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Cyberpunk 2077 Got LEAKED!! Oh Boyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Gameplay Footage


I get the hate for FPP, I also didn't like it. But after playing kingdom come deliverance have to say I understand their decision 100%.


I get the hate for FPP, I also didn't like it. But after playing kingdom come deliverance have to say I understand their decision 100%.

Also, one could say that both movement feedback and camera placement in The Witcher 3 was... not perfect, so going first person also fixes some other issues there.
It won't happen, but it would be cool if they showed your body even in first-person, and had some physicality with the actions, like The Chronicles of Riddick or The Darkness games.
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"This is leaks season, my God, what the heck is happening around here?"

OP, I think this indicates that both Sony and Microsoft presentations are really close.


Stealth? Oh, that's one way to lose me.

Beyond Good and Evil remains the worst implementation of stealth of all time and soured me on the very idea of such a thing.
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This game wil dissapoint so many people. The hype for the game is way to big. They have a lot of shoot mechanics but its a first person story driven RPG first. Shooter 2nd. But people wil compare it to destiny and cod and comlain about it alot. And then there are the people who are expecting insane things that are not in the game.
Cant wait.

Wont dissapoint me for sure! WAY to excited for another CDPR title
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This game wil dissapoint so many people. The hype for the game is way to big. They have a lot of shoot mechanics but its a first person story driven RPG first. Shooter 2nd. But people wil compare it to destiny and cod and comlain about it alot. And then there are the people who are expecting insane things that are not in the game.
Cant wait.

Wont dissapoint me for sure! WAY to excited for another CDPR title
One of the previews after last E3 (i think) said it is heavy with RPG elements, dialogues, etc. People expecting another COD will be disappointed, at least I hope they will be. Personally I don't want this to be a shooter with RPG elements.


looks pretty dope tbh. the rpg elements never really attracted me but i could go for a top of the line HD shooter set in a location where most shooters don't take place.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I missed it.

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Can you specify at all?

Ok. I understand you like the art direction and appreciate the graphical fidelity. I am not out to change your mind. This is a simple question.

Do you or do you not spot a discernible difference for the worse in terms of graphical fidelity between this:

and this



Ok. I understand you like the art direction and appreciate the graphical fidelity. I am not out to change your mind. This is a simple question.

Do you or do you not spot a discernible difference for the worse in terms of graphical fidelity between this:

and this


I wasn't asking you, but okay lol

Are you seriously comparing a clearly pre-rendered trailer to a gameplay demo? A gameplay demo that still looks very good.
No offense, but I think you're the one who has trouble with discernment.
I wasn't asking you, but okay lol

What's with the attitude?
If you don't want to answer, then don't.
Someone is having a bad hair day, apparently.

Are you seriously comparing a clearly pre-rendered trailer to a gameplay demo? A gameplay demo that still looks very good.
No offense, but I think you're the one who has trouble with discernment.

You missed the "Game engine footage" in the first video?
10 seconds in, bottom right corner. It can't be pre-rendered if it's declared to be "game engine footage", can it?

You mean cutscenes? Let's compare cutscene against cutscene, then.

I'm not accusing you of anything, or trying to gotcha! you. Jesus.
It's a Yes or No question. It's just a question.
If you don't want to answer, don't.
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Ok. I understand you like the art direction and appreciate the graphical fidelity. I am not out to change your mind. This is a simple question.

Do you or do you not spot a discernible difference for the worse in terms of graphical fidelity between this:

and this


Wow it's worse than I thought.


I wasn't asking you, but okay lol

Are you seriously comparing a clearly pre-rendered trailer to a gameplay demo? A gameplay demo that still looks very good.
No offense, but I think you're the one who has trouble with discernment.
Nope real-time running on two 1080ti's if I'm not mistaken.


What's with the attitude?
If you don't want to answer, then don't.
Someone is having a bad hair day, apparently.
Are you reading my post with an angry voice in your head? I even added an lol to add more levity. I suppose much like sarcasm, it's harder to get across online.
I suppose you missed the "Game engine footage" in the first video.
Yes game engine, as in not the same as real time like the gameplay demo. You can still have pre-rendered sequence using a game engine, many cinematics in games today are in-engine, not necessarily the game running in realtime. Admittedly games are getting better and better to the point where that difference will become virtually non-existent.
I more confident Ps5 & XBsX games will fare much better.

Although you're still comparing a pre-rendered trailer to realtime gameplay. Not sure why you're telling me to relax when I'm already relaxed.

Nope real-time running on two 1080ti's if I'm not mistaken.
I'm pretty sure the E3 trailer is in-engine and not running in realtime.

