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Sure, but i would want to make the distinction that not every mod is like that on ERA. You usually don't see those names pop up here, but the staff is more than just SweetNicole, Morrigan and what have you. There are some pretty great people on ERA belonging to the staff that in my eyes moderate the place pretty well. But i reckon they are mostly gaming related.

The real powertrippers are a small group of staff people who dictate the policy (Public and unofficial behind the scenes) for ERA on a day by day basis. This is why you constantly see the same names pop up with bans, moderator texts, and so on. Its because they are The Names, the group of people who actually hold day-by-day power on ERA.

Its this group that is causing all the unrest and generating the labels that ERA is given - Which is sad to a certain point, because not all of ERA is problematic. In that sense, the banbot on Github actively contributes to a negative stigma - That everyone on ERA is bad. No surprise its called ReeEra aswell lately. But the developer behind the bot wants to make more distinctions between staff posts, red texts and so on:

Crunklord also wants to try to generate average ban length stats, and what time of day/week you're statistically most likely to get banned.

I respect your opinion dude and you obviously know more about the situation than I do. However, I think power tripping is part of the problem, the bigger problem lies with the culture and while that's something that some mods will deal better than others, it's sad that there appears to be some kind of expectation of the exclusion of dissenting opinions. This is a video game forum first and foremost. We're not political commentators with deep understanding about the issues in the world, sometimes people lose focus of that. Maybe those dissenting opinion are not the product of that person being an asshole, but possibly due to him/her lacking proper knowledge about the issues that are being discussed. And then that person is met with ridiculous dog pilings that aren't either helpful or productive. It doesn't accomplish anything. That's something that used to happen here because you talk to the other person as if you're in a position of power. Let me give you just an example of what I mean: If I were to say that Anita is a fucking hack who didn't do a single good thing for the industry, and that is a defensible stance, if you disagree with me you might answer more aggressively because you know that if I continue to push that angle, I'm fucking banned. If it's one or two mods it's like whatever, a large chunk of the posters already expect it to be like that. So you don't have a discussion, you have people barking at each other because they know they are supported to do so.

Even if parts of the moderation team aren't as bad as others, if I used a MAGA hat avatar there, how many of those wouldn't ban me on sight? How many wouldn't demand me to change my avatar? Maybe one or two. That right there is a problem.

I am aware of it, but i don't think it fits his current role. Cerium reminds me a lot of Evilore in this sense - I dont think the former is really aware of how much influence and bullshittery The Names are causing, similarly to how OldGAF was. The only difference so far is that there is no trigger yet to bail, like Evilore's shower story was for many back in October. Cerium is also way more lowkey than Evil, so that kind of trigger is less likely to occur on ERA.

Eh I don't know. I don't know either of them, I know both in different ways had to work really hard to build these communities. Evilore's situation however reminds me of this insanely hot girlfriend I had. She was mental, seriously we had a terrible time together. We didn't get along at all, she drove me away from my friends, we fought terribly all the time and I was just fucking miserable. But she was hot man, she was absolutely gorgeous and she had just a perfect everything in her body. At the end of the end I thought about nothing but fucking her forever, I was so addicted to that I couldn't even see the bad things. NeoGAF was in a great situation, you had an enormous community, money was probably great, you had notoriety over a large industry. It makes you ignore things, let things happen so you can just enjoy your time.

Cerium, on the other hand, built that community from the start to be a safe space. He had every single reason to believe that perhaps making Sweet Nicole a fucking moderator wasn't a good idea. He tried to boycott a game because a guy he didn't like had 2 lines of dialogue in it. That's the kind of guy you want building a large community, someone that supports actual creators that badly? NeoGAF became something that wasn't good, Resetera was created with the idea of amplifying that. I just don't think it's the same.


Although it's fun to bitch about Era, and I will continue to indulge in it myself, you all have to realise that ResetEra is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT in the gaming community. Completely and utterly irrelevant.

