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The state of NeoGAF

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Well, i don't know anything about PR. But i know that if i was falsely accused of something, i like to think i wouldn't just acquiesce whatever the loudest mob wanted from me.

I understand that's a normal inclination but you'd be digging a hole. It's similar to the streisand effect. This is why every major business has a PR department, to talk people down from saying things that get them into trouble.


what are these hundreds of posts saying that GAF is now dead, yet a weak ago they considered GAF to be perfectly fine?

are these people saying that the site/community is now dead to justify leaving?

i'm a bit lost here...


So this is the level of discourse we can expect from nu GAF, right.

This shit would've been bannable days ago.

Bdeh, just ban me and get over with it. I've always used an ad blocker anyway.

That is a blatant lie. People could say this and far worse to others if they agreed with the mods' politics. Not that I like the quoted post but please, spare us your indignation.


I don't know how the "no political discussion" rule can work in any shape or form without causing a ton of crazy bans and confusion.


Unconfirmed Member
The way this is all being handled is inexcusably bad, it's just a master class in bad executive decisions. There isn't much community left here, but removing the Off Topic forum because the owner of the website allegedly did something disgusting several years ago -- and was identifies -- is punishing the community for disgusting decisions that the owner of the website made.

Evilore, the Off Topic forum did not make you make the wrong decision or do the wrong thing 2 years ago or 5 years ago. The Off Topic forum did not make Amir0x download child pornography. Yes, the Off Topic forum exposes risk for your business (these three issues are examples of that risk), but the reason your business is a business is largely because the site has both a gaming discussion area (which I think is the initial draw for most members) and then an off topic area (which most members also chat in). I think most people here became members to chat about videogames, but then naturally, you chat about other things you're interested in -- sports, movies, music, or the really specific topics like the Black Culture threads, developer/programming threads, or the communities like WrassleGaf or NFLGaf. Punishing those communities because you or your former staff are exposing your business to risk with poor choices is not the right way to handle this.

There have been a number of high profile sexual assaults in the news lately, and while most folks are talking about Harvey Weinstein, Liberty Mutual -- the investment firm -- has also recently fired two employees for sexual misconduct at the workplace. It wouldn't be right for Liberty Mutual to say, "We're not having the company Christmas Party, because Christmas parties is what got us into this mess in the first place," or "We're not going to participate in social out reach because social out reach has made us look like hypocrites with these sexual assaults." No, because it's not The Christmas Party or the Social outreach program that's causing the problem: It's bad, hurtful, or illegal decisions made by you or by some former staff members.

You've always had a reputation for making brash decisions, and most of these have not faired well for you. Poorly thought out statements about Amir0x that bent the truth, came too late, and just weren't handled correctly; decisions to ban certain topics from being discussed; decisions to ban certain members or former staff, and scores of others. This, though, is clearly the worst decision and it shows in inability to accept fault. This decisions seems to simply be another projection: "I've made bad decisions in my life and business, and so the business must be punished." That doesn't make any sense, it's selfish and delusional.

You have an opportunity to make the right decision. Obviously you feel like this site is your baby and "it's your's," but this business exists in spite of you, not because of you. It can be hard for a CEO or business owner to give up something that they think is theirs, many CEOs resist this and are befuddled when their board ousts them for a business that they themselves launched. The right thing for you to do would have been to announce that you're taking an indefinite leave of absence from NeoGaf. Revenue from the site would be put into an escrow account to cover expenses and hire staff who would manage it in your absence. A board of staff (moderators, admins) would be formed to hire staff who would manage the site and support the community. Those would be base level decisions which would ensure, at least, some integrity with the site which would keep at least some members around. The site would persist and could possibly bounce back, ultimately you wouldn't be punishing your customers or your business for your own bad decision. Instead, you made the wrong decision with how this was handled and then continually made the wrong decision with how you're going to move forward with this, instead of holding yourself accountable, you're punishing the community that has made your business successful.

It shows an utter lack of self-awareness which then also undermines any integrity that you're trying to preserve against allegations like the ones you're facing.

Step aside, Evilore. No point in the continued existence of this site until you do.


it'd be blatantly obvious this isn't the case if you bothered reading literally any other active thread on page 1

Clearly is the case, which is why the forum has gone to shit despite no evidence either way. Also, no thanks, like I want to read any of the obvious or subtle attempts at "HEY BAN ME TOO i was fine with the child molesting pedo mods but this naked shower shit is JUST TOOOOOO MUCH FOR ME" bandwagoning rn.

