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Cyberpunk 2077 studio explains how gender customisation works.


Isn't this basically just like every other character customizer out there? You can usually pick from male/female hairstyles no matter what body type you choose and most of the time they allow you to pick from masculine or feminine voices.

I doubt this will fool the people they're trying to appease since it sounds like they don't have the option to have penis and boobs or penis and vagina or penis and vagina and boobs.


Eh, this doesn't really affect how I feel about the game, especially with that explanation. The idea of them calling you "V" regardless of what your gender is has always made sense to me. I just don't understand how they will refer to V in instances where they would say he/she, but I guess we'll find out. In some instances it practically requires it, as just saying V instead would sound pretty strange. 🤷‍♂️
What is the point of the voice thing really, how many people are really going to be offended when they can't create a male body with a female voice or vice versa. Silly.
But can I choose my sex?
Oh, silly you. In the future every one is the same sex. You just have different pronouns.



For the last months the only info we got about this game has been about PC agenda. I'm really tired of this shit.
And it is sad that they had no choice but to do so.

If you go through CDPR's statements regarding gender in Cyberpunk chronologically you'll see how they're trying their best to pander to the loud minority of idiots shouting from the extreme left and extreme right.

It's clear they made some minor changes to satisfy everyone, and of course I wish they just went with their unadultrated vision but that doesn't always make business sense.


For the last months the only info we got about this game has been about PC agenda. I'm really tired of this shit.

No, thats how the sites that are quoted here and topic titles frame it to drum up clicks and outrage for clicks.

This has also nothing to do with PC. Think for your self man jesus.

Are you familliar with the world of Cyberpunk aside from this game?
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CDPR is in a precarious situation.

No, they aren't.
This is one of those games that's been so hyped that they could toss in the biggest stereotype imaginable, piss off half the internet and it'll still sell gangbusters.
Anything they'd lose from 'controversy' would be a drop in the bucket.
And they seemingly were already aware of this, what with the whole 'that ad is trasnphobic' response of 'no it's not, shut up'.


What a waste of time for basically "select your character".

If you have to explain a goddamn character creator, then you are pretty much scared of dissapointing someone.

I'm still looking foward to this one, but holy crap. Every time they do that it feel like they try to not hurt someone feelings. Talk about fear of controversies.

I'm not gonna dive in this game until I saw gameplay and walkthroughs.

But can I choose my sex?

Banned(duration pending): insensitive post, not on junior account, historic of similar behavior, dismissing matter, because I want.
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i dont get it why devs needs to explain anything about its game ? i mean just stop dont explain anything , we will figure out all ourselfs. its makes just worse things to game at this point.
good game must be for some people but not for others, shit game can be for anyone but its still shit for anyone , who will want it ?
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What a waste of time for basically "select your character".

If you have to explain a goddamn character creator, then you are pretty much scared of dissapointing someone.

I'm still looking foward to this one, but holy crap. Every time they do that it feel like they try to not hurt someone feeling.

I'm not gonna dive in this game until I saw gameplay and walkthroughs.
Considering every post they make about character creation seems to spawn its own thread full of angry people, I can't blame them. Are we really blaming them for our need to second guess and overanalayse every minute detail they reveal?
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best intentions maybe for stupid people or not gamers. we know what games can be and how to play them . thank you .


one way the game is attempting to be inclusive for all players is by having NPCs refer to the player character, V, by name instead of gender.

Yea....yea no. Sounds more like they are just being lazy as it takes time to have many NPCs saying stuff like, him, her, she, he on top of also commenting on race, augmentation etc. At this point, if I want such a concept in sci-fi, I'm just wanting for Bethesda to do it. Maybe not folks might realize that team goes thru lots of options so you can have all those unique things going on during many playthroughs vs "V". When I go in a different city in Elder Scrolls, folks treat you different based on sex, race etc It makes the NPCs and world really feel alive as they are aware you exist and comment on you.

This team just sounds like they don't want to actually put that money and work through and just chock it up to "V" and call it a day. I think they love the praise they get more then actually doing something to deserve it. Want to be better then Bethesda? I don't know....maybe meet and or beat their features. This makes me realize maybe what Bethesda does is really as complex as they say as many teams see to scared as hell in adding anything like that. They are still running on the ole NPC dumb deaf and blind concept.
Less talky about character creation options and people saying "ME NO LIKE THIS EXTREMELY MINOR AND UNIMPORTANT ASPECT OF THE OVERALL GAME. ME NO BUY NOW HUR DUR." and more talky about weapon variety, weapon modifications, vehicle customization etc. please.

I'm getting so fucking sick of inconsequential game options with political agendas and pandering shit being at the fucking forefront of news reports or discussions. I don't fucking care about that crap as long as the game is fucking good. I want to know if the important aspects of the game are good.


Some shit being implemented pretty late in development to stop whiney babies from whining is now "important to the world/lore"? How so. The whole game idea and world existed without it and yet it's important now? If that's the case the only logical conclusion is that the game was canned and they just recently started over because otherwise they just lied to us.

