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So a vegan just left the dinner table to sit outside


Sorry if it has already been asked, but there are 2 very important details that were left out of the OP, and I believe are important to determine if he was behaving like a douchebag or if it was justified.

1) Is he Portuguese?
2) Was the cod fish badly prepared?

If the answer to those 2 questions is yes, then it was totally justified, you don't shit on people religion like that, if not then he was a douchebag.


No. They are not vegetarians.

People who eat fish can't be vegetarian or vegan. It's never "permitted".

Fish aren't plants so they're definitionally not Veggie/Vegan. People who eat fish and not erm land meat? Are Pescatarians which is different.

According to this thread fish are rocks with fins

That's just another dietary choice. "Pescatarian" is what it's called. Basically vegetarian with fish included.

I see thanks for the responses did not know there was a special discription/word/diet style for that choice makes sense then!
What a self-righteous prick. I would understand his behavior if you guys totally blindsided him and didn't prepare anything special for him.

But you guys actually went out out of your way to prepare a specially made meal for him, and that's how he chose to respond?

Compromise is part of what being a family is, and his attitude wasn't helping.


Wouldn't an increase in plant production, especially in nut or bean production which provides protein, offset some of the supposed prevention of green house gas emissions by going to an all plant diet? You have to feed 6 billion people. People need protein. Then you add on the fact that deforested area farming increases green house gas emissions.

What do you think livestock are fed? How much plant matter are they fed in their lifetime before slaughter?

There's your answer.
God I would be fucking furious that I went out of the way to make a vegan alternative food only for two people and threw it back in my face.

Like I don't know the OP's family , but it's getting harder and harder for families to have the time to get together and have a big family meal so those times can be pretty special.


What a self-righteous prick. I would understand his behavior if you guys totally blindsided him and didn't prepare anything special for him.

But you guys actually went out out of your way to prepare a specially made meal for him, and that's how he chose to respond?

Compromise is part of what being a family is, and his attitude wasn't helping.

Veganism is a religion?
It could be that he's a dick, but there might be something else to it too. It takes a lot of willpower to be vegan and sometimes figuring out where to draw the line is very difficult and won't be understood by anyone else.

I get flack, probably am considered disrespectful for not partaking in family birthday cakes and icecream and all that shit. I don't eat things with added sugar, period. My family, isn't anywhere near where I strive to be there, but I don't expect to change them, so I just apply my principles to myself, while encouraging great desert like foods without sugar. Sometimes I'll bring something that works for me, to share with others.

If he's new at this, he might be working his viewpoint into reality, and learning what can and won't work. He's obviously upset that people like you don't feel a thing and see no issue with slaughtering billions of fish in a corporate machine, but is struggling with reconciling that reality with what he knows to be moral.

In this case, it's fish, but try increasing the situation... what if it was cow? Dog? Soylent green? Your dead enemies.. and so on. At least try to imagine how he feels.

I think he's a bit of a dick. No one man can change the world. The best he can do is live the way he knows he can.. though that in part might be by choosing not to eat in the same gathering where animal life that is dearer to him, is slaughtered.

It's tough. But seems if he can't be at a table near animal products, he's just going to have to throw his own parties or opt out of family events.


I dated three gluten free women in the span of 6 months, and not one of them demanded that we go to restaurants that exclusively cater to their obligate dietary restrictions.

Part of being a social human is accepting that the world does not revolve around you. I'm currently in Turkey, I'm not going to go to every shop I see and admonish them for not serving bacon. It would be nice, yes, if every time you were invited to a group meal everyone enjoyed the same thing, but a lot of people don't like veggie lasagna, the same way a lot of people don't like gluten free pizza.

The OP's bro in law is completely out of line. He could have politely declined the dinner invitation or offered to cook himself if he felt that strongly.

You realize, though, that being gluten-free is not a moral objection to gluten, and that wanting to eat pork isn't a statement that it's immoral to not eat pork?