In the short time they have been around, they haven't made a single bit of disappearance to gaming culture as a whole, despite quickly poaching tens of thousand of members from NeoGAF. There are no prominent developers that post on Era, no major Youtube, Twitch personality or Livestreamer posts there (I mention them because those kinds of people DO have influence on whatever games they are playing). I rarely see any gaming outlet mention them either.

Most crucial of all... they are regarded as a complete joke pretty much everywhere else, especially Reddit, who DO matter because they have an active gaming user base 100's of times larger then Era. I think some of you guys feel Era is more important then it really is. It's just a blip on the internet.


Although it's fun to bitch about Era, and I will continue to indulge in it myself, you all have to realise that ResetEra is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT in the gaming community. Completely and utterly irrelevant.

In the short time they have been around, they haven't made a single bit of disappearance to gaming culture as a whole, despite quickly poaching tens of thousand of members from NeoGAF. There are no prominent developers that post on Era, no major Youtube, Twitch personality or Livestreamer posts there (I mention them because those kinds of people DO have influence on whatever games they are playing). I rarely see any gaming outlet mention them either.

Most crucial of all... they are regarded as a complete joke pretty much everywhere else, especially Reddit, who DO matter because they have an active gaming user base 100's of times larger then Era. I think some of you guys feel Era is more important then it really is. It's just a blip on the internet.

While I agree they're not nearly as important as they think they are, and not as influential as oldgaf was before the place completely lost its collective mind, era does get mentions in the gaming press. It's true that era is a complete laughing stock in most quarters, but some of the main gaming outlets do seem to try to give it legitimacy from time to time. Polygon and Kotaku in particular give a mention from time to time. Era probably wishes it wasn't those pedestrian outlets, and instead super pretentious social justice outfits like Waypoint and the verge. Oh well.


Oh and as a reminder to anyone who didn't see my previous comments about this... but you can actually get banned for reporting posts. Yeah. I got banned a while back for a day or two, can't recall, for "history of abusing the report system to send hostile messages towards staff ". For comments along the lines of "this type of attitude wouldn't be tolerated by a conservative, why the double standard" etc etc. So you don't even have to post to get banned. It really is incredible.

EDIT: This is the response I got from a mod (one of the actually more reasonable mods, if you can believe it; won't 'out' him by name) after the ban ended.

"Hi prag, While we will take action on reports that we feel need action, we'd appreciate it if you just gave us the necessary info without resorting to complaining or being passive aggressive about your perception of moderation. If you have a complaint about moderation and would like to discuss it, you can feel free to PM one of us, but you don't need to fire shots at us when submitting reports. "

(Yeah, okay, in a report just prior to the ban I may have said something along the lines of "the moderation here is a joke"... so sue me.)

So yeah. They'll basically do whatever they want. There's no point in having a TOS even. They do whatever they want, and justify it however they want. I used to get angry, but now I generally just laugh. It's the best way to go.
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In the short time they have been around, they haven't made a single bit of disappearance to gaming culture as a whole, despite quickly poaching tens of thousand of members from NeoGAF. There are no prominent developers that post on Era, no major Youtube, Twitch personality or Livestreamer posts there (I mention them because those kinds of people DO have influence on whatever games they are playing). I rarely see any gaming outlet mention them either.

This is false, well it's about who you looks as prominent. I can't say if I have seen any livestreamers as I never watch livestreams or really any YouTubers, so even if they posted there, I wouldn't recognize them.

However Insomniacs JStevenson posts on ERA, Frank O'Connor (Stinkles) from 343 Industries , Thomas Mahler (Moon Studios - Ori), Geoff Keighley, Patrick Klepek, Daniel Bloodworth (EasyAllies), Cory Balrog (Sony Santa Monica, God of War), some developer from EA (can't remember the name), a whole bunch of indie devs (SNK, Lab Zero Games), marketing person from Dontnod, Jason Shreicer (Kotaku) and this is just on top of my head right now.

Edit: I remember there has even been a bunch of Q&As with a few different developers like Chucklefish.

