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The state of NeoGAF

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Dear Evilore, I was one of the many who "came for gaming and stayed for OT".

I never posted much but OT was just so good as a news aggregator and the mix of size and competence of the user base made it unique and distinct from social networks or places like reddit.

This place imploded a few days ago because of your too little, too late reaction, but also because this forum actively cultivated a form of zealotry. You can't say now that moderation became too difficult for certain topics, because that was the product of your choices over the years. Choices about who would become mod and what policy should they follow. You could have changed that. I remember a good pinned post some months ago. You talked but you really didn't do much. Drive-by posts on every topic,not just politics, were tolerated because they expressed the "right" point of view. This is a serious problem when politics are framed in absolute, moral (right/wrong) terms.

Now the mods have jumped ship at the first sight of trouble and the zealots are the ones that tell you to fuck off and go to hell. I don't really have a solution for this, but nuking OT, however temporarely, is clearly not a solution.

Perhaps getting some resemblance of order and control for the short term is the correct move, I would certainly do the same in this situation. Until a new mod team is created it makes sense.


I'm glad GAF is back, even if it is in a limited capacity. I've been here a long time and the last couple of days I've actually had to fill my workday with actual work instead of reading GAF on my downtime. This place is my stress reliever and my therapy. That may sound silly, but this place is like my chosen family.

I have to agree on some level that the off topic community, while my favorite place to read, has taken a bit of a nosedive with the way we shout down different opinions and views we don't agree with. Every single day there are multiple threads about what stupid little thing Trump did or said and, while that makes for good conversation, a lot isn't necessary. We all get it, he's an uncultured baffoon. But even the things that he is accused of, with no evidence, are believed as fact and anyone questioning it gets immediately dogpiled and labelled a trump supporter. There is no discussion to be had, it all ends up being an echo chamber. But I think that is more a reflection of the society at the moment rather than a culture problem of GAF. There are great threads here and good reasonable people. Moderate better, don't burn it to the ground.

As for EvilLore, he has to take care of himself and he owes us nothing. I don't know him and don't know if the allegations are true, or quite frankly what the allegations even are specifically. But here's the thing. He couldn't allow threads on a public forum to continue with rampant speculation and conjecture that could be used against him in court. One of those threads had someone talking about previous behavior and protecting Amirox and all kinds of conspiracy theories that had no basis on fact. If the allegations against him ever go to court, all of those posts could be brought up and a jury will believe every word of it.

So while to us it might make him seem guilty or be in poor taste or whatever you want to think, keep this in mind. He didn't do that because he cared how it looked to us, he did that because he was worried how it would look in court. If I was his lawyer I would have advised him to do the same thing.

I'm glad GAF is back.


Banning political discussion seems like a “keep politics out of muh gamez” thing, shit that gamergate did.

Lame and weak


i will really miss off topic board. They typically had news stories before CNN did. It was also mostly void of Trump Suppprters which is a huge bonus for me. Every social website has been infected with angry Drudge Report viewers/commenters , and it was nice to be part of a more private liberal community.

It also helped me get through hurricanes, and made me laugh a ton. I do hope it returns in some form.

For all those folks that feel they need to leave to support their beliefs more power to you. I hope you achieve your mission of total clarity of concious. Good luck with that.


Unconfirmed Member
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Could a mod give me a ban please.

Not because of the ongoing issues around the owner but with the site going down it made me super productive and want to stick to that if possible. Made me realise how much I was using this forum when I could have been doing other things.


Banning political discussion seems like a “keep politics out of muh gamez” thing, shit that gamergate did.

Lame and weak
To be honest, in the many years I'm here, I've only visited OT a handful of times and I thought the Gaming Side was getting too much political discussion and too much pitchforking.
How many of the old mod team is remaining? And any new mods installed?

From what I've read all the old mods left and the new mods are anonymous and use Modbot. So we don't actually know who they are and maybe never will. It could simply be regular users given the Modbot Username and Password.


So why did he say that she's mentally unstable, instead of saying hey I tried to get it on but I mixed up the signals that were given?

No, he doesnt own up to what he did. He gives a bullshit "statement" about her being mentally unstable.

Just own up to it and say hey I fucked up,Ill try to do better next time.

Well the fact that she dated him after such an incident that was supposedly traumatic would lead me to believe she’s not all there personally.

Have you ever had a girlfriend? Who makes the first move? How do you make it? They had been drinking alone in a hotel room, and she got in the shower. I’m not saying it makes what he did right, but I can see why signals may have been mixed.


From what I've read all the old mods left and the new mods are anonymous and use Modbot. So we don't actually know who they are and maybe never will. It could simply be regular users given the Modbot Username and Password.

IT could also be members of the old mod team who didn't actually resigned but wanted to make it look like they did to avoid the internet hate machine. Like you said, we just don't know.


Yeah I don't get that.

How hard is it to just not come back to the site.

