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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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Ha always interesting to see how the defenders will spin blatant racism. Surprised to see more defence in the early pages vs thread in OT.

Love how he tired to recover with "I don't mean that in a..."
Are we sure it's him? Multiple people are on the stream party chat.

Not defending him btw. Just want to make it's him talking.
Loool defence force truly is something.


And? This is how he makes a living

End of the day, any person is going to be hurt more over their livelihood being in jeopardy then being offended, rightfully so, by a racial slur.

The fact is PewDiePie bringing many others down with him is a high probability, and that's going to hurt more than feelings. The man being worried over his way of making a living being taken down by one man being a complete jackass on camera is a legit reason to be concerned

WOW, did you miss the point.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
So according to "daniel whitecastle" who was referenced a few pages ago, apparently pewdiepie also has videos denying climate change and defending trump? The worst timeline with his amount of subscribers
Pop culture. Sure. Kids grow up listening to American rap without understanding shit, they only really interiorize that you need to drop "nigger" and "fuck" every two words to be cool. They believe it's just slang. If they saw a black American they'd try to approach him using "nigger" thinking they're just being friendly. People use "nigger" trying to immitate what they listen to in music and watch on TV.

We don't study American history at school more than we do Chinese or Russian. Heck, most people struggle trying to remember anything at all about our own. And no swear word will ever have the same impact when it doesn't belong to your own language. More than that, most people will struggle to understand just how loaded just one word can be.

To put it another way, your average European racist isn't as knowledgeable as to go straight to "nigger" when trying to think of a racist slur in English.

These are just the facts, and I know they may be shocking, but don't shoot the messenger. It's just how it is. Not defending anything.

awwww so close to bingo
Max should not be placed in the same sentence as this asshole, Max came on here and owned it and apologized. Pewds has obviously done this before and used it as an insult.

I wish we should stop with the narrative that Europe doesn't know what the n word is let alone its history.
I'm not sure why he said "average racist" but average European person definitely doesn't understand how loaded that word is, especially if you're from poorer backgrounds and English isn't your native language.

I'm an average European and I know how loaded is the term. Hell, my sister barely watches any Youtube and she knows.

He's been in America, he is friends with people in America (Ethan from h3h3 for example) and he surely watched enough Internet: shows, movies, videos, news to understand the term.

If you know the word, you now how offensive it is.
Which, ironically, is expressed via social media.

Right, that's the point I was trying to elicit. Social media really is antisocial media in the truest sense of the word, even when used by good intentioned people. A huge part of the problem is the reductionist nature in the way communicating is handled plus the fact that anonymity (i.e., lack of accountability) and easily solidified echo chambers (i.e., information bubbles) amplify a predisposition for shitty behavior.
And people were trying to act like I was a dick for not allowing my son to watch streamers in a past thread on the subject. Not letting him associate with that community.

Whoever told you that is ignorant. It's certainly not an healthy environnement for a child. Heck, depending on his age, I'm not sure internet is an healthy environnement to access freely and should be monitored.


This video is much worse than I could have even imagined. I've never seen his videos or even heard him speak. Glad this was rehosted so at least this shithead doesn't get another view.
Also, Ian Miles Cheong, beyond being as dumb as a sack of very dumb rocks, is literally a nazi apologist, so quit being shocked that he doesn't mind someone dropping a racial slur. You don't actually need to post his garbage here and give it a wider audience.

I just read about this guy. He's something else....


A lot of you people don't realize how much "nigger" hurts African Americans emotionally on the inside when used.

Its not something we can throw back at anyone else with an equivalent phrase. we have a history of hundreds upon hundreds of years of traumatization ingrained in us from that word.

There is no word like it, that is why it is specifically used by white people for shock value either online or offline to dehumanize black americans. You have to understand this before dismissing criticism of someone using that word. We only became 'free' 40 years ago or so, and its obvious we still have a long way to go.

Just quoting your post since it was this kind of explanation which helped me realise the gravity of the word. It's not "just a word" and people who get upset by it aren't "just special little snowflakes." Words like n***er and f***ot are maybe the most abusive in the English language. Historically, the majority of people who used these words used them to abuse vulnerable minorities, so naturally those minorities have developed a negative association with those words.