And if it they just recently started over to create a world that relies on this then the game can't be good when it comes out in a few months.
They should have a genitalia slider as well as a body type, so you can select whether your massive jacked animal cyberpunk has a penis, a venis, a vanis, a vagis, a vagin, a vagina, a pagina, a pegina, a pengina, a peniina, or a penisna.

Seriously the only way I actually care about this is if they are spending money re-recording lines to remove all references to V in the third person as either a he or a she.

That would just be fucking stupid.

Have to admit I'm not really enjoying the latest stream of announcements.


Ever since they announced it's first person only, I really don't care much about the game anymore.

This. I'll still buy it , but my issue isn't that its first person, its that its ONLY first person, as if this team was so dumb, they didn't realize you could have both. I mainly play Fallout and Elder Scrolls in first person, but I love that its simply an option and for a few hours I can roam in 3rd person and see my character and interact with the world no differently. So this team seems to be having a hard time with features other teams have had as options for generations.


This is bull. Full character customization but NOT name?

This is not news. This was talked about last year.

This. I'll still buy it , but my issue isn't that its first person, its that its ONLY first person, as if this team was so dumb, they didn't realize you could have both. I mainly play Fallout and Elder Scrolls in first person, but I love that its simply an option and for a few hours I can roam in 3rd person and see my character and interact with the world no differently. So this team seems to be having a hard time with features other teams have had as options for generations.

There are some third-person cutscenes. They clarified on that score.


Why do they have to explain all that shit now? Nobody asked for it.

If you want to release some information pick something useful. Like, i don't know, gameplay details, technical details and other stuff gamers care about. Nobody cares about genders and pronouns except for a bunch of crazies who don't buy videogames.
It's fucking retarded. Literally not buying this game anymore since I can't play as a girl with a dick. Then the retarded fucking V thing. Jesus christ fuck off CDPR.
Seriously. Why can't we just have a base Emma Roberts character with an optional dong slider that goes from 0 (vajayjay) to 100 (BBC) and let us make that choice (and let us change it mid game as often as we want because ya never know 😉)


The Shepard

"players will be able to mix and match gender voices and body types"

I said this in the thread about why they took out 3rd person cutscences, trying to match the womans voice to the man's body and vice Versa is just insane amounts of extra work trying to match the voice and the mouth movement.

I really wanted the 3rd person cutscences. I never been so hyped and de hyped for a game yet to be released.
Fully voiced games that speak the main characters name let you choose any name you want?

Fallout 4 had 1000 names you could choose that were included in the voice recorded dialogue. It mostly applied just to Codsworth, but he did have a lot of dialogue in the game. Other characters would refer to you by nicknames (Piper - "Blue", Preston - "General", Danse - your current BOS rank or "civilian" Cait - "Hey you"

Either way this V thing is a non-issue. I'm assuming here that the characters name regardless of gender starts with V and this was the best way to not have to record dialogue multiple times, or have the odd pause before and after your name is said, often in a different tone than the surrounding dialogue (Codsworth did this a lot)

Mass Effect had you build your own character, and regardless of gender everyone simple refered to you as Shepard.

I'm not saying I see no warning flags going up regarding the game, but to me this isn't a big deal.
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Some shit being implemented pretty late in development to stop whiney babies from whining is now "important to the world/lore"? How so. The whole game idea and world existed without it and yet it's important now? If that's the case the only logical conclusion is that the game was canned and they just recently started over because otherwise they just lied to us.

And if it they just recently started over to create a world that relies on this then the game can't be good when it comes out in a few months.
Being able to customise your character was always important to the world and lore, but what we see here is the same as any other RPG, apart from being able to select your voice.

Being referred to as "V" only is a way of sidestepping how the world perceives your gender. So while consistent with the world and lore, it doesn't add anything, but is rather a compromise to prevent having NPCs comment on your perceived gender.

Basically CD Projekt seem to be staying neutral on the question of gender identity, so in that sense they are appeasing neither side of the debate.


I’m just going to pretend that V stands for Vajayjay that way there won’t be any confusion on my characters actual gender.


Fallout 4 had 1000 names you could choose that were included in the voice recorded dialogue. It mostly applied just to Codsworth, but he did have a lot of dialogue in the game. Other characters would refer to you by nicknames (Piper - "Blue", Preston - "General", Danse - your current BOS rank or "civilian" Cait - "Hey you"

Either way this V thing is a non-issue. I'm assuming here that the characters name regardless of gender starts with V and this was the best way to not have to record dialogue multiple times, or have the odd pause before and after your name is said, often in a different tone than the surrounding dialogue (Codsworth did this a lot)

Mass Effect had you build your own character, and regardless of gender everyone simple refered to you as Shepard.

I'm not saying I see no warning flags going up regarding the game, but to me this isn't a big deal.

