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Microsoft in ‘uncharted territory’ with Crackdown 3


Microsoft is in “uncharted territory” by using cloud computing to boost the visuals of Crackdown 3, a senior art director at the company has said.

The upcoming action-adventure game features an online, multiplayer mode called Wrecking Zone, which contains maps that can be completely destroyed. This realistic, real-time damage is only possible by using Azure to significantly add to the power of the gamer’s Xbox One.

More here: https://news.microsoft.com/en-gb/2019/02/01/microsoft-in-uncharted-territory-with-crackdown-3/

Some cheeky wordplay going on here, I tell ya!

It’s almost as if Sony might need to start.....cracking down....on the competition
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Not sure about the words in use here. Visuals is not what I would call 'boosted' here and the use of live action advert images in the OP do not help either.



I am a virgin
I believe the art director is incorrect.

They needed the cloud computing to be able to model Terry Crews and his deity esque body.

They don't need to make excuses for other people's greatness.


Gold Member
Xbox one x, its the most powerful console in the world, yet it needs the power of the cloud.
Xbox one , its the least powerful console this gen, will probably run this game like shit @720p.

This gen's xbox has been a beautiful wreck, they took all the wrong choices.
Looks like we need to... Crackdown the case, eh ?

Yeah, it’s like there’s a halo of hope around this game. It looks promising, out on the horizon. Or maybe not, maybe we will meet our doom in Crackdown 3. My persona is typically apt to remain positive, though. I just hope there’s no signs of resident evil surrounded the development team.


As I look out onto the Horizon, I see Zero success for this title, but it'll soon be a new Dawn for Microsoft in 2020.


Look at this thread....really look at it. Do you guys ever play games? Does every game have to look like Last of Us 2 or Red Dead for you to enjoy it? This place is a fucking joke of a gaming discussion forum sometimes.

As someone who played a couple hundred hours in the original, Crackdown 3 looks like a crackdown game. CEL SHADED and all about running around causing mayhem...Anyone who expected something else is a dumbass.

And for those that didn't actually read the article, this is the quote.

Using the cloud to power environmental destruction is brand-new,” he said. “This is a technology that no one has utilised before. We’re in uncharted territory and it’s exciting.
-Dave Johnson
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Look at this thread....really look at it. Do you guys ever play games? Does every game have to look like Last of Us 2 or Red Dead for you to enjoy it? This place is a fucking joke of a gaming discussion forum sometimes.

As someone who played a couple hundred hours in the original, Crackdown 3 looks like a crackdown game. CEL SHADED and all about running around causing mayhem...Anyone who expected something else is a dumbass.

I think it looks fine. Crackdown has always been more about physics/destruction than overall IQ sharpness, for me
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Look at this thread....really look at it. Do you guys ever play games? Does every game have to look like Last of Us 2 or Red Dead for you to enjoy it? This place is a fucking joke of a gaming discussion forum sometimes.

As someone who played a couple hundred hours in the original, Crackdown 3 looks like a crackdown game. CEL SHADED and all about running around causing mayhem...Anyone who expected something else is a dumbass.

And for those that didn't actually read the article, this is the quote.

Not sure why you are blaming the forum when the words and headline are pulled directly from the MS news article.


This is gonna be one of those games that releases and everyone forgets it exists not even a week later.

You'll hear a lot of people say "Crackdown 3 came out?"


Not sure about the words in use here. Visuals is not what I would call 'boosted' here and the use of live action advert images in the OP do not help either.

Come on, that has to be a screenshot of Crackdown 1 or 2, right?
No way that is a current gen game.
Just Cause 4 is shaking its head in shame.


I think it will be good. Wish I had an Xbox to play it, tho. And I'm not gonna pay 30 brl for the game pass.


I do think the idea of boosting games through the cloud is more appealing than just streaming them and this whole game seems to have been made mostly as a tech demo of that so I am curious.

With that said, the game comes out this month and I've yet to see anything really amazing being shown. There was some video back in 2015 that looked fairly cool but in more recent times all I've seen is this one video of this one multiplayer map and it's not really blowing me away. It's very destructible without slowing down which is definitely more than you can expect from the crappy CPU's on current consoles but it's still a fairly basic looking map with basic looking structures

Not sure about the words in use here. Visuals is not what I would call 'boosted' here and the use of live action advert images in the OP do not help either.


Extensive real time destruction is also part of what I would cool "visuals".

With that being said that screenshot seems to be from the single player which doesn't have any of that and does indeed just look plain bad
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Xbox one x, its the most powerful console in the world, yet it needs the power of the cloud.
Xbox one , its the least powerful console this gen, will probably run this game like shit @720p.

This gen's xbox has been a beautiful wreck, they took all the wrong choices.

This is the thing that' confusing me about this game. So far nothing in this game look like stuff that can't be or hasn't been done in other games WITHOUT the cloud.


The previews I have been reading suggest the cloud has flopped for this game. 5 v 5 multiplayer, smaller maps than expected, and nothing near the tech demos they were showing off a few years ago. I hope the game is fun for those looking forward to it, but this certainly is not shaping up as a big deal console exclusive IMO.