It's like if someone was abusing you and they were always calling you... it's difficult to even think of something which would be on the same level, but let's say they called you fatty because you were overweight. If you were abused with that word every day you would soon develop a really negative association with it. Now imagine if your family had been abused, enslaved, and systematically oppressed for generations and the justification was always some bullshit like: "They're just fatties." You probably wouldn't use the word yourself unless it was cathartic somehow, the same way some black people like to use the word n***a, though even then the pronunciation and spelling is usually altered.

It's actually kind of interesting how slurs can later develop positive meanings though. Afaik the word "slut" used to be extremely negative (and probably still is for some people) but in my personal experience the word has almost always been used positively or jokingly. Language evolves. As time moves on and people get further away from the abuse which generated the negative associations, I think the taboo of some words will fade. Like, wasn't Kraut a slur for Germans around WW2? How many Germans today would actually be offended by that word, if they even knew what it meant? Honest question but my intuition tells me not many. Germans were not nearly abused as much or for as long as black people were though so that's likely why.

Continuing with the example of "slut" though, I hope most of us can see how it might be cathartic to take ownership of the word and use it in a positive way on your own terms. And even though the word was mostly used to shame women, it can also be cathartic for men to use the word, since sexual shame in general was something which both genders have faced. There's also something cathartic about swearing in general, saying words like fuck/cunt/bitch or whatever is in some way an assertion of your independence, since those words were forbidden and punished when we were children it feels good to say them as an adult and face no negative consequences. Of course, it's mostly okay to say those kinds of swear words since afaik they haven't been used to systematically abuse any particular group of people. But I do want to point out that white people might get the same kind of rush from using racial slurs, without understanding the full effect those slurs will have on minorities.

I like to think the best of people, I want to believe that PewDiePie is just ignorant about how and why people would be upset by the use of a word like n***er. He used to say f***ot a lot too but then he stopped when his fans were complaining about it. I think he understands that these words upset people but, since he's probably never suffered harsh abuse himself, I don't think he understands why these words upset people. To him, these words are just like dick/fucker/bastard or something. And there's probably a part of his immature brain which feels a need to assert his independence and saying words which people don't want him to say feels like a harmless way to do it. That's what I want to believe, anyway. There's some law/rule of thumb: "Never assume malice when stupidity explains it." Sorry for the super long post, thanks if you read this far


So according to "daniel whitecastle" who was referenced a few pages ago, apparently pewdiepie also has videos denying climate change and defending trump? The worst timeline with his amount of subscribers

.... What the fuck, can i get some evidence of this?

This isn't some " I don't believe you , I love felix" shit, I just want some time stamps so next time I call this dude out I can have evidence of his fuckery


this is gaming side so i gotta assume someone's already defended him here, yeah?

also anyone that didn't toss him in the bushes a while back is like-minded or hoping defending him will get their meager YT channel more clicks, no in between

Any YouTube backing him up? Would not be surprised

i heard boogie's scheduling a chat, themiddleisagreatplacetobe.gif

can only imagine white supremacist YT is pleased

also jeffree star is prolly calling him an icon


I'm not sure why he said "average racist" but average European person definitely doesn't understand how loaded that word is, especially if you're from poorer backgrounds and English isn't your native language. My mom says n-word when referring to black people and it's not intended as malicious.
Your mum calls black people nigger and you think it's not malicious....
I think your mum is a racist.


So according to "daniel whitecastle" who was referenced a few pages ago, apparently pewdiepie also has videos denying climate change and defending trump? The worst timeline with his amount of subscribers

this is why I roll my eyes whenever people say that these attitudes will simply die off with the older generation

this shit needs to be actively kept in check
I'm an average European and I know how loaded is the term. Hell, my sister barely watches any Youtube and she knows.

He's been in America, he is friends with people in America (Ethan from h3h3 for example) and he surely watched enough Internet: shows, movies, videos, news to understand the term.

If you know the word, you now how offensive it is.

I didn't defend PDP, btw. Just wanted to enlight that the context is different for many parts of Europe, especially poorer people.


because (white) game streamers using these words "in a fit of anger" is still problematic regardless of the context they used them in, and it should not be a trend regardless

Max didn't use the word "in a fit of anger", in fact he was only saying tongue twisters when he scored a kill.


except it fucking was?

like holy shit, why is Max even being brought up in this thread? PDP legit called someone else a nigger as an insult because he was mad. Max said it as unintentional rhyme for a move after doing so prior with other nonsense words. Not the same level at all.

stop bringing him into this.

