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Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 | The 'Verse Awakens

they're going to keep pushing it until well after gamescom. Mid September/October.

SQ42 next year.

Gamescom is the crucible. That's when they they make a big flash of releasing it, Apple style. Perfect exposure opportunity while the entire world is focused on it.
So they better get cracking these next two months.
Every update they release where they talk about basic things for SQ42 that they are just now doing when this was suppose to be released a long time ago just boggles my mind.

They are doing mo cap and blocking out pre-vis on cutscenes on a game they originally wanted to release in 2014.

I'm setting here thinking... this is stuff that should have been done ages ago.

Yes I know they've added to it and expanded on it and all that but cmon...
Every update they release where they talk about basic things for SQ42 that they are just now doing when this was suppose to be released a long time ago just boggles my mind.

They are doing mo cap and blocking out pre-vis on cutscenes on a game they originally wanted to release in 2014.

I'm setting here thinking... this is stuff that should have been done ages ago.

Yes I know they've added to it and expanded on it and all that but cmon...

they started work on uniforms for NPCs that will be used in SQ42 during the beginning of this year. think about that.
Every update they release where they talk about basic things for SQ42 that they are just now doing when this was suppose to be released a long time ago just boggles my mind.

They are doing mo cap and blocking out pre-vis on cutscenes on a game they originally wanted to release in 2014.

I'm setting here thinking... this is stuff that should have been done ages ago.

Yes I know they've added to it and expanded on it and all that but cmon...

The only thing that ever said that was the kickstarter. That had a totally different scope and goal. The original kickstarter goal was $500K. They made 2.7 mil before it ended. Obviously the scope and length changed.... like they said they were going to do in the kickstarter if they got more funds.

Even as such the mocap for principle performers started in 2014 and ended in July 2015. The mocap they are talking about here is not any main character in S42, they are cinematic cutscenes for mission givers (Eckhart and Ruto) and mainly focused on Star Citizen. If I had to hazard a guess, they are making sure there is going to be some sort of uniform performances between Star Citizen and S42.
Every update they release where they talk about basic things for SQ42 that they are just now doing when this was suppose to be released a long time ago just boggles my mind.

They are doing mo cap and blocking out pre-vis on cutscenes on a game they originally wanted to release in 2014.

I'm setting here thinking... this is stuff that should have been done ages ago.

Yes I know they've added to it and expanded on it and all that but cmon...

This whole comment shows how ill-informed you are.


The only thing that ever said that was the kickstarter. That had a totally different scope and goal. The original kickstarter goal was $500K. They made 2.7 mil before it ended. Obviously the scope and length changed.... like they said they were going to do in the kickstarter if they got more funds.

Even as such the mocap for principle performers started in 2014 and ended in July 2015. The mocap they are talking about here is not any main character in S42, they are cinematic cutscenes for mission givers (Eckhart and Ruto) and mainly focused on Star Citizen. If I had to hazard a guess, they are making sure there is going to be some sort of uniform performances between Star Citizen and S42.

Correct me if Im wrong but wasnt the entire pitch for the kickstarter was to secure funding so that investors knew there was demand to further invest in the game? Wasnt their "real" funding requirement milestone around 50 or 60 million? I cant remember the exact number but Chris trotted it about as being the number they needed to be completely independent from other investors and also allow him to finish things faster because he could hire more people.


they started work on uniforms for NPCs that will be used in SQ42 during the beginning of this year. think about that.

What does that matter?

That's just assets, that's the easiest part.

The animations and white box is the hard part. All you do is inject the asset.
they started work on uniforms for NPCs that will be used in SQ42 during the beginning of this year. think about that.

Kinda? They have had earlier pre-multiple UV layer version of tons of the NPCs costumes and models... they have spend a lot of time as per AtV over the last year converting and remodelling them to adhere to the new system.
Kinda? They have had earlier pre-multiple UV layer version of tons of the NPCs costumes and models... they have spend a lot of time as per AtV over the last year converting and remodelling them to adhere to the new system.

Naw, that couldn't be it. CiG has to be pulling a fast one and have to be REALLY far behind. Stuff like this doesn't happen in regular development. Didn't you know? /s

I means isn't like SQ42 was going to come out this year. So they got time to convert and update and put all their ducks in a row. Towards that finally push. Especially once 3.0 comes out, given how much they share tool and game mechinac wise. We'll hear more soon enough about all that stuff in the coming months.