It's true that era is a complete laughing stock in most quarters

Where is most quarters? KotakuInAction and /r/Drama?
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Incel, male feminist, what’s the difference?
while Incels have a bad view on women and talk bad about them so called male feminist actually sexual harrass women and getting fired ofr it. Especially in the games journalism industry.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
I would suggest tracking time of the month too but I don’t think transwomen get periods.

(This is just an edgy joke, calm your tits.)
Not offended, obviously its a word joke. But you know that some ERA users will take offense at that. Actually, that is the kind of comment that would see you a ban for transphobia despite the obvious intent not being to hurt.

Hah that first post example is mine. I was thinking of posting it here but wasn't sure if it was against TOS to post about resetera. At least with my example I feel the mods were being dumbshits about my ban as they literally couldn't rationalize it when I was communicating with them through email. Then they increased the ban time and gave me a warning of there being "severe" consequences for another infraction, so I said fuck it permaban me I'm going back to GAF. Even as a liberal I had to tiptoe in political threads or "Isn't X such a bigot/racist?" threads when I tried to do pushback. It's groupthink with mod reinforcement, just like the old GAF used to be.
The increasing ban times are very much a recent thing (Or well, the Duration pending remarks). Some get a default week ban and then after review it gets extended. This is definitely something they didn't do till like 2 months ago (Or atleast not as pronounced)

It is indeed frustrating and rather unhealthy that a user has to fear his own words when posting. Obviously, truly vile stuff has no place ever, but often i found myself being hesitant. Not because i said anything vile, but, because of other users getting flagged over it, that you are aware that one The Names member sees your posts and responds with a moderating action. Not out of fairness or balance, or consideration even, but more often than not out of emotion. Just because people get banned often by this line of thinking by the staff does not make a The Names moderator a good moderator: It means that they moderate based on feelings, and not based on weighing judgements.

I respect your opinion dude and you obviously know more about the situation than I do. However, I think power tripping is part of the problem, the bigger problem lies with the culture and while that's something that some mods will deal better than others, it's sad that there appears to be some kind of expectation of the exclusion of dissenting opinions.
Oh, power tripping is absolutely a big part of the problem. I am just saying that not every staff member (Most of them) don't display this. They interact with the community and are part of it. The power tripping is solely with the group of staffers that clearly don't moderate out of fairness.

Same goes for the inclusion of transgender people on the mod team for diversity reasons. I absolutely have no problem with transgenders, but to pick a minority on the staff to appear as diverse as possible is not what i would consider a great demand for a moderator. In my opinion, you pick moderators based on skill, transparency, friendlyness, and are approachable. Not because you want to have a diverse background. You should not pick mods just because they represent a minority, you don't pick mods because you want to represent diversity: You pick mods who are good in what they are doing. That they are trans, gay, LGBT should not be the predominant reason, and i feel that this has been the predominant reason when they were picked in the beginning.* Because, why else are quite few of The Names and the little helpers people who either are transgender or support the passive-aggressive approach as established by these people?

*This in lesser ways also plays a part in society. You should not pick a female boss as a CEO simply because she is female: You pick her because she has the best overall qualities.

This is a video game forum first and foremost. We're not political commentators with deep understanding about the issues in the world, sometimes people lose focus of that. Maybe those dissenting opinion are not the product of that person being an asshole, but possibly due to him/her lacking proper knowledge about the issues that are being discussed. And then that person is met with ridiculous dog pilings that aren't either helpful or productive. It doesn't accomplish anything.
Agreed. I don't like the insane dogpiling, even more so the baiting that occurs on ERA. This was a problematic thing even on OldGAF and i am glad that (so far) this has been less of an issue. People actually discuss instead of baiting/tricking people into a ban. Mostly because the current staff seems far less influential to this kind of thing.

Its a bit like Neymar at the World Cup: Trying to stir shit up and hoping the rev (In this case: The mod) will bite. This can be anything from aggressive posting to making really vague threads where you grade people's replies. That's how i got banned, anyways. That isnt to say people cannot have diverse opinions (By all means!) but when its clear that your intent isnt on discussion but rather to either spam/bait/draw attention to your behavior, then you aren't properly discussing. And that's how i got banned.

