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Kaname Fujioka talks Monster Hunter World: no westernization/casualization


Is this a new thing? You know the series history right? You know this is not the first time such thing happening with capcom right? Its like people pretending wow capcom was always such a super firrm, epsecially handling monster hunter, but NOW thats changed.

Not saying that there is not legit critism but you dont need to be a genius to realise that is more about fanboy wars about in this topic that about the game, half of the thread on capcom localizing XX was how capcom betrayed nintendo and the same guys shit postingin every thread about mhw (see again here, talking about bad animation in mhw lol, like wtf did you even play the recent mh games). Does this means everyone doing that? No. Not everyone is a pc masterrace or switch port begger either but you cant deny the ammount you see
Indeed it's nothing new at all for Capcom. I remember P3rd, do you?

Its a shame there are still holdouts at this point
I should probably mention I'm not a holdout anymore. While the E3 trailer was worrying and seemed to confirm the 4chan rumor (which I still think was basically true, through the lens of 3rd hand info distortion), the later JP trailer was more reassuring and the gameplay demo leak now has me sold and hyped. I only ever played online in 4U/Gen anyway and while I prefer handheld screens to stationary I'll be picking up World day one on Steam.

I'm also still salty about the mishandling of XX in the west, and Capcom deserves all their ire headed their way for that, but that won't stop me from playing MH where I can.


Unconfirmed Member

You made the series way too easy already, give me back MH Tri diffculty at least.
Pls no, I'm already pissed they don't have generations featureset, but going full hardcore will ensure I'll have to pray that Ichinose's team still cares about semi-casual friendly MH :/


"Resident Evil 7 is an indie game!" all over again until launch, it seems.

Unfortunately, this is how a hardcore fanbase can get. People were accusing Resident Evil 7 of being a walking simulator. There were people claiming that Resident Evil 7 was an Outlast clone made for Twitch. Worst of all, they were saying these things after the game had released and it had all been proven demonstrably false.
Pls no, I'm already pissed they don't have generations featureset, but going full hardcore will ensure I'll have to pray that Ichinose's team still cares about semi-casual friendly MH :/

Generations is so easy though. Its MH, I'm not a great player. I shouldn't be able to solo the entire online component with ease. They can do better than the last entry difficulty wise.

I also dislike how ariel style trivialized the poibt point insect glave.
Pls no, I'm already pissed they don't have generations featureset, but going full hardcore will ensure I'll have to pray that Ichinose's team still cares about semi-casual friendly MH :/

Well its a mix right?

I mean I feel like every game since Unite has "gotten easier" but what that really means is less tedious thanks to gameplay enhancements and quality of like upgrades.

This distinction should probably be nailed down between these gameplay aspects

Either way since we are entering a new generation... whatever the new complaints will be will likely stem from the transition and how well all the new ideas and systems blend together

As great as 4th gen was it wasnt perfect and we saw a ton of adjustments to the game when 4 Ultimate hit. Including changes to mounting and weapon rebalancing

As far as XX goes... it was always intended to be experimental but I wouldnt mind seeing it continue as its spinoff series? It was certainly fun. I would be fine with them taking what worked form those games and blending them into the next set of games

Which you see hints of in MHW


Personally I don't think the first reveal was great but despite the things it was missing for MH fans, my mind was thinking about what they would add to breath life into a new MH game. It opened up way too many questions but in a good way. Sure the ommisions and changes might annoy/confuse the diehard fans but change, in my mind, is only a good thing for MH on consoles.


He's totally wrong and his continued console war fanboy accusations to try and silence any concern or dissent in Capcom's handling of MH is super tiring.

Bullshit. Are there legit concerns from some? Sure. But there are a lot of salty Nintendo fans who are looking to take this game down a notch and are really hoping it fails to validate their feelings that Monster Hunter should only be portable and only on Nintendo hardware.


