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I think it's time to shed the idea that Street Fighter V is a bad game.

It's not a bad game and Capcom has started to turn things around after it's terrible launch. That being said, it needs several improvements to make it a great game:

-Arcade mode
-Main menu overhaul
-Loading times significantly decreased
-Less server downtime but I think this might get addressed with Capcom and Bandai Namco's partnership
-More transparent communication
-Add in classic and popular characters
-New mechanics (2nd critical art, new v-skills and v-triggers, etc)

Maybe a free ”Super" update for everyone that includes the above mentioned would do wonders for this game, basically a relaunch. In addition, reducing the price of the S1 and S2 passes when S3 comes out would help too.
Then I go for a tic throw setup, then I shimmy. They're still way too good, people shouldn't be getting thrown 3 times in a row in top 8 at evo.
Yeah, go for those. You'd still be able to go for those even if a throw launched you across the screen. Every time I see an example of someone complaining about throw loops is an example of where I see someone doing the exact same thing over and over again expecting something different. It's actual insanity.
This is another good point. In SF4 when I got a clutch read into a tight link combo, into great meter use, into a win...oh baby did I feel it and loved it. I would often upload my matches for buddies to see and saved TONS of replays.

0 times that happened in SF5. Not shitting. I have no matches whatsoever except from beta when the game was new and R.Mika was funner and could do far more combos.

Tekken though? Lord the other day I got into a super close 2-2 match, final round, floor break, the music is jacked to the max, blood pumping, and I eek out a slow mo win. Fucking creamed my jeans with hype. I literally stood up and did a Ric Flair WOOOOH!

That's what SF5 should be causing for me like SF4 did, and it doesn't. Therefore it's a downgrade from SF4.

SF5 will NEVER be the game I want:

Hard execution wise so I can appreciate my own play, my opponents play, and top level play. Top level play with higher execution barriers can cause insane moments with drops or hype moments when they do some super clutch 1 frame link god like business.

It needs more options for characters. Not necessarily in movesets, but an extra V skill, V trigger, and Super for each character is much needed to expand on the game.

Lastly it still doesn't have a character that clicks with me. In SF4 that was Abel and Hugo. In SF5 the best I had was Gief, but this version of Gief without greenhand is whack.

This right here. While I enjoyed the SFV top 8 the level of awe I experienced wasnt anywhere near what I felt during Tekken's.

If you play Tekken you understand how execution heavy something as simple as moving is. So watching those players make opponents whiff and proceeding to punish with a frame perfect attack, all while moving on a 3d plane is incredible.

Tokido did some pretty amazing stuff in his match but a lot of it was off of reads. The v-trigger cancel into v-reversal parry was hype to see but still something that I could pull off after a bit of practice and knowing my opponent's tendencies. With Tekken I will never be able to move like the pros do and so watching it makes the matches look like literal art. And it makes me want to push myself to get to that level of execution.

SFV lacks that extra level of execution. And it hurts the spectacle of watching matches as well as the drive to get better.

On top of that, matches still hinge way too much on pushing your opponent to the corner and coin flipping them to death. I want the game to evolve to where spacing really makes a difference in how a match plays out, not JUST reads/guesses. This is why Zangief is so enjoyable to watch because while his character does revolve around those guessing games, it takes near perfect play to actually get into that position. He actually has to work for it.

SFV isnt a bad game but it could be much much better than it is now.


Meh, I like the game, and despite its bad rap there's still no shortage of people to play against online, so I'm good.

But there are still many very valid reasons for others to dislike the game OP, so trying to convince them otherwise is quite the uphill battle.
The fighting engine is solid and they have added a lot of extra content since launch. However still missing an arcade mode for this franchise in this genre is a massive oversight that should have been corrected a lot cheaper and easier that adding that story mode.
Cammy should've been improved, but instead she gets the same crap with bigger boobs (why, why, why did they give EVERYONE a boob job in V?). They should've known well enough to give her some bloody pants at this point, but instead they doubled down on the stupid.

Half the female cast being fodder for straight male boners and the other half having costumes specifically to sex them up when their primary costumes don't is a huge issue for accessibility with this game. It's too damn much. I don't want to be reminded of how the FGC views women every time I tune in to watch a match with one of those characters. Even when they have Cammy wearing a less-revealing outfit they have underwear shots out the loo thanks to that tiny skirt! It's ridiculous and it has to stop if they're actually serious about expanding the FGC.

I mean... Cammy's leotard or w/e it is, is kinda a staple of the character and series. Other asthetic changes are w/e ( I agree with the boob job part) but I don't think she NEEDS a change to her iconic look.