Mr. Robot

Im mostly on the gaming side of the forum, but always noticed that mods/admins use their position to influence people or else they get banned if they disagree, also a lot of shit has come out about how the site handled shaddy stuff with past mods, washing their hands and pretending they didn't know them, it's just not worth it to be around for gaming news, im sure theres good people in here, but its just not worth it.

And btw its sad to see, to sumarize, that a few days ago everything was all "Im glad people are coming out with their stories", "We need this to stop", "Women are putting up with shit" turn into "She is lying", ""She wanted it, if not she would not fucked him later", for those people, Fuck you hypocrites.

Im out.


So this is the level of discourse we can expect from nu GAF, right.

This shit would've been bannable days ago.

Bdeh, just ban me and get over with it. I've always used an ad blocker anyway.

Eh, I would expect it to get better as people calm down. This is sort of a defacto vent/ban me thread with posts like mine of just chain of thought or some really well thought out responses to the OP and then some bullshit like the porn and shit that was posted earlier.

I expect this thread to continue to be a mess since it's essentially the OT stand in.


I'm curious is the mods now being "anonymous" so you don't have to explain why they really left? Because lets be real "stress and harassment" sounds like you not wanting to explain something. It also gives the appearance that they didn't leave on their own accord. As if they were still in support of you as if you did nothing wrong. I mean if Evilore was being 100% truthful you'd think his friends would be the first people to try and regain some order and defend him right? So now mods won't interact with the community or will they on dummy names without people being aware of who they are?


Sure. It was some kind of silent toxic lurking sleeper alt-righters that were causing all this forum's problems, sure.

We're certain that far left progressives were NOT attacking and scapegoating anyone somewhat more moderate. Nope. That never went on anywhere, ever. Right?

So many of you still can't see it, and can't understand. Maybe Evilore can't either and is just trying to save face somehow. But it really is amazing.

The fact you read what he did not say, is interesting to me.
So this is the level of discourse we can expect from nu GAF, right.

This shit would've been bannable days ago.

Bdeh, just ban me and get over with it. I've always used an ad blocker anyway.

I've seen far worse discourse by the antifa posters and mods in the past. None of that ever led to bans. Like I would never swear but had plenty of people drop f bombs on me without issue. You probably just never realised that because it was OK for you as long as it didn't happen to you or anyone who's opinion you shared. Just like posters like to claim there was no racism here except I witnessed racism and sexism on NeoGAF daily, I mean we had entire threads just calling Indians shit to name but few or posters who would argue for killing all Jews and then the countless of garbage thrown at Japan and Japanese posters and more.


Unconfirmed Member
To everyone jumping to conclusions before knowing the facts... You would not want this happening to you right? Settle down.

Stop crucifying someone before you know wtf is going on.

Goodluck Tyler.

Anyways.. Glad GAF is back!
Even if the allegations are totally fabricated, Tyler deserves to be crucified for the way he's handled this. Releasing no statement while the mod team leaves and the site burns, relaunching with no OT, and demanding a site with an identity tied to its politics to go non-political, all show that he's utterly incompetent as a manager of this forum.


One thing I will say; after being down for a couple of days, a lot of comments revolving around this forum were quite negative and mostly about the political stuff, so I'm not surprised at the change implemented.

I do feel that political stuff should be allowed again in (far) future, but it needs it's own sub-forum. Maybe call it "dumpster fire" :)
Yeah, because I want to read any of the obvious or subtle attempts at "HEY BAN ME TOO i was fine with the child molesting pedo mods but this naked shower shit is JUST TOOOOOO MUCH FOR ME" bandwagoning rn.

"active" thread, not the single-digit-reply shitposts

the waypoint thread is literally full of people declining to take leupp's side


You can't have debate without disagreement, but to paint all debate as "toxic" simply for including disagreement is a cowardly move. I pity anyone who felt so threatened by opposing opinions that they would actually applaud this change.


