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Voting with my Wallet and Not Buying A New iPhone


As someone who generally enjoys Apple products (love my MacBook Pro and iPhone SE), the latest Apple event left me very worried and disappointed.

Personally, I think the entire X series of phones are trash. All of the changes they bring feel like they come from some parody Apple company. They strip away choice for something that is supposedly "better", except I have found anecdotally that few people actually like any of these changes, and even fewer prefer them so much that they want them to exist as replacements for the previous versions of the phone components that they are "improving" on.

TouchID is better than FaceID, a home button is better than having a stupid FaceID notch at the top of my screen, and headphone jacks are still important.

The idea of paying $1000+ for a phone that is in many ways a downgrade from my SE is ludicrous and I won't do it. Once the SE is no longer supported by the latest iOS I will be jumping ship to Sony, Samsung or whoever has the best phone out when the time comes. With its phones, Apple has confused its past genius innovations with nonsensical prideful changes that strip away choice from the consumer, and they have not convinced me that I am wrong and I actually somehow want these changes.

What are your thoughts on Apple's latest round of phones GAF? If they don't announce an SE2 they will have lost me as an iPhone owner.


The Xs is nothing more than an incremental upgrade. It doesn't have much better performance or anything of the sort, doesn't bring anything revolutionary in photography, nothing in hardware that wows anyone.

I have never had an iPhone, but given that here an Xs Max would be 1100 euro for the 64 GB version, and the generous subsidies by carriers don't really exist, then fuck that shit. I'm super happy with my S9 Plus.


Well, still chugging along with my 7plus, 256gb ver. My first iPhone for myself, that I was always an android user... till suffering Note 7 fiasco. (had to return and exchange twice, ended up just settling down with iPhone)

It's certainly showing its old design and all - but it still does everything I want it to do for a phone. I thought of upgrading sometime this year, but I am now thinking about staying with it for another couple of years. With that kind of money (I'm the type who buys unlocked phone at full price) - I find a bit hard to justify to upgrade every couple of years - especially true with the new iPhone. Heck, my 256gb 7, IIRC, was not as expensive as the base model iPhone X max or whatever it's called...


I'll be rocking my 8 until it craps out. Like I did with the 6. Only iPhones I've ever had. I don't really give a shit about brands and such, they've just been the best smart phones for what I need them to do.
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I upgraded to an 8 recently because my 6’s battery was lasting half a day at best. I honestly can’t notice a single change.


Giving 64GB on your premium 1100$ phone is a joke. Said it before but thats like getting a Maserati but they skimp out and give you cloth seats. Its the premium product at least 128GB starting.

Apples new line up is underwhelming. Its just too expensive. The "cheap" version is still more expensive then most other flagships and its got a sub 1080P LCD screen, on a 750$ phone!


There might be a few use case scenarios in which TouchID is more accessible than FaceID, but having used an iPhone X for nearly a year, I think I greatly prefer FaceID. It’s so well-integrated with the act of unlocking the phone that it usually feels like my phone isn’t password protected at all.


I use iPhones, but don't really have any brand loyalty. The main reason I stick with them is that I trust them to function reliably for making calls, more than I do the hodgepodge of Android-based phones.


I have a 100 dollar phone and it suits me just fine. Doesn't lag, does everything I need, takes decent photos. I don't understand the point of a $1000 phone. I played around with my dads expensive Samsung and could tell no difference in performance from mine.


I stopped caring about iPhones a long time ago. I've only ever purchased two Apple products and they both have issues.


My iPhone 8 is awesome.

I’m debating to upgrade to iOS 12 as I feel like they sabotage your older model phones
I have been running 12 beta on a 6, 8+, and 9.7 iPad Pro. Hands down better than iOS 11 in every way. Notifications actually make sense now (being grouped together) and performance is better. Do it for those two reasons alone.

Hissing Sid

Still have an iPhone 6 and will keep it until it breaks or Apple bricks it via updates.

I bought the 6 after my 3G died and the main reason I bought another iPhone was so that I could keep using my AppStore purchases.

That was back then.

I no longer give a fuck about apps and shitty mobile games are a bust so I may be jumping ship the next time around.

My phone mostly gets used to make calls, send the odd txt and browse the net. I don’t need no four digit fashion statement to be able to do that.


I'm sticking with my 6S until I can't use it anymore or I want something else, and that something else will not be another Apple product.
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My iPhone 8 is awesome.

I’m debating to upgrade to iOS 12 as I feel like they sabotage your older model phones
iOS 12 is amazing. Ran all the betas and the GM is the best. My 7 plus is like a new phone. Everything is faster. Don’t worry about it.