Gold Member
Game Pass ftw! I'm pretty sure this will entertain me for the 5 minutes I'm not playing Anthem on PC


Gold Member
The multiplayer didnt look good at all, and the single player didnt really look like crackdown but I still am ready for orb hunting
If you ever need proof that cloud gaming is nonsense, this is is.

Cloud gaming was the entire idea that the Xbox One was initially pitched on. They couldn't shut up about it months, hyping it up all the time and claiming it was the future of gaming.

And here we are. Nearly 6 years later. With one game.
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If you ever need proof that cloud gaming is nonsense, this is is.

Cloud gaming was the entire idea that the Xbox One was initially pitched on. They couldn't shut up about it months, hyping it up all the time and claiming it was the future of gaming.

And here we are. Nearly 6 years later. With one game.
Yeah but the game has 5 v 5 multiplayer. Don't you realize how revolutionary 5 v 5 is?
Prove me the succesful exclusives it has, and compare them to Sony's. Since that's the main appeal that attracts people to a console it's only fair.

Well you moved the goal posts just a bit... Now you want successful exclusives, which is a different story.

But here's the thing - a lot of Microsoft's earlier games were actually good games (Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall, Ori and the Blind Forest), but the xbox install base was smaller too. So are we measuring success by sales or in quality? For example, I'd take Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the Blind Forest, Halo 5 and the Forza games over anything on the playstation. That is a big enough reason for me and anyone else with my tastes to buy an xbox one. That's just my preference in games though - obviously i'm not saying the games on the ps4 aren't good. A lot of times, though, it seems like playstation fans can't accept or understand that not everyone is interested in rpgs and single player cinematic experiences. Just because I'm not as partial to those genres doesn't mean that I then go and say that ps4 games suck. Though in general it's true that the exclusives on the xbox one have underwhelmed, I don't think it's all due to a lack of quality. Even Halo 5, which gets ridiculed for its campaign, has one of the more impressive multiplayer experiences this gen imo.

Moving ahead, though, this year could be really good for the xbox. Soon to be Crackdown 3, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, plus hopefully we get a new Battletoads game, a new Gears of War, Void Bastards, and Tunic. I'm cautiously optimistic.
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Gold Member
If you ever need proof that cloud gaming is nonsense, this is is.

Cloud gaming was the entire idea that the Xbox One was initially pitched on. They couldn't shut up about it months, hyping it up all the time and claiming it was the future of gaming.

And here we are. Nearly 6 years later. With one game.

Cloud gaming was not the entire idea Xbox One was pitched on. The idea was it wanted to be at the center of your living room. That's why it had Cable TV support, launched with Kinect and included the snap feature. Cloud gaming was mostly mentioned when comparing to the PS4 and the power difference. Microsoft said the cloud would be able to bridge the gap from having less powerful hardware. That was false

Titanfall used the cloud for the npc soldiers and your automated titan btw. Do you ever say anything that's even remotely true?


Gold Member

Well you moved the goal posts just a bit... Now you want successful exclusives, which is a different story.

But here's the thing - a lot of Microsoft's earlier games were actually good games (Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall, Ori and the Blind Forest), but the xbox install base was smaller too. So are we measuring success by sales or in quality? For example, I'd take Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the Blind Forest, Halo 5 and the Forza games over anything on the playstation. That is a big enough reason for me and anyone else with my tastes to buy an xbox one. That's just my preference in games though - obviously i'm not saying the games on the ps4 aren't good. A lot of times, though, it seems like playstation fans can't accept or understand that not everyone is interested in rpgs and single player cinematic experiences. Just because I'm not as partial to those genres doesn't mean that I then go and say that ps4 games suck. Though in general it's true that the exclusives on the xbox one have underwhelmed, I don't think it's all due to a lack of quality. Even Halo 5, which gets ridiculed for its campaign, has one of the more impressive multiplayer experiences this gen imo.

Moving ahead, though, this year could be really good for the xbox. Soon to be Crackdown 3, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, plus hopefully we get a new Battletoads game, a new Gears of War, Void Bastards, and Tunic. I'm cautiously optimistic.

I really wish they would revisit Phantom Dust for that reboot again. It's only the best game ever made.


Gold Member
The X is a powerful box, but it's no Infinite Power of the Cloud.

I wish they would give it a rest. They are not fooling anyone, well maybe hopes to sucker the mass casuals with this circa 2013 talk.

We all know it's a Trojan Horse, Microsoft.


Gold Member
This is the thing that' confusing me about this game. So far nothing in this game look like stuff that can't be or hasn't been done in other games WITHOUT the cloud.
'member the other game that was only possible on the Xbox One: The Complete All-in-One Games and Entertainment System™ thanks to the power of the Microsoft Azure™ Cloud? Have you seen Titanfall?
Yes, I've seen part 2, running great on ps4.

I don't know why they keep this cloud shenanigans. Crackdown has been in dev purgatory for years...
itanfall used the cloud for the npc soldiers and your automated titan btw. Do you ever say anything that's even remotely true?
Which it does on every single platform without DA POWAH OF DA CLOUD. That isn't "cloud gaming". It's hyperbolic bullshit. It's standard multiplayer infrastructure that games have been employing for years.

