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Borderlands 3 officially announced


People don't want to support EPIC's shitty practice of exclusivity. I don't understand why people get so bothered when they hear that they are not getting it if it's not on Steam. Either you deal with it or have 10 people explain why this moneyhatting is bad for the gamers. I can wait a whole year for it to show up on Steam and I can always redbox the console version. No biggie...

People also assume that skipping a game is hard like stopping to smoke. At least that's what it looks like. Start asking why we would go the extra length just to make a point but in reality there are so many worthwhile games out there that skipping one or putting it in the back log to come back for it once it's on Steam is one of the easiest things to do.


Gold Member
Can't wait! They do loot explosions right. I don't care that 99% of it will just be junked or sold. There's something extremely satisfying about more loot than you can shake your fist at when you beat a boss.


Siren as melee? Should have stuck to elemental.

If it's exclusive to epic store you get 0% of the money if I pirate. If I get it on console the cut is the same as on steam. Stupid decision.


Gold Member
So it IS possible to announce a new entry to a series and not be downvoted to hell and back due to loads of crap.
Blizzard should take note...
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No mobile?
No political statements?
No Battle Royale?

All is looking good :D

"Is it exclusive to EGS" that's the least of what can go wrong, wait a year or double dip like me.. calm your fucking tits down.


Gee i won't play game i like because it is sold only in Walmart instead of Tesco.
This store fanboyism is weird as hell.

And in case of digital purchases you literally are one click away instead of mile or two.
It's not store fanboyism. I would have zero issues buying it from any other store. i don't want Epic's chinese malware on my PC. I don't want to give them money so they can keep pulling this sort of crap. How is that so hard to understand?


My girl Maya looking good as ever, best Siren I wish she is playable again oh well beast master seems interesting


Adding more rants. Right now I'm not crazy about the characters, tbh. BL1 and BL2 I knew immediately who I wanted to play. Here? Not so much. Their design doesn't really appeal to me. I think the siren is super cool, but I don't play siren. I play sniper/assassin and soldier for second character, and I don't like what I see.
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i loved worlds that they shown after explore worlds





and they said it ..

new transport types
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I rather have it on epic store than steam.

Anyway, if true, this will not be an exclusive-steal like it was for Metro. Nothing really wrong with that. Of course, I'd rather have it on multiple stores (GOG would me my choice, since I don't like having to use launchers), but you guys are just blind steam fanboys and frankly, just ridiculous. It was ok when games were only on steam?

and not be Always online, please.
But knowing how scummy Pitchford is, I'm afraid they'll go full MTX monetization.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Really looking forward to this. Was a massive fan of Borderlands 2. Cannot wait to get my hands on this.


, but you guys are just blind steam fanboys and frankly, just ridiculous. It was ok when games were only on steam?

Are you incapable of accepting that many just don't want to support EPICS tactic of one year exclusivity? NOBODY here is asking for Steam exclusivity and last I checked there were other stores selling games as well. This blind hatred for Steam is the worst. Everyone is a fanboy for not buying the game through EPIC store when in reality they just don't want to support their stupid practice.
Can't wait! They do loot explosions right. I don't care that 99% of it will just be junked or sold. There's something extremely satisfying about more loot than you can shake your fist at when you beat a boss.

Oh, yeah. Agree totally. Something Division 2 did very well imo is giving you a reason to inspect everything you drop.

Even if you know you won't, you might use some aspect of it, and it seems like we'll get a similar mechanic here with the parts. So hyped.


But everyone was ok when 90% of games on PC were available only on steam.

What? No. People bitched back then too. Hell, even on this very forum every Steam thread had someone whose baby was eaten by Gabe.

Quite frankly Steam is the lesser of two evils in this scenario. If the Epic store wasn't such a shitfest and consumers were given a choice about where to buy then we'd all be better off.
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But everyone was ok when 90% of games on PC were available only on steam.

Those same people are also fine with the games being available in other store fronts. Again your issue is with people having Steam as there preferred store front. I have ORIGIN, UPLAY and BATTLENET loaded up and ready to go to play the games that they have. Yeah let's ignore what I said about these same "steam fanboys" don't want to support EPICS tactic which you seem to be fine by it. And you know what I'm cool with it since its your choice...doesn't bother me a bit. But oh boy if I don't buy the game because it's not on Steam then I'm an auto fanboy and it's not because I'm not supporting EPICS practice. Nope not at all....