What wrong with notches. Why wouldn't you want to use that space for notications and camera.
I see no benefit in no notch and a notification bar below taking up screen space. Just make it black either side like on a Huawei if you don't like the look.


The more people who opt out the more prestigious of a status symbol it will be for those who do buy it.


I voted last year already by going with Note 8. But biggest problem is I genuinely lost the interest for these annual update of dozen similar phones. Can we see something new?


Admission: I preordered the Xs.

For me the main thing is the camera. Right now I have an 8plus and main camera is OK but tele camera quality is substandard to me.
After reading up on cameras, Xs cameras are an upgrade from both 8plus and X.

Now I am having second thoughts though - I just don't think that Face ID can completely replace Touch ID and the only reason for Face ID is that Apple felt they are too cool for touch sensor on the back. I think I will try it out and I should be able to return it after a few days if I feel the camera is not that much better than my 8plus.

Everyone else I know uses iMessage and I also use Face Time Audio to call people in other countries so for me changing to Android would be an inconvenience.
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I'm excited for the Xs MAX. Currently I have the iPhone 6s Plus so the minimal upgrades throughout the three years have now added up to a worthy upgrade. I'll also be getting the Watch, it'll be my first smartwatch ever. that said... I won't get it right away. Gotta save up first, lol. Late Oct.
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φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
It sounds like the iPhone just isn't the right phone for you decisions decisions , especially if you have an iPhone SE (which I'd assume means you're budget conscious?)

FaceID is generally better than TouchID...as it got rid of that gigantic chin on the phone. You trade off being able to open your phone on a table to being able to open your phone in the winter. Speaking of the chin, the forehead is basically gone now too and we've just got a big screen. The notch is there, but as someone who's had the phone for about a year now...it fades away once you own it. Sure, I'd love to have the same phone I do now without the notch...but that's not really a technical possibility at the moment.

The specs in the phone are second to none, by a long shot. The camera is consistently rated among the top in the market. The iOS app store and app quality are pretty...top...notch :messenger_halo:

Headphone jacks just aren't a thing anymore...on a lot of phones.

Honestly it sounds like you're just angry that a fingerprint reader and headphone jack are gone...which is fine...but if you wanted the same iPhone experience for less there's the iPhone XR...but I really think you're just after a fingerprint reader and a headphone jack if you are somehow equating the iPhone X as a downgrade to the iPhone SE?

Like, you can be upset that the latest iPhone doesn't have the features you want, but a downgrade?


Elden Member
Cool, but I love what they did with the X and XS and will be buying 2, one being a max for my wife. $1000 is not that expensive for a device you’ll use every single day. I’m glad you aren’t the one they are aiming for when making these phones.
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Darkness no more
I'm sticking with my 6s+. I haven't seen any updates that make me want to dish out $1k+ again. I just had a new battery put in my phone with the $29 battery deal, so I'm hoping I can get a few more years out of it.


Unconfirmed Member
I need a new phone but spending 500+ on one for what I usually use my phone for seems insane.

So I understand OP


It sounds like the iPhone just isn't the right phone for you decisions decisions , especially if you have an iPhone SE (which I'd assume means you're budget conscious?)

FaceID is generally better than TouchID...as it got rid of that gigantic chin on the phone. You trade off being able to open your phone on a table to being able to open your phone in the winter. Speaking of the chin, the forehead is basically gone now too and we've just got a big screen. The notch is there, but as someone who's had the phone for about a year now...it fades away once you own it. Sure, I'd love to have the same phone I do now without the notch...but that's not really a technical possibility at the moment.

The specs in the phone are second to none, by a long shot. The camera is consistently rated among the top in the market. The iOS app store and app quality are pretty...top...notch :messenger_halo:

Headphone jacks just aren't a thing anymore...on a lot of phones.

Honestly it sounds like you're just angry that a fingerprint reader and headphone jack are gone...which is fine...but if you wanted the same iPhone experience for less there's the iPhone XR...but I really think you're just after a fingerprint reader and a headphone jack if you are somehow equating the iPhone X as a downgrade to the iPhone SE?

Like, you can be upset that the latest iPhone doesn't have the features you want, but a downgrade?

It is a downgrade, in my view you have just been fooled into thinking that more restrictive features are somehow better.

First of all the Notch is just antithetical to Apple's design aesthetic IMO. That thing is disgusting. Like every time I watch someone use an iPhone X it actually bothers me that it's there. You don't "just have a big screen". You have a screen with a fairly large portion of it cut out by this rectangle thing. It gives this weird asymmetrical look to the phone when it's turned longways and it just gives the sense that there is more screen under it that it's covering. It's very inelegant and destroys the idea of the iPhone X being some premium device because it just looks like shit. Sorry.

