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Off-site Community Discussion (Reset, etc.) -- READ OP. Stay civil. Don't make it personal. Keep it in here.

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Oh gotcha.

It’s a very slippery slope to believe one set of people especially for politically correct reasons.

There are benefits to reverse discrimination to help balance the equation over time. But things are being taken to levels beyond logic, creating toxicity and divisions far beyond any original inherent discrimination. I’m not sure how this can be fixed, it’s like a mass delusion event. Shits not going to end well.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Redneckerz Redneckerz : Your posting you have quoted is too long for me to properly read now, I need to go to bed. I will read it tomorrow and respond if there is something to respond. I have talked about Ketkat, because Ketkat is running the Transgender 101 thread at Resetera and I feel Ketkat is better informed on that issue that I am and that Ketkat appeared to be willing to help inform people on it, even if they have positions that would be bannable outside of that thread.
Ket does a lot of good stuff for mental health promotion and personal issues. I am not going to be crass and deny that.

That being said, as the linked post shows, Ket has a tendency to only want one thing: You shut up, and you listen. As soon as you start engaging and criticizing her points of view, it gets ignored or (As her second post shows) she brings up a random issue to point out how bad something is, which has nothing to do with the point that was discussed, or assigns words to others that they haven't even said. This is backed up by my own post that details this further and contains more context.

The following isnt directly about Ket, but about The Names's views on trans acceptance in general.

Gaining trans acceptance isn't gained when as a minority you tell people (the majority) to shut up when most folks don't even know what trans people are. Imagine how the majority reacts when they are met with a movement they aren't aware of, but is being passive-aggressive about their whole status. You can just look this up, heck its part of why The Names end up banning people for transphobia. Its about pushing a narrative that is inherently negative in its outings, indirectly not contributing to the acceptance of trans people, but rather making the crowd even more adversed against knowing more than people already are.

However this kind of logic is completely lost as its far more important to battle cases of transphobia or sexism rather than actually contributing with dialogue. The reeeeson ERA is in such negative lighting is simply because of that: There is no dialogue. No dialogue around the position of the staff, around transgender people, around racism, around politics. There is a limited party line and if you even so much as say that you have alternative views, its a ban. Hell, thats why this thread exists, to point such nonsense out.

ERA needs to hold up to what they promised at the start and actually contribute to create a transparent bonfire. ERA today is more akin to a self-inflicted smothering forest fire if anything else.

Way inappropriate ban message. I don't have the logs on-hand about whatever internal discussion this ban message triggered and I don't recall the details in irc or slack or whatever, but the user-facing message was updated to this shortly thereafter by the ex-mod at least:

"Your posts were rude and dismissive. Junior bans are permanent. (We acknowledge the previous ban message as inappropriate)"

Setting that aside, I don't see anything particularly ban-worthy about the user's post activity to begin with. I take full responsibility for staying too hands-off in these absurd Anita threads, and bans like these shouldn't have happened en masse. Thought the mods and I were on the same page about this stuff, but I had my eyes closed too often when it came to anything Anita/Zoe/GG related. Not everyone was in fact on the same page, and unfortunately thousands of people lost their accounts from a handful of activist mods as a result (and that shaped all subsequent discussion as well, of course).
It was sadly ban messages like these that actively contributed to the extremely negative imagery that OldGAF had. It shows the importance of moderator etiquette - What you write can actually contribute to impact the entire site as a whole. For example, there are also moderator messages by Besada that actively highlight that some OldGAF staff operated with a hidden agenda. You automatically lose all credibility in my eyes if as a moderator you are going to insert personal, ulterior motives into your bans and your behavior.

Fortunately, the current staff is a far cry from these kinds of behaviors, and its the staff that GAF deserves to move forward as we usher into a new... ERA. ;)
This is from back in '14 so it's outside the scope of our current Ban Justice initiative and hasn't been addressed already, so I've restored Lisker's account as of now.
You know, this is exactly the kind of unexpected (positive!) surprise that i like. I didn't even intend for the mentioned user to have seen any change, i just apologized because i was effectively bringing in personalized information here without having it blurred or anything. The user might have uploaded it himself but still. Really great that this had a positive outcome.

Tyler, you win an Internet for today. Awesome stuff.
Moderator, no less.
Recent addition, aswell.