If the game was out for all store fronts then I would by it through my preferred store. If EPIC offered it to a very low price then guess what I would buy the game through them. Instead here we are...


It's not store fanboyism. I would have zero issues buying it from any other store. i don't want Epic's chinese malware on my PC. I don't want to give them money so they can keep pulling this sort of crap. How is that so hard to understand?

You mean like you have US malware called steam ?
It is hard to understand because you can buy exact same game from 1click away different site but you behave like you need to drive a car to next country to buy it.

Which is what this is. Steam fanboism.


You mean like you have US malware called steam ?
It is hard to understand because you can buy exact same game from 1click away different site but you behave like you need to drive a car to next country to buy it.

Which is what this is. Steam fanboism.
Dude, stop it. I have all the other launchers installed and plenty of games on them. I'm way past the point where I need to have every game on Steam. I just find Epic's tactics disgusting and I don't want to support them as I believe that they are damaging to the PC market. Also, I'm a very stubborn person and when somebody is trying to take away my choice like Epic is doing right now, it usually has the opposite of the intended effect.
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If my choice is Steam or Epic, I'll choose Steam. But if it is Epic-exclusive, I don't care really.

I'll download a 2K Games client if need be.

And I'm starting to think that Epic is paying for turfers.


If my choice is Steam or Epic, I'll choose Steam. But if it is Epic-exclusive, I don't care really.

I'll download a 2K Games client if need be.

And I'm starting to think that Epic is paying for turfers.
They have to be. How anyone can think what Epic is doing is actually good for the PC market is beyond me.


I don't want to support them as I believe that they are damaging to the PC market.

In exactly what way ? So far they have been boon to PC gaming. They already forced Steam to drop cut to 20% if you sell enough copies. Then you get free games every now and then unlike steam which gives you free games for ... 24/48 hours.

If you dare to say you care about PC market then i find it surprising you say that when you clearly see this is more competition and first legitimate contender to Steam as currently they have enough money to break Steam monopoly on market.

Something tells me you do not actually care about PC market. You just care about Steam losing another game which drives you nuts

And I'm starting to think that Epic is paying for turfers.

Or maybe i live long enough to remember how Steam launched as malware for Half Life 2 and i remember how it grew. I also remember how they switched off 2 years ago ability to not update games anymore effectively making Steam the worst platform if you want to mod games on market.

The more competition to them the more they will have to fight for consumer.
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Or maybe i live long enough to remember how Steam launched as malware for Half Life 2 and i remember how it grew. I also remember how they switched off 2 years ago ability to not update games anymore effectively making Steam the worst platform if you want to mod games on market.

The more competition to them the more they will have to fight for consumer.

That comment was not aimed at your specifically or even limited to GAF.


Something tells me you do not actually care about PC market.

You see he does care. He cares enough to not support a storefront which snatches games a month or week later from release from his preferred store and turning it to an exclusive. That's pretty much the narrative here.....


In exactly what way ? So far they have been boon to PC gaming. They already forced Steam to drop cut to 20% if you sell enough copies. Then you get free games every now and then unlike steam which gives you free games for ... 24/48 hours.

If you dare to say you care about PC market then i find it surprising you say that when you clearly see this is more competition and first legitimate contender to Steam as currently they have enough money to break Steam monopoly on market.

Something tells me you do not actually care about PC market. You just care about Steam losing another game which drives you nuts
They are forcefully dropping store cuts to unsustainable levels because they are trying to destroy any and all competition, similar to what Uber was doing for taxi services. They are limiting consumer choice and completely removing third party stores from the equation. They are raising game prices in many cases because, again, no competition. Their client is feature starved, accounts are getting hacked left and right and there are some very valid privacy concerns. And while knowing all this, they are trying to force people to use their client instead of working on getting better. They aren't financing games, they are bribing publishers. Again, I don't care about Steam losing this game. Just like I bought Division 2 on Uplay I will buy Outer Worlds on MS store because at least there I had a choice to avoid EGS.
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They are forcefully dropping store cuts to unsustainable levels because they are trying to destroy any and all competition, similar to what Uber was doing for taxi services.

Unsustainable ?

First of there is 0 reason to think that it is "unsustainable" much like 30% cut was never about sustainability but showing enough cut to out-compete normal stores which charged usually 50%. But unlike normal stores which need to rent places, hire people, have distribution channel, spend money on PR and shitload of other stuff Velve which is the biggest game distributor right now barely hires enough people to cover even few Gamestop stores.

