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Destiny 2, who is buying it?

Yeah that definitely counts! lol May i ask why?

Well first of all I felt severely weaker compared to Destiny 1. I really dislike the dual primaries change and power weapons are not strong enough to justify the scarcity of purple ammo drops. The strike literally felt just like any strike from Destiny except now you have to chip away at all enemies with your pea shooters since secondary and heavy weapons have been nerfed to help to accommodate a PvP mode I couldn't care less about.

I just expected a big improvement from the first game, but it literally feels like another expansion that is worse in some ways. I can't point to anything and say wow this is a big step up from the first Destiny. I stopped playing Destiny early 2016 because I was bored with it and I felt boredom with this right from the start. I want to like it so hopefully Bungie is hiding something that will elevate this above Destiny 1.5, but the odds are against that happening.

Meh I'll probably buy it at some point and beat all the content then sell it. Not gonna grind the same shit for hundreds of hours like I did the first time around.

One thing is clear. Bungie is no longer an elite development studio. They are going to continue making a ton of money though so maybe that is enough for them.


One thing is clear. Bungie is no longer an elite development studio. They are going to continue making a ton of money though so maybe that is enough for them.
lol or maybe the fact that they will continue making a ton of money which we all know, means they still are an elite dev studio. You just happen to not like their games any more?


lol or maybe the fact that they will continue making a ton of money which we all know, means they still are an elite dev studio. You just happen to not like their games any more?

I think he's more referring to them not wanting to do new things and solely sticking with what works.

It's not a bad thing to do what works if it gets money, but eh, not to some players.
lol or maybe the fact that they will continue making a ton of money which we all know, means they still are an elite dev studio. You just happen to not like their games any more?

COD makes ton of money each year. Are any of those 3 studios considered elite? Same for all the annual sports franchises. Blizzard and Rockstar are examples of studios that generate tons of money while also still showing their creative chops.


COD makes ton of money each year. Are any of those 3 studios considered elite? Same for all the annual sports franchises. Blizzard and Rockstar are examples of studios that generate tons of money while also still showing their creative chops.
Not really, Blizzard mostly refines on formulas and techniques established by other studios. But they do it really well.


As someone who played through all of Destiny, completed all raids, and did some PVP casually, I have the PC limited edition preordered from gamestop due to enjoying a lot of what I experienced in Destiny 1 despite all the drama. I played the open beta on PS4 and.... it was decent. I liked the part where they load in random players together to add a sense of urgency/bigger scale to a quest, and hope they do that fairly regularly. Having story quests automatic add extra players in even if you're playing solo was an enjoyable surprise.

Not sure I liked the weapon changes. Really don't like the idea of a shotgun only being slotted as "power weapon" and seems like it'll make them almost unusable due to requiring close proximity vs longer distance weapons that do equivalent damage.


Gold Member
One thing is clear. Bungie is no longer an elite development studio. They are going to continue making a ton of money though so maybe that is enough for them.
I don't know about this man. They came out and out destiny out there. First game not in the fold of Microsoft, a type of fps mmo (lite) first done on a big scale, some of the best console gunplay, I think that's plenty creative.

I'd argue this is much more creative than Blizzard has been since they re-invented mmos.

I'm far from a bungie fanboy. But this is a bit hyperbole and premature don't you think?


I mean gonna pass this time around. Maybe if I was a younger man with more time on my hands. I need more SP content and less dependency on others for MP.


Not me , Its just a Destiny 1 update , this game is a joke at 59/69€ ...

Finally, someone who actually has the game can chime in on the value proposition of Destiny 2.

Please let me know how many strikes / raids / mp maps and story missions are in the final product, along with # of exotics.


I put about 40-50 hours into Destiny 1 and expansions last year, and another few hours into this beta over the past few days. Ultimately I think I'm going to wait to hear more about the game (particularly the story missions) around release time before deciding if this is a 'release window' purchase for me or wait for a sale. I played Destiny 1 primarily solo, though enjoyed matchmaking to play Strikes and Prison of Elders (and occasionally Crucible modes). Had a good time with story missions (even if the story itself was often lacking) because the guns were fun and the game has some great atmosphere. But at the end of my 3 months of playing Destiny, I was pretty satisfied with my time with the game, to the point I didn't feel compelled to play much more of it after that point.