You gotta have to wonder what Cerium and his party gang were thinking when they made him staff. For the record, this Nepenthe is also the author of other ERA Classics such as:
In reference to a old (white) woman being beaten up for saying the n word.
A justification for said beating. She had a bloody face, mind you.
''Don't worry, it was just a flesh wound.''

Oh, and if you weren't convinced yet that this mod has some peculiar views regarding white people, here is two from GAF itself!
''In American society, your actual heritage matters less than being able to physically pass and get a card into the club that is "whiteness," because "white" is as much an assimilating term as it is an ethnic one. If JonTron never said anything about his heritage one would be none the wiser.''

''"White" was basically a concept made up by the bourgeois centuries ago to prevent indentured and poor whites and enslaved blacks from realizing they were on the same side economically and socially and revolting together. It characterized the ruling class as a sort of standard that lower-class whites could live up to- gave them a taste of power- and thus racial divisions occurred.Once you understand this, every racial issue in America logically follows: You understand why different European groups like the Irish and Italians were forced to leave behind the depths of their cultures for the security of being considered "white." You understand why Asians even tried at all to legally argue in court that they too should be considered "white." As a result of this attempt at assimilating all of these different cultures and peoples down into this one thing called "whiteness" or "white culture," you understand why even most white people can't actually tell you what "white culture" is, a peculiar problem not faced by ethnic minorities like black people, Latino groups, Asians, and natives. You understand why white people will, on average, see other poor whites (like those unfortunate coal miners) as undeserving victims of an unfair system while poor blacks are just lazy welfare queens and poor Latinos are all illegals who are undermining proper work standards and diluting the gene pool. You understand why the nearly free land and money grants given to white people by the government throughout this country's history are not considered welfare, while welfare initiatives that work to include minorities too are indicative of "handouts" and "entitlements" that they don't deserve. You understand why white people love the ACA but hate Obamacare. You understand why white people overwhelmingly voted for Trump while most other ethnic minorities- even those who face the exact same kind of economic dead ends that poor white people do- voted the other way regardless. And finally, you understand why people who look white regardless of them actually being of Iranian descent like JonTron will basically throw themselves on the spear and turn their backs on who they really are to defend whiteness. Because ultimately, "white" means power, and the long and short of it is people don't want to give up their power.''
Yep, great ''Diversity'' addition to The Names you have there.. :goog_rolleyes:
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You need to trascend personal issues and be aware of the whole picture (in social, psychological and phylosopic terms) in order to create the correct path to mass society changes.

And Era was born thanks to the completely opposite type of people.

So... nothing well done can be expected from them.


So this is cool.


He probably should stop with that digital blackface, not a good look.
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Keep in mind the statistics about how very few women lie are another example of lying with statistics. It is based upon cases where a person was found guilty of lying about the accusation in a court of law, a much lower subset of false accusations. For example, that NFL player Brian Banks who was put away for several years in California and then released later after the accuser admitted she lied would not even count in that statistic. Why? Because for some reason the local prosecutors refused to bring her to trial. (Being charitable, I am guessing they don't want to discourage people owning up to lying in a case that led to a conviction because they will go to jail, better to let the future falsely accused walk free.)
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I fuckin' wish hellfire to rain down on every politician who still stands with this party, cause this Kavanaugh nomination, and try to force it through, have once again shown their true colours on where with humanity they stand.


What a nice forum. Not!
Threads that advertise themselves as bigotry against Republicans/Conservatives is a-ok on Resetera! No need to even hide it.
Oh, and a bonus.

People who support the GOP after all of this just hate others, especially women. What mental gymnastics does one need to do to accept this kind of behavior?

So what's going to happen when the inevitable Amy Barrett gets appointed to the Supreme Court? It's extremely amazing that Trump has another Trump card waiting to pull form his deck.
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The fact that this laughingstock thinks that Irish and Italians were not considered white, even back then tells you everything you need to know about his education level.



What a nice forum. Not!
Threads that advertise themselves as bigotry against Republicans/Conservatives is a-ok on Resetera! No need to even hide it.
Oh, and a bonus.


So what's going to happen when the inevitable Amy Barrett gets appointed the Supreme Court? It's extremely amazing that Trump has another Trump card waiting to pull form his deck.

