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I think it's time to shed the idea that Street Fighter V is a bad game.


Firstly, almost every single problem that the game had at launch has been addressed, outside of the request for an arcade mode. In my opinion, that doesn't really matter anyway, because you can just play survival mode for an "arcade" experience and if you care about story, you'll just play the story mode. Online has been improved. Modes have been added. Online metrics are better.

An entertaining Evo does not change any of the faults with the game. Exciting high level play for spectators was never really an issue. If anything that was the focus at the expense of everything tbey neglected, so they should have nailed that.

The arcade mode part of the OP is especially off-base. That has been a glaring omission, and neither is a substitute. Time does not change that.

The game still has a lot of issues and questionable decisions.

That being said, there's plenty of irrational bashing of the game, and it drowns out the valid criticism.
All the sound design is bad, Tekken 7 sounds so much better by comparison.
What? That makes no sense at all. SFV's sounds are great. Everything is distinct and sounds how you'd expect it to sound relative to other sounds (that sounds confusing lol).

Not that T7's sounds are bad at all, though. Both have excellent sound design (unless we're also counting music, then T7 might be bottom for the entire genre).
If they want the FGC to be taken seriously by people other than die-hard (usually straight male) gamers, yes, she absolutely does need a change to her look. It's not like they haven't done it before, or has everyone already forgotten about this design:

Not all of them, thankfully, yes. But a significant percentage being pandering garbage is not a good look, and even the ones that don't have sexy default costumes are, again, sexed up in other costumes too. The male characters most certainly don't get equivalent treatment (where's Sexy Ken?), either, which only exacerbates the issue.

If characters like R. Mika and Laura were the exception rather than the norm, I wouldn't be so up in arms about it.

I don't disagree she, and all the ladies in general need better alt costumes. Though it's definitely a step up for her since SF4, literally all but one I think costume has her with no pants lol. Once again, staple of the character's look. I don't have any overt love for her or her default wear through out the last two decades, and I do think the camo pants are a great design/idea choice, but I can't ever make myself say or think she NEEDS to be different.

That goes for all designs though, not just Cammy.

If something as simple as this is or could be a barrier for "mainstream" appeal, then I don't want it. Who cares what people who don't care think? If a mainstream person's interest stops at "well thats interesting but that one character's outfit makes me uncomfortable..." that's not my or anyone else but their problem.

Don't get me wrong I fully understand you, but I also cannot agree 100% with trying to appeal to people out of some attempt to get more outside interest, or would scoff at something as not serious because of outfits.

Now Laura... that character needs a new costume that isn't trying to focus on her boobs. We get it, shes the sexy Brazilian character, but geeze.
Abigail reveal... does that not showcase the disconnect and continued miss-steps with SFV?

It is a good game, but it's been a painful ride.

And now there are other good offerings, Tekken 7 is the best the series has ever been, and then DBZ around the corner.

SF 4 had an advantage, it was really just the best fighter out for a long time.

But in this new age, a few GREAT other fighters to choose from, highlights the positioning of where SFV is really sitting.

SFV is a great fighter, but not as standout as it used to be, a step behind.

It's like SF 4 was the best looking girl at school, everyone wanted to date her. But now in college you have SFV good looking, Tekken 7 is good looking, IJ2, DBZ are also good looking... Now SFV just has real competition, and some competition beating it in a few areas, so I think it's just a surprise to everyone. Because of this surprise, and SFV obviously poor launch, then decent recovery, but again miss-step with updates, and like the Abigail reveal... it's ok, becuase SFV is still a good game, just the competition has caught up and leading in some areas IMHO.

But yes SFV does get more hate then it deserves, just like Destiny for Bungie.... just happens sometimes.

Endo Punk

It's been my go to fighting since release. Lack of content or not it's the only game besides Rocket League that brings friends and family together for a good night of gaming. Now we can't wait for Hidden Agenda, playlink is such a fantastic idea.