This site does really have a reputation for being quite left leaning and being quite political during the current Trump era
looooooooooool only compared to fucking reddit or 4chan. this off-topic is center-left at best. we had countless threads shitting on bernie and his "white dudebro" supporters for daring to oppose hillary's coronation despite the fact that her faux-feminism and wokeness was bullshit opportunism to shore up her upper-class base who naively cares far more about racism/sexism/anti-LGBT than the capitalistic class system that these three things derive their power from in the first place.

off-topic was more for applauding some useless kneeling gesture that has had its meaning completely change by the corporate class and for totally epic anti-trump zingers from comedians brought to you by folks just like you at media conglomerates like The Walt Disney Company and Viacom, not for anything of actual substance.


You know what I've always hated most about Neogaf?

I rarely felt like I could speak my mind. You risked being called something terrible for simply asking a question, or asking for more evidence, or simply being on the fence about something. I realize people hate toxicity, but the ban culture here -fostered- toxicity because the bandwagon attack mobs were allowed to shower insults at will... even if the insults themselves were hate driven ['cunt', for example].

If you asked a question, you were accused of baiting. Do you guys realize how toxic that is? People should always be allowed to ask questions. If you asked for more evidence, you were done. Heck, I fucking hate Trump. But if I mention that? Then clearly, I'm lying... right? I'm just setting up for something else. Bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. I've been far more left than almost every one here for longer than most here have been alive... but just because I don't agree with their agenda I risk being painted as a fascist, which is absurd. That's a culture of fear. That's censorship through ideology shaming. I guarantee my anarchy trumps your fucking Clinton loving nonsense, but god forbid I say anything against Clinton, because I get painted as a Trump loving fascist. That's sick. Sick, sick, sick. Broken minds led by broken ideology ruled by broken moderation that can't handle being questioned.

Now, you know what? I don't know if you're guilty of anything. I don't know if what was said to happen happened, and honestly, even if it did, I don't know what signals were or weren't sent, or what level of miscommunication happened. So I don't particularly like that you were summarily executed by mob. My guess is you're full of shit... but I know that's just a guess. I know I have no idea. And I won't execute you for it, just like I wouldn't execute Naughty Dog, even though it was so much fun for people here to leap to ridiculous conclusions based on a single tweet.

But you know what? You fostered an environment that summarily executes with no evidence. So while I hate it, and I'll -always- be on the side of 'wait for more information' regardless of the topic, I can't say I can't see the sick humor of it all. Some people need to learn by example, and if you're truly innocent of all charges, then I hope next time someone gets accused of something you support the presumption of innocence. This is not saying I don't think horrible things happen all the time - they do... my wife has been sexually harassed at work and I know how hard it is to come forward and rock the boat.

If you're guilty, then I hope you learn. Evolve. Grow. Become a better person. Everyone can change, even though some swear no one can.

If you're innocent, then also learn. Evolve. Grow. The culture of 'no proof needed' you fostered is sick... it flies in the face of everything our collective cultures have learned and fought for over the past few millennia. You reaped what you sowed, and it's either ironic, or horrifying, based on your guilt... which I can never know.

I'll probably get banned for this post. I don't think I said anything worth being banned for. In fact, I think this is a pretty fair assessment of both your actions, the accusations against you, and the general culture of this site. If you ban me, fine. If you don't, I'll still be here, posting, because, honestly, I don't judge a community on a single individual member. Heck, I don't judge -you- based on actions of a previous you, because I know people change over time.

People learn. People grow. People evolve. Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Now it's time for you to do so, and in the process, evolve this site so it doesn't become an echo chamber of toxicity against anything deemed toxic.

Quote for truth.

Don't take it the wrong way, but I don't really care about the moderating staff as long as they do their job. Which I feel they haven't been doing properly for the last few years. You just have to look at all those random bans with all those insane reasons.

But the derailing of every fucking single thread into a political discussion was really exhausting. Especially because it wasn't a discussion but just a bunch of far-left people talking to themselves. I'm center-left. And I can't count the times I was shouted down for my opinions. Or just made fun off, with sassy posts and gifs.

People like those is why more and more people disliked this board. I really hope they don't come back and build their own containment zone that everyone can continue to ignore.

To you accusations. Maybe you did it, maybe you didn't. If you really did it, then fuck you. If you didn't, then it's a really good lesson in what kind of community was fostered here. One that will jump to conclusions and won't wait for more information to come out.

