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UK: Ultra Street Fighter II outsold Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite first week in the UK


I'm not shocked that it would get outsold by the newest Street Fighter.


Wait, we are talking the stupidly overpriced remake of an ancient game? Ouch...
you know the situation is at its worst when you have to compared Capcom to NIS supports

I wasn't the one who kicked off that comparison. In fact, my argument speaks to why using NIS as a point of comparison as to why Capcom is doing a terrible job of supporting Switch makes no sense. Bethesda, sure. Square Enix, sure. TK, sure. NIS? Be serious.

The Monster Hunter game everyone expected would be localized?

Also a port, which Hero criticised Capcom as having released and announced nothing but for the Switch so far.
Not surprised. MvC:I is a 20-30 dollar game sold at a full price. Bad graphics, Garbage roster and more than 75% of them is rehash from UMvC3, no X-men. Marvel have so many characters yet they keep picking boring ass MCU characters, No Deadpool(most famous character in Marvel now). Which is a shame because the gameplay is amazing both as a player and as a spectator. Oh well
Though, all things considered, I wouldn't rank Capcom the lowest on the japanese 3rd Party switch scale. BandaiNamco and Level5 have fuck all to show.
Yeah,they all fucked up big time lol.But tbh,not my concern,but it's fun watching people shaming Capcom while having modern Capcom fans hopelessly defending them
I can't help but unfavorably compare it with how Injustice 2 handled character reveals and character trailers. The game has flaws, but you can't watch those trailers and not get even a little be hyped for characters that aren't even majorly popular.

And then I remember reading about how important characters or DLC for MvC:I were just sort of... mentioned off-hand on twitter? That's it?

Where's the hype? The trailer highlights? The spotlights? The presentation that makes every character intro special and worth investing in? It's like a WWE match without the music or stage entrances.

Spectacle is so big for fighting games, and they practically sell themselves to players if you bother to show them off.

I don't get how Capcom could've screwed it up so badly.

NRS has a COD size budget to work with. Capcom has whatever small offerings Marvel gives them and whatever is left that didn't get invested into Monster Hunter: World.


Not surprised. MvC:I is a 20-30 dollar game sold at a full price. Bad graphics, Garbage roster and more than 75% of them is rehash from UMvC3, no X-men. Marvel have so many characters yet they keep picking boring ass MCU characters, No Deadpool(most famous character in Marvel now). Which is a shame because the gameplay is amazing both as a player and as a spectator. Oh well

I feel like I read this exact same criticism a few years back...

Only it was about SFV.

NRS has a COD size budget to work with. Capcom has whatever small offerings Marvel gives them and whatever is left that didn't get invested into Monster Hunter: World.
Yes, but how much of that "COD" budget is needed to make a good trailer to show off your GAME? That's like 101 mandatory stuff. "Here's cool character doing the cool stuff we already programmed into the game. Isn't it cool?"

You don't need a billion dollars for that. Heck, they did it for the last games.

I could whip up a good trailer with some footage and an hour in the video editor and it'd be better than their alternative... which was as close to nothing as you can get.


The fact it was going to take over the 3DS means nothing. The Wii U was the successor to the most popular console of the previous generation and look how that turned out. Not even Nintendo expected the Switch to do as well as it has been. That should tell you everything you need to know. If Nintendo didn't anticipate it, then 3rd parties sure as hell shouldn't be expected to have done so either. As I said before, if Capcom and other third parties do not adapt accordingly, then I'll be ready to fling shit at them.

You're saying everything and its opposite in the span of a few posts. First, software houses looked at the Wii U and they were skeptical of Switch because of it. Then, the fact that 3DS sold well doesn't mean anything because software houses don't look at previous platform to make their decisions (and you bring the example of Wii -> Wii U). Whatever fits your narrative, I guess!

That being said, you're pretty wrong in saying that one might justify third parties not expecting Switch to succeed because Nintendo thought the same. Nintendo anticipated Switch to succeed (Kimishima even told he would have expected a Wii-like success)--Nintendo didn't expect to succeed to such extent during the first year. They underestimated market demand, but they knew it was going to sell well (they expected to ship 2m units at launch, which is a large shipment in March). Also, Nintendo anticipated high sales given how they planned software sales.

Capcom have released USFII, MHXX, are about to release a Resident Evil Revelations 1+2 port and have announced that more games are coming. Again, I see this as no worse than Nippon Ichi other than the fact that Capcom for some wild reason didn't port those NES game compilations.