Can someone not just do that with a KBD? I guess only people who have mastered the KBD can be a shithead on infinite stage, lol. I don't think the solution to something being abusable should be (make it hard to do) because someone is going to prac
Maybe I am looking for an excuse, but I would like to be able to make that conscious decision without the disproportionately difficult input. I think a similar-ish input that isn't anywhere near as bad is IAD in GG, which serves a specific purpose, isn't super hard and is actually taught to you in game as of Rev.

You're pointing to JDCR there and he's only backing me up. He says you should KBD to whiff punish. He's not saying it's unimportant at all.

I think it further bothers me because "just blocking" in tekken often puts you in high/low mixup frame trap hell with moves being unclear on whether you can punish them, and other moves trapping you crouching, etc. As a new player it's extremely hard for me to know when I can actually punish after blocking, but it's extremely obvious to me when I can whiff punish someone, which is why backdashing and maintining spacing being so hard is frustrating to me.

I would prefer the challenge to be (predicting when to backdash) rather than (being able to input 44154141 really fast)

The point is that there's a very good reason why backdashes are the way they are in Tekken, and that's because the game is balanced around you as a player using your various movement options to disengage someone's offense instead of just mindlessly backdashing whenever you want to reset the situation like Rose could in SF4. You keep blaming KBD as the reason you're not able to do the things you want, but the reality is that KBD is not making the difference in you getting hit and whiff punishing, single backdash is sufficient.

If what you gleaned from JDCR was support for your stance, then I don't know what to say, you're beyond reasoning with. This is pretty much exactly like someone complaining 1 or 2 frame links are too hard in Street Fighter when they haven't even bothered to learn footsies or fundamentals that open your opponent up to combos in the first place. This is pretty far off topic, so if you're actually interested in improving in Tekken, there are plenty of resources out there.


Whatever negative opinions that exist about SFV, they have been earned. It doesn't have to be a bad game, but it is WOEFULLY mediocre.

I'll share some of my opinions.

Street Fighter has such a rich history of games that people are obviously disappointed with today's iterations. The games have been much better before. This current game is lacking in so many ways.

Survival is the worst, most soul-crushing mode that I've played in 25 years. In any genre. The absolute worst.

People don't commend Capcom for delivering a free story-mode because it should have been there from the very start. And also, the story is just a collection of eye-rolling scenes strung together.

The art direction is not appealing, and graphics are sloppy. All the clipping is way too noticeable for my tastes.
Outside of classics like Ryu, Chun Li and Guile the roster is full of ridiculous designs like Birdie, Fang, Mika and now the even more out-of-place roided Abigail.
Backgrounds in stages are one of my favorite things in fighters, and most of the backgrounds in SFV are boring and dull. The classic stages like Guile's are nice, but again should have been there day one.

The DLC offerings are super overpriced. I still remember $25 was the price for a "special" stage and some costumes. Also 4 dollars for a single costume was unacceptable. IMO the whole games-as-a-service model isn't about delivering a quality product as much as its about nickel and dime (though that's a larger conversation honestly) and its ridiculous paying for colors and things like that too.

The game is not that fun to watch, again my opinion. The Tokido storyline was great at EVO and was great to watch him win, but that's despite the game they had to play. I enjoy seeing someone finally break-through and win a tourney.
Even if every tournament was amazing to watch, the game is not moving copies, which is the bottom line from Capcom's perspective.

Capcom just seems so out of it right now when it comes to their fighters. Maybe its time to shed the idea that SFV can recover and move on to Marvel (oh boy...) or SF6 someday.
Completely agree. SFV was incredible to watch yesterday at the Evo finals, as was Smash Wii U. The game's launch had innumerable problems, but SFV is a blast to watch at a high level. Very elegant.


Abigail reveal... does that not showcase the disconnect and continued miss-steps with SFV?