I mean, if I was harrassed and/or sexually assaulted by another person, I would also wait 40-some years before reporting this harrasment to authorities, myself, ISN'T THIS WHAT SANE PEOPLE DO?!
There are benefits to reverse discrimination to help balance the equation over time. But things are being taken to levels beyond logic, creating toxicity and divisions far beyond any original inherent discrimination. I’m not sure how this can be fixed, it’s like a mass delusion event. Shits not going to end well.

I think your over estimating the effects of the internet a bit much though. Vitriolic voices on the internet don't even represent 0.001% of the population of the U.S.

There's nearly 350 million people in this country, most of us are just going to work trying to get by in life and get along decently well with one another.


I think your over estimating the effects of the internet a bit much though. Vitriolic voices on the internet don't even represent 0.001% of the population of the U.S.

There's nearly 350 million people in this country, most of us are just going to work trying to get by in life and get along decently well with one another.

Yes I agree. Spent too much time in toxic internet environment letting it cloud my world view.


Ket does a lot of good stuff for mental health promotion and personal issues. I am not going to be crass and deny that.

That being said, as the linked post shows, Ket has a tendency to only want one thing: You shut up, and you listen. As soon as you start engaging and criticizing her points of view, it gets ignored or (As her second post shows) she brings up a random issue to point out how bad something is, which has nothing to do with the point that was discussed, or assigns words to others that they haven't even said. This is backed up by my own post that details this further and contains more context.

The following isnt directly about Ket, but about The Names's views on trans acceptance in general.

Gaining trans acceptance isn't gained when as a minority you tell people (the majority) to shut up when most folks don't even know what trans people are. Imagine how the majority reacts when they are met with a movement they aren't aware of, but is being passive-aggressive about their whole status. You can just look this up, heck its part of why The Names end up banning people for transphobia. Its about pushing a narrative that is inherently negative in its outings, indirectly not contributing to the acceptance of trans people, but rather making the crowd even more adversed against knowing more than people already are.

However this kind of logic is completely lost as its far more important to battle cases of transphobia or sexism rather than actually contributing with dialogue. The reeeeson ERA is in such negative lighting is simply because of that: There is no dialogue. No dialogue around the position of the staff, around transgender people, around racism, around politics. There is a limited party line and if you even so much as say that you have alternative views, its a ban. Hell, thats why this thread exists, to point such nonsense out.

ERA needs to hold up to what they promised at the start and actually contribute to create a transparent bonfire. ERA today is more akin to a self-inflicted smothering forest fire if anything else.

It was sadly ban messages like these that actively contributed to the extremely negative imagery that OldGAF had. It shows the importance of moderator etiquette - What you write can actually contribute to impact the entire site as a whole. For example, there are also moderator messages by Besada that actively highlight that some OldGAF staff operated with a hidden agenda. You automatically lose all credibility in my eyes if as a moderator you are going to insert personal, ulterior motives into your bans and your behavior.

Fortunately, the current staff is a far cry from these kinds of behaviors, and its the staff that GAF deserves to move forward as we usher into a new... ERA. ;)

You know, this is exactly the kind of unexpected (positive!) surprise that i like. I didn't even intend for the mentioned user to have seen any change, i just apologized because i was effectively bringing in personalized information here without having it blurred or anything. The user might have uploaded it himself but still. Really great that this had a positive outcome.

Tyler, you win an Internet for today. Awesome stuff.

Recent addition, aswell.

You gotta have to wonder what Cerium and his party gang were thinking when they made him staff. For the record, this Nepenthe is also the author of other ERA Classics such as:

In reference to a old (white) woman being beaten up for saying the n word.

A justification for said beating. She had a bloody face, mind you.

''Don't worry, it was just a flesh wound.''

Oh, and if you weren't convinced yet that this mod has some peculiar views regarding white people, here is two from GAF itself!
''In American society, your actual heritage matters less than being able to physically pass and get a card into the club that is "whiteness," because "white" is as much an assimilating term as it is an ethnic one. If JonTron never said anything about his heritage one would be none the wiser.''