Indeed it's nothing new at all for Capcom. I remember P3rd, do you?

yes and it was exactly the same console wars bullshit than 90 % of the time back then, do you remember? so whats the point here really? There are console warriors, they are hardcore purist of the series, they is also legit critism and concern. Myself dont hype this game what so ever. At the end of day tho its getting tiring as fuck to read in every thread the same unbased bullshit. Was not fun back then and is not fun now.


Bullshit. Are there legit concerns from some? Sure. But there are a lot of salty Nintendo fans who are looking to take this game down a notch and are really hoping it fails to validate their feelings that Monster Hunter should only be portable and only on Nintendo hardware.

Maybe you should focus more on looking forward to the game instead of seeing enemies everywhere? You even got hostile with me last page, and I even wrote that I hope MHW does well. This is obviously going to be a real, proper Monster Hunter experience so why focus on console war silliness?
I like Capcom, and I like MH, but they're crazy if they seriously think that MHW is going to sell well in the West without more alterations to the core gameplay.

In addition to a Western MH fanbase of roughly 1 million, they're counting on both the Souls crowd and the more casual ARPG players to give MHW a shot at their 4 million target. Problem is, no other major ARPG has as much ancillary shit going on as MH.

In Souls, you typically only have to worry about your health and your remaining healing items. In MH, you have to worry about your health and healing items + your constantly draining max stamina and max stamina replenishing items + your weapon durability and whetstones + the temperature of the environment and anti heat/cold items + the time limit. In addition, all of the aforementioned upkeep items must be regularly farmed/bought/crafted.

There's no leveling system to cushion the challenge for solo players, a very obtuse crafting and upgrading system that can wind up leaving you immensely underpowered because you accidentally went down a shitty upgrade path, and upgrades often require an insane amount of materials to achieve.

Worse still, those materials are farmed from monsters that can take anywhere from 10-40 minutes to kill, and some have drop rates as low as 2%. The monsters aren't pushovers, either, so it's entirely possible you'll struggle to kill something multiple times over many hours and get absolutely nothing out of it.

Monster Hunter, as it is, is incompatible with the West. There's a reason why it's still a niche franchise after 3 console games and 5 portable games coming over here.
Personally I don't think the first reveal was great but despite the things it was missing for MH fans, my mind was thinking about what they would add to breath life into a new MH game. It opened up way too many questions but in a good way. Sure the ommisions and changes might annoy/confuse the diehard fans but change, in my mind, is only a good thing for MH on consoles.

Me too

Looking back though i can see how people would get MH Tri vibes

Like "new generation with lots of new ideas" so content volume suffers

You could be fooled into thinking that this game is like a series reboot much like Tri was and basically be inching back up to the content of MH4

Instead its clear that this game will be a large as, if not bigger than, the original MH4 based on their statements

I like Capcom, and I like MH, but they're crazy if they seriously think that MHW is going to sell well in the West without more alterations to the core gameplay.

In addition to a Western MH fanbase of roughly 1 million, they're counting on both the Souls crowd and the more casual ARPG players to give MHW a shot at their 4 million target. Problem is, no other major ARPG has as much ancillary shit going on as MH.

In Souls, you typically only have to worry about your health and your remaining healing items. In MH, you have toworry about your health and healing items + your constantly draining max stamina and max stamina replenishing items + your weapon durability and whetstones + the temperature of the environment and anti heat/cold items + the time limit. In addition, all of the aforementioned upkeep items must be regularly farmed/bought/crafted.

There's no leveling system to cushion the challenge for solo players, a very obtuse crafting and upgrading system that can wind up leaving you immensely underpowered because you accidentally went down a shitty upgrade path, and upgrades often require an insane amount of materials to achieve.

Worse still, those materials are farmed from monsters that can take anywhere from 10-40 minutes to kill, and some have drop rates as low as 2%. The monsters aren't pushovers, either, so it's entirely possible you'll struggle to kill something multiple times over many hours and get absolutely nothing out of it.