FaceID is in no way an improvement over TouchID. The idea that it somehow should be a replacement for it is ridiculous. With TouchID (and a freaking home button), my SE is open before my iPhone camera is even pointed at my face. And of course, I had to make a conscious decision to open it - it's not like I looked at my phone to check the time, it opened because of FaceID, and then I had to lock it again for no reason. TouchID is just better. It's faster and less restrictive. Even if someone preferred FaceID, Apple should give people the choice.

As for screen size, I have never felt I needed more screen size out of my SE. If I want to watch something on a bigger screen, that's not something I'm going to do on my phone. But, are there times when I want to be able to access the entire screen space with one hand? Absolutely. This is because of the nature of a phone. Suppose I'm carrying something with one hand and I want to zoom in with the other...well, I can do with that. Carrying a textbook and reaching for the link on the far side of the screen is no issue. The SE is the perfect size.

Headphone jacks are extremely useful, and the idea that they shouldn't be on a modern phone just this weird, pseudo-futurist crap that makes someone sound like they are trying to get a job at Apple because of how sycophantic they can be towards the company. Blutooth headphones simply do not sound as good as good wired ones. They are annoying - you have to sync them up over and over again and something often goes wrong. They have to be charged. If you're at the gym and some hot girl tries to talk to you you can't quickly pull the wire near your neck with a finger and let one of them hang over your shirt while you keep lifting weights. With wireless headphones you have to put the weights down and fumble with your overpriced AirPods like a dumbass to put them in your pocket. The girl's probably gone by this point and then you have to put them back in your ears. Man, if only you had been using an SE. Hopefully they don't die during your workout.

Before I go to bed every night I do some reading on my phone while listening to music and charging it at the same time. Wow it's amazing what we figured out 5 years ago. With iPhone X I won't be doing that because of some wack ass design choices. Wow wireless charging! Instead of my phone being tethered to a wire while I charge it now it has to lie flat on a surface - so innovative! I mean come on seriously this is just a bunch of bullshit...

You mention the specs of the phone...the specs of the phone give no credibility to these regressive design decisions. If there was an SE2 right now it would have the same speed and camera quality.

Well there's my rant. Now there have been many articles expressing similar opinions (ex. https://techcrunch.com/2018/09/14/the-iphone-se-was-the-best-phone-apple-ever-made-and-now-its-dead/), hopefully Apple makes an SE2 if not I will have to find something new when the time comes.
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Giving 64GB on your premium 1100$ phone is a joke. Said it before but thats like getting a Maserati but they skimp out and give you cloth seats. Its the premium product at least 128GB starting.

Apples new line up is underwhelming. Its just too expensive. The "cheap" version is still more expensive then most other flagships and its got a sub 1080P LCD screen, on a 750$ phone!

I agree, it should have been 128gb... but its a move to get people to spend more for more capacity... as it always been...


I refuse to buy apple anymore or any of those phones with a stupid fucking notch at the top. So ugly and annoying.


I'll be rocking my 8 until it craps out. Like I did with the 6. Only iPhones I've ever had. I don't really give a shit about brands and such, they've just been the best smart phones for what I need them to do.

Same, 6 Plus to 8 Plus.

The 6 was showing it's age, if only because of the lack of RAM and the fact it was only 16GB.
I will be keeping the 8 Plus for minimum 2 more years, likely more.
Recently changed my 2015 iPhone 6S Plus battery to a higher capacity one (additional ~25%) and it feels like it could go for another 3 years.

Not buying anything with a notch.


Unconfirmed Member
They are doing something right to beat Amazon, Google, and Microsoft to $1 trillion
Being so simple to use and "safe" people are willing to play premium prices for something that doesn't cost em much to produce. That is how they are banking it. Also brandname.


It is a downgrade, in my view you have just been fooled into thinking that more restrictive features are somehow better.

First of all the Notch is just antithetical to Apple's design aesthetic IMO. That thing is disgusting. Like every time I watch someone use an iPhone X it actually bothers me that it's there. You don't "just have a big screen". You have a screen with a fairly large portion of it cut out by this rectangle thing. It gives this weird asymmetrical look to the phone when it's turned longways and it just gives the sense that there is more screen under it that it's covering. It's very inelegant and destroys the idea of the iPhone X being some premium device because it just looks like shit. Sorry.