Even if parts of the moderation team aren't as bad as others, if I used a MAGA hat avatar there, how many of those wouldn't ban me on sight? How many wouldn't demand me to change my avatar? Maybe one or two. That right there is a problem.
I agree. Then again i dont equate someone with a MAGA hat to be a nazi. Given that thread the boy in question appearently said some racist stuff and yes, that's deplorable. Still does not mean that the answer you have to give back is one of violence (or advocating as such). Because by doing so you aren't a smidge better than the trash you try to call out as trash.

Cerium, on the other hand, built that community from the start to be a safe space. He had every single reason to believe that perhaps making Sweet Nicole a fucking moderator wasn't a good idea. He tried to boycott a game because a guy he didn't like had 2 lines of dialogue in it. That's the kind of guy you want building a large community, someone that supports actual creators that badly? NeoGAF became something that wasn't good, Resetera was created with the idea of amplifying that. I just don't think it's the same.
That is actually a good observation. But was all this the trigger for Cerium? In the early days i did read a historic post on Cerium's behavior that supports your opinion, so i am not going to ignore that and i definitely agree that ERA was made by Cerium as a safe space.. but, outside of that, i really do believe that Cerium has no clue what The Names do. How could he, most of his time is in the site.*

*Although the takedown of the banbot by his LLC does imply that he is somehow aware of it all though..

So yeah. They'll basically do whatever they want. There's no point in having a TOS even. They do whatever they want, and justify it however they want. I used to get angry, but now I generally just laugh. It's the best way to go.
You can even get banned for offsite reporting towards a mod. See the rather infamous Inferno for that. Granted, it does not happen often, but it does occur.

As for the banbot, Crunklord gave a graph on the amount of people banned for a specific reason. As with the previous graph: It does not run from November start so these are preliminary and might not be accurate at all.


Notice how the Bad Faith reasoning has a sudden spike in around the 2nd week of May.

And on a another note: Ketkat:
''There's a difference between disagreeing with a group of people and completely dismissing anything and everything they say, while talking down to them. You're ignoring the experiences of trans people in this thread while throwing out insults about the people who have spoken up about this quite a few times. If you really want what's best for trans people, then actually listen to us. Listen to our experiences, and listen to why people are upset about this. And then talk WITH us, and not DOWN to us.''

Please follow your own advice for once instead of (once again) taking the moral highground.. So far, i haven't seen you address my post (or anyone else's) in this thread.*

*Taken out of context on purpose to denote the bolded, as this is a repetitive thing ive seen and i wanted to highlight it. Hence why i refrained to use the context in which it was said, as that isn't the intent of me using that cite. It is to highlight phrasing, nothing more. I say this as a disclaimer.

Also, by all means the original thread is worth a read: https://www.resetera.com/threads/sc...rector-for-something-else-ill-conceived.53111


DAMN is that ketkat quote ridiculously hypocritical. Absolutely unreal. And I wouldn't say it's entirely out of context. She doesn't remotely play by her own rules. Ever. Hypocrite.

Where is most quarters? KotakuInAction and /r/Drama?

Okay, that could be an exaggeration. But what you listed is likely the majority of those that even know Era exists long with gaf and the asshats on /v/. So "most quarters that know/care Era exists who are not part of their little echo chamber bubble" is probably the accurate statement.
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Oh and as a reminder to anyone who didn't see my previous comments about this... but you can actually get banned for reporting posts. Yeah. I got banned a while back for a day or two, can't recall, for "history of abusing the report system to send hostile messages towards staff ". For comments along the lines of "this type of attitude wouldn't be tolerated by a conservative, why the double standard" etc etc. So you don't even have to post to get banned. It really is incredible.

EDIT: This is the response I got from a mod (one of the actually more reasonable mods, if you can believe it; won't 'out' him by name) after the ban ended.