''"White" was basically a concept made up by the bourgeois centuries ago to prevent indentured and poor whites and enslaved blacks from realizing they were on the same side economically and socially and revolting together. It characterized the ruling class as a sort of standard that lower-class whites could live up to- gave them a taste of power- and thus racial divisions occurred.Once you understand this, every racial issue in America logically follows: You understand why different European groups like the Irish and Italians were forced to leave behind the depths of their cultures for the security of being considered "white." You understand why Asians even tried at all to legally argue in court that they too should be considered "white." As a result of this attempt at assimilating all of these different cultures and peoples down into this one thing called "whiteness" or "white culture," you understand why even most white people can't actually tell you what "white culture" is, a peculiar problem not faced by ethnic minorities like black people, Latino groups, Asians, and natives. You understand why white people will, on average, see other poor whites (like those unfortunate coal miners) as undeserving victims of an unfair system while poor blacks are just lazy welfare queens and poor Latinos are all illegals who are undermining proper work standards and diluting the gene pool. You understand why the nearly free land and money grants given to white people by the government throughout this country's history are not considered welfare, while welfare initiatives that work to include minorities too are indicative of "handouts" and "entitlements" that they don't deserve. You understand why white people love the ACA but hate Obamacare. You understand why white people overwhelmingly voted for Trump while most other ethnic minorities- even those who face the exact same kind of economic dead ends that poor white people do- voted the other way regardless. And finally, you understand why people who look white regardless of them actually being of Iranian descent like JonTron will basically throw themselves on the spear and turn their backs on who they really are to defend whiteness. Because ultimately, "white" means power, and the long and short of it is people don't want to give up their power.''
Yep, great ''Diversity'' addition to The Names you have there.. :goog_rolleyes:

Wow this guy is promoting violence against people, no matter the reason beating up a woman is not justified...there are legal ways of reporting someone of practicing racism if they felt offended. How the hell does someone like that becomes a moderator?
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Wow this guy is promoting violence against people, no matter the reason beating up a woman is not justified...there are legal ways of reporting someone of practicing racism if they felt offended. How the hell does someone like that becomes a moderator?
When the worst of OldGAF moves to a new safe house which contains no internet, no books, no TV, just an external tube from which one gets a censored newspaper so that a lot of what they will assume is imaginary and you throw away the key, then this is what you get.

Its an interesting experiment but at the same time its bizarre how easily identifable anonymity gives way to such extremist opinions and call outs, and you know these chuckles will not proclaim this IRL.

How could they, they are locked in their safe house...:pie_neutral:
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Fun Fact: More college educated people voted for Trump over Hillary.

That's not a correct reading of the data. More white college graduates voted for Trump.

In the other metrics (including "high school or less" where 51% voted Trump and 45% voted Hillary), it appears the people with postgraduate, and graduate degrees voted more for Hillary.

I'm not saying Trump voters are "slack jawed dumb fucks", of course.
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There are significant numbers of black identitarians and transgenders there.

That is what i think as well, which would be good for promoting their cause with dialogue and explanations, but these are extreme people that instead of having that, simply ban everyone that disagree with them.

Imo this only hurts their cause.

Kagey K

I am beginning to think more and more there is breeding ground for extremists there, especially knowing what races/religions/ethnicities a good % of the admins are.
Known hate site hating on somebody. News at 11.

TBH. I used to feel that way about GAF. I was concerned that by even just browsing it I might make a watch list somewhere, due to the same things we see from Reset now.

I get that gaming forums are an insignificant part of the internet, but as if they aren’t watching some of this rhetoric come out of these places.

Could you imagine what someone like Jack Thompson could do nowadays vs what he tried to do against GTA back in the day, and the community would only prove him right again and again.
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Fascinating to see how they are defending French President Emanuel Macron's posing with two "'former" robbers. Their general appearance and body language (the middle finger to the camera is quite telling) suggest they are still in the game.
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Era is made up of -

75% white males (self-loathing/soy)
12.5% men in dresses (troons)
7.5% minorities (rich but act ghetto fam)
2.5% real women (land whales)
2.5% normal people (banned)

EviLore EviLore well done on getting rid.


Perpetually Tired
Staff Member
As a friendly reminder, please refrain from using low effort insults to prove a point.
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Gold Member
Most of them are white.