If I had James Chen in my living room commentating everything I was doing I'd probably think Street Fighter V was a good game too.

As it stands though it's kind of boring.
Tokido did some pretty amazing stuff in his match but a lot of it was off of reads. The v-trigger cancel into v-reversal parry was hype to see but still something that I could pull off after a bit of practice and knowing my opponent's tendencies.

Honestly tho Cammy wouldn't be bad donning a pair of camo pants. If any game should've been the one to do it it's 5 considering how much they've changed other returning characters. But not all the female designs are pandery trash, Karin is classy as one would expect.


A question to the OP: if SFV wasn't called Street Fighter, and the cast was all new characters that functioned the same as SFV characters, would you still play it? Would you defend the lack of modes if it wasn't Street fighter? Would you enjoy the 50/50 heavy gameplay if it wasn't a capcom game? Would you make a thread defending its launch and dismissing complaints? Or are you only looking over faults because it's Street Fighter?
Good question. I think I would, honestly. Something about the pacing of Street Fighter games feels good to me. The way the hits land. The fact that it's basic, but has tons of depth. I've played Blazblue and Guilty Gear, and I find them fun, but too crazy and not necessarily in a good way. I'm not sure how to communicate it. I feel like I can understand what's going on in something like Marvel (I know, I know) but losing in these games just... doesn't make sense to me.

I could have maybe gotten into KOF, but the new one never really grabbed me at all. I think it looks like absolute crap, and past KOF games haven't really grabbed me either. I can see how people are really into them though. By the time I could have gotten into 13 it was kinda too late.

I hate Netherealm games. I hate everything about them. I hate the way they animate. I hate the way combos work. I hate how stiff they feel. I just don't like them at all. That's fine, I understand that these games aren't for me. I'm not going to jump into the Injustice 2 thread for months and be like LOL WTF FIX THE ANIMATIONS WHY IS THIS GAME SO BAD.

I like Marvel 3. I like Skullgirls. I like Tekken 7 too, even though I'm not anywhere near a high level at that game. I obviously like SFIV and SFV. I'm very interested in DBZ and I'm kinda interested in that weird Blazblue crossover game. I also think that the Marvel Infinite hate, while valid sometimes, is just people loving to hate on Capcom.

I feel that the main problem is just that people like to hate on Capcom. Someone else in this thread made a great post that I quoted, but I genuinely think that people just like to hate on Capcom because they aren't bringing their "A" game, and I understand that logic. They want super high budgets and production values and all sorts of things. Once again, for like the millionth time, this isn't to say that Capcom doesn't deserve some blame. It just borderlines on absurd at this point.


If you play Tekken you understand how execution heavy something as simple as moving is. So watching those players make opponents whiff and proceeding to punish with a frame perfect attack, all while moving on a 3d plane is incredible.
It's interesting this is a plus to you because this is my biggest roadblock to even bothering to learn tekken properly, I think the game would be about 1000 times more fun to play if I could actually do what I want (move backwards so my opponent whiffs and I can punish) without learning a ridiculously complex joystick movement to do so. There have been that many times I've ate shit in tekken for just trying to backdash, it's the stupidest part of the whole game.

If backdashing worked like KBD without the dumb crouch cancel element, it would make Tekken 100x more playable will little negative impact on the game at all. It's just there to stroke the egos of people that can do it.


Honestly tho Cammy wouldn't be bad donning a pair of camo pants. If any game should've been the one to do it it's 5 considering how much they've changed other returning characters. But not all the female designs are pandery trash, Karin is classy as one would expect.

That one depends lol.

Still they all have classy costumes now i think although not by default.

Well, except Laura. Somehow Laura never gets one.


It's interesting this is a plus to you because this is my biggest roadblock to even bothering to learn tekken properly, I think the game would be about 1000 times more fun to play if I could actually do what I want (move backwards so my opponent whiffs and I can punish) without learning a ridiculously complex joystick movement to do so. There have been that many times I've ate shit in tekken for just trying to backdash, it's the stupidest part of the whole game.

If backdashing worked like KBD without the dumb crouch cancel element, it would make Tekken 100x more playable will little negative impact on the game at all. It's just there to stroke the egos of people that can do it.
Hmm I thought you don't need to learn Korean backdash to be decent at Tekken movement and whiffs?


I am Korean.
This thread is not going to end well. I think SFV with bit more tweaking can be a really great game. Same level as USFIV, ST or 3S.

It'd have to allow some defensive play vs everyone being a faceroller. If every character performs the same function, it gets a lot less interesting.
Is it because her costume is so revealing/showy/goofy, then?