Is there anything in the world you find morally objectionable? And, if people you knew were doing something you find morally objectionable, what would you do in that situation?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
What do you think livestock are fed? How much plant matter are they fed in their lifetime before slaughter?

There's your answer.

Not all livestock are fed mealbased diets produced at a farm. Cows are a problem even when eating grass because of their farts.


The real question tho there are vegans and vegetarians that eat fish.... Why is that permitted in some cases? Fish can feel pain too and are mass caught in huge nets killed etc.

So i wonder why is that okay? I do have mad respect for vegans/vegetarians and never ridicule them but i just wondered about that. It's not super common but there are some that choose to include fish in their diet why is that?

I don't get what you mean by "permitted". You don't really need anyone's permission to choose your diet the way you want to do you?
Was a dick move imo; my sister has been a vegan for ~9 years and when she goes out with her friends and or family, they/we order our dishes she orders the vegan equivalent and we have a good time.


If he really thinks the fish has been murdered to be eaten and he can't cope with the thought it's understandable for him to be not able to be in such situation.

But how on earth he is able to live anywhere with such an extreme view of this issue?
I wonder what he thinks if he sees cats or dogs or birds or some other animals eating other animals. Would being around those situations be impossible for him too?

There are countless of animals constantly eating other animals all around the world every second. I understand when people go vegan to stop supporting industries that treat animals like crap, but I don't quite get how anyone is able to go vegan because no animal should ever be eaten. That is not just battling against unnecessary cruelty but that's fighting against the very nature of the existence of animals.
You make it sound like making a vegan dish is somehow a grand gesture. Look, I eat what I'm served, and I make no comments about it other than complimenting the chef. But I still think it's a let down. I still think being invited to a dinner is a let down when you're not having what everyone's having.

Is it important? No. Not even a little bit

It's late, so I'm out, but I just want to say this. It's just food. Cooking something everyone can eat, is not gonna kill ya. It might even be a rewarding culinary experience. Maybe I am weird, but when I invite people over, I make sure everyone can eat everything. That's just how I like to do it. Do I expect anyone else to do that? No. Would I like them to? Sure. Do I think I'm better than others? No.
If I were inviting you over (just you guys), I would cook vegan because I'm hosting you guys.

If it's a larger gathering, then I would prepare a separate vegan dish or vegan version of the food I'm making, because I'm hosting a variety of people, and making it a whole vegan meal limits the experience for everyone unnecessarily. And I would do my darndest to ensure the vegan food tastes good and isn't seen as an afterthought.

Where we likely disagree is that I don't enjoy vegan food neeeearly as much as non-vegan food. I have two sets of friends who are vegan and I'm always underwhelmed by the food when they host. So when I see you say that it'd be nice if the whole meal could be vegan, it feels selfish because to me it comes off as you asking the larger group to submit themselves to your preference.

Does that make sense?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
How did you find out he was a vegan?
How does anyone find out someone is vegan?
They'll tell you

Not eating together won't be an option in the short-term. We're all together under the same roof for a family vacation. So I guess the rest of us will just have to eat vegetarian food (he seems to be ok with us eating vegetarian, we don't have to go full vegan) for the rest of the week
Are you kidding me? lol why are y'all such doormats?

Your brother might be a "nice guy" but he sure acted like a self-righteous asshole at this moment at least. You really shouldn't cave in to his whims like that, but w/e.

Oh grow up people. These are the kind of stone age attitudes we need to move past. We don't fucking whine about it. We eat what we get. But how fucking nice would you feel if you were invited somewhere, and the table is full of food, and then out on the far corner are a few bowls with the crap you can eat?

It will make you think that maybe we'll just decline next time. It's not like cooking a vegan meal for one day is gonna require a lot from, well, anyone. It's as simple as saying "let's try a vegan lasanga tonight instead of the one we usually make".