ZhugeEX (Daniel Ahmad) is Malaysian (I believe) but middle eastern descent speaks fluent Arabic, Shinobi's (Nate T.) father is Lebanese and he also speaks fluent Arabic, they have several black mods, Brazil is well from Brazil, etc.. (none of this is doxxed it is all public from website interviews, etc.)

Just observations on how the staff looks the other way with calls for killing white people (mainly anti-American sentiment) and the like.
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I remember we had some pretty cool trans people here back in the day: Lexi and Jamie if anyone remembers them. Then the hysterical authoritarian types took over and ruined it for everyone. Now we have Ailynn Ailynn though so it’s all g ✌️❤️


I remember we had some pretty cool trans people here back in the day: Lexi and Jamie if anyone remembers them. Then the hysterical authoritarian types took over and ruined it for everyone. Now we have Ailynn Ailynn though so it’s all g ✌️❤️
We still got good trans peeps on the site :3 it sucks a few left but not all so it's okay,

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
We still got good trans peeps on the site :3 it sucks a few left but not all so it's okay,

Mhm. There are some really awesome people that are trans, black, mexican, indonesian, gay, asexual, etc. They just don't feel the need to announce it with every post like with the previous community. I feel like people focus too much on such minor details when we can be talking about more important things, like which Soda is the best or what awesome new game announcement was made.
This isn't a thread to talk about transexual people and if they're enough like the gender they're transitioning to. And the use of the word "tranny" isn't super great.
Maybe you're two good trannies. Most on Era suck.


Fingerlickin' Good!
I used to belong to a discord group with a couple of trans people who were totally cool and nice. But other SJWs turned the place into a political hellhole


I used to belong to a discord group with a couple of trans people who were totally cool and nice. But other SJWs turned the place into a political hellhole

Pretty much par for the course.

In my experience, there are three distinct groups of trans people:

1. Those who have genuine gender dysphoria and just want to go about their business as normal members of society.

2. Those who have genuine gender dysphoria but weaponise their negative emotions (typically with a dash of mental illness) as a big stick with which to clobber normal people over the head.

3. Transtrenders who latch onto transgenderism as an identity even though they don’t actually have gender dysphoria. These are the attention-seeking conformity through non-conformity types who would’ve just painted their faces black and white and called themselves goths 10 years ago.

Groups 2 and 3 ruin everything they touch and make life more difficult than it needs to be for group 1.
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I’m not trans.

Maybe he means me?
Mhm. There are some really awesome people that are trans, black, mexican, indonesian, gay, asexual, etc. They just don't feel the need to announce it with every post like with the previous community. I feel like people focus too much on such minor details when we can be talking about more important things, like which Soda is the best or what awesome new game announcement was made.
And yes this 100% a lot of those people love to explain all of that unnecessary info because it would "validate" them in their mind and for a few other people so they did it.

But that shit doesn't matter.


Maybe he means me?

And yes this 100% a lot of those people love to explain all of that unnecessary info because it would "validate" them in their mind and for a few other people so they did it.

But that shit doesn't matter.

Are you trans? Who’s the second one he’s referring to?


I wouldn’t have known unless you specifically told me, which is how it should be.
Yup, even if I've maybe mentioned it once I really don't feel the need to ever mention it over and over for every situation like they do on the other site.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Era is made up of -

75% white males (self-loathing/soy)
12.5% men in dresses (troons)
7.5% minorities (rich but act ghetto fam)
2.5% real women (land whales)
2.5% normal people (banned)

EviLore EviLore well done on getting rid.
Quite the colorful terminology you have here:
  • Self-loathing/soy
  • Troons
  • Ghetto fam
  • Land Whales
Gross generalizations and literally the one thing the banbot has no stats of, which is impressive aswell.

Maybe you're two good trannies. Most on Era suck.
They don't suck (And they don't swallow, either.)

Not all ERA trans people are the same. Its just that those that have influence, use it in predominantly negative fashion which only widens the gap of trans acceptance rather than closing it.

Yes I am trans. Might have just assume we both were.
I am glad that you are around, Blam. :)
They make some incredible soy products these days, I swear some of them are just like meat. My girlfriend is vegan, or maybe vegetarian (can't keep track of all this bullshit) and I'm constantly amazed by how versatile soy is in the kitchen - and by the Blazing Saddles farts it triggers in me.

I still use it as an insult because it sounds funny.
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