So no 12% is perfectly sustainable. Velve outside of hiring few hundred people, renting servers and bandwidth doesn't have huge costs like whole Gamestop chain. Somehow Gamestop while battered by unsustainable 30% steam and other digital platforms cut still survives.

Free market is free market. It means either you fight or you die. If those are not sustainable for them then they should do something about it, fire people, restructure their business and so on. Would you also argue that 30% is unsustainable compared to normal shops 40-50% cut ?

You never ask if Walmart potatoes prices are "unsustainable" for smaller shops because you know it is dumb argument.
That is what competition does. This is what Uber does, this is what every company that wants to compete does. They find a way to profit in way other don't and make it business.

IF Velve can't compete they can fill for bankrupcy like in normal market.

They are limiting consumer choice and completely removing third party stores from the equation. They are raising game prices in many cases because, again, no competition.

Sure if you call walking from store 5m away "limit". Also Metro dropped price instead of rised so idk where you get those arguments about rising prices. More competition means less expensive stuff. Much like we went from 60$ every game to 5$ games.

If Epic takes only 12% cut then sooner or later game will be cheaper on Epic store because this is how market operates.
Why would you buy Game A which costs 60$ when you can buy Game B which costs 50$ ?

Their client is feature starved, accounts are getting hacked left and right and there are some very valid privacy concerns. And while knowing all this, they are trying to force people to use their client instead of working on getting better.

Well Steam forces me to use steam if i want to play steam games. Surprise ?
Every other store has issues including Steam. Yes i see only Epic store "issues" which means this is more of people fanboing over issues trying to prove Epic store is bad rather than giving any shit about what they write about.

They aren't financing games, they are bribing publishers.

And ? You do realize it is not Epic that forces developers to skip Steam but developers themselves deciding that Steam release is simply not worth it considering Epic deal ?

Aka Epic competes with Steam and developers decide that Steam is not worth to release on.

You see he does care. He cares enough to not support a storefront which snatches games a month or week later from release from his preferred store and turning it to an exclusive. That's pretty much the narrative here.....

Any normal human when he sees his favorite toothbrush becoming wallmart exclusive would go to walmart and buy it. Somehow games are apparently different. Because it is really really really important to buy your game in store of your choosing.

It doesn't make sense that store takes precedence over product and kind of shown that competition is bad place in PC sphere.

That comment was not aimed at your specifically or even limited to GAF.

Neither my answer was to you precisely.
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Day one if they uncensored the violence, here's hoping Tina is playable too.
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Sure if you call walking from store 5m away "limit". Also Metro dropped price instead of rised so idk where you get those arguments about rising prices. More competition means less expensive stuff. Much like we went from 60$ every game to 5$ games.
It doesn't matter how far away the store is or how easy to install it is. If I don't want to use it, I shouldn't be forced to. Not that hard to understand.
If Epic takes only 12% cut then sooner or later game will be cheaper on Epic store because this is how market operates.
Why would you buy Game A which costs 60$ when you can buy Game B which costs 50$ ?
It's the exact opposite, my friend. Sales happen because stores decide to cut their share in order to move some units of the game. When a store has only 12% cut, sales just aren't gonna happen, and Epic have already said that you can forget about sales, that they don't agree with that business model.

Also, before the Epic deal, you could've bought Metro for as low as 45$ on the Razer store. So yes, EGS exclusivity has raised the price.

Codes 208

The one think I’m hoping is true is being able to swap out attachments to guns. I hated finding the right gun but with an awkward scope in bl1-bl2

Edit: oh, and keep the badass progression please! Made NG+ so much better in BL2
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What? No. People bitched back then too. Hell, even on this very forum every Steam thread had someone whose baby was eaten by Gabe.

Quite frankly Steam is the lesser of two evils in this scenario. If the Epic store wasn't such a shitfest and consumers were given a choice about where to buy then we'd all be better off.

Forget Fuz. He's one of those anti-steam Luddites who for reasons unknown never actually uses it, but loves to bitch about how awful it is, ad infinitum.


Trailer wasn't as near as good and crazy as the ones for Rage 2, but it was still fine. The game is sending "it's more of the same" vibes and I'm okay with that.


Wait so the borderlands 1 remake is totally a gamestop exclusive... cant even buy it on the Microsoft store? And its physical only? Ugh not cool.
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