Should be interesting to spot the differences, given. What i was shown a week ago and that looked amazing, compared to what they showed a year or two ago. Obviously speaking.
Kinda? They have had earlier pre-multiple UV layer version of tons of the NPCs costumes and models... they have spend a lot of time as per AtV over the last year converting and remodelling them to adhere to the new system.

It as if CiG is hiding stuff....

Buried in colorful letter next to large images on their monthly studio reports.

So damn crafty....

Seriously though. Why do people post in this thread about stuff Cig makes publicly available and even summarizes?
It as if CiG is hiding stuff....

Buried in colorful letter next to large images on their monthly studio reports.

So damn crafty....

Seriously though. Why do people post in this thread about stuff Cig makes publicly available and even summarizes?

not saying they're hiding anything. im simply saying the releases of both 3.0 and SQ42 are far off.
It as if CiG is hiding stuff....

Buried in colorful letter next to large images on their monthly studio reports.

So damn crafty....

Seriously though. Why do people post in this thread about stuff Cig makes publicly available and even summarizes?

Because they like being obtuse ass hats. When they should just mind their own business.

Truth being, they take joy in the fact that they can say anything about anything and get away with it. True or false. Just keep pushing the narrative and believe their own, delusional assumptions and criminal accusations. Like their experts. When all that can be gleam from their stances is that they like particularly,untrustworthy information from, a specific unhinged "source". An as long as that information has some type of claim -usually negative- and it fuels their own assumptions about the project...then its good enough to keep doubling down.

When all they need to do is go to the acutal source. They have offices and if you are a backer set up a visit and if you're a game reporter. Set up a interview with as CIG is pretty forth coming, when asked to comment. To separate fact from fiction. Instead people continuing to make false connects, continue to push double standards and make fools of themsleves, year and year out

Some think that practice is a service of some kind, under the false pretense of "Skepticism" and "Criticism". Yet none of their actions present that type of critical thinking. It always seems to fall into the negative narrative side of things. With a heavily helping of conspiracy theories and untrustworthy information from specific unhinged "sources", with a clear vendetta and a pension for doxxing and harassing developers.

The go on to profess accoutnable to an open source? When the open source is apart of the anti-thesis of being completely behind closed doors. The practice with which, accountable is solely based on reputation and hope. With longs tracks with no information or notice about what has been changed or outright cut and then you hear the horror stories at other studios. That some in this community continue to be shocked about. Mind you, the elements of which was and would have continued to have plagued CIG's studio if they didn't act in 2015 to reorganize and streamline.

Its perpexling.That folks want attach a negative to a delay of an estimation, of a potential release date. Like it's some grand conspiracy that only CIG is playing at. I for rather see something get delayed then rushed and be garbage.
Holy shit that's so far from the truth, in any given game production pipeline.

Once you have the mocap data, a robust rig, and the pipeline to assign and retarget the animation data, making the final npc models is the easiest part. Foundations, bub.
Of course, the current rig and tech is like the 3rd iteration they have. No matter how excellent it is, wasted time and resources due to escalating quality targets has been the bane of this game.


Once you have the mocap data, a robust rig, and the pipeline to assign and retarget the animation data, making the final npc models is the easiest part. Foundations, bub.
Of course, the current rig and tech is like the 3rd iteration they have. No matter how excellent it is, wasted time and resources due to escalating quality targets has been the bane of this game.

Yes and no.
We have to remember that they have 100+ solar systems to fill up. Doing something 3 times can be still efficient approach in the long run, if the later pipelines and tech allow for way faster creation of assets.


Seek victory, not fairness



Correct me if Im wrong but wasnt the entire pitch for the kickstarter was to secure funding so that investors knew there was demand to further invest in the game? Wasnt their "real" funding requirement milestone around 50 or 60 million? I cant remember the exact number but Chris trotted it about as being the number they needed to be completely independent from other investors and also allow him to finish things faster because he could hire more people.

You're correct the kickstarter was a way to show interest in a space combat game to secure additional investors. The scope for that was the single player Squardon 42.

The 50 to 60 million number you are thinking of was to make the Star Citizen of Chris Roberts' dream without needing outside investors.