Playing the beta, I felt a lot of what I liked about Destiny is very much there, but not sure if I'm looking for more of that right now. I think if there's a decent story this go around, that will compel me to play through the game sooner rather than later, but wasn't really feeling the intro in the beta too much. Mission was solid, but once it ended, I didn't feel the immediate need of "I need to play the game right now to see what happens next". For all I know, story may get a lot more interesting as it goes forward, which is what I want to learn more about after it releases. Strike was fun and I do look forward to playing more of them, just not sure if that justifies $60 to me.

I'm a terrible PvP player, but I liked dabbling with Crucible in Destiny 1 because of how accessible the mode is. However, the change from 6v6 to 4v4 modes makes me a bit more uncomfortable to hop into random matches, knowing that my "suckiness" has a much bigger potential to handicap a smaller team now.

So at this time, I think I may still be a bit burned out on the Destiny formula more than anything, which of course is no fault of Bungie. But I still like the core gameplay of the series enough that I know I do want to play D2 at some point. I think if I hear good things about the story, I may do so sooner rather than later. Also, I am interested to see how the guided games system works. I never bothered with raids in Destiny 1 as I never felt compelled to find a group outside the game. The fact a solo gamer like me can find a temporary group to try out a raid with little effort sounds promising.

DJ Gunner

I didn't come in to D1 until I bought the "complete edition" or whatever it was called mid year last year. I played the crap out of it after, and eventually got bored with the game mid spring this year and stopped playing. I only played the campaign mission and a few PvP matches but my impression was this:

The visuals are a significant step up. There seems to be a huge increase in effects, enemies, explosions etc on screen. (PS4 Pro)

Guns felt punchier to me, I liked the feedback feeling. Movement felt pretty much the same as I remember. Feels solid and like a Bungie title.

Don't have enough playtime to make a judgement on the weapon changes, but I didn't hate having two pulse rifles to switch back and forth. Def wished I had more heavy ammo and more supers.

I'll be day one, I'm betting that Bungie learned their lesson from the D1 release and this game won't be the bare bones skeleton the last one was.
After having content taken away after the expansions released, I'll pass. If I remember correctly, certain strikes were removed for those that didn't upgrade. Pretty crappy business practice to me.


Absolutely not.

I popped in my Destiny/Taken King disc a few minutes ago to play some Crucible. Lo and behold I could not, because it was locked behind RoI dlc. Unbelievable...
Absolutely not.

I popped in my Destiny/Taken King disc a few minutes ago to play some Crucible. Lo and behold I could not, because it was locked behind RoI dlc. Unbelievable...
There is a single legacy playlist for folks who don't have all the dlc, isn't there?
For me, a few things.

1. No improvements to the social space at all. COD is adding a gun range where you can test different weapons.
No chat functionality at all. Have the option to toggle it off in options if you don't want to see it. Almost nothing has changed from D1. It's just a glorified menu. Everything that can be done in the social space can be done from a drop down menu.

2. Multiplayer reduced to 4v4 across ALL modes. Why? People would go from raids to MP or MP to raids, now you have to ask people in your party to politely fuck off because it's only a max of 4 people now in MP. This also puts a huge strain on people to perform well in multiplayer matches. Each person is contributing 25% to the team.
One person is not doing well? Match is fucked.
One person leaves the team? Match is fucked.

It's why I didn't like the Osiris stuff. 3v3 is way too much for me. My performance alone would be a factor if the team wins or loses.

Its awesome that its there, and if you love it, great. But you need to appeal to the more casual crowd where every game shouldn't be "pull your weight, or we lose". I don't like that man. I like "well, I suck, but there at least 5 other people on the team".

3. That strike feels like it was ripped straight from Destiny 1. There was nothing engaging about it at all. Feels like the typical farming fodder. The type of shit you turn your brain off and run again and again, grinding for some stupid little trinket.

This is a game that makes, Jesus, I don't even know, millions upon millions of dollars, from expansion packs, to microtransactions, to actual game sales.
And with those millions of dollars, this is the best they could do?

Graphics look great, but the actual game is business as usual. For me, I think it comes down to 2 words.

Squandered potential.
the playercounts are so utterly fucked for d2

3 for strikes, 4 for pvp and 6 for raids.

.... at least make them multiples of each other or something, it makes no sense how it is now.
I have definitely without a doubt pre-ordered it on PC!

Eagerly awaiting beta acces.