Monster Hunter, as it is, is incompatible with the West. There's a reason why it's still a niche franchise after 3 console games and 5 portable games coming over here.

The secret sauce is the Co oP

Honestly? This game would be an easier sell to the Destiny crowd than the Souls crowd though its not really that big of a leap to see that there is plenty of opportunity for crossover


Its a shame there are still holdouts at this point

If anything this next phase of Monster Hunter is the best thing to happen in a long time

Multiplatform again, new generation. Portable and Console titles

Everyone wins

Yes Switch exclusion in the west sucks but it should only be temporary

Dont give that stupid reddit rumor any mind. Unless you are also going to believe that Nintendo paid to keep games off of Sony platforms which many posters I remember shot that rumor down over and over

Are we really willing to believe these rumors now that the shoe is on the other foot?

Its not even the same situation. 4th gen was ONLY 3DS and that was it. Our current future looks much brighter and more inclusive than ever

Switch owners do not win.

I have a PS4, and a PC. I will most likely be double dipping on this game, as i have friends on both platforms. I was looking forward to playing an evolution of MH, as well as the newest refinement of the "classic" MH formula. The fact that XX got thrown to the wayside in the West for World, is what makes a lot of Switch owners angry. Hell, i had friends who were going to BUY a Switch purely for this game. As others have pointed out, as essentially an expansion of X/Generations, there would not be very much to translate in XX for a Western localization. And yes, Capcom has said "nothing to announce at this time, so on and so on". Most people, myself included, having very little faith in Capcom pretty much take that to mean "We're not bringing it, but we're just going to say 'not at this time" so people will shut up about it"

This is not console warrior bullshit, this isnt pointless Nintendo fan salt, this is Monster Hunter fan salt, as a game people were looking forward to is getting left behind overseas.
Unfortunately, this is how a hardcore fanbase can get. People were accusing Resident Evil 7 of being a walking simulator. There were people claiming that Resident Evil 7 was an Outlast clone made for Twitch. Worst of all, they were saying these things after the game had released and it had all been proven demonstrably false.

People are susceptible to accepting bad information and buying false narratives, especially when it confirms their biases. There are people who want this game to fail because they think it's a threat to the handheld games getting localized. Hell, some are downright vindictive because they think Capcom is being disloyal to Nintendo.

I know a few have said it's silly that Capcom keeps reiterating that this is a mainline game that doesn't deviate much from its roots, but it's important to combat the spread of misinformation so it doesn't negatively impact the game's sales/perception later on. They want control of the narrative.
Switch owners do not win.

I have a PS4, and a PC. I will most likely be double dipping on this game, as i have friends on both platforms. I was looking forward to playing an evolution of MH, as well as the newest refinement of the "classic" MH formula. The fact that XX got thrown to the wayside in the West for World, is what makes a lot of Switch owners angry. Hell, i had friends who were going to BUY a Switch purely for this game. As others have pointed out, as essentially an expansion of X/Generations, there would not be very much to translate in XX for a Western localization. And yes, Capcom has said "nothing to announce at this time, so on and so on". Most people, myself included, having very little faith in Capcom pretty much take that to mean "We're not bringing it, but we're just going to say 'not at this time" so people will shut up about it"

This is not console warrior bullshit, this isnt pointless Nintendo fan salt, this is Monster Hunter fan salt, as a game people were looking forward to is getting left behind overseas.
There's a thread for that anger to be discussed tho y'all don't gotta do that every world thread


Switch owners do not win.