The money kept coming in so they went for it. Getting the 50-60 million wasn't the original plan. But sometimes you shoot for the stars and you make it.


I am thinking that CIG is going to make a grand reveal.

I am hoping for a damn Hollywood cinematic trailer for SQ42 before the end of the year.
They aren't the only ones who can say anything about anything and get away with it.

Oh else would that be? me or CIG? you wouldn't have taken that quote out of context. If it wasn't true. Shoot you're not even interested in the game and only show up to argue and make basless accusations anyway.

Correct me if I'm wrong...


Oh else would that be? me or CIG? you wouldn't have taken that quote out of context. If it wasn't true. Shoot you're not even interested in the game and only show up to argue and make basless accusations anyway.

Correct me if I'm wrong...

I'm very interested in the game. I'm even more interested in the process by which the game is made, since it offers a glimpse 'behind the veil' so to speak.

I don't feel a need to keep tabs on the game on a daily basis, but whenever I see this thread on the front page I'll check it out, and I do read other articles around the net about SC's development.

What I was getting at, was that anyone can make any statement about this project and not have any evidence to back it up. For example, take Ortwin's statement about finances. We take his word for it, because we have no other choice. When Chris makes statements about 3.0 being out before the end of 2016, who would know better?

My accusations may or may not be baseless. At this point, your guess is as good as mine. If someone corrects me with hard facts, I'm happy to be proven wrong. Unless that happens, all we are doing is speculating, trying to fill in the dots.

Even your visit to CIG. You think they showed you the whole picture? Maybe they did. Maybe they vetted it very carefully so you came away with a good impression. You're free to believe what you want, but so is everyone else. Everyone has their own take on this, which is why SC is so fascinating not just as a game, not just as so-called 'open development' but as a social phenomenon.

Anyway, I know we aren't going to agree on much, but I hope you can appreciate that whilst I am quite skeptical about CIG's development process and SC's chances of success, I am not actively trying to bring down this project. If the project is a success and people are having fun with the product, that's awesome.
I'm very interested in the game. I'm even more interested in the process by which the game is made, since it offers a glimpse 'behind the veil' so to speak.

I don't feel a need to keep tabs on the game on a daily basis, but whenever I see this thread on the front page I'll check it out, and I do read other articles around the net about SC's development.

What I was getting at, was that anyone can make any statement about this project and not have any evidence to back it up. For example, take Ortwin's statement about finances. We take his word for it, because we have no other choice. When Chris makes statements about 3.0 being out before the end of 2016, who would know better?

My accusations may or may not be baseless. At this point, your guess is as good as mine. If someone corrects me with hard facts, I'm happy to be proven wrong. Unless that happens, all we are doing is speculating, trying to fill in the dots.

Even your visit to CIG. You think they showed you the whole picture? Maybe they did. Maybe they vetted it very carefully so you came away with a good impression. You're free to believe what you want, but so is everyone else. Everyone has their own take on this, which is why SC is so fascinating not just as a game, not just as so-called 'open development' but as a social phenomenon.

Anyway, I know we aren't going to agree on much, but I hope you can appreciate that whilst I am quite skeptical about CIG's development process and SC's chances of success, I am not actively trying to bring down this project. If the project is a success and people are having fun with the product, that's awesome.

You know what? i was going to go on the biggest of rants and ramble bigly with all types of ish. But i've been repeating myself and making the message clear as possible for folks that want to continue to have these baseless doubts and continue to make bunk accusations. Because of "information" from folks or persons like Derek Smart that have a clear vendetta and has had one for the last four years accusing CIG of everything under the sun. Without proof or evidence or anything of real worth.

Especially since he's unhinged and doxxes people. Like, that whole Financial bs was cooked up by his camp/himself. Period. But people decided to run with it anyway without the full context, yet you seem to still want to cast doubt on the explanation. Like you're owned more or something. Then you bring up the 2016 thing for 3.0 in relation to what CR said, yet fail to forget or maybe not even care. That it was never a promise, but it was a hope, when he says it at this/that point. Because shit happens and estimations are not always reliable in active game development. As the 3.0 schedule has made very clear, how hard it is to nail down.

So i'll let the 400 developers and their hard work speak for themselves.