Of course it's worse. Nippon Ichi is a small company (you cannot directly compare the quantity of games released) and they put their top product on Switch at launch, with more to come. A comparable support would have been to have REVII at least announced for Switch, not a compilation of two games that released on all platforms under the sun. I'm not comparing actual output or sales: Capcom and Nippon Ichi are very different companies. I'm comparing the speed of adaption: Nippon Ichi made it very clear that Switch will be the platform they will support in the future alongside those they are already supporting, and they started with their most important product. Capcom, on the other hand, is lucky to have a big Switch title ready for late 2018.


Saint Titanfall
NRS has a COD size budget to work with. Capcom has whatever small offerings Marvel gives them and whatever is left that didn't get invested into Monster Hunter: World.
Marvel doesn't pay for these games Capcom pays Marvel to use the license. It's all on them.


Junior Member
At least you couldn't say that most of the SFV roster was ripped straight out of SFIV or that it looked like shit visually.
Agreed, at least SFV had the excuse of redoing the entire roster from scratch for both veterans & newcomers. Though to be fair, starting from scratch is the usual MO for new numbered Street Fighter games. But to be honest, given how good most of the SFV animations are, I'd be cool with them being recycled for SFVI for the sake of a larger base roster.


The damage was done the moment they showed that Chun face, hope Capcom will learn that first impression matters the most for kids nowadays and never show something so incomplete and rushed like that to people to again.
I feel like I read this exact same criticism a few years back...

Only it was about SFV.

Yes, but how much of that "COD" budget is needed to make a good trailer to show off your GAME? That's like 101 mandatory stuff. "Here's cool character doing the cool stuff we already programmed into the game. Isn't it cool?"

You don't need a billion dollars for that. Heck, they did it for the last games.

I could whip up a good trailer with some footage and an hour in the video editor and it'd be better than their alternative... which was as close to nothing as you can get.
Those trailers still cost a lot of money. They went in hard on those SFxT CGI trailers and that didn't pay off well in the end for them.
Depends on the character...

I honestly have NO idea why they changed art styles for MvC:I. The old comic style did a lot of the heavy-lifting to hide graphical limitations and weirdness.
Cuz it looked like a comic book.


Those trailers still cost a lot of money. They went in hard on those SFxT CGI trailers and that didn't pay off well in the end for them.

Cuz it looked like a comic book.

SFxT would have done much better if Capcom didn't do their stupid on disk dlc scandal and pay to win model.


I honestly have NO idea why they changed art styles for MvC:I. The old comic style did a lot of the heavy-lifting to hide graphical limitations and weirdness.

I have no evidence but I assume a combination of Capcom wanting to differentiate it from MvC3 and Marvel pushing for a more 'MCU' look.

I think it worked out okay for Iron Man, Hulk and Nova. Most other characters transitioned awkwardly and some characters like Arthur and Dormammu are barely changed and thus look out of place.


You don't need a billion dollars for that. Heck, they did it for the last games.

I could whip up a good trailer with some footage and an hour in the video editor and it'd be better than their alternative... which was as close to nothing as you can get.

By all means, whip out multiple high quality CGI trailers in your video editor. I'll be awaiting the results.
Also a port, which Hero criticised Capcom as having released and announced nothing but for the Switch so far.

Okay gotcha. Fair enough.

But the reason why NIS is being brought up is because they ported the newest entry in their biggest franchise to the Switch on month 3. They don't have the recognition or IPs to compare against Capcom.

Ignoring NIS and just taking what Capcom has actually produced this gen Dead Rising 3, Dead Rising 4, Street Fighter 5, Resident Evil Revelations 2, MvC:Infinite and Resident Evil 7 I think it ahould be expected that what the bring to the table is ports. 2 of those ganes are platform exclusive and the rest are either unlikely ports or in the case of RE:R2 are getting ported.

The issue with Capcom is all they really do to fill software gaps is produce remasters. Remasters that can run on every current gen system with ease. So not having Switch lined up for those ports basically means Switch doesn't receive third party support from Capcom.

Revelations collection was reactive, not proactive. No MH:XX localization. No ports of NES games. No port of Okami, something even the Wii got. When all you do to sell software apart from 2 new titles a year is port things then it's fair criticism for people to take issue when you aren't porting them. At this point in time Bethesda has more titles lined up for the Switch than Capcom. That's embarassing given the audience and historical differences there.