I also bet that most of the public account suicides will still be lurking for gaming news and probably even regretting not having an account lol

NintendoGaf bailed and Nintendo threads will forever be boring without them.

I'll stay and see how if goes.


Unconfirmed Member
[Redacted as the member no longer wishes to be associated with this website, and the reputational damage and distress caused by association with this website. In addition, the user considers that the action of the management, and the nature of the site and members of its community, renders the original terms and conditions of this site void, and it unconscionable for either side to be bound to them. The user reasserts their IP rights in all content and does not give any authority for its continued usage on this website. Despite requesting that the user's account be deleted, in accordance with data protection rules which apply to this website over multiple jurisdictions, the admin team have failed to delete this account, requiring the user to take its own steps to ensure the valid deletion of data.]


Licorice-flavoured booze?
I'm just glad it's back online, I never really ventured into OT much, seemed a bit too serious for me and end of the day what brought me here was gaming.

I don't really have a lot to say regarding what has or hasn't happened, end of the day it's not really my business, no one's perfect, certainly not me, perhaps because I have a fairly nonchalant attitude towards sex/intimacy I didn't really see what all the fuss was about, in the real world women are complicated, human beings are complicated, I've been with my GF for nearly 5 years now and I still dont know whats going on half the time.
Well the fact that she dated him after such an incident that was supposedly traumatic would lead me to believe she’s not all there personally.

Have you ever had a girlfriend? Who makes the first move? How do you make it? They had been drinking alone in a hotel room, and she got in the shower. I’m not saying it makes what he did right, but I can see why signals may have been mixed.

Regardless of how it went down, his statement is spineless as fuck. Victim blaming instead of saying yeah I tried to get it on and I misread the signals.

And like I previously said, Malka has said nothing like this. All he has done is deny the accusations and say she's not all there.

But then later they did have sex? What? That doesnt make sense.


- Had EvilLore done the rational thing and stepped away while these accusations were properly investigated, the irreparable damage to this community would have been largely prevented.

Even if these allegations are 'baseless', the response alone is completely unacceptable. As long as this site is so closely tied to one individual that is unwilling to loosen control for the sake of the community's well being, it will always be on thin ice. It's unsustainable.

If he thought that the allegations were baseless, wouldn't it be unreasonable to demand him to inmeadiatly step down?

"Had EvilLore done the rational thing and stepped away while these accusations were properly investigated"

You're talking in past tense, so you're refering to the events in the past days. So, even though this just happened over the weeked, he should have already stepped down!? meaning that he should have inmediatly stepped down, following a simpe social media post (not even a formal accusation or anything) that contained an accusation he considered baseless?

seems like a bit much? I wouldn't be againt him temporarily distancing himself from the site if either part (him or her) took legal action, thought.


Glad GAF is back. And glad the changes are coming. Mods were way too overbearing here and I most was on good behavior. Honestly the board moved too fast for consistent moderation. The exodus should help somewhat, but there has clearly been a problem for a while.


Dear Evilore, I was one of the many who "came for gaming and stayed for OT".

I never posted much but OT was just so good as a news aggregator and the mix of size and competence of the user base made it unique and distinct from social networks or places like reddit.

This place imploded a few days ago because of your too little, too late reaction, but also because this forum actively cultivated a form of zealotry. You can't say now that moderation became too difficult for certain topics, because that was the product of your choices over the years. Choices about who would become mod and what policy should they follow. You could have changed that. I remember a good pinned post some months ago. You talked but you really didn't do much. Drive-by posts on every topic,not just politics, were tolerated because they expressed the "right" point of view. This is a serious problem when politics are framed in absolute, moral (right/wrong) terms.

Now the mods have jumped ship at the first sight of trouble and the zealots are the ones that tell you to fuck off and go to hell. I don't really have a solution for this, but nuking OT, however temporarely, is clearly not a solution.
It's sad that this is pretty accurate. The mods being the top of the totem pole in OT set the narrative and those who would go onto to be the prolific and most recognizable posters would of course be the ones to follow that narrative. So yeah OT was really caught in a bad spiral of being basically controlled. I also kind of thought not too long ago OT needed a "reset".

But that's a "reset", not a gutting. I'm glad NeoGAF is back but I hope some improved form of the former OT still makes a return.


Was weird having GAF down for a few days. Where I've used for gaming news for like 10 years and finally made an account to join discussion. Feel like it's going to be a rough few days of moderation. Horrible seeing people like Colin moriarty celebrating it going down.

No off topic will be weird but I get it.
Plus it's probably good I couldn't access football gaf this weekend because Liverpool got smashed ha.

Gaf is just too big to disappear though. No other site comes close to the volume of news, the speed of it and then discussion of it. It's too valuable for that reason alone. Only started going into off topic recently and if there's no more political talk to take things forward, I can live with that.


If he thought that the allegations were baseless, wouldn't it be unreasonable to demand him to inmeadiatly step down?