I am nervous about the game being balanced for consoles however. Early impressions of the PC version with kb+m seem to indicate that the game is too easy. Let's hope I'm not sacrificing the experience in order to enjoy buttery smooth frame rate and 1440p glory.
I've already had it pre-ordered on Battle.net (or Blizzard App, or whatever they feel like calling it) for a while, and I haven't played a lick of the first outside of the beta on PS3.


FWIW it says at http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1398837

Classic players who do not own Rise of Iron will find their offering each week in the top rotator, which can feature Zone Control, Combined Arms, Mayhem Clash, Mayhem Rumble or Doubles modes.​

So I guess you can play zone control...

That's exactly the problem "top rotator". In other words, locking me out of game modes that were originally available until a time of their choosing. I can understand locking out DLC content, but game modes until you purchase DLC... Destiny is an incredibly fun game. Terrible business model in my opinion.

The Jer

That's exactly the problem "top rotator". In other words, locking me out of game modes that were originally available until a time of their choosing. I can understand locking out DLC content, but game modes until you purchase DLC... Destiny is an incredibly fun game. Terrible business model in my opinion.
I want to agree with you. However, there may not have enough players to keep me than one legacy playlist. It's common for shooters to need to consolidate and alter playlists as the active player base shrinks. I imagine there aren't many active legacy players. Perhaps not enough for matchmaking. I assume this is the reason for the recent switch to fewer crucible playlists and rotators.


I put over 600 hour into Destiny 1. Does that count as hardcore? II'm severely underwhelmed if this truly representative of the sequel.

611 hours here, and the way the beta favored PVP over PVE was the last straw for me. The weapon limitations and the slow recharge of powers made the combat boring. Not to mention, that they ruined Hunters with stripping away the mobility. I'm not holding my breath for these to be fixed.


I have preorders for PS4 (physical base game) and XBONE (physical LE, digital base game), so I'm already sort of a nightmare person.

As for the Beta, I played during the closed Beta on PS4 and on XBONE last week and it felt okay overall.

  • I'm SP focused and the Inverted Spire Strike was pretty good, as was the story mission (I'd say it seemed to be at least TTK quality level)
  • that being said, it was unfortunate that the new and improved Patrol areas weren't playable at all
  • I don't like the ostensibly PvP-balancing-minded change to weapon categories (just learn from Blizzard and separate PvP and PvE rulesets, Bungie) because they are impacting PvE so heavily
  • the new Subclasses seemed interesting enough to provide some variety there, overall I'm fine with no new Primary classes

So, if I wasn't a nightmare person, I don't think the Beta(s) would have changed my mind about preordering.


COD makes ton of money each year. Are any of those 3 studios considered elite? Same for all the annual sports franchises. Blizzard and Rockstar are examples of studios that generate tons of money while also still showing their creative chops.

I‘ve removed Blizzard from my favorite dev list for years.

Such a "smart" business company...


My favorite co-op games haven't been complete at launch. The first two Borderlands games immediately come to mind for me. Everything doesn't have to agree, but I think a lot of the fun in Destiny is discovering secrets and completing activities with the community while they are fresh. Like I never bought Rise Of Iron and I have zero desire to ever play it now.

as i said, i have my own community of friends, i couldn't care less what the game's community is discovering and doing. I, along with my friends will buy it when the complete edition is out and available for $30.

P.S. i played Handsome Collection with DLCs, that too for $15 with my friends. didnt feel like i missed out on anything.

If you like to play games at launch, good for you. i just don't like paying for incomplete stuff, but hey, that's just me


The beta has deflated my hype to zero, it feels like there was zero effort put into this sequel. And seriously Bungie, chasing that hardcore competitive PVP crowd with a p2p connection and no dedicated servers? Good luck with that.
I'll probably do all the story stuff, the strikes, finish the raid once, some mp for a little and then shelve it for a few months until the first expansion, just like the first one. And I'm ok with that. I don't need every exotic


This game looks like a last gen game. I watched a D1/D2 comparison video and I have to say I prefer there look of D1. For a sequel, the graphics look worse.

After watching many videos, this isn't for me. Looks generic as fuck.


So, I was back on the fence to maybe after giving it another shot.

But then i played the first 30 minutes of Doom. I bought it for £10 after reading the thread about it here on Gaf.

Difference was night and day. Doom handling and weapons really kicked Destiny out of the arena.

It was the very definition of a fun blast.

I swapped back to destiny 2 beta and everything just felt awful in comparison. Like swimming in soup.