I always ignored these kind of people. But the whole Tim Soret thing just showed me how Insane a big group of people on here really is/was. Liking a game made by a big group of people? Nope forbidden because of one person involved. Same with a Hat in Time. Playing and talking about one of the best platformers in years? Nope forbidden because JonTron has three fucking lines in the game. (Amounting to like 10 seconds at best.) Really nice priorities there gaf. Can't get much more paranoid than that. It's an really easy life when everyone who disagrees with you is a alt-right gamergate nazi. And someone who doesn't want to discuss politics 24/7 (especially politics from another country) is even worse.

If you really want to follow through in "banning" political discussions and making gaming the focal point again. Then I'll stay and see how that pans out.


This act of believing accusations simply because they are made is downright frightening. It pretty much throws reason to the wind.
Hmph. Well, GAF is the place where I got all my gaming news.

I'll stick around to see if this place can continue to be that place for me. Don't disappoint me.
The people who don't are getting banned, figure it out lmfao.

Herr Schwarz, among others, has literally been actively posting on Malka's side in that thread since the forums came back up with no sign of an impending ban

you read what you want to read, i guess


Other than him being naked she didn't allege that he touched her or did anything other inappropriate with her. Nothing. The ridiculous scenario you concocted that she would be attached to him like some rape victims do makes absolutely no sense.

That doesn't just happen with rape victim. It happens with assault victims in general.

And I'm not saying that is definitely what happened but you are being disingenuous in your description of the alleged situation.


I never would have thought gaf would fully embrace the gators, but "get politics out of gaming" is such a clear way of pandering to them. I see them rejoicing all over the internet. The thing they hated has now become their home, and they will wear gaf's hollowed out corpse to mock progressives for years to come. Shame.
looooooooooool only compared to fucking reddit or 4chan. this off-topic is center-left at best. we had countless threads shitting on bernie and his "white dudebro" supporters for daring to oppose hillary's coronation despite the fact that her faux-feminism and wokeness was bullshit opportunism to shore up her upper-class base who naively cares far more about racism/sexism/anti-LGBT than the capitalistic class system that these three things derive their power from in the first place.

off-topic was more for applauding some useless kneeling gesture that has had its meaning completely change by the corporate class and for totally epic anti-trump zingers from comedians brought to you by folks just like you at media conglomerates like The Walt Disney Company and Viacom, not for anything of actual substance.

If center left means you are a homophobic Trump supporter and despicable human being for having reservations against gender change and hormone therapy on an infant then I don't know what universe you live in because that isn't center anything.


And that's been the problem with this site in the past, especially when it came to politics and things like sexual harassment.

Some of these hardcore political motivated posters on here refuse to see there are always two sides of the story. In their minds no woman could ever lie about sexual harassment even though it's happened plenty of times in the past. In their minds, EvilLore is 100% guilty no matter what and he doesn't deserve the time of day to prove his innocence. It's a lynch mob mentality.

Yes it is and it's a bit surprising how people change at the drop of a dime. People need to tone it down with the threats. It's uncalled for to ask for death and whatnot for someone who is at this time only accused. If people don't like it why stay here and post. There are other sites you can go to. If you wanna leave then just do it. I understand their choice but I don't understand how you have to say a put down or talk down about the rest of the gaffers who choose to stay.


I never was a very active member of this site, despite being a member for quite a few years already. It has always been a site I visit a lot tho, and tried to become a bit more active recently. It's sad to see all that happened. Like many here, I could say I found myself lost without the a gaming site to go to.

With that said tho, and despite GAF holding a special place to me, these past events can't simply be forgotten. The handling of the situation, the OT ban and the member/mod exodus has changed the site forever. Both in how it'll be perceived and how it'll actually be. And that's without entering into the accusations themselves.

I hope GAF recovers. I hope every party implicated realizes what could've been done better. And that the mod team actually discover the best way to move forward.

Personally, I'll wait and see how everything develops. And will keep my hopes up.


I see GAF is back up.

I don't know if I want to be a member on this forum anymore. Well, I wasn't even that active before, I mostly lurked, but I still enjoyed my time here (loved the off-topic forums).

Now, it seems everything has changed. And, at least for now, for the worst.

We'll see. But I'm not really confident that GAF will "rise" fron this awful mess.