"Had EvilLore done the rational thing and stepped away while these accusations were properly investigated"

You're talking in past tense, so you're refering to the events in the past days. So, even though this just happened over the weeked, he should have already stepped down!? meaning that he should have inmediatly stepped down, following a simpe social media post (not even a formal accusation or anything) that contained an accusation he considered baseless?

seems like a bit much? I'd be againt him temporarily distancing himself from the site if either part took legal action, thought.
You sometimes wonder what kind of rationale some people have.
Oi, Evilore, you're an abusing cunt.

Is that the best way to get a perm?

Later GAF, will miss FancyPosterGAF and WrassleGAF, mostly the best people.

It is bizarre to me to even consider removing political discussion in a time like this. Political discussion, for now and for the forseeable future, is going to permeate every medium that would be discussed.

I think this was a special place, but that was because we all lived in the illusion that it belonged to us. It couldn't help but be us, the collected thoughts of thousands of people from many walks of life on our greatest passions, but it's owned by a person, and people will always fuck up. Does that mean we ought to destroy this place when they inevitably do?

I'll be honest, I'm more inclined to believe the other person's story than Tyler's. And that's why this sucks. I don't want the existence of the community I'm part of to depend on the behavior of a single person. But it does in this instance, and that reality is what is making this situation untenable.


I believe in the concept of "innocent until proven guilty". I believe in the concept of second chances. I believe in NeoGAF.

I look at these account suicides and can't believe what I'm reading. Fanaticism is a scary thing.

Whatever happens, I'll stick around.


No. we know that because He admitted to it. They're referring to grabbing ass... hard.

By this logic thousands of people are sexually assaulted in nightclubs all over the world every night. Hell, I've been sexually assaulted at least three times. Cry for me, GAF.

I come here for the videogame discussion, not to debate this rubbish with strangers.


This all feels really gross; regardless of what actually happened, lot of posters in this thread clearly learned nothing about consent, assault or harassment in the past 2 weeks.
This is wild. I hope this site and community can heal. All these suicide threads and comments to me are crazy.
I’ve really got no comment on what happened as I disnt know about any of it till site was down so I phoned a fellow gaffer. I’ve never been bannned and I’ve been on here for quit awhile.
I understand people have their opinions and feel strongly about them so I truly hope the community can come together and talk about games. That’s what we do.


Was weird having GAF down for a few days. Where I've used for gaming news for like 10 years and finally made an account to join discussion. Feel like it's going to be a rough few days of moderation. Horrible seeing people like Colin moriarty celebrating it going down.

No off topic will be weird but I get it.
Plus it's probably good I couldn't access football gaf this weekend because Liverpool got smashed ha.

Gaf is just too big to disappear though. No other site comes close to the volume of news, the speed of it and then discussion of it. It's too valuable for that reason alone. Only started going into off topic recently and if there's no more political talk to take things forward, I can live with that.

The news makers are the frequent posters in the past few years and the impact will be noticeable.
I believe in the concept of "innocent until proven guilty". I believe in the concept of second chances. I believe in NeoGAF.

I look at these account suicides and can't believe what I'm reading. Fanaticism is a scary thing.

Whatever happens, I'll stick around.

I also believe that. But the gag order on explanation for what happened to pedo amirox has also been something that pushed the mods away from this site.

This thing was what broke the camels back. Im sure its not baseless.


You sometimes wonder what kind of rationale some people have.

I had a tipo but you quoted my post before i edited it. This was the last phrase of my post after editing it. Just to make sure :p

"I wouldn't be againt him temporarily distancing himself from the site if either part (him or her) took legal action, thought."


Off topic is needed, discussing things like the two neutron stars colliding and the gravity waves are part of the neogaf experience.


What about her statement and the fact she conveniently left out the fact that she got into a relationship with him after the event? I think she should have added that part in her facebook post.

Also while I'm no doubt going to get bombarded with abuse, her statement said that when he got into the shower and she said no, he immediately got out. That doesn't sound like a crazy rapist/sexual harasser some are portraying him as.

Even the initial story where he grabbed a woman's arse, yes I get why some people don't like it, but I'm beginning to think some of you don't ever leave the house or have never been on a night out. That kinda shit happens all the time in clubs, and it's not deemed as serious as some of you think it is. If someone went to the police station and said "Someone grabbed my arse in the club" you'd probably get laughed out of the station.

Ultimately my issue is that some people are overreacting here, he's not a rapist, just sounds to me like he mis-reads signals.

The first could be a Sexual Misconduct, a misdemeanour in the US. The second would be classed as a Sexual Assault in the USA - although it happened in Spain, not sure there.

Some victims might report it, some wont. People will have different reactions to it and there is no way to know that before you do it someone. So the level of impact doing shit like this has on someone is impossible to know beforehand.

Obviously the accuser in this case still thinks about the incident enough to want to talk about it on their private facebook page.

Saying its common doesn't excuse it either. The level of reaction on the forum is becoase of the way it was handled - shutting down for a few days, no statement for days, deleting OT, no more politics....


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