I have a PS4, and a PC. I will most likely be double dipping on this game, as i have friends on both platforms. I was looking forward to playing an evolution of MH, as well as the newest refinement of the "classic" MH formula. The fact that XX got thrown to the wayside in the West for World, is what makes a lot of Switch owners angry. Hell, i had friends who were going to BUY a Switch purely for this game. As others have pointed out, as essentially an expansion of X/Generations, there would not be very much to translate in XX for a Western localization. And yes, Capcom has said "nothing to announce at this time, so on and so on". Most people, myself included, having very little faith in Capcom pretty much take that to mean "We're not bringing it, but we're just going to say 'not at this time" so people will shut up about it"

This is not console warrior bullshit, this isnt pointless Nintendo fan salt, this is Monster Hunter fan salt, as a game people were looking forward to is getting left behind overseas.

not only there is a seperate thread for that, so you dont need to spam every other thread with it, half of that thread is about who betrayed who and alot of talks that nothing to do with the localization, so make out of that what you will

edit: beaten
Switch owners do not win.

I have a PS4, and a PC. I will most likely be double dipping on this game, as i have friends on both platforms. I was looking forward to playing an evolution of MH, as well as the newest refinement of the "classic" MH formula. The fact that XX got thrown to the wayside in the West for World, is what makes a lot of Switch owners angry. Hell, i had friends who were going to BUY a Switch purely for this game. As others have pointed out, as essentially an expansion of X/Generations, there would not be very much to translate in XX for a Western localization. And yes, Capcom has said "nothing to announce at this time, so on and so on". Most people, myself included, having very little faith in Capcom pretty much take that to mean "We're not bringing it, but we're just going to say 'not at this time" so people will shut up about it"

This is not console warrior bullshit, this isnt pointless Nintendo fan salt, this is Monster Hunter fan salt, as a game people were looking forward to is getting left behind overseas.

I am with you and the majority of the MH community is with you. I dont plan on letting up on XX for Switch or any future titles for Switch in the west
Switch owners do not win.

I have a PS4, and a PC. I will most likely be double dipping on this game, as i have friends on both platforms. I was looking forward to playing an evolution of MH, as well as the newest refinement of the "classic" MH formula. The fact that XX got thrown to the wayside in the West for World, is what makes a lot of Switch owners angry. Hell, i had friends who were going to BUY a Switch purely for this game. As others have pointed out, as essentially an expansion of X/Generations, there would not be very much to translate in XX for a Western localization. And yes, Capcom has said "nothing to announce at this time, so on and so on". Most people, myself included, having very little faith in Capcom pretty much take that to mean "We're not bringing it, but we're just going to say 'not at this time" so people will shut up about it"

This is not console warrior bullshit, this isnt pointless Nintendo fan salt, this is Monster Hunter fan salt, as a game people were looking forward to is getting left behind overseas.


Here you go buddy
Maybe you should focus more on looking forward to the game instead of seeing enemies everywhere? You even got hostile with me last page, and I even wrote that I hope MHW does well. This is obviously going to be a real, proper Monster Hunter experience so why focus on console war silliness?

It's MisterR.

He rarely discusses the actual merits of a video game; just the miscellaneous BS that surrounds it.
Switch owners do not win.

I have a PS4, and a PC. I will most likely be double dipping on this game, as i have friends on both platforms. I was looking forward to playing an evolution of MH, as well as the newest refinement of the "classic" MH formula. The fact that XX got thrown to the wayside in the West for World, is what makes a lot of Switch owners angry. Hell, i had friends who were going to BUY a Switch purely for this game. As others have pointed out, as essentially an expansion of X/Generations, there would not be very much to translate in XX for a Western localization. And yes, Capcom has said "nothing to announce at this time, so on and so on". Most people, myself included, having very little faith in Capcom pretty much take that to mean "We're not bringing it, but we're just going to say 'not at this time" so people will shut up about it"

This is not console warrior bullshit, this isnt pointless Nintendo fan salt, this is Monster Hunter fan salt, as a game people were looking forward to is getting left behind overseas.