How does it make sense to instead make one ordinary lasagna, then maybe one extra lasagna, or maybe not an extra vegan lasagna. The vegans can just eat the lettuce, right? They like that.

How hard is it to understand that cooking a vegan meal is just that, a meal? We're having the vegans over, so let's try a vegan one! It's not like it's dangerous. Heøl, you might even like it.
This is the most hilarious post in this thread so far. I don't even know where to begin.

People who go out of their way to accommodate your optional, self-imposed lifestyle choice should be praised for their generosity, but you find a way to whine about it (while still claiming you "don't fucking whine about it"). No one is obligated to make a vegan lasagna for a group if you're the only one who's even interested in it (I sure as shit wouldn't want that over a meat lasagna). This is the very definition of self-absorbed, and then you have the nerve to tell others "grow up", and refer to people being accommodating as having... "stone age attitudes"?? How in the... I mean... what?

You make it sound like making a vegan dish is somehow a grand gesture. Look, I eat what I'm served, and I make no comments about it other than complimenting the chef. But I still think it's a let down. I still think being invited to a dinner is a let down when you're not having what everyone's having.

Is it important? No. Not even a little bit

It's late, so I'm out, but I just want to say this. It's just food. Cooking something everyone can eat, is not gonna kill ya. It might even be a rewarding culinary experience. Maybe I am weird, but when I invite people over, I make sure everyone can eat everything. That's just how I like to do it. Do I expect anyone else to do that? No. Would I like them to? Sure. Do I think I'm better than others? No.
Er, we are talking those who are vegans by choice, not people will allergies or medically-caused dietary restrictions. Wut


"Okay bye".

He's displaying stereotypical vegan behavior. He is trying to force you and yours into his lifestyle through emotional blackmail. Stay strong and let the bastard sit outside. Tell your sister he's being ridiculous and she shouldn't approve, or encourage, this type of behavior. Being vegan is okay, but respect other people's life choices.
There's nothing respectable about killing intelligent animals and destroying the world at the same time. Eating meat is something humankind should get over at this point, considering perfectly valid & incredibly similar not-as-destructive & cruel alternatives exist.
They may well do but based on the laws of definitions they're wrong. Fish aren't plants (I'm pretty sure on this...)



Not all livestock are fed mealbased diets produced at a farm. Cows are a problem even when eating grass because of their farts.

Their excretions can also pollute waterways, streams and stuff, it's an issue for farmers in NZ for example.


I could understand if you served him up a non vegan meal but the fact you served him a vegan meal and still threw a strop is ridiculous.

Fuck him and his terrible manners


Not all livestock are fed mealbased diets produced at a farm. Cows are a problem even when eating grass because of their farts.

The vast majority of the meat, dairy and eggs people consume are though. Grass fed requires acres of lands and can't ever come close to meeting demand.

True, more methane per cow with grass fed.
The next get together, I'd make a show of an all vegan spread and have the whole family eat it, especially the brother-in-law, only to reveal that I had bits of meat in every single dish I made.


Er, we are talking those who are vegans by choice, not people will allergies or medically-caused dietary restrictions. Wut

Not read the rest but there seems to be a little confusion here. Veganism isn't a diet and those who abstain from animal products for health reasons are generally referred to as plant based.

Veganism is abstaining from exploiting animals for our own gain (as far as practicably and possibly before someone things haha they have an argument we don't care about).


All he had to do was show a little respect to the people that went out of their way to make him feel at home. If he can't, he's not a person worth inviting back.


I don't get what you mean by "permitted". You don't really need anyone's permission to choose your diet the way you want to do you?

I discribed that a bit poorly since my English is not perfect. But i asked the question because i sometimes saw fish based options at some vegetarian based restaurants in the past and i ment it purely under the meaning of vegaterian and vegan. I don't personally mind in what style people eat and they don't need permission no i just worded that part wrong i think.
Hydrophilic Attack.