Regardless, he didn't say R. Mika, he said "The Female Designs" This game also features Chun Li, IMO an all time great design, alongside other visually strong contenders in Karin & Kolin so I'm just wondering what the issue is here.

When people say a game has "bad character design" I'm interested to hear why. To me a good design is something visually unique that communicates a character's personality/abilities at a glance. I think SFV has done a great job in conveying character personality through design so it's goofy to me to hear that the designs are bad.

Just adding to someone else's complaint, take it up with them. Fanservicey is the word I'd go with. There's nothing wrong with showing skin, but this game just takes it to a weird level.


Cammy should've been improved, but instead she gets the same crap with bigger boobs (why, why, why did they give EVERYONE a boob job in V?). They should've known well enough to give her some bloody pants at this point, but instead they doubled down on the stupid.

I imagine at Capcom HQ their designers were tossing up whether or not to give her a new look like they did Juri or stick with the dumb leotard. And just like how you thought Juri's new costume was a "downgrade" there would probably be a much larger backlash to killing her "iconic" though also "extremely stupid" look.

I actually think Cammy is probably the streetfighter character most in need of a new look because her get up doesn't suit her attitude at all. At best it communicates military gymnast with a massive slant towards the gymnast side but it's still stupid.

An aside: Would designing the game to have way more defensive play (read: passive play) really be an improvement to the design of Street Fighter V? It's funny to me seeing that turtle/defence is being bemoaned as being lost when other games (GG, BB, UNIEL) have been and keep devising mechanics like Negative Penalty to make people attack more.
Is the netcode still bad?


Well then the game I wasted money on to play online is still bad.

The idea that Capcom has addressed even a minority of the bigger complaints from release is absurd. Of course I understand why the defenders focus so much on the gameplay mechanics, because that's more of a taste thing so it's an easy subjective issue to debate. But you don't even need to get into the basic mechanics or art or anything truly subjective: loading times are still terrible, servers are still unreliable, netcode is still broken and benefits the lagger, solo content is still bad and practically nonexistent, the lousy menus are mostly the same. Capcom has made small balance changes, added some characters, and given certain areas a little polish. They've hardly transformed the launch product.

It's honestly been shocking to see just how little effort Capcom has expended on improving this game since launch. It feels like they saw the soft launch response and immediately decided to only give the game the most, barebones, profitable sort of support from then on. Nothing they've done is going to really change anybody's mind.

If you love SF5 the that's great, I'm legitimately happy for you. But this drive to paint us critics as being ridiculous, misinformed, or part of some anti-Capcom conspiracy (!) is obnoxious. Just go love your game and stop with the delusional cheerleading.

(And here's the obligatory rootkit mention! People have actually been too kind to Capcom.)


Bad business practices, some pretty bad core mechanics (why are AA jabs still a thing?!!), barely no communication from capcom, most of the game is 50/50's, very simple/straight forward combat, and the list goes on.

The game is mildy fun, sure, but I believe it does deserve all the flack it gets. Capcom did a terrible rush job and it still hasn't recovered fully (Might be Sonys fault, I dont know).

They tried to catch the 'casuals', but they failed, now that the general public has disregarded the game, they should revamp it, now make it 'pro friendly'. Add more vskills/vtriggers/ca's per character, make the combo system meatier, etc.


Hmm I thought you don't need to learn Korean backdash to be decent at Tekken movement and whiffs?

I think you only really need to kbdc once in lower play.

So backdash, cancel, backdash.

This is not that hard imo, the hardest thing is remembering to do it in the first place. If you want to badck/forward dash a bunch of times though, that is harder.


It's a solid game , my main problem is unlocking stuff with fight money. You don't get enough doing the daily missions and it's near impossible getting fight money playing online since everybody is better than me. I only play these games to unlock shit and I don't want to spend beyond the $80 for the collectors edition.
It's a very good game but it didn't wow me like 4 did. This may sound stupid but it might be because I find the graphics to be much less appealing.
It's superficial and not even a technical thing, purely art style but I guess it matters to me


I think you only really need to kbdc once in lower play.

So backdash, cancel, backdash.

This is not that hard imo, the hardest thing is remembering to do it in the first place. If you want to badck/forward dash a bunch of times though, that is harder.

I feel like even having to do it once is pretty goofy and already too much. Why not just make two backdashes take the same amount of time? What's the point of doing one backdash without cancelling? It's bad design to not normalize it
i will keep on posting this
normal throw loops MUST be nerfed

watch them do all types of weird shit to address that complaint except the thing that SF has already done in the past and that actually works aka extending throw invul frames on wake-up

it's like when people complained about mashed DPs during tight combos or pressure and they thought the answer was Crush Counter and an extended buffer

tightening the reversal window or better yet requiring the actual exact DP motion for a DP to come out? nah can't have that


It's like the top 2 fighting game that's out at the moment. The other one is tekken 7. People that shits on sf5 is just bad at the game.