This is ignoring that the thing that really pissed people off is the MH:W + MH:XX combo. Tbh, we all know that's why everyone is salty.


World really is their Hail Mary, huh.
Unfortunate that their horrible failures everywhere else are putting the burden on Monster Hunter. This is a big step forward for the series and yet half the discussion is "But what if it isn't a huge smash hit?" In a healthy Capcom environment, that would mean just porting to Switch and selling oodles in Japan like other portable entries. In this environment, it's "Oh noez, Capcom is dead!"


Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Capcom doesn’t know what they're doing. They know exactly what they're doing.

I see what you did there

Also, wow. Never expected that, lol. My ancient prediction that USF2 will eventually outsell SF5 doesn't look so stupid now!
You're saying everything and its opposite in the span of a few posts. First, software houses looked at the Wii U and they were skeptical of Switch because of it. Then, the fact that 3DS sold well doesn't mean anything because software houses don't look at previous platform to make their decisions (and you bring the example of Wii -> Wii U). Whatever fits your narrative, I guess!

Eh? Wii U bombed, the next system would no doubt be met with caution. By the same token, Wii U was the successor to the wildly successful Wii and so Switch also being a 3DS successor doesn't guarantee it's success. After the Wii > Wii U transition, I don't see anything wrong a developer to also meet the 3DS > Switch transition with skepticism. This is especially true when you consider that Nintendo has done a mighty poor job of transitioning from one hardware generation to the next in recent years.

The Switch is the only new flagship Nintendo product that has come out of the gates swinging since the Wii, a decade ago.

Capcom, on the other hand, is lucky to have a big Switch title ready for late 2018.

And this right here, is where my issue lies. You do not know this.. You cannot, with a straight face, tell me that Capcom will be lucky to have a big Switch title ready for late 2018 when we don't even know what they have coming for anything through 2018, save for Monster Hunter World. For all we know there is stuff in the pipeline. It could go either way, I just think it's too early to start making assumptions and proclamations about Capcom's long term Switch support.

I'd love for more support from Capcom on the Switch, I'm just willing to wait longer than 6 months before giving them shit for the lack of it.


The budget and timeline of this game killed the game and I said that back in April. MHW is pretty much the next big thing for Capcom, if that game doesn't do well Capcom folds within 5 years.


Capcom's fighting game division is an insane money pit. It basically has no reason to exist beyond vanity projects.

And it's been that way for years. Their last real hit was fucking Street Fighter IV.
Also having it not be a terrible game in general would've helped.
SFxT was the precursor to Infinite. We didn't realize greatness before.
Well, apparently what they're trying now isn't working out nearly as well commercially as the comic book style.

Turns out "stylized games don't sell" is a load of crap, who knew?

Spider-Man is gonna sell a lot and there's no sign of comic book look anywhere in that game. The MCU look is still a popular look.


By all means, whip out multiple high quality CGI trailers in your video editor. I'll be awaiting the results.
To play Devil's advocate, I've seen lonewolf SFM/Blender artists that have made better looking albeit NSFW content in SFM than anything Capcom's shown in their promos.


And you know that the well is poisoned for PR when everything from Capcom is met with "test" jokes.

We already dried up the "function" & "no one will remember them" jokes from the well; "test" jokes are all we have left.


And this right here, is where my issue lies. You do not know this.. You cannot, with a straight face, tell me that Capcom will be lucky to have a big Switch title ready for late 2018 when we don't even know what they have coming for anything through 2018, save for Monster Hunter World. For all we know there is stuff in the pipeline. It could go either way, I just think it's too early to start making assumptions and proclamations about Capcom's long term Switch support.

I'd love for more support from Capcom on the Switch, I'm just willing to wait longer than 6 months before giving them shit for the lack of it.

And this is correct especially given Capcom's recent turnaround from announcement to release.

RE7: Announced June 2016 and released January 2017
MVC:I: Announced December 2016 and released September 2017
MHW: Announced June 2017 and will be released January 2018
DR4: Announced June 2016 and released December 2016

The only one that is off from that pattern is SFV which was announced December 2014 and released February 2016

Now I don't know how all of that ties into the actual quality of the games but this is just what we've seen from announcements and release dates.
I also as a side note don't really give a shit about skepticism on the WiiU to Switch transition given when talking about Capcom the discussion is not about current gen releases but rather ports. What skepticism really needs to exist to make you not port NES games or Okami, a game that bombs every time you release it anyway?