FaceID is in no way an improvement over TouchID. The idea that it somehow should be a replacement for it is ridiculous. With TouchID (and a freaking home button), my SE is open before my iPhone camera is even pointed at my face. And of course, I had to make a conscious decision to open it - it's not like I looked at my phone to check the time, it opened because of FaceID, and then I had to lock it again for no reason. TouchID is just better. It's faster and less restrictive. Even if someone preferred FaceID, Apple should give people the choice.

As for screen size, I have never felt I needed more screen size out of my SE. If I want to watch something on a bigger screen, that's not something I'm going to do on my phone. But, are there times when I want to be able to access the entire screen space with one hand? Absolutely. This is because of the nature of a phone. Suppose I'm carrying something with one hand and I want to zoom in with the other...well, I can do with that. Carrying a textbook and reaching for the link on the far side of the screen is no issue. The SE is the perfect size.

Headphone jacks are extremely useful, and the idea that they shouldn't be on a modern phone just this weird, pseudo-futurist crap that makes someone sound like they are trying to get a job at Apple because of how sycophantic they can be towards the company. Blutooth headphones simply do not sound as good as good wired ones. They are annoying - you have to sync them up over and over again and something often goes wrong. They have to be charged. If you're at the gym and some hot girl tries to talk to you you can't quickly pull the wire near your neck with a finger and let one of them hang over your shirt while you keep lifting weights. With wireless headphones you have to put the weights down and fumble with your overpriced AirPods like a dumbass to put them in your pocket. The girl's probably gone by this point and then you have to put them back in your ears. Man, if only you had been using an SE. Hopefully they don't die during your workout.

Before I go to bed every night I do some reading on my phone while listening to music and charging it at the same time. Wow it's amazing what we figured out 5 years ago. With iPhone X I won't be doing that because of some wack ass design choices. Wow wireless charging! Instead of my phone being tethered to a wire while I charge it now it has to lie flat on a surface - so innovative! I mean come on seriously this is just a bunch of bullshit...

You mention the specs of the phone...the specs of the phone give no credibility to these regressive design decisions. If there was an SE2 right now it would have the same speed and camera quality.

Well there's my rant. Now there have been many articles expressing similar opinions (ex. https://techcrunch.com/2018/09/14/the-iphone-se-was-the-best-phone-apple-ever-made-and-now-its-dead/), hopefully Apple makes an SE2 if not I will have to find something new when the time comes.
I‘d say tough luck mate. The future is in the notches (at least until sensors can disappear behind the screen) and TouchID is gone for good.

Half of your points make no sense (what does being able to wirelessly charge your phone have to do with plugging it in to charge, you realize they still ship with chargers to plug into?).

Maybe you should try the X or AirPods, because they are the future and best thing ever?


I‘d say tough luck mate. The future is in the notches (at least until sensors can disappear behind the screen) and TouchID is gone for good.

Half of your points make no sense (what does being able to wirelessly charge your phone have to do with plugging it in to charge, you realize they still ship with chargers to plug into?).

Maybe you should try the X or AirPods, because they are the future and best thing ever?
You sound like such a fucking shill. Enjoy your overpriced phone and headphones that sound like shit.


My brother gets new iphones through his job and I always laugh when they're worse than random phones I buy for 1/3rd the price.

The last Apple product I bought was an ipod nano in like 2008.
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way more

I wish I could be as strong as you are. I'm basically a little slave bitch to Apple. But what other choice do I have?


My experience with Apple, bar the notebook with an IBM chip at work (with eploded battery, not joking, it looks quite hilarious, like "Alien" has broken out of the aluminium shell), starts and ends with an iPod.

The terrible experience of "oh, you just want to copy your stuff around, no no no, you are doing it wrong", the dreaded iTunes (in which insane world is that a 'user friendly' app?), uh, no thanks, it was bad enough it didn't support external memory.

As far as I see, most of apple's "innovations" are new ways of having more of your customer's money. Hey, want your media on your devices? Buy it from us!
Hey, want 16Gb more of memory? Pay us $100 (now cheaper) for it.
Replaceable battery? Are you kidding us...
You are using our older hardware still, nevertheless? Oh, let us slow you down (CNN), because, you know, "battery".
Oh, that nasty 3.5mm thing that every single motherfucker on earth can make compatible headphones without paying us... mm, let us innovate: we remove it! In case you've missed it: it's a very very very very brave move on our end. Now, whatever headphones you buy, will bring us more revenue.
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bad guy

as bad as Danny Zuko in gym knickers
So you're not getting the new iPhone, wow. People vote with their wallets everyday. How is this thread-worthy?
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