They revealed a single character you might not have liked

calm your butt
I mean... Cammy's leotard or w/e it is, is kinda a staple of the character and series. Other asthetic changes are w/e ( I agree with the boob job part) but I don't think she NEEDS a change to her iconic look.

or she could get a new outfit

Like Tekken exists, there is no excuse, them mother fuckers just change clothes. SF doesn't exist a vaccume, if cammy puts on say... her Final Fight street wise outfit


People will still no its cammy, Tekken has existed for years, and now with injustice characters changing clothes and outfits isn't foriegn, and I think that's kinda where this genre is going in terms of outfits too, and if sf6 happens, that's what will happen. So she can totally just wear other clothes, I think the only people who will care are... interesting folks who might be getting to upset on whether you can see her butt or not
A lot of the irrational hate comes from the usual suspect, rabid platform warriors. It's the same for nearly every PS4 exclusive game... hell for almost any game period.

There will always be those who use hyperbole and silly, juvenile, ill-conceived and contrived non-arguments to try to derail worthwhile discussion on a game's flaws and merits.

You certainly aren't going to change their minds with a logical appeal, OP. They live for this stuff. It's the reason the login to NeoGaf.


SFV is not a bad game, but it's just that i'd rather play other fgs that are more fun to play.

I wish more people were like you, that's how it should be if you don't like the game move on and play something you like more instead of just complaining and hating on the game you don't like.


A lot of the irrational hate comes from the usual suspect, rabid platform warriors. It's the same for nearly every PS4 exclusive game... hell for almost any game period.

There will always be those who use hyperbole and silly, juvenile, ill-conceived and contrived non-arguments to try to derail worthwhile discussion on a game's flaws and merits.

You certainly aren't going to change their minds with a logical appeal, OP. They live for this stuff. It's the reason the login to NeoGaf.

It would be extremely fascinating to see if it persists after a potential XB1 release. I've always wondered if the situation was particularly vitriolic because of this.

as someone who's become platform agnostic, it's easy to forget this kinda shit when talking about games on the internet lol


I wish more people were like you, that's how it should be if you don't like the game move on and play something you like more instead of just complaining and hating on the game you don't like.
At the same time though, there may be people who like the game and find it fun to play but have legitimate gripes with it still that shouldn't just be handwaved away.

The bit addressing the arcade mode in the OP is horrible in that regard and that kind of attitude is what leads to people being even more vocal with their complaints over and over again.
Let's not forget that in SFV all DLC characters are, potentially, free. This is not something offered by any other major franchise - not ij2, not Tekken, not Xrd.

And the complaint about "lack of single player content" is absurd. If you buy the base game today you get:
"Shadow Falls" Story mode (normal + EX)
16 x character stories (fwiw)
20 combo trials for all 16 base characters
Character demonstrations for all 16 base characters
Did you type all of this with a straight face?


Did you type all of this with a straight face?
Story mode is whatever, but the combo trials, particularly Season 2's are actually pretty legit. They have combos for various situations (aa, super, v trigger, corner, etc) that are actually usable and do a good job of showing what the character can do. I think a lot of people are probably sleeping on them
I don't hate SFV but I don't find it fun enough to play. Then again I didn't play SFIV either but that was mainly because I hated how that game looked aesthetically.

Watching top 8 EVO for both of these games throughout the years has always been a treat though, regardless of how I feel about the games. The legacy behind the players really makes it hype as all hell.
I love sfv, put hundreds of hours into it and always feel great playing a couple matches after a long day, but at the same time I just cannot bring myself to recommend it to people the way I would tekken or kof. I feel every street fighter since 2 starts ok or mediocre and is amazing by the final iteration. Street fighter 3 sucked but then you get to third strike and it's the best one of the bunch. Then you go to sfiv which is fine, but by the time you get to ultra it's awesome again. One day Im sure sfv will get to that point and maybe surpass all the other ones, but to say it's there now would be a lie.


I wish more people were like you, that's how it should be if you don't like the game move on and play something you like more instead of just complaining and hating on the game you don't like.