So it resolved my mind to skip it.


I want to agree with you. However, there may not have enough players to keep me than one legacy playlist. It's common for shooters to need to consolidate and alter playlists as the active player base shrinks. I imagine there aren't many active legacy players. Perhaps not enough for matchmaking. I assume this is the reason for the recent switch to fewer crucible playlists and rotators.

It looks suspiciously like an attempt to strongarm consumers into purchasing DLC or lock them out of game modes. I'm certain that their are plenty of players like me who have put destiny down and come back only to realize that staple game modes are no longer playable without giving them more cash. I understand that this is good for business, but as a consumer, this has completely turned me off of the Destiny series.
So, I was back on the fence to maybe after giving it another shot.

But then i played the first 30 minutes of Doom. I bought it for £10 after reading the thread about it here on Gaf.

Difference was night and day. Doom handling and weapons really kicked Destiny out of the arena.

It was the very definition of a fun blast.

I swapped back to destiny 2 beta and everything just felt awful in comparison. Like swimming in soup.

So it resolved my mind to skip it.

I enjoyed the first Destiny, but feel the same as you about Destiny's gameplay now that DOOM (and Splatoon) is out. Destiny just feels so cumbersome in comparison to those.
That new weapon system is shit.


Well first of all I felt severely weaker compared to Destiny 1. I really dislike the dual primaries change and power weapons are not strong enough to justify the scarcity of purple ammo drops. The strike literally felt just like any strike from Destiny except now you have to chip away at all enemies with your pea shooters since secondary and heavy weapons have been nerfed to help to accommodate a PvP mode I couldn't care less about.

I just expected a big improvement from the first game, but it literally feels like another expansion that is worse in some ways. I can't point to anything and say wow this is a big step up from the first Destiny. I stopped playing Destiny early 2016 because I was bored with it and I felt boredom with this right from the start. I want to like it so hopefully Bungie is hiding something that will elevate this above Destiny 1.5, but the odds are against that happening.

Meh I'll probably buy it at some point and beat all the content then sell it. Not gonna grind the same shit for hundreds of hours like I did the first time around.

One thing is clear. Bungie is no longer an elite development studio. They are going to continue making a ton of money though so maybe that is enough for them.

You are REALLY going out on a limb after playing a tiny slice of D2 here. Might want to reel that hyperbole in.
The Strike in the beta was not great. The boss was tough with 2 other teammates who were just running around. Not sure I'm going to pick this up.


Day 1 ps4, sometime in the future on PC unless the game turns me off drastically.

They have me hooked already, I'm doomed to it at this point.
They need to massively buff primary guns in pve if they're going to stick with dual primary slots. Many of the guns just feel awful to use.


I'll buy it after I'm done with the content in D1. I just recently got the final expansion on a sale.

None of my friends are buying D2 so I have no obligation to hurry and get it day 1.

I'm also curious to see how reception of the game is overall... I'm not a fan of the changes, so if there is a general backlash and people opt to play more D1 instead, that'll likely apply to me as well. I also hope D1 remains relevant.
Had fun with the first opening mission and in the strike. PvE is where ill be! PvP was the same song and dance for me - might play here and there but ill try and focus on PvE! Gonna play it on the xbox one x though.


I haven't pre-ordered yet but I plan on getting the PC version on release day. The beta was pretty good, didn't do anything to dissuade me from buying the game. It definitely feels like more Destiny, which I'm excited for. The only problem I had with the beta was trying to get used to swapping between two primaries, but I think once I get accustomed to that it'll be fine. PC version is going to be beautiful, can't wait for October.


I put closer to 200 hours in to first Destiny and its expansions. But I lost interest in the game because it turned into a worthless grind for items which would soon become obsolete. This second game seems to be more of the same. I think their decisions for balancing the PVP are the wrong ones.

Also Bungie's decision not to release certain content on Xbox and PC is the worst business practice of this generation.


They need to massively buff primary guns in pve if they're going to stick with dual primary slots. Many of the guns just feel awful to use.

They will (and have)

They said they upped weapon (and grenade) damage against non player combatants a while ago. Beta build is months old.

It's good because I also felt my guns weren't killing Cabal as fast as my D1 guns killed D1 Cabal. The scout they gave me was horrendously bad as well.


I just found out after reaching out to Activision that reviewers won't get to play until servers go live on launch day. Did we know this?
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