Well, they can still play Generations on the 3DS. It's not like the base game isn't at least available somewhere in English.
There's a thread for that anger to be discussed tho y'all don't gotta do that every world thread

not only there is a seperate thread for that, so you dont need to spam every other thread with it, half of that thread is about who betrayed who and alot of talks that nothing to do with the localization, so make out of that what you will

edit: beaten

He directly responded to a post with a rebuttal. Yall are hilarious. You can ignore discussion you don't like. That's a possibility. Or if it bugs you that much go tell a mod.

But that post did not appear out of thin air.
Threads like this make me hope XX never gets localised and Switch never gets another MH game since it'd just be rewarding the pathetic, asinine attitude that some of you guys have.


Bullshit. Are there legit concerns from some? Sure. But there are a lot of salty Nintendo fans who are looking to take this game down a notch and are really hoping it fails to validate their feelings that Monster Hunter should only be portable and only on Nintendo hardware.
I'm not saying that doesn't exist at all, but it's not the driving force for concern among the fanbase. MMEXE is trying to shut down any potentially negative discourse at all by labeling it console wars, and worse he even peddles that bullshit in other non-MH threads (Mediacreate, Sony Crossplat Online, etc). All it really does is make the discussion even more toxic and you're only helping contribute to that.

yes and it was exactly the same console wars bullshit than 90 % of the time back then, do you remember? so whats the point here really? There are console warriors, they are hardcore purist of the series, they is also legit critism and concern. Myself dont hype this game what so ever. At the end of day tho its getting tiring as fuck to read in every thread the same unbased bullshit. Was not fun back then and is not fun now.
No, it was an established fanbase pissed that Capcom was essentially spitting in their face and taking them for granted by skipping the next series release. The western PSP MH audience may not have been as sizable as the 3DS one is, but they were still notable. MHFU did over 500k in the west.

We also had the MH audience similarly pissed when 4 was skipped, and there wasn't even a console boogeyman that time.


Unconfirmed Member
Threads like this make me hope XX never gets localised and Switch never gets another MH game since it'd just be rewarding the pathetic, asinine attitude that some of you guys have.
Wow, that's surely not vindictive of you at all. MHW threads truly are bringing out the worst of the community on both sides.

I'm glad that they're at least mindful of their E3 trailer fuckup messaging-wise and have been at work to correct the messaging. Gotta agree that I hope they push a demo for this. Love to try it with my own hands.
Threads like this make me hope XX never gets localised and Switch never gets another MH game since it'd just be rewarding the pathetic, asinine attitude that some of you guys have.

I suppose I identify with them a bit

I was pretty salty for the long 4th gen where it was 3DS exclusive.

To be fair though... MHW is a much easier pill to swallow than what we had to deal with during that overly long generation

At least there are far more options than ever before going forward and I dont buy that 4chan rumor for a second.


No, it was an established fanbase pissed that Capcom was essentially spitting in their face and taking them for granted by skipping the next series release. The western PSP MH audience may not have been as sizable as the 3DS one is, but they were still notable. MHFU did over 500k in the west.

We also had the MH audience similarly pissed when 4 was skipped, and there wasn't even a console boogeyman that time.
No? No to what, i literary stated, in the post you quote, there is not one kind of exclusive critism. Also you must be reaaaaally not arround the internet if you say no there was no console warrior bullshit

you seem to not read my post so im not bother with you either i guess


proud of his butz
I'm pretty pessimistic of MHW selling much better in the West despite there being a lot more folks saying it will be their first MH game. I think PC will bring in a good chunk of sales, but I think it will suffer the same problem it always has in the West, in that the gameplay is just too inaccessible for whatever reason, despite not being all that dissimilar to something like Dark Souls.
I'm pretty pessimistic of MHW selling much better in the West despite there being a lot more folks saying it will be their first MH game. I think PC will bring in a good chunk of sales, but I think it will suffer the same problem it always has in the West, in that the gameplay is just too inaccessible for whatever reason, despite not being all that dissimilar to something like Dark Souls.