Furthermore everyone else does not get to "Believe whatever they want" that's a disservice to themselves. Stop encouraging that ignorance. Also my "guess" isn't a guess. Especially after my visit. Matter a fact stop the double standards, who cares how much you think it's a "social phenomenon", it's not some circus act. I mean there's not a lot you can get past, if you don't even believe what they give as a explanation or prove otherwise. Just because "skepticism".

Like it's really, Damned if you do and Damned if you don't. With CIG in regards to some peoples opinions about their project and their efforts. It's unproductive.

The only real take away from this project you should get is that; it's in active development. It's only been for three to four years. Making two games and that time and competence will tell the tale.


P.S My visit was just fine and if you watched ATV. Then that should make clear that shit is being done. In the same context...who cares rather or not the tour was "vetted". All tours are constructed in order not to bother the developers at work. It defiantly wasn't a "show". I meet some developers, saw what they did, some explained what they did, as they worked, saw some cool shit, moved around and talked. Meet Chris. Overall everything was a little awkward but very
inviting and eye opening.

(I watched out for any bs tactics. But shit was just normal)

Then i left. With more confidence, but wished i lived in the UK to visit Foundry. XD
I don't follow the game that closely but every time I do look into it, I'm very glad I spent money on it.

Just watching the process and progress has been worth it for me. I have low expectations, simply because they've promised the world. But I haven't felt let down yet having backed almost five years ago now. No matter what happens its been incredibly fascinating.
Just watching the process and progress has been worth it for me. I have low expectations, simply because they've promised the world. But I haven't felt let down yet having backed almost five years ago now. No matter what happens its been incredibly fascinating.

Pretty much.

Plus not everything has been rainbows and sunshine either. It's been hard waiting and waiting, but still being interactive with CIG, while new builds here and there. While going through some real shit-storms and manufactured shit-shows in 2015. Now it seems that wait is going to pay off in relative time. Given what has been showcased recently, in glorious detail and depth. Like no other game i can remember on such a scale.


What makes you say it doesn't have any dampers? I'm pretty I can even see them and the motion is consistent with a second order damped system.

They could critically damp the springs. Though the maths behind each spring would be more complicated. But I suspect that they want at least one oscillation cycle to get that spring compression bounce.

(also we also know that it will be affected by the mass of the ship as well as the gravity of individual planets).


They could critically damp the springs. Though the maths behind each spring would be more complicated. But I suspect that they want at least one oscillation cycle to get that spring compression bounce.

(also we also know that it will be affected by the mass of the ship as well as the gravity of individual planets).

The damping just needs tuning. Zeta of 0.5 or so.


You can never critically damp the springs without a control loop, since the payload is variable and thus the suspended mass differs. They could implement linear motor damping with a PI controller or even state space design, but that would be really overkill for a game like Star Citizen and wouldn't bring better performance unless the controller is properly tuned such that even Lockheed Martin would be proud.
Landing gear being actually springy is making me horribly, irrationally excited.

Springing back without any flex in the frame kind of breaks it for me. Especially the Cutlass rocking and bouncing back quickly. Also to be more "real looking" it shouldn't bounce up, but hold at the lowest point and hydraulically push up. Also it shouldn't push up to the highest point either to sell the mass of the ship.



Damping springs is actually kinda tricky in games, due to numerical instability. Above certain values (which change from case to case) the spring will start to oscillate chaotically, so games tend to avoid that.


Damping springs is actually kinda tricky in games, due to numerical instability. Above certain values (which change from case to case) the spring will start to oscillate chaotically, so games tend to avoid that.

Even a small Matlab model we once did for a system integration class exhibited numerical instability at certain values, so I imagine this can happen a lot in the real world too if you don't properly explore all cases. Mind you, the model was highly non-linear and not really refined, but it shows that you need to put in a lot of effort to let ir work properly. I doubt anyone cares if their starship suspension system has a 10% overshoot or has a 200 milliseconds longer settling time.
Springing back without any flex in the frame kind of breaks it for me. Especially the Cutlass rocking and bouncing back quickly. Also to be more "real looking" it shouldn't bounce up, but hold at the lowest point and hydraulically push up. Also it shouldn't push up to the highest point either to sell the mass of the ship.


You are comparing a ship that is coming straight down to one that is coming in horizontally that is still at enough speed to have some lift under it's wings.

Plus, Airliners are designed to flex and give. Do we know if star citizen ships are the same way?
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