PDP is a lame with a history of being so. Max is not.
I'm pretty sure he means PDP's wasn't a gaff, not Max's. The only gaff being that PDP wasn't among friends only.


Pop culture. Sure. Kids grow up listening to American rap without understanding shit, they only really interiorize that you need to drop "nigger" and "fuck" every two words to be cool. They believe it's just slang. If they saw a black American they'd try to approach him using "nigger" thinking they're just being friendly. People use "nigger" trying to immitate what they listen to in music and watch on TV.

We don't study American history at school more than we do Chinese or Russian. Heck, most people struggle trying to remember anything at all about our own. And no swear word will ever have the same impact when it doesn't belong to your own language. More than that, most people will struggle to understand just how loaded just one word can be.

To put it another way, your average European racist isn't as knowledgeable as to go straight to "nigger" when trying to think of a racist slur in English.

These are just the facts, and I know they may be shocking, but don't shoot the messenger. It's just how it is. Not defending anything.

What is this bullshit?
I'm not sure why he said "average racist" but average European person definitely doesn't understand how loaded that word is, especially if you're from poorer backgrounds and English isn't your native language. My mom says n-word when referring to black people and it's not intended as malicious.

Sorry but that's BS. A lot of European country either was involved with colonialism and had the same meaning for the n-word or is now involved enough with the internet to know it's not okay to use this word from an American perspective.
Maybe Eastern Europe (and even then). But in Western Europe ? It's 100% a racial slur, in most translations, french, german or italian. And it's meant for black people. And it had its use during Colonialism.


So according to "daniel whitecastle" who was referenced a few pages ago, apparently pewdiepie also has videos denying climate change and defending trump? The worst timeline with his amount of subscribers

Er, what? He released a video talking about how celebrities use tragedies for their own agenda. He says that the hurricanes would happen regardless of who was in office for this term.

You could just watch the video instead of believing strangers on the net though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH7wMFrWYoA
Your mum calls black people nigger and you think it's not malicious....
I think you mum is racist.

Different language. The word doesn't have the same load to it, and we're from poor background. To call my mom racist because of that, is again, incredibly classist.

Also half of Europe was not involved with colonialism. If it was, then yes.




He can't weasel out of this one this time. Every sponsor that hasn't left needs to leave him in the dust. He needs to be vilified and publicly shamed. I want his career to be irreversibly damaged.


yes, that talented of a member
why can't he use "fucking idiot" and "Jesus fucking Christ" "god fucking damn it" like a normal emotionally well tuned person. Those are my go tos by the way.
I'm not sure why he said "average racist" but average European person definitely doesn't understand how loaded that word is, especially if you're from poorer backgrounds and English isn't your native language. My mom says n-word when referring to black people and it's not intended as malicious.
Spoiler alert: Your mom is racist.
When the big article about him happened a lot of people defended him as being taken out of context (which wasn't entirely wrong) and IIRC there was a bit of wagon-circling from some Youtubers because of that. With the generally accepted opinion among Youtubers being that that article was the reason for the advertiser crackdown that happened earlier this year it's looking like everyone who makes their living off of Youtube is going to be calling for his head regardless of where they stand politically.

To be fair to Pewdiepie, he did seem to immediately realize he fucked up. You could also maybe argue that it's a little unfair to hold someone who isn't American to American standards of what is and isn't racist. But in the end none of that matters to the people who brought down the Adpocalypse over what happened earlier this year, so it probably shouldn't matter to anyone else.


Can we get a GAF-sponsored movement started to boycott ALL GAMING STREAMS on YouTube until PewDiePie is summarily held accountable for his actions once and for all?

Yeah, that includes Geoff Keighley's E3 coverage.

We need to bleed this entire platform and every gaming streamer on it dry until PewDiePie and his influence on children across the globe are done away with.
Permanently. For good. No more second chances for this rich, racist fuck.
YouTubers won't be able to circle the wagons any more when their very livelihood is at stake.

These aren't "American standards" for what is and isn't racist. These are human standards of decency. Period.


Hate crime is a crime, but you wouldn't be prosecuted for shouting the n word on an online stream.
The mean of the message doesnt Matter, i have seen online racial injury cases on Court, what exists in any Court country is that there's a bunch of apologist racist judges and lawyers, that think racial injury isnt a crime and try to justify as a mistake, no intention, joke etc.
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