Maybe it would just have been better to let this place die?


looooooooooool only compared to fucking reddit or 4chan. this off-topic is center-left at best. we had countless threads shitting on bernie and his "white dudebro" supporters for daring to oppose hillary's coronation despite the fact that her faux-feminism and wokeness was bullshit opportunism to shore up her upper-class base who naively cares far more about racism/sexism/anti-LGBT than the capitalistic class system that these three things derive their power from in the first place.

off-topic was more for applauding some useless kneeling gesture that has had its meaning completely change by the corporate class and for totally epic anti-trump zingers from comedians brought to you by folks just like you at media conglomerates like The Walt Disney Company and Viacom, not for anything of actual substance.

Can't quote this enough. If you really wanted to get shit on in the OT, all you had to do was post a truly leftist opinion.


I never would have thought gaf would fully embrace the gators, but "get politics out of gaming" is such a clear way of pandering to them. I see them rejoicing all over the internet. The thing they hated has now become their home, and they will wear gaf's hollowed out corpse to mock progressives for years to come. Shame.

Exactly my feelings. Like politics were what caused this issue. Maybe the Mods that left were the only ones who cared enough to moderate hate speech?


Dot Hacked
Eh, I would expect it to get better as people calm down. This is sort of a defacto vent/ban me thread with posts like mine of just chain of thought or some really well thought out responses to the OP and then some bullshit like the porn and shit that was posted earlier.
How can it get better with tons of people leaving, one way or another? Ontop of that, anyone who stays is gonna be labelled in some negative fashion (course its up to ones self if they care what some person on the internet says about 'em). Things can maybe only go up from here but calling whatever comes next "better" is maybe being overly optimistic.

I'm curious is the mods now being "anonymous" so you don't have to explain why they really left? Because lets be real "stress and harassment" sounds like you not wanting to explain something.
To be fair being a mod at any large forum can lead to those things regardless of who's in charge. I was one at a pretty big forums back in the day and I wouldn't say it was completely stress free, especially if ya also still wanna be a normal member who's still actively posting and doing stuff I was doing pre-mod. Now that was a big forum but GAF? GAF is (was?) a HUGE forum. I dunno how many mods this place used to have but it prolly wasn't anywhere near enough for its size and activity. Mods can easily get burned out from having way more on their plate than they realistically should.
it will recover once the dead beats fuck off!
Is this really what you want though? A site like this? How would you feel if someone told you to "fuck off"? You'd want them banned, right? Because that's a pretty rude thing to say. So why would you say this to anyone else? Is that really what you want NeoGAF to become? A site where you can say this, without any consequence? Because that certainly doesn't sound like a place, as the description on the main site goes, a "neutral ground where facts and evidence, presented within the confines of civil, inclusive discourse, prevail through careful moderation." That sounds like something quite different.

Or is it alright only to say that about certain people, the right people, the one's who "everyone hates anyway"? Because that certainly doesn't sound neutral. And that was apparently what the whole "problem" with the OT and political discussions were in the old NeoGAF--that that was only directed one way or whatever. So is it suddenly okay now that the shoes on the other foot? Because that's definitely not neutral. And either way, the golden rule still applies--treat others the way you want to be treated.

Is this really what people want to see this site become? Stuff like this post? Because I sure don't, but unfortunately it seems like that's what's going to happen if the site keeps on this current track.

No one should have to endure stuff like this. But unfortunately, the decision to blow up the OT promotes exactly this point of view--continued divisiveness and scapegoating. And I can't see how the site can possibly recover from such a thing. It just lets wounds fester and divisiveness grow and grow and grow, instead of tackling it head on. I just can't understand how anyone could consider that a good idea. It only makes problems worse, not better.


I never would have thought gaf would fully embrace the gators, but "get politics out of gaming" is such a clear way of pandering to them. I see them rejoicing all over the internet. The thing they hated has now become their home, and they will wear gaf's hollowed out corpse to mock progressives for years to come. Shame.

Correct. I don’t understand why others can’t see that as a fact.


Clearly is the case, which is why the forum has gone to shit despite no evidence either way. Also, no thanks, like I want to read any of the obvious or subtle attempts at "HEY BAN ME TOO i was fine with the child molesting pedo mods but this naked shower shit is JUST TOOOOOO MUCH FOR ME" bandwagoning rn.
Maybe there are too much stuff going on and people just got tired?
Do you understand how bad it is, if he is innocent, how badly this can tarnish him and affect his whole life. what if he is innocent and this is just a crazy ex, and everything he states has happened. the whole gaming industry is basically nailing him to the cross calling him guilty, he is saying he is innocent. There is no harm having faith in people.
However, you don't know me to judge me saying that I consent that sort of behaviour, because whatever my view is, on this situation, UNLESS you have FACTS that he is guilty, has nothing to do with anyone. IF he was guilty and proven, and I sided with him, ok, different story, but theres no proof, no evidence, and he is saying he is innocent, so until he does get proven guilty, which AGAIN has nothing to do with being apart of a gaming community, im going to continue coming to this board and enjoying talking about gaming with other gamers and if that affects you so much, FUCKING BLOCK ME!