Uhhh yeah until so many people move on and your favourite series is dead . Do you think mass effect fans were saying this too during Andromeda launch and how will they then feel if it's done for good?

Seems like the valid concerns are pretty damn important seeing as how many people passed on this game outright


They revealed a single character you might not have liked

calm your butt

or she could get a new outfit

Like Tekken exists, there is no excuse, them mother fuckers just change clothes. SF doesn't exist a vaccume, if cammy puts on say... her Final Fight street wise outfit


People will still no its cammy, Tekken has existed for years, and now with injustice characters changing clothes and outfits isn't foriegn, and I think that's kinda where this genre is going in terms of outfits too, and if sf6 happens, that's what will happen. So she can totally just wear other clothes, I think the only people who will care are... interesting folks who might be getting to upset on whether you can see her butt or not

That skin for Cammy looks excellent. Is it fan-made?

Young Magus

Junior Member
Yeah as someone that has been off and on paying attention to the fgc since it's release the negativity has been annoying, but it is well earned. The thing is much of it doesn't even have to do with the game.

Capcom simply has the worst PR with this game possible. John D's comments about "haters being left behind" and asking Arturo "what's his agenda" are simply bad moves and are not going to get on anyone's good side. Longer ago Capcom even included a rootkit inside of an update which would phone home and was difficult to remove for people that downloaded it.

This doesn't even get into the many gameplay related issues many people have with the game, personally I think it has an alright core that could become a great game. The real problem with it is that it is the opposite of SF4 and they overcompensated on every aspect that they wanted to change. In SF4 there were many option selects, in SFV there is virtually none and the one that was in wide use the throw OS was removed as soon as possible. This removes quite a bit of depth, option selects are a natural part of fighting games, and some should be allowed. Along with this, people's problem with 1 frame links was legitimate, and so they were removed from SFV with a buffer, a good move in my opinion. Unfourtantly they also removed the amazing combo variety that was present in SF4 and so the combos an intermediate player and an expert are always the same, many do not feel they can display their personality in the game.

I am getting distracted though with this, I just wish that the PC netcode was improved so that the rollback wasn't one sided. Like Mike Ross I have moved onto other games to get my fighting game fix, and that is what I suggest everyone to do, simply play what they want. I try to minimize my complaints about the game, especially since I don't play it anymore.

This. All of it

Tho even I must admit, SFV hate does get too intense at times
As does the SFV defense force


That skin for Cammy looks excellent. Is it fan-made?

Its a mod, if you have the pc version of Street fighter you can download it here

The website triggers false virus positives when you link it, its fucking fine. Don't worry its fine . The website hosts a lot of SF mods, and mods for other games as well.


I actually have yet to play it myself, but while I thought EVO top 8 was fine, it was probably my least favorite Street Fighter top 8 since I started watching EVO (2011), and I think I could owe part of that to the game itself. There were very few moments that blew me away and it just felt kinda bland at times compared to 2014/2015 USF4 finals.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Its a mod, if you have the pc version of Street fighter you can download it here

The website triggers false virus positives when you link it, its fucking fine. Don't worry its fine . The website hosts a lot of SF mods, and mods for other games as well.

One thing I will say about SFV is that the mods are grrrrreeeeat


i just jumped in SFV a few days ago, had it lended to a friend and had been playing KOF XIV instead.
So far i am enjoying the game, i knew it had some issues at launch, and waited (i usually do , for most games , so i skip early problems and also get them at a lower price). The only think i don't really like is the Fight money thing, but i guess everyone, capcom, and the players, will have learned from it for future implementations.

I am not against DLC, and fighting games in particular can last long if content is added during the generation, but not sure if the way SFV handles this is the better. SNK's KOF DLC so far seems the way to do it (nothing revolutionary , just correct, considering it launched with 50 characters too)

As for online i find it correct, only when there's lag teleporting characters is weird, at least in KOF characters move slow but you still can play somehow.