"Hi prag, While we will take action on reports that we feel need action, we'd appreciate it if you just gave us the necessary info without resorting to complaining or being passive aggressive about your perception of moderation. If you have a complaint about moderation and would like to discuss it, you can feel free to PM one of us, but you don't need to fire shots at us when submitting reports. "

(Yeah, okay, in a report just prior to the ban I may have said something along the lines of "the moderation here is a joke"... so sue me.)

So yeah. They'll basically do whatever they want. There's no point in having a TOS even. They do whatever they want, and justify it however they want. I used to get angry, but now I generally just laugh. It's the best way to go.
no idea how you didn't get banned in the hat topic. I saw your posts and was like... surely he got banned... lol


I agree. Then again i dont equate someone with a MAGA hat to be a nazi. Given that thread the boy in question appearently said some racist stuff and yes, that's deplorable. Still does not mean that the answer you have to give back is one of violence (or advocating as such). Because by doing so you aren't a smidge better than the trash you try to call out as trash.
Just FYI, in case you are not up to date on this. There is nothing that suggests that was true. The anonymous witness statement was contradicted by others and retracted by the news agency for legitimacy concerns. The man himself when released stated the hat made him think of a KKK hood and is why he did it. He makes zero mention of any lead up at all.


Its really true that whatever almost destroyed Neogaf really have gone to Resetera. Wouldn't surprise me if that site will one day implode.


no idea how you didn't get banned in the hat topic. I saw your posts and was like... surely he got banned... lol
I feel like they may give me more leeway than some others for whatever reason. I was a day one member, and also had my post featured front and center all over the web during their controversial Kingdom Come discussion policy kerfuffle, I post for which I was banned that they ended up reversing the next day, after its was used by you tubers and non-sycophantic outlets to drag them through the mud. Could be part of it, dunno.

But yeah, others in the hat topic got banned for less, that's for sure.


If I type "resetera" in Twitter these are the first few things I get back. The only positive things I see are their own bot relinking their threads.

Wait, are you telling me that Twitter, a plattform with over 100 million users, has people talking about ERA?



Gold Member
Its really true that whatever almost destroyed Neogaf really have gone to Resetera. Wouldn't surprise me if that site will one day implode.
I think it's just a matter of time. The thing with these types of people is that they do not ever stop. Eventually they will trigger everyone except maybe the ultra core.
It was the same for me after all. GAF has always been left leaning and for the first years I was ok with that. But then at some point you go like "Woah, wait a minute? Isn't that going a bit too far now?" And then you get labeled as sexist, racist or whatever.

Now, this "point" is different for everyone. For some it's lower, for others higher. But since they just keep raising that bar at an incredible speed, you're bound to get people triggered at some point. Or at least that's how I see it because this is, as mentioned, what happened to me.
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Just FYI, in case you are not up to date on this. There is nothing that suggests that was true. The anonymous witness statement was contradicted by others and retracted by the news agency for legitimacy concerns. The man himself when released stated the hat made him think of a KKK hood and is why he did it. He makes zero mention of any lead up at all.
That is by all means a shitty comparison that the boy made (If that is what you refer to by ''the man himself''. That still does not excuse others to respond to his shitty (and incorrect) comparison with violence. Its enticing, no doubt, but people proclaiming this should realize that its about a 16 year old boi wearing a hat. Let alone people comparing that hat with a symbol that was abused by actual nazis.

Wait, are you telling me that Twitter, a plattform with over 100 million users, has people talking about ERA?

Perhaps discuss the point that is raised by that user instead of challenging it with some witty remark.

prag16 prag16 I hope she atleast follows through and addresses it. The post i am referencing is way too elaborate and nuanced to just ignore, but if that's the case then well... As you can tell i am trying to keep reservations in check and not make a remark on her expense since she might come back and i wouldn't want her to be distracted by those remarks, given how that has happened in the past.


This is the website that started out by banning discussion of Colin Moriarty as if he was Voldemort. Really it’s because centrism, or any form of compromising, reasonable conservatism is dangerous to their rhetoric.

I’m going to my best never to post there again, as in recent months the site has gotten to a point where I don’t feel good supporting it anymore.


