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Unseen Japan: Blood Donation Debauchery #metoo #kutoo

Thread is posted on behalf of H Hecaton117

Forgive me if the title is crap, but the other one I had came up with (Unseen Japan: Man complains about anime character's breasts being too big #metoo #kutoo) seemed a bit too long for a thread title.

The other day I found this account on twitter because of a particular post they made that blew up with over 1000 comments.

They saw an advertisement for a blood donation campaign in Japan. However there was something very wrong.

The anime character depicted in the advert had large breasts. Unable to let this injustice slide this person took to Twitter to let everyone know that the most important thing to complain about in the wake of a typhoon that has killed 73 people and injured 200 others is that that a cartoon character's boobs are just too big. Not that the Red Cross is in need of blood but that the character depicted is simply too obscene.

This person also thought that it would be prudent to include the #metoo and #kutoo hashtags. Because when you see a fully clothed cartoon character who's breasts are just too big that's somehow related to sexual harassment and assault in the workplace.

This entire scene read as absurd to me, the contrast between complaining about a cartoon character featured in a blood donation drive in the wake of a deadly typhoon, adding hashtags to try and somehow add legitimacy to the complaint, as well as the author being a guy who was interested in Japan and anime and eventually moved from America to live there, as well his blog where he claims that he's representing what Japanese people really think. Even though a bunch of what he's linked on this topic consists of one person making a claim with a ton of people disagreeing in the comments.

He seems to have pissed off Japanese twitter because they are all over him now.


At the end of it all, I think the biggest takeaway from this case of someone moving to another country to export sex negative feminist ideas is how much it reminds me of those missionaries who travel to different countries to preach the good word of the [insert holy text here]. Someone with a fierce determination to "educate" the poor and unwashed masses no matter what.

To be fair they've done some reporting on women's rights stuff in Japan, which is fine but this post in particular is just really fucking dumb. I just thought I'd write this out to see what other people think about it.
Japan has its own flow, wanting them to change when the last 50 years they used anime characters for literally everything, is just dumb. Its like going to Saudi Arabia and bitching why a completely covered up woman in an abaya is a model for Gucci bag.
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Unconfirmed Member
I can kind of see his point. You would expect something of such a serious nature to have a more serious ad campaign. That having been said I don't think this particular ad is in anyway offensive. Now if the character was drawn in a bikini with tits and ass hanging out, then he may have had better reason to bark up this particular tree.


Gold Member
These are the kind of people best mocked from a distance, or silently ignored, because interacting with them only feeds them and gives them what they want.

Usually, but with this loser they were only looking for validation that they were right.


The west's puritanical views on sex are so obnoxious.

Oh no, big cartoon titties! Civilization is ruined.

Is it unprofessional? By our standards, sure, but we're not the paragons of morality.


Unconfirmed Member
Humor with relatable characters is a great tool to get over a message about something people might not feel comfortable facing directly head on.

That's a very good point.
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I can kind of see his point. You would expect something of such a serious nature to have a more serious ad campaign. That having been said I don't think this particular ad is in anyway offensive. Now if the character was drawn in a bikini with tits and ass hanging out, then he may have had better reason to bark up this particular tree.

This was also done in the US very recently with Code Vein.

I don't think a campaign for donating blood necessarily has to be "serious". Red Cross partnering with companies to potentially get donors who otherwise wouldn't donate blood on their own is a great idea imo. Bonus points for fitting thematically with the game.


So nice to see western liberal SJWs continue the tradition of lecturing other countries of how to conduct humanitarian aid. Next thing you know he's going to instruct the Japanese aid workers to restrict aid from bigots who misgender people.


Usually, but with this loser they were only looking for validation that they were right.

You want to share your opinion but refuse to hear others' in turn. Don't dish it out if you can't take it you dumbass.
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Why not do something cool to increase the amount of donors? If it’s for a good cause I don’t see the problem. People are gonna bitch about everything nowadays no matter what it is.


Why not do something cool to increase the amount of donors? If it’s for a good cause I don’t see the problem. People are gonna bitch about everything nowadays no matter what it is.
Because these SJW twats don't believe in any charitable causes. All they care for is virtue signaling on social media and feeling good about themselves afterwards.

Participate in relief efforts? Donate money to humanitarian aid? Nah. Let's whine about the Japanese using anime waifus to promote blood donation. At least I don't participate in strenuous work or let go some of my trust fund.


Yeah, they should stop with this bullshit. All women with big tits are fucking sluts that objectify themselves. Get a breast reduction if you don't want people to talk shit you fucking whores. Now please excuse me I have to watch women's wrestling and update my male feminist blog.


Unconfirmed Member
How does it know who the character even is in the first place?
Why does it trigger it?
Literally fucking who is this guy?

Tsuki is a great mom. Too bad her daughter is a shit.


Can someone explain this logic to me?

It's wrong to draw women with huge chests, but at the same time, women with huge chests also exist in real life?

What would be the difference if they did get a real busty woman to do the ad? Still wrong?

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When a man calls big tits in entertainment sexist, he signals that his criticism is not two-faced but real and honest, and he lets all the small breasted girl he knows to know he appreciates small breasts more. It's essentially a pick-up line to get some action with some hot flat chested girl he knows.

I often hate this kind of "lol, he's a white knight who tries to get some pussy" thing and wouldn't have said anything, but his "how Machiavellian" line made him immensely annoying so he deserves it. 🤷‍♂️
Those Boobs can be drained for blood to save 50 lives or something.

Alternatively, @SLoWMoTIoN would be donating his blood and asking for that Poster as his prize! (Amongst others)

I am not offended, it gets the Blood for people so it is effective.


advanced basic bitch
Can someone explain this logic to me?

It's wrong to draw women with huge chests, but at the same time, women with huge chests also exist in real life?

What would be the difference if they did get a real busty woman to do the ad? Still wrong?

Big breasts are bad because its a preference many males have therefore its patriarchy... or something. Speaking of that who is this?


Can someone explain this logic to me?

It's wrong to draw women with huge chests, but at the same time, women with huge chests also exist in real life?

What would be the difference if they did get a real busty woman to do the ad? Still wrong?

Because some people don't like to be reminded everyday that they live in reality.
They don't want to leave the bubble and want their bubble to expand as much as humanly possible.
No other bubbles or reality exists outside of said person.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Certainly no shortage of westerners on Twitter concern trolling and criticizing the country's morality in all things.

I could *sort of* get the criticism if this were a character that the Japanese Red Cross Society created on their own, but they actually have a history of collaborating with various anime/manga IP in their advertisements, so this is really not out of the ordinary in the slightest.


Gold Member
The intersectional disease continues to spread and attempt tear down any good cause it can, over, their own PERSONAL [see: selfish] issues.


Golden Boy
SWJs being offended by things, what a surprise.
I am certain that this is the type of person who would even go as far as to destroy ancient art if they could when it depicts things they find offensive.

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