It's interesting this is a plus to you because this is my biggest roadblock to even bothering to learn tekken properly, I think the game would be about 1000 times more fun to play if I could actually do what I want (move backwards so my opponent whiffs and I can punish) without learning a ridiculously complex joystick movement to do so. There have been that many times I've ate shit in tekken for just trying to backdash, it's the stupidest part of the whole game.

If backdashing worked like KBD without the dumb crouch cancel element, it would make Tekken 100x more playable will little negative impact on the game at all. It's just there to stroke the egos of people that can do it.
Oh my god I was just thinking this yesterday after watching Tekken, especially as a new player. I understand that the game is about the movement, but it felt like people were doing weird constant wavedashes backwards and forwards, and whenever I'd just try to do simple commands like backdash or forward dash the same way myself I just... couldn't get anywhere close to moving like high level players were doing. This is something that should be simple; moving forward and backwards. I fully admit I may be misunderstanding the game however, seeing as I am very new to it. It certainly doesn't feel like it.
I feel like even having to do it once is pretty goofy and already too much. Why not just make two backdashes take the same amount of time? What's the point of doing one backdash without cancelling? It's bad design to not normalize it
I agree with you there, it's the thing that's become the big turnoff for me with getting into Tekken that seems like nothing more than a needless holdover.


While I don't think SFV is bad by any means, I do agree that both Season 2 & the game as a whole has some glaring issues (such as defensive options) that need to be addressed. And while yeah, Capcom has slowly addressed the content issue, Arcade Mode seems to be the last major piece of the single-player puzzle that's missing. Of course, there's also stuff like how the netcode desyncs differently depending on the player that should be touched upon (I'd mention input delay, but Harada's statement on the input delay being an UE4 issue kinda lowers the chances of Capcom being able to do anything about it without Epic stepping in). A relaunch that doubles as a free update for existing owners could really help in shaking off some of the negative stigma that base SFV had since launch, but if that'll happen remains to be seen.

Either way, I can already tell that this thread is gonna get ugly.

they knew what they were doing when they launched the game with 8 frames of lag. They were willing to decrease it a bit, but not anymore. It's definitely a design decission.

and arcade mode is not "the last major piece of the single-player puzzle that's missing", that would be a great tutorial mode for both the game mechanics and each character, which is obviously never going to happen, because capcom.


Game still isn't for me, but I'll admit that I was wrong about it not being entertaining to watch. Glad I gave that top 8 a shot.


Is the netcode still bad?


Well then the game I wasted money on to play online is still bad.

The idea that Capcom has addressed even a minority of the bigger complaints from release is absurd. Of course I understand why the defenders focus so much on the gameplay mechanics, because that's more of a taste thing so it's an easy subjective issue to debate. But you don't even need to get into the basic mechanics or art or anything truly subjective: loading times are still terrible, servers are still unreliable, netcode is still broken and benefits the lagger, solo content is still bad and practically nonexistent, the lousy menus are mostly the same. Capcom has made small balance changes, added some characters, and given certain areas a little polish. They've hardly transformed the launch product.

It's honestly been shocking to see just how little effort Capcom has expended on improving this game since launch. It feels like they saw the soft launch response and immediately decided to only give the game the most, barebones, profitable sort of support from then on. Nothing they've done is going to really change anybody's mind.

If you love SF5 the that's great, I'm legitimately happy for you. But this drive to paint us critics as being ridiculous, misinformed, or part of some anti-Capcom conspiracy (!) is obnoxious. Just go love your game and stop with the delusional cheerleading.

(And here's the obligatory rootkit mention! People have actually been too kind to Capcom.)

This is the heart of it I think. The casual player has gotten some things like story mode or costumes, but the core experience is the core experience. Moving around has not changed for characters. Playing through one-sided rollback that strikes even when the connection says 5 bars and you set it to ask is still around. Matches still take time to find for many, and then loading into it, then loading out of it, then loading into training mode if so desired, takes a chunk of time even though they've shaved a few seconds off.

And through it all Capcom alternates between long periods of radio silence "when is the next character actually?" "what is the reason for 10 hour maintenances so often, other online games don't have this?" to short periods where they announce mixed news "we have one new character that we've been working on" which people split on good or bad, but not addressing the more person who might be waiting for QOL changes "will there be less one-sided rollback, will there be arcade, will the loading screen times make more sense or clipping go away?"