Here's all he needed to do if he was innocent (and competent at his job).

1. Upon seeing this accusation, get in touch with some mods and explain the situation.
2. Issue a statement immediately, addressing the issue and announcing a leave of absence while it is settled.
3. Talk with the accuser privately, and see if a private settlement can be reached. From her statements, it sounds like she didn't intend for this to be such a major scandal.
4. If she's willing to recant (or at least recontextualize) the statement, have her do so through a press outlet.
5. If she's not, go through the needed legal channels.
6. Once a settlement has been reached either way, explain situation to the community and retake leadership.

This is the problem. It's entirely possible EvilLore has already done steps 3-5. But he didn't do steps 1-2, and that caused GAF to implode. So whatever he does now, it's all in pursuit of a dead forum. All of this also ignores his past issues with women, and the previous moderation scandal.

We don't know what happened. We are left with a choice of who to believe, and who to doubt. In a better world, EvilLore distanced himself from the site in a way that allowed people to feel either way - but continue using GAF, knowing that action wasn't supporting him in any financial capacity. He didn't.

You can't reconcile those facts. If you continue to use GAF, you HAVE to deal with the reality that the money you're contributing will be used to try and cover this up. You can't not know that. You're here right now, and you're passionately defending a guy who does not seem to be worth it.

And that's a statement of character.


Sue the person making the allegations if you contest that she lied.

Your name can only be cleared in the courts at this point.

The court of public opinion is the most tyrannical of them all. - Orwell.

Whether NeoGAF recovers or not is entirely up to you going after the accuser. The hive will not take a denial at face value, they will require you to go through the motions. And if you don't go after the accuser, that is as much an admission of guilt as not.

Not saying I believe you or not, I don't know what to believe. But I like the community you've made, and this is as Joss Whedon esque as it comes.

yeah, if what she said wasn't true/was missleading/wasn't the whole picture/etc... are you going to take legal action?

the site took a masive hit after all.
I liked NeoGAF because of the requirements to join, the moderation, and the ability to not just talk about video games but also talk about things like politics and other media.

Then the #MeToo event culminates in EviLore himself getting accused, and the response is victim blaming off-site and additional obfuscation on-site.

I'm not fond of the response and I'm not fond of how I find the site this evening when I decided to check in again.

Clearly this site has meant a lot to me because I've been checking it the last couple of nights, but after this response I'm not sure if I'll continue to visit.

I understand how difficult modding can be. I modded Off-Topic and Console Gaming for PurePwnage during it's heyday, and it took me from being a very nice and helpful member to being rather irritable and crass at times.

But, semi-anonymous moderation might serve to stifle discourse even more. I say semi because there's no way you can moderate completely anonymously, unless you're just not going to give any indications outside of the banned tag.

Speaking of stifling discourse, new Off-Topic sounds like it'll just be like talking to co-workers now and less like a community. Sticking to base level discussions and blatantly ignoring the real world outside of this website doesn't sound ideal to be honest.

Some streams can get away with it but a whole website may not be able to, especially with games media being so heavily steeped in GamerGate and other awful modern alt-right platforms.

Personally I think going "back to just gaming" is almost like admitting we'd all rather ignore the real life situations we just saw unfold this weekend and in general, and just pretend it all never happens.

Which is kind of hard for me to do, personally.

I know no one cares about what I post. I know Juniors and members alike will say something like "good, then be gone with ye." Hey, I may even catch a ban after three years of behaving due to this post. But I wanted to say something because I really enjoyed my time on GAF and I hate to see it come to this.

But, after such a massive unprofessional response to this past weekend I don't think I'll be back. Ironic, considering we've had numerous topics on these exact sorts of events happening and there's plenty of ways to see how not to respond to these sorts of accusations. But yet, here we are, and I'm out.
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