Darkness no more
I laughed harder at this than was necessary.

If you search for GAF you'll see it has a similar reputation.

I did search for GAF at the same time I did the ERA search. Most of the opinions I read were based off what GAF used to be. I guess the take away there is once someone gets banned from or leaves a toxic environment that’s the impression that is going to stick with them a lot of the time...even if that environment later changes.

Wait, are you telling me that Twitter, a plattform with over 100 million users, has people talking about ERA?


My point was that anywhere outside of ERA that I see ERA mentioned it is typically a negative opinion.
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he provided what he was asked for, but keep moving those goalposts.

What? Moving goalposts? My point with that comment and gif is that on a plattform with over million users you could find discussions about anything. It would be insanely weird if people were NOT talking about ERA on Twitter.

If it was a move of the goalpost, what would be the new goal?

My point was that anywhere outside of ERA that I see ERA mentioned it is typically a negative opinion.

Ok. However, msot of the references to ERA IVe seen outside of ERA is in regards to game leaks and game OTs.
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Not offended, obviously its a word joke. But you know that some ERA users will take offense at that. Actually, that is the kind of comment that would see you a ban for transphobia despite the obvious intent not being to hurt.

That wasn’t aimed at you as I know you’re level-headed enough to not take offence. It was a general disclaimer because posting on the internet still feels like walking on egg shells at the moment.

I would say most Era users would be offended by it, and that’s kind of the point. Comedy exists as a means to say socially unacceptable truths. The joke was grounded in the truth that Era is run by transgender women with an axe to grind. That some may take offence at that is irrelevant to me.


I laughed harder at this than was necessary.

If you search for GAF you'll see it has a similar reputation.

Yeah... oldgaf. Colin is talking about Era, and RobinGaming is clearly thinking of pre-showergate gaf.

Face the facts. Outside of the true believers and certain woke game journalists, Era is either unknown or shit on by the rest of the world. Doesn't mean everyone there is bad obviously. And there are definitely some good OTs and (gaming) discussion in a lot of cases. But they brought over almost all the toxic baggage from gaf off topic, and have accumulated more since then. That's reality, and it drives their perception.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Yeah... oldgaf. Colin is talking about Era, and RobinGaming is clearly thinking of pre-showergate gaf.

Face the facts. Outside of the true believers and certain woke game journalists, Era is either unknown or shit on by the rest of the world. Doesn't mean everyone there is bad obviously. And there are definitely some good OTs and (gaming) discussion in a lot of cases. But they brought over almost all the toxic baggage from gaf off topic, and have accumulated more since then. That's reality, and it drives their perception.

I do find it interesting that they didn't grab the previous tweet that Colin was referring to (which was another one of Robin's tweets), specifically mentioning how bad Era is. Almost like they are trying to push a specific narrative.

Joe T.

Its really true that whatever almost destroyed Neogaf really have gone to Resetera. Wouldn't surprise me if that site will one day implode.

It will eventually. I was temp banned there for "downplaying the formation of hate groups" with the usual "history of trolling" tacked on to add some weight, except the hate group (singular, despite the claim) they were referring to was the US government/Trump admin and the apparent trolling was my posting an image of WWE's The Rock to add some levity to a discussion after someone had told me to shove something up my rear end. I was just beside myself with that explanation and knew there was little point in trying to reason with them or attempt to better integrate myself into that community, so I asked if they could remove my account from the site and went my merry way.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
That wasn’t aimed at you as I know you’re level-headed enough to not take offence. It was a general disclaimer because posting on the internet still feels like walking on egg shells at the moment.
It is understandable. Personally i don't think it was that great of a joke, but alas, a joke is a joke, even an edgy one.
I think on Current-GAF you are ''good'' with posts like these. The only thing that is actually problematic are very insensitive posts - Of which this appears rarely. I only wrote my first report yesterday and it was handled accordingly and appropiately.