So it's kind of a sink or swim approach. The things that Capcom is putting in will not win over the hearts of people conflicted or not feeling the game. Single characters every two+ months will not make people want to slog through long matchmaking for too long. Things like balance patches that are big only take place at the end of the year and people have other things to do in that time. Story mode is not the same as arcade mode, etc. While the people who do love it probably don't need these things much either.

I feel like even having to do it once is pretty goofy and already too much. Why not just make two backdashes take the same amount of time? What's the point of doing one backdash without cancelling? It's bad design to not normalize it

you don't move as far with one backdash. you don't always want to that far back, or spend that much time going back.

It's freedom of movement
It's interesting this is a plus to you because this is my biggest roadblock to even bothering to learn tekken properly, I think the game would be about 1000 times more fun to play if I could actually do what I want (move backwards so my opponent whiffs and I can punish) without learning a ridiculously complex joystick movement to do so. There have been that many times I've ate shit in tekken for just trying to backdash, it's the stupidest part of the whole game.

If backdashing worked like KBD without the dumb crouch cancel element, it would make Tekken 100x more playable will little negative impact on the game at all. It's just there to stroke the egos of people that can do it.

Like I said it's something I cant do consistently. But knowing that I am always improving at it when I try makes playing fun for me and makes watching the people who can do it mesmerizing. Trying to reach that next level, where ever it may be is fun. These are FGs they are competitive by nature so there's an inherent drive to improve. Tekken offers that while SFV is much more shallow imo.

Also you dont need to know how to KBD to play online. Blocking will get you by most people. But when you start going against better players movement becomes key.

My point still stands. SFV lacks the level of execution required to make high level matches amazing to watch and give the people playing at home something to strive for, even if it's forever out of reach. I'm a Super Platinum player in SFV and what he did isnt at all difficult execution wise. It was character and matchup knowledge. A read, like so much else of SFV.


I actually thought the SFV top 8 was incredibly boring, especially after watching Tekken. I get why people like it but I don’t personally think it’s fun to play or to watch.


watch them do all types of weird shit to address that complaint except the thing that SF has already done in the past and that actually works aka extending throw invul frames on wake-up

it's like when people complained about mashed DPs during tight combos or pressure and they thought the answer was Crush Counter and an extended buffer

tightening the reversal window or better yet requiring the actual exact DP motion for a DP to come out? nah can't have that

Neither of your solutions really fix the problem of throwing a random dp during pressure though, they just make it slightly harder to do it.

Making something hard is not a fix to something being overpowered or imbalanced, in practice, good players are still going to shoot for that DP during pressure and they're still gonna get it.

Making a reversal DP slightly harder isn't going to stop people if it's still relatively risk free, adding risk to doing it, by random DP super punishable to me is more likely to make someone think twice about doing it. And if people are thinking twice then... they're playing Street Fighter


This is fucking funny to you?
Steph has even received online rape threats in the past: "The way I get harassed is about what they would do to my body, about why I don't deserve to be there because I use my sexuality - it's all extremely graphic."
Yeah, nah. Not cool, dude.
I mean... Cammy's leotard or w/e it is, is kinda a staple of the character and series. Other asthetic changes are w/e ( I agree with the boob job part) but I don't think she NEEDS a change to her iconic look.
I imagine at Capcom HQ their designers were tossing up whether or not to give her a new look like they did Juri or stick with the dumb leotard. And just like how you thought Juri's new costume was a "downgrade" there would probably be a much larger backlash to killing her "iconic" though also "extremely stupid" look.

I actually think Cammy is probably the streetfighter character most in need of a new look because her get up doesn't suit her attitude at all. At best it communicates military gymnast with a massive slant towards the gymnast side but it's still stupid.
If they want the FGC to be taken seriously by people other than die-hard (usually straight male) gamers, yes, she absolutely does need a change to her look. It's not like they haven't done it before, or has everyone already forgotten about this design:
Honestly tho Cammy wouldn't be bad donning a pair of camo pants. If any game should've been the one to do it it's 5 considering how much they've changed other returning characters. But not all the female designs are pandery trash, Karin is classy as one would expect.
Not all of them, thankfully, yes. But a significant percentage being pandering garbage is not a good look, and even the ones that don't have sexy default costumes are, again, sexed up in other costumes too. The male characters most certainly don't get equivalent treatment (where's Sexy Ken?), either, which only exacerbates the issue.

If characters like R. Mika and Laura were the exception rather than the norm, I wouldn't be so up in arms about it.
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