Do you ever say anything that's even remotely true?


The game slick looks dry. I can’t put my finger on it. Dry is the word that comes to mind.

Remember when all the games looked wet? But the opposite


Gold Member
Which it does on every single platform without DA POWAH OF DA CLOUD. That isn't "cloud gaming". It's hyperbolic bullshit. It's standard multiplayer infrastructure that games have been employing for years.

Do you ever say anything that's even remotely true?

Are you referring to Titanfall 2? I'm talking about Titanfall one, which judging by your bias, I'm led to believe you've never played. Just so you know, Titanfall 2 uses the cloud as well. Just because it's on different platforms doesn't mean it can't still use the cloud.

Multiplayer adversarial shooters have NPCS? Humor me, name another? The only other game I can think of is Halo 5.

Btw, don't think I didn't noticed you totally ignored the fact that you were mistaken about Crackdown 3 being the only game that used cloud based technology in the game.

We've now covered 3 cloud utilizing games.
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Well you moved the goal posts just a bit... Now you want successful exclusives, which is a different story.

But here's the thing - a lot of Microsoft's earlier games were actually good games (Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall, Ori and the Blind Forest), but the xbox install base was smaller too. So are we measuring success by sales or in quality? For example, I'd take Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the Blind Forest, Halo 5 and the Forza games over anything on the playstation. That is a big enough reason for me and anyone else with my tastes to buy an xbox one. That's just my preference in games though - obviously i'm not saying the games on the ps4 aren't good. A lot of times, though, it seems like playstation fans can't accept or understand that not everyone is interested in rpgs and single player cinematic experiences. Just because I'm not as partial to those genres doesn't mean that I then go and say that ps4 games suck. Though in general it's true that the exclusives on the xbox one have underwhelmed, I don't think it's all due to a lack of quality. Even Halo 5, which gets ridiculed for its campaign, has one of the more impressive multiplayer experiences this gen imo.

Moving ahead, though, this year could be really good for the xbox. Soon to be Crackdown 3, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, plus hopefully we get a new Battletoads game, a new Gears of War, Void Bastards, and Tunic. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Of course they have to be succesful. I was talking about Crackdown 3 selling good because XBOX owners are starving for exclusives. It's implied that nobody wants to play a shit game, exclusive or not.

From the games you mentioned only Halo 5 is exclusive to XBOX, the others are on PC.
Are you referring to Titanfall 2? I'm talking about Titanfall one, which judging by your bias, I'm led to believe you've never played. Just so you know, Titanfall 2 uses the cloud as well. Just because it's on different platforms doesn't mean it can't still use the cloud.

Multiplayer adversarial shooters have NPCS? Humor me, name another? The only other game I can think of is Halo 5.

Btw, don't think I didn't noticed you totally ignored the fact that you were mistaken about Crackdown 3 being the only game that used cloud based technology in the game.

We've now covered 3 cloud utilizing games.
So we can ascertain from this statement that what you consider "utilising the cloud" is just standard online infrastructure for games that has existed and been utilised for years by many companies, and has no relation to the concept that Microsoft touted out as the future of gaming back in 2013.


Gold Member
So we can ascertain from this statement that what you consider "utilising the cloud" is just standard online infrastructure for games that has existed and been utilised for years by many companies, and has no relation to the concept that Microsoft touted out as the future of gaming back in 2013.

I'm curious as to what you were expecting from cloud utilization. I also get the feeling that said expectation will be completely unrealistic and not even the purpose of the technology.

My expectation was for the cloud to allow computation of things that the APU couldn't handle alone. It allows for destructible environments to act independently each time they are destroyed. It allows for Titan AI to be more human like. I'm not aware of anything else the cloud is supposedly capable of doing, through I have read that Microsoft was attempting to use it to lower overhead for the console...basically offshoring parts of the graphical presentation to the cloud allowing the GPU more room to render higher quality textures or potentially increase frame rate.
I really wish they would revisit Phantom Dust for that reboot again. It's only the best game ever made.
That would be awesome. I've never actually played it, but would totally play a remaster or reboot.

Of course they have to be succesful. I was talking about Crackdown 3 selling good because XBOX owners are starving for exclusives. It's implied that nobody wants to play a shit game, exclusive or not.

From the games you mentioned only Halo 5 is exclusive to XBOX, the others are on PC.
Then from here on out we'll have to agree to disagree. I don't know if i have the energy to get into a debate about exclusive vs console exclusive (been down that path before). I mean, even though games are available on pc, it doesn't mean the majority of people play on pc. I feel like pc players playing xbox games are in the minority, though I have no data to back that claim up. You say starved, but Ashen just recently came out, as well as Below, Forza Horizon 4, and Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2 earlier last year. Yes, mabye that's considered a slow drip of games, but there are games out there. However, you would exclude them because they're also available on pc. Xbox players can't be starved if games are coming out, regardless of whether they're also on pc. That's not counting the endless number of 3rd party games. So if prefer the xbox exclusives over playstation, the 3rd party games will more than tide me over just fine.
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