This isn't like being annoyed at no Fighter Z or Code Vein or PES or even all those 3DS games Atlus is sending to bomb. We talking ports of games you're gonna sell for $20.
And nobody is surprised.

Seriously. As someone who loves fighting games, owns switch, PS4, XB1 and PC...... both Infinite and USFII were ignored. But if I had to make a choice, I would have gotten USFII. Something about Infinite looks like I would just get bored or mad playing it.
"Why didn't you buy MVCi Dragonzdogma?"

Graphics (character models) are not that great looking and lack style.
Roster is very bland and didn't impress me.
Spider-Man is gonna sell a lot and there's no sign of comic book look anywhere in that game. The MCU look is still a popular look.

MvCI doesn't an MCU look. With cartoon/anime Capcom characters like X, Arthur, Morrigan and comic Thor, it's a hybrid which is why it looks so bad.

It sits in the middle of the scale from DBFZ to Injustice 2, and executes neither comic/animation style or live action movie adaptation style as well as either.


Capcom's fighting game division is an insane money pit. It basically has no reason to exist beyond vanity projects.

And it's been that way for years. Their last real hit was fucking Street Fighter IV.

SFV didn't sell 2mil copies yet, but I assume that game is already making them profits with all the dlc costumes they are selling, otherwise Capcom would have axed it long time ago, like they did with SFxT.


Saint Titanfall
Eh? Wii U bombed, the next system would no doubt be met with caution. By the same token, Wii U was the successor to the wildly successful Wii and so Switch also being a 3DS successor doesn't guarantee it's success. After the Wii > Wii U transition, I don't see anything wrong a developer to also meet the 3DS > Switch transition with skepticism. This is especially true when you consider that Nintendo has done a mighty poor job of transitioning from one hardware generation to the next in recent years.

The Switch is the only new flagship Nintendo product that has come out of the gates swinging since the Wii, a decade ago.

And this right here, is where my issue lies. You do not know this.. You cannot, with a straight face, tell me that Capcom will be lucky to have a big Switch title ready for late 2018 when we don't even know what they have coming for anything through 2018, save for Monster Hunter World. For all we know there is stuff in the pipeline. It could go either way, I just think it's too early to start making assumptions and proclamations about Capcom's long term Switch support.

I'd love for more support from Capcom on the Switch, I'm just willing to wait longer than 6 months before giving them shit for the lack of it.
The 3DS didn't and the switch was as much a successor to that as it was to the wii u. You know the system where capcom's most profitable franchise was on and why the bothered to port XX in the first place? You can't have that cake and eat it nothing about Capcom's support acts as if the switch was anything but a successor to the 3DS. So far it's only got ports to games that well on the 3DS. Not a single of their regular console offerings.


Unconfirmed Member
SFV didn't sell 2mil copies yet, but I assume that game is already making them profits with all the dlc costumes they are selling, otherwise Capcom would have axed it long time ago, like they did with SFxT.

Wasn't Sony footing the bill with SF5 though?
MvCI doesn't an MCU look. With cartoon/anime Capcom characters like X, Arthur, Morrigan and comic Thor, it's a hybrid which is why it looks so bad.

It sits in the middle of the scale from DBFZ to Injustice 2, and executes neither comic/animation style or live action movie adaptation style as well as either.

If your looking at Capcom characters than yeah, it doesn't. But it's clear from the Marvel roster that was the direction with the visuals they wanted to go. I'm not even saying they accomplished it but that is what they were going for.
The good news is that World legitimately looks good. The question is how they will or have handled the rest. After all, Resident Evil 7 looked good too and it still underperformed.

Forsaking the style that made MH popular in the first place (portability and local coop) to chase that western golden egg is weird, to put it mildly.


MvCI doesn't an MCU look. With cartoon/anime Capcom characters like X, Arthur, Morrigan and comic Thor, it's a hybrid which is why it looks so bad.

It sits in the middle of the scale from DBFZ to Injustice 2, and executes neither comic/animation style or live action movie adaptation style as well as either.

MvCI's animations are actually pretty good, both new and recycled. They just aren't going for the same frame-scrimping anime style as DBFZ.
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