This is an important question. Did he honestly "declare" it out loud to the entire table, or did he kinda just look uncomfortable, told you his gripe and then move outside?

If the former, holy shit, he's an asshole. If the latter, that's an awkward situation that would require an annoying amount of handholding.

He probably didn't declare it. I was agitated when I wrote the OP, and probably chose an exaggerated verb
Oh grow up people. These are the kind of stone age attitudes we need to move past. We don't fucking whine about it. We eat what we get. But how fucking nice would you feel if you were invited somewhere, and the table is full of food, and then out on the far corner are a few bowls with the crap you can eat?

It will make you think that maybe we'll just decline next time. It's not like cooking a vegan meal for one day is gonna require a lot from, well, anyone. It's as simple as saying "let's try a vegan lasanga tonight instead of the one we usually make".

How does it make sense to instead make one ordinary lasagna, then maybe one extra lasagna, or maybe not an extra vegan lasagna. The vegans can just eat the lettuce, right? They like that.

How hard is it to understand that cooking a vegan meal is just that, a meal? We're having the vegans over, so let's try a vegan one! It's not like it's dangerous. Heøl, you might even like it.

Thankful that someone took time to make a side meal for my completely voluntary diet restrictions


Thankful that someone took time to make a side meal for my completely voluntary diet restrictions

Yes because it's entirely voluntary, we disagree to a point we've changed our whole diet/lifestyle and personally the idea of dead food/animals products revolts me (I can live and let live though). But voluntary? For me after 26 years of being meat free and 11 years Vegan I really don't feel that way (and I wouldn't judge you for your voluntary eating meat).

Do kind of agree with them making a nice meal for him though.


I was vegetarian my entire teens and also the cook for my meat eating family. I cooked both vegetarian dishes for the whole family and meat as well. If I was cooking a meat dish I either left the meat out for myself, like when making a pasta dish or made myself something else. I also always ate at the table. My parents were open to trying new vegetarian dishes but when they ate meat I had no issue cooking it or siting at the table while they ate it.

My choice to not eat meat was MY choice, not theirs. Your sister and BIL can make their own choice to not sit at the table but I would not invite them over again unless there was no meat/fish. They sound extreme, but I wouldn't let it upset you.

I will say though, I HATE the smell of fish. I don't cook or eat it, and I cannot stand to be in the room when it is being cooked. My older brother use to eat it when we both lived at home and I always had to leave the room. The smell makes me sick.


Gold Member
LOL, sorry OP.

Make sure yall eat some medium rare steak next time, but with a Vegan option.

That dude is being a jerk and putting a holier than thou attitude over family.

He and your sis should be thankful that yall have a family where yall can sit together and have dinner.


You only live once and only get the one family. Let them live by whatever ideals they want. At the end of the day they decided not to sit for a meal. Big deal, IMO. Just respect it, love them, have a Coke and smile.
I feel like even if you're a hardcore vegan, cod isn't the hill you die on.

Fish are stupid and ugly. Pick an animal people at least like.


let them do what they want. when the fish is off the table and replaced with the apple pie, let them know so they can come inside.

also, lighten up.

edit: and I'm assuming they can have the coffee too.


The next meal make a show of a completely vegan spread,but then have the entire family, except your sister and brother in law, leave the room and sit outside
"He is a ve-gon, but now he just be gone."

Sorry to hear it OP. He sounds an asshole. Everyone in your family took the time to make a alternative. Good on em.

Also, don't get in any physical altercation with him. He's pretty much made of glass.


I discribed that a bit poorly since my English is not perfect. But i asked the question because i sometimes saw fish based options at some vegetarian based restaurants in the past and i ment it purely under the meaning of vegaterian and vegan. I don't personally mind in what style people eat and they don't need permission no i just worded that part wrong i think.

Sure, fair enough. Anecdotally the people I know who eat only fish say it's because they like it too much to give up.
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