I would say most Era users would be offended by it, and that’s kind of the point. Comedy exists as a means to say socially unacceptable truths. The joke was grounded in the truth that Era is run by transgender women with an axe to grind. That some may take offence at that is irrelevant to me.
Reason and objectivity aren't things i would easily associate with ERA. Dogpiling and dissent however..* Its really usually the same names that get offended at these things. And i should ought to list them but that would be against the rules, i believe.

Then again i never was a fan of edgy (insult) humor unless it was completely exaggerated like on the Comedy Central Roasts. Dark humor works better for me, that is.

*To give you an example for a dogpile (And this is by no means a defence for the user that gets dogpiled) People here compare an Ann Coulter book to Mein Kampf, tell said user to fuck off (Which is a bannable offense in many case but hey, not here), ''He was linking hitler videos earlier so why not'', and that's just one page.

Disclaimer: i don't like Ann Coulter, from the bits and scraps i have seen her talk, her stance is very much a single issue. That is just me though.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
This thread is really special at how they are actually attacking each other. Oh boy I wonder why the mods have not done anything. Its like they are asleep and people in there kill each other.


Oh lord, another "GG is *evil*" thread? Hilarious that they keep pushing that narrative when GG had nothing to do with Price's firing (ignoring the fact that GG has been dead for nearly 5 years at this point).


Oh lord, another "GG is *evil*" thread? Hilarious that they keep pushing that narrative when GG had nothing to do with Price's firing (ignoring the fact that GG has been dead for nearly 5 years at this point).
This is far more than this. This is resetera eating themselves up for not being woke enough. It is incredible how agressive some so called progressive people can become if they are not being held back by moderation clsoing these threads.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
This thread is really special at how they are actually attacking each other. Oh boy I wonder why the mods have not done anything. Its like they are asleep and people in there kill each other.

Already two users banned on that page when their posts are (as of this writing) from less than an hour ago. Thread is moving like Nitro. Odd thing is that one of the users has a ban reason but the other (so far as i can see from his recent postings) has not.

I am just going to go with what this user says.
Mods don’t seem to care what goes on in this thread anymore.
Not long before the ''This topic has run its course. Locked.'' will come in.


Thread is now locked.

This will be a fun thread to go to. Already great ban reasons


In the world of ResetERA, 'vilifying journalism' = criticising Vice, Salon, Kotaku, Mother Jones, etc...

I wonder how many members will end up being banned as a result of supporting ArenaNet and her firing? I'll say.... at least 20.
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Fox Mulder

The stuff going on at ResetEra is exactly the
So basically they won't hire anyone that doesn't share their "progressive" views.
And these people love to harp on about tolerance and diversity.

It's a dumb concept for a thead.

Maybe one poster running into that thread actually owns a business or is in a position to make this more than words. So they're taking their anger out and declaring their superiority in a fantasy scenario.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
The stuff going on at ResetEra is exactly the
So basically they won't hire anyone that doesn't share their "progressive" views.
And these people love to harp on about tolerance and diversity.

Tolerance and Diversity*

*As long as you prescribe to these 400 rules to the letter.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
In the world of ResetERA, 'vilifying journalism' = criticising Vice, Salon, Kotaku, Mother Jones, etc...

I wonder how many members will end up being banned as a result of supporting ArenaNet and her firing? I'll say.... at least 20.

Hey, you got an Avatar! Nice. Also what is "mother jones"? I don't think I have heard of that journalist/site.


Tolerance and Diversity*

*As long as you prescribe to these 400 rules to the letter.

I do believe you mean 'As long as you prescribe to these 400 letters to the letter... and also these new rules that I have just made up on the spot after reading your post and am now banning you for'.

Hey, you got an Avatar! Nice. Also what is "mother jones"? I don't think I have heard of that journalist/site.

I feel my avatar makes me look wiser than I really am, lol. Mother Jones is a heavy left wing site. Still not as bad as Vice and Salon, but a quick look at the emotionally slanted headlines on their front page will give you an idea of who their target audience is: Link


The stuff going on at ResetEra is exactly the
So basically they won't hire anyone that doesn't share their "progressive" views.
And these people love to harp on about tolerance and diversity.