I say its a big deal if Fallout 4 clearly can have many names to choose from and actually have NPC address you differently based on something. We are talking about a game literally about augmentation. So folks not being able to understand something is different about you doesn't help when the setting of the game very much is about that concept in the first place. I'm still buying the game, but lets not pretend this isn't an issue. So to me, its a pretty big deal. Why do I need to play a game from 2011 to have NPCs actually understand that I'm male, female, different race, guild etc? Even different cites in the game treated you differently based on the lore and your characters sex, race etc. When I played Skyrim the second time with another race, I was soooo surprised how different it was and how cities I thought where "nice" were really only nice because I picked a race that was favored in the world. It added that extra layer that made me legit play it several times with different combinations and helped the world feel really alive.

I'm sorry but no excuse on why a game coming out in 2020 about literally people changing their bodies, doesn't actually have NPCs that even know you exist and making it seem as if its because of "inclusiveness" no bud, its because this team can't do a feature from 2011 and its likely too costly in their view to add it. It doesn't explain why theses NPCs seem to be dumb, deaf and blind like the ones in Witcher 3. You can ROB people in their homes and they'll keep smiling repeating the same lines to you like they are having a stroke or something. They act like robots, its even worst because an area in the game actually KNOWS you are stealing and guards come, it means this team can't apply the feature throughout and has a hard time programming that. If you KNOW the guards will come cause you steal in the city, it means you clearly know it can and would be applied to actually citizens in the game. It makes me question even more if this team can even do some of the features that are pretty staple in Fallout and Elder Scrolls. So I'll still buy the game, but its clear in order to have a sci-fi game where the NPCs know you exist, will address you as such, will know you steal, will tell you to your FACE that they don't like something different about you, race, sex, poor, rich etc will have to be done by Bethesda. They've done it the most and pretty much seem to be the leaders in this type of stuff where CDPR is having a hard time with 2004 features.

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Yeah, the V. thing really isn't a big deal, it's the same kinda trick BioWare pulls as well. Bringing up Fallout 4 feels silly to me since only one NPC even said your name. It is weird how many people want to tie gender identity to Cyberpunk, there's literally nothing about gender changing or being trans in any Cyberpunk rule book I've ever seen.

If they're actually re-recording voices to not use pronouns lol. That's absurd.

I wonder when they try to appease the deranged by letting a female voice go with a male body they aren't still upsetting them by restricting the genitals to the correct body type."Women come in all shapes and sizes and have penises" - you know like that sort of crowd.


Why do they have to explain all that shit now? Nobody asked for it.

If you want to release some information pick something useful. Like, i don't know, gameplay details, technical details and other stuff gamers care about. Nobody cares about genders and pronouns except for a bunch of crazies who don't buy videogames.

"Nobody cares about genders and pronouns except for a bunch of crazies who don't buy videogames." ??? I disagree. Many of us who are still buying the game care because its part of the world. The reality is, in real life no one is walking around calling someone 1 fixed name and then ignoring their race, gender, class etc. Its a world I think we all wish existed sure, but its so fake its not even funny, no one talks that way bud. The reason its an issue is the team is not making NPCs call you 1 thing when we all damn well know thats just not how the world works.

Racist people exist, sexist people exist, xenophobic and homophobic people exist etc. It being in the game doesn't mean the team believes in that, it simple means the team understand it exist in real life, thus would exist in their game that is a direct reference to humans on earth that clearly behave as such. As a black male, it would be like me saying I'm mad that in Mafia 3 folks call the character the N-word sometimes.....as black male, I'm saying I'm 100% fine with that cause I realize its not the team saying they hate black people, its the team making a game ABOUT AMERICA AT A TIME WHERE FOLKS SAID THAT!

I'd argue, it would be weird and unrealistic to remove that. So do you folks think it makes any sense in 2077 that no one address anyone as him, her, she, he, white, black, rich, poor etc? Come on now folks, my issue has nothing to do with what the team BELIEVES, it has everything to do with it being forced in design of the game on a concept that makes no sense even to the actual damn game being made, its saying our NPC are now blind and dumb cause we don't want to hurt people's feelings. They are doing this cause they just don't want to program all the complex situations as many combinations exist. So I want to play a title where the humans actually behave as humans.

All their faults included.


For the last months the only info we got about this game has been about PC agenda. I'm really tired of this shit.

And no matter how many pink/purple/danger hair non-binary weirdo characters they allow people to create, the scripted narrative with limited dialogue choices & progression arcs remains identical for everyone, whether we identify as manrabbits in our "personal" lives or normal human beings. The whole problem with this "muh diversity & representation" push in games is the fact the very essence of a video game is scripted. The choices are not ours, they're given by the guiding hand of the narrative creator. That's one of the reasons "why" the representation & diversity side (even when hiding behind phony "good intentions") are full of shit. There's no "me" or "us" in a RPG, there's only a sandbox with limited options imposed by the people who made the game.

I'm also pretty sick & tired of all the recent news surrounding this game being nothing but pandering to a social media mob of deranged bullies with identity issues. To anyone who demands a personal avatar featuring all their personal fetishes (including freakish gender disorders which make normal folk vomit) in a video game over all other considerations, I say F-Off. I wish devs had the guts to say the same.
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