Character design isn't also my cup of tea, but to be honest, the perfect game does not exist, and a wide variety of characters is the best approach imo, as everyone will find a few they like (i usually enjoy more 'classic' characters, karate guys and things like that, instead of weird ones).

And game play well, i am not a pro and still play fighting games as if i was playing SF2 or fatal Fury special, so hardly use meters and bars, i have fun with more basic attacks and combos, so SFV is fine so far.

One advice i'd give to you is to try to not take internet forums too seriously, it is difficult sometimes because you want to enjoy a healthy talk and instead many times you find a bipolar approach to everything, it is the best or the worst, people nitpick all the time. For example, Geese gets announced for Tekken, , i read twitter reactions and or people happy or angry as fuck.


Uhhh yeah until so many people move on and your favourite series is dead . Do you think mass effect fans were saying this too during Andromeda launch and how will they then feel if it's done for good?

Seems like the valid concerns are pretty damn important seeing as how many people passed on this game outright
It's good to have valid concerns and complaints but when it gets to the unhealthy obsession where you into every thread or anything related to the game and just try to shit on it that's bad, there are so many fighting games which are better than SFV right now yet those people rather play SFV and shit on it than play those games and help them grow.


SFV and MvCI are an insult to what fighting game sequels can and should be. They massively downsize the roster, gut the core mechanics, add underwhelming new content and have nowhere near the graphical upgrade you'd expect of a generation leap, but increment the number on the box and expect everyone to be happy about it. There's no excuse for Capcom when every other company are delivering fantastic high quality games.
. is anyone really on the fence because they can't jump into an arcade mode, in a game that's never been released in arcades?

MK9, MKX, Injustice 1 & 2, KOF14, Skullgirls, divekick, Killer Instinct, etc..........never released in arcades.......do they have arcade modes? Take a guess.
As far as arcade mode goes, they added vs. AI a long time ago. Go into versus mode and roll your own. I agree survival is a poor substitute, but I also think arcade mode is dumb if you want to learn how to play properly.

again, those who kept on harping on this are truly not understanding how casuals play fighting games...they don't play fighting games so that they can play it 'properly'...they play it to have fun...i.e....almost like a 15-20min rollercoaster ride with an ending and be done with it for the day.

When will you competitive players understand they casuals DO NOT WANT to play online competitive or practice combos in practice mode?

Hey..i can hang on with my pals in the basketball court every so often to 'play' basketball but you bet your ass i've never ever practice and me and my pals have never 'challenged' anyone..we just want to throw some balls in the hoops.....

Same mentality for fighting game casuals.

how do you feel if a basketball player (professional or recreational) come to you and tell you that you must practice your b-ball skill and play competitively if not, you might as well stop playing b-ball?
how do you feel if a basketball player (professional or recreational) come to you and tell you that you must practice your b-ball skill and play competitively if not, you might as well stop playing b-ball?
how would you feel if you could not play basketball against robots and instead had to do it against people

sorry i'm being facetious i just felt like saying that
Its a good game, but it could use...

1. Higher execution combo options for high level/pro players. This would make tourney spectating more fun too.
2. Arcade mode. Good for casual players like me and for people who have to wait 15 mins to find an online game.
3. More costume DLC. I suspect Capcom are walking away from a lot of money by not pumping out costume DLC at a rate similar to the DoA guys. I want to use Juri but hate all her existing costumes.

I will close by saying that yesterdays SFV Evo finals were great to watch.


A game can still have significant issues but also provide an entertaining spectacle in a high level setting, likewise a game that is well liked by its community and a wider audience can have competitive play that is pretty dull to watch.
how would you feel if you could not play basketball against robots and instead had to do it against people

sorry i'm being facetious i just felt like saying that

how would you feel if you can't play NBA2K8 against AI and there's no season/exhibition mode and only a 1pv2p mode and that's it?

