the bold; this is not a COD where you only have 1 char; you "should" play 2 or 3 chars from each role, if you can't you are just cuting both your fun (since you are forced to that char everytime) and diminishing your team capability (you can be hard countered).

Is QP not for praticing both using 1 char AND teamwork? For most people no, QP is to play OW like COD.

Eh, when there's only 5 or 6 characters per role i don't blame people for only playing with one character, the heroes play so differently that you should be happy if the randoms have at least one character per class that they enjoy. If most people play quickplay in a "cod" way, is that such a bad thing?

I don't know if this is a recent trend or not, but in games like NBA 2K and CoD, I find more and more that people just don't care about winning. I'm not going to solely say it's the younger generation, but it seems like they are typically the ones that don't care if they win or lose. I fear some may focus on getting great Reddit or YouTube clips instead of actually wanting to play.

For those of us that always play to win (because winning is more fun), this is incredibly frustrating. I actually gave up playing 2K recently because I found that the majority of the community just didn't care.

I used to play dota in tournaments and i never cared about winning or losing, and it's definitely not a new trend just a different mind set.


Already posted my problem with that term in this thread, but you're literally trying to make fun of someone for being better at something than you are. That doesn't make any sense.

Yelling at someone for picking a character they like to play doesn't mean you're better at the game, if we're even still addressing the actual content of my post. You seem to not want to talk about my main point.
Already posted my problem with that term in this thread, but you're literally trying to make fun of someone for being better at something than you are. That doesn't make any sense.

Tryhard doesn't mean that. You can be a tryhard and still suck.

It just means you're the guy that picked Oddjob during a family game night against your 7 year old cousin.


I don't get this mentality either. Overwatch is a competitive PvP only game, a big part of the fun is trying to win. And to win you at least need to try to play decent and towards the objective. Even the people saying they are trying to get better at new hero have a slim excuse; you are not going to learn anything or get any better if the team comp is so bad you get steam rolled back to getting your spawn camped.
Well the enemy's team comp is always garbage too. But you will definitely learn a lot.

Example: you pick McCree and try to flashbang+headshot everybody without rightclicking them with fan the hammer.


i feel the OP. i don't like heading to the pool during the regular hours because it's full of absolute poser try-hards trying to take milliseconds off their lengths and clogging up the filters with their freshly shaved chest and pubic hair.

to avoid this i tend to always go to the aqua fun time party zone slots, but people don't even attempt to stay in their lanes or maintain proper form. i'm all for a more casual setup but i don't see what artificial waves, inflatable hot-dogs and dive bombs have to do with the long defined core swimming disciplines.

i try to report them to the lifeguards and they nod along but it gets to the point where i don't even think they're paying attention.

lmao living up to the title.

This is why I usually stick to single player games except for ones I'm halfway decent at. I play overwatch mainly with bots haha


I dunno if I agree OP, but I feel you / for you.

Seems to me like quickplay *is* just for having fun...

The developers have failed to give an obvious, just-for-fun mode to the masses (and I think it's pretty obvious and not worth arguing about that MANY really do just want to play "for fun").

I think to be more even-handed, neither you nor the other players are in the wrong; the developers haven't put enough options out (and maybe for good reason) to satisfy all parties.


People like OP are part of why I don't play multiplayer games. No place to just have fun and fuck around, everything's got to be a big deal. Yawn.

Team fortress 2 had the 12v12 and even 16v16 servers for that. Enough on each side to have some people playing seriously and others just conga dancing. I think OW could benefit to have something similar implemented, probably within Arcade. The small team size coupled with being on a very short timer does not help w/ the just having fun part in OW.
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