Its up to the community and playing with friends

Its the one thing that breaks down the barriers among both of those series

Even more so for Monster Hunter since it places such a huge emphasis on it as opposed to Souls where you are encouraged to challenge yourself by soloing the content
The secret sauce is the Co oP

Honestly? This game would be an easier sell to the Destiny crowd than the Souls crowd though its not really that big of a leap to see that there is plenty of opportunity for crossover

But Destiny players will already be playing Destiny 2. They likely won't need another game to satisfy that co-op itch. Not to mention that Destiny's gameplay requires zero upkeep or meter management, and the moment-to-moment action is much more rewarding.

Eh, it'll sell pretty well. But whatever lofty expectation Capcom has that remains to be seen.

We know that they want 4 million worldwide, which isn't feasible even if we assume that every MH fan in the West will buy it and everyone who bought Tri/3U in Japan will too. That would still only get them halfway there.
Wow, that's surely not vindictive of you at all. MHW threads truly are bringing out the worst of the community on both sides.
Vindictive? Every single thread has been shit up by a small minority. I'm sick of the attitude they have. I don't care WHY they're doing it every thread, but it needs to stop. Obviously I have nothing against it being localised or for worlds to get a switch port, but honestly, I don't want want this behaviour to be vindicated and to teach people that through constant shit posting they can get what they want.


Vindictive? Every single thread has been shit up by a small minority. I'm sick of the attitude they have. I don't care WHY they're doing it every thread, but it needs to stop. Obviously I have nothing against it being localised or for worlds to get a switch port, but honestly, I don't want want this behaviour to be vindicated and to teach people that through constant shit posting they can get what they want.

I think all of you constantly calling out these so-called Nintendo fanboys who apparently has a life goal in disrupting MHW threads are doing a pretty good job shitting up this thread by yourselves.


Because I have played the last five MH games and I don't feel confident about MHW and its obvious casual direction?

Et tu Sammy? Most I could write off but at least I know you put time into the series. I'm willing to give them a bit of room to experiment which is completely hypocritical of me because I want nothing to do with Resident Evil 7.
I was expecting multiplatform shift to bring us all closer together

how naive

Nintendo base will come around eventually... i think

I suppose that depends on how Capcom handles things in 2018


No? No to what, i literary stated, in the post you quote, there is not one kind of exclusive critism. Also you must be reaaaaally not arround the internet if you say no there was no console warrior bullshit

you seem to not read my post so im not bother with you either i guess
No to 90% of the criticism being console warring. In all 3 cases a sizable established fanbase was pissed Capcom was skipping a game (P3rd, 4, XX) that probably would've sold well. That's not console wars.

It's basically the same thing Ace Attorney fans keep going through (AAI2, DGS1-2).
But Destiny players will already be playing Destiny 2. They likely won't need another game to satisfy that co-op itch. Not to mention that Destiny's gameplay requires zero upkeep or meter management, and the moment-to-moment action is much more rewarding.

We know that they want 4 million worldwide, which isn't feasible even if we assume that every MH fan in the West will buy it and everyone who bought Tri/3U in Japan will too. That would still only get them halfway there.

4 million worldwide means they need to double 4U in the West assuming they do about 1-1.2m in Japan (which may be high but I personally think is doable).

I could see it reaching that with a PC release, steam sales and such. I just think spending a bunch more money and selling the same as 4 is stupid. But 4 million is a reachable number.

I was expecting multiplatform shift to bring us all closer together

how naive

Nintendo base will come around eventually... i think

I suppose that depends on how Capcom handles things in 2018

You thought a multiplatform release ignoring the platform holder of the last 4 games would bring people together? Yes that's naive lol.

Really though, XX is what is causing the extreme reaction. We all know that.
I think all of you constantly calling out these so-called Nintendo fanboys who apparently has a life goal in disrupting MHW threads are doing a pretty good job shitting up this thread by yourselves.
You're projecting there, I did not once mention Nintendo or fanboys at all.