And everytime the game boot you out of your progress when it's disconnected from the server (which is more frequent than neccessary).?
how would you feel if you can't play NBA2K8 against AI and there's no season/exhibition mode and only a 1pv2p mode and that's it?

And everytime the game boot you out of your progress when it's disconnected from the server (which is more frequent than neccessary).?
i wouldn't feel anything personally i don't play the game, but you were talking about actual basketball though.


Since I am very passionate about this I will repost this repost again (did it a couple of times before):

Considering SFV made me stop playing the series I disagree :) Way too simplified and streamlined. SFIV is timeless, and Ultra is actually fairly balanced.

Ok I can't resist pasting another entry of mine from a different thread, pretty much sums up how I feel about SFV:

"Personally, from someone who played 3s and 4 for ages, Street Fighter 5 made me quit playing the series, mainly due to the heavily simplified gameplay. In an effort to hook the casual players in Capcom went haywire and removed almost anything hard and interesting except 1-hit confirms. They added a 3 frame buffer to everything, virtually trivializing every combo in the game and removing any layer of strategy from it. They removed close proximity normals for whatever reason. They shortened hitboxes on normals so that characters that play a reactive footsie game with range are practically non-existent. They added extra input lag that makes it harder to react to and whiffpunish stuff, this in combination with the stubby normals makes it a slugfest where players take turns frametrapping each other. All this comes together to create an aggressive game where any attempt to play any other way is punished.

I'll paste an entry I made in a different thread:

I've played fighting games all my life, played the shit out of every iteration of Street Fighter 4 and was one of the top players in my country for the games lifespan, and I uninstalled SF5 after maybe twenty hours. I did this due to a number of reasons, some of them being the streamlining of characters where every single one practically has the same gameplan, the 3 frame execution buffer which to me ruins the game since it severely oversimplifies things, the stubby normals that makes most exchanges take place with the characters right next to each other, and the input lag.

I'd like to talk about the aversion to execution barriers that many people in this thread seem to have, and the notion that skill should only exist as mind games and not on a technical level. I call bullshit. The biggest part of fighting games are about outsmarting your opponent, true, but execution plays an important role too. Take for example a move that is -4 on block. Without an input buffer the risk of throwing this move out is not that great since punishing it requires 1 frame timing, and unless someone is looking for it punishing it on reaction is hard. With an input buffer punishing this suddenly becomes super easy, essentially making every move that is -3 or -4 on block an automatic punish. It removes depth from the game.

The same goes for difficult combos. I see nothing wrong with a player having to choose between the easier option that gives less damage/positioning, or the harder one that could close out the round but if missed leads to a massive punish. It teaches players to know when to take risks, and to know when to step back and choose the safer option. If you whiff a DP in front of me I can choose to do the hard 1f-link FADC combo to put you in the corner, giving me a bigger chance to end the round. I can also go for a damaging, easy combo since I don't want to risk getting punished or failing and barely hitting you for any damage at all. Calculated risks on more levels is not a bad thing. Once again making links and combos easy removes the depth of having to choose.

Most characters in games that have harder execution doesn't require harder execution combos. It's there for those that put in the extra time and effort to learn it. If you want to be a boxer you need to hit the gym, if you want to be good at online shooters you need to practice your aiming. If you want to be the good at fighting games you need to hit training mode and learn the technicalities."


Is there even an arcade mode, a basic feature that every fighting game have, now that we're a year and a half after launch ?

Giga Man

Abigail reveal... does that not showcase the disconnect and continued miss-steps with SFV?

How does Abigail, a single character in wide spectrum of characters, showcase the missteps of SFV? I do not get this. I hold contempt for SFV for other reasons, but every person who's pushing the narrative "the Abigail reveal shows everything that's wrong with SFV" is really irritating because it makes zero sense to me.

I'm no Abigail fan, but I respect his inclusion because he's different. He provides the variety that Street Fighter always strives for. Sure, they could have used anybody else, but that's true for anything, so what difference does it make?
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