Its a great thing 99.9% of them arent in a hiring position


It's a dumb concept for a thead.

Maybe one poster running into that thread actually owns a business or is in a position to make this more than words. So they're taking their anger out and declaring their superiority in a fantasy scenario.
Yeah, true. But I suppose it just reveals how intolerant these people actually are. For many it seems being a Trump supporter means you're an evil person (unless you are Kanye West, perhaps?).
Thread is now locked.

This will be a fun thread to go to. Already great ban reasons

"vilifying journalism"

In the world of ResetERA, 'vilifying journalism' = criticising Vice, Salon, Kotaku, Mother Jones, etc...

I wonder how many members will end up being banned as a result of supporting ArenaNet and her firing? I'll say.... at least 20.
I have no stake in the thread itself, but I was banned from OldGAF for criticism toward poor journalism. It wasn't even a politically-charged thread: the journalist's article had poor grammar and was pretty obviously trying to shill for an upcoming game (can't even remember the game). Mods on OldGAF gave me a permanent ban.


Yeah, true. But I suppose it just reveals how intolerant these people actually are. For many it seems being a Trump supporter means you're an evil person (unless you are Kanye West, perhaps?).

I think I agree with you. To be honest, I don't get why being a Trump supporter means you're being an evil person/bad person or something like this. We each all have our own opinions - for example someone can support Trump, someone else can like or support something - if someone is supporting someone/something, I think it's bad to criticize their opinions.

Perhaps someone might have been ridiculized, criticized or even banned only because of his/her opinion - it's already harsh enough as it is. There is no need to criticize or ban anyone for their opinion, in my own opinion


In the world of ResetERA, 'vilifying journalism' = criticising Vice, Salon, Kotaku, Mother Jones, etc...

I wonder how many members will end up being banned as a result of supporting ArenaNet and her firing? I'll say.... at least 20.
Talking about journalism, one of the mods over there is suing a YouTuber. The YouTuber basically exposed that this person is biased and that's not how journalism should work. The videos were removed.


Although it's fun to bitch about Era, and I will continue to indulge in it myself, you all have to realise that ResetEra is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT in the gaming community. Completely and utterly irrelevant.

In the short time they have been around, they haven't made a single bit of disappearance to gaming culture as a whole, despite quickly poaching tens of thousand of members from NeoGAF. There are no prominent developers that post on Era, no major Youtube, Twitch personality or Livestreamer posts there (I mention them because those kinds of people DO have influence on whatever games they are playing). I rarely see any gaming outlet mention them either.




GAF threads used to be mentioned as sources all the time. Not so much anymore.


I think I agree with you. To be honest, I don't get why being a Trump supporter means you're being an evil person/bad person or something like this. We each all have our own opinions - for example someone can support Trump, someone else can like or support something - if someone is supporting someone/something, I think it's bad to criticize their opinions.

Perhaps someone might have been ridiculized, criticized or even banned only because of his/her opinion - it's already harsh enough as it is. There is no need to criticize or ban anyone for their opinion, in my own opinion
Yeah, it's as if these people define an individual's personhood on whether he or she supports Trump – all other attributes become irrelevant: you're a Trump supporter, so you're a bad person. I notice that this kind of reduction is quite common among the left. If you have a view that goes against the progressive vision eg you only believe that there are only two genders, then it is instantly used to paint you as a "bad person" worthy of shaming or ridicule.
There is no "I disagree with your view, but you are entitled to it" attitude among such people.


That is by all means a shitty comparison that the boy made (If that is what you refer to by ''the man himself''. That still does not excuse others to respond to his shitty (and incorrect) comparison with violence. Its enticing, no doubt, but people proclaiming this should realize that its about a 16 year old boi wearing a hat. Let alone people comparing that hat with a symbol that was abused by actual nazis.
I have literally no idea what you are trying to say here and you posted it in response to me.
It really has escalated over there recently.

It was always left leaning but now it's aggressively so. There is no way it can last. I'm not sure how much the off topic brings in hits vs gaming.. But.. Damn.
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