I think you are the one missing the forest for the trees if you don't understand why people would be bothered by a significant change to punishable healing (to whatever extent it ends up being different). Weighty and consequential animations is totally what the series has been about (and having it tied up in a goofy little way like posing, only more so). It's what sets its combat apart from other action games, especially to whatever is on the other side of Souls, which itself is fairly watered down compare to MH.

Consider how much damage to balance and difficulty mechanics like healing in a pause menu with no animation follow-up does to games like Breath of the Wild or Dragon's Dogma. A lot of people overlooked it in DD for some reason, but it has become painfully obvious in BotW. MH was sort of like the best possible counterpoint to that, to which other games should take a page from, so it is unfortunate to see it slide down the spectrum however much. Honestly, there's no question that in terms of what being changed, there are few aspects more important, the only issue is that if the change itself will be a minor one or not.

I can't really think of a positive for the change - at least for a fan of the games (if they are one for reasons other than grinding for loot, I guess). I could totally understand why someone who is ambivalent towards or hate the series would want to remove or adjust something as frustrating as messing up the ability to heal. It reminds me of people cheering on the removal of the timer from Dead Rising. That's my point of contention I guess: it may not end being a bad change in the scope of things, but why would you change and what does the change signify?

I've had a mixed impression of the game's reveal and I haven't really budged on that point. I would say I'm neutrally cautious. I thought from this position I would have to deal with a lot of doomsayers, but what I've noticed is the opposite - a bunch of posters who have seated themselves on the "hypetrain" and can't tolerate a bit of caution or criticism. The worst part of this is how much brain-dead cliches like "evolution", "real fans of the series are excited", or "this isn't what the series is actually about" are being thrown around. Haven't you guys been through enough console generations and series "reboots" to know people said the same bullshit even for things that turned out bad? Not very convincing. A little bit of that cynicism I generally dislike would be more welcoming than crap like "Monster Hunter's healing animations don't actually matter".
You act like we don't know why they changed the healing mechanic, but these quotes basically confirm it was due to the removal of loading screens.

And in case you missed it in the demo, if you get hit while healing, you stop healing. In some circumstances, isn't that even less forgiving? In previous mh, you'd get the entire heal before taking the hit so depending on the hit, you sometimes come out with more hp unless it was a super strong hit. In MHW, getting hit early will basically always leave you with less hp and you still consumed the potion.


I was responding to one post.

It also seemed that some of the responses missed where i said i am looking forward to MHW, and will end up buying the game TWICE.

I was attempting to explain why some MH fans are pretty angry about the situation. And to address some of the comments dismissing any criticism as "Nintendo salt"
I think all of you constantly calling out these so-called Nintendo fanboys who apparently has a life goal in disrupting MHW threads are doing a pretty good job shitting up this thread by yourselves.
You've done this every monster hunter thread you ignore every other post but sure enough quote anybody calling them out


We know that they want 4 million worldwide, which isn't feasible even if we assume that every MH fan in the West will buy it and everyone who bought Tri/3U in Japan will too. That would still only get them halfway there.
I think they could hit that but it's going to take matching Tri (~1.1m) in Japan and doubling 4U sales in the west (1.5m -> 3m). No small feat but not impossible.


Unconfirmed Member
I was expecting multiplatform shift to bring us all closer together

how naive

Nintendo base will come around eventually... i think

I suppose that depends on how Capcom handles things in 2018
I'd imagine how Capcom handles 2018 will probably dictate the future of MH as a whole. Certainly an uneasy time as a fan. Still, MHW looks promising.


You're projecting there, I did not once mention Nintendo or fanboys at all.

You pretty much went up and said "I hope MonHun never comes to Switch" just out of spite.

It doesn't matter that you didn't directly say a combination of the words "Nintendo" or "fanboys", your intention with that post was crystal clear.
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