You still haven't specified. I was just curious, but whatever.
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Are you reading my post with an angry voice in your head? I even added an lol to add more levity. I suppose much like sarcasm, it's harder to get across online.

Ok. No worries.

Yes game engine, as in not the same as real time like the gameplay demo.

Game-engine footage does not mean pre-rendered. At best, it means cutscenes, which typically look better than gameplay. So let's compare cutscenes in the first video against cutscenes in the second video.

Tw3 cutscenes were rendered in real-time. There was some pre-rendered stuff and the CGI pre-release trailers but none had "game engine footage" stamped on.

During TW3 marketing, CDPR screwed up big time with the Downgrade debacle, outright lying, banning, denying and finally admitting. All in all, I love CDPR, but I can go into great detail about their misconduct.

Hopefully, they're not playing word games this time around. They don't want to build a reputation of using sophistry. "Game-engine footage" implies it's not pre-rendered and that one will be able to experience that sort of graphical fidelity throughout the game, even if only during cutscenes and provided one is using a beefy machine. Anything other than that is pure sophistry and needs to be condemned vehemently.

You can still have pre-rendered sequence using a game engine, many cinematics in games today are in-engine, not necessarily the game running in realtime. Admittedly games are getting better in better to the point where that difference will become virtually non-existent.
I more confident Ps5 & XBsX games will fare much better.

Do you have any evidence that it's all pre-rendered, as opposed to a collection of cutscenes?

CDPR knew exactly what people would think when they stamped a "Game engine footage" in there. Especially after the whole Downgrade debacle.
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Game-engine footage does not mean pre-rendered. At best, it means cutscenes, which typically look better than gameplay. So let's compare cutscenes in the first video against cutscenes in the second video.
You're correct, my mistake. I meant pre-rendered with regards to cutscenes within games. Those are usually not the game running in realtime. So it's not a 1:1 comparison.

I do recall the Witcher 3 downgrade debacle pre-release, so some skepticism is warranted. However to be fair, I don't think they've ever tried to pass off that CP2077 E3 trailer as what the actual game would look like running in realtime. That was more of a stylish cinematic trailer. The actual game itself was shown behind closed doors at the time, which was later released to the public as the 48 minute demo.
I believe this is a much better indicator of what most players can expect out of their gaming experience, well at least those playing on PC and next-gen consoles.

That 48 min demo is showcasing the district of Watson, which is much more densely packed with sky scrappers and NPCs compared to the impoverished and more sparse district of Pacifica, the one in the 15 minute Deep Dive video. According to CDPR that difference is intentional, so it's not due to the game having been downgraded.

Again, it's alway good to keep expectations in check, a bit of skepticism is always welcome when it comes to pre-release games. With all of that context, I certainly wouldn't call what we've seen of the game "terrible", as bluntly stated by S0ULZB0URNE S0ULZB0URNE bluntly, who I was initially asking.
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Ok. I understand you like the art direction and appreciate the graphical fidelity. I am not out to change your mind. This is a simple question.

Do you or do you not spot a discernible difference for the worse in terms of graphical fidelity between this:

and this


Ok c'mon. The first video is clearly fake trailer shit. The game would never look like that simply because CONSOLES. It's the same thing as the "Ubisoft Downgrades" video from CrowbCat. So yeah while they COULD make the game look like that, they can't because consoles will have 5 FPS. But they need a fancy trailer with graphics that are 2x better than the real product so they can sell more copies.
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Ok c'mon. The first video is clearly fake trailer shit.

It's official promo material.
What's your point?

The game could NEVER look like that simply because CONSOLES

What would you call a company releasing a trailer they have dubbed "Game Engine Footage" and that you are now describing as impossible to achieve not just on consoles, but on high-end PCs as well?

. It's the same thing as the "Ubisoft Downgrades" video from CrowbCat. So yeah while they COULD make the game like that, they can't because consoles will have 5 FPS.

Let's say you are right, for the sake of argument.
They could come clean. They could not show footage that will never play out. They could be truthful. They could learn the lesson the whole TW3 debacle was trying to teach them.

But I still have hope that sort of graphical fidelity will be achievable on high-end PCs, though.


But I still have hope that sort of graphical fidelity will be achievable on high-end PCs, though.

It isn't because every AAA game is made for consoles first, then ported to PC. It doesn't matter what kind of graphics high end PCs can achieve if the game doesn't have high end graphics in the first place. Basically, for that to happen, a AAA game needs to come out that is PC-exclusive and targets the top 5% of PC users. And with a regular decent PC you'd only get 20 FPS and you would need a super high end PC to get 60+. While the game is very well optimized.

Always funny when console gamers praise the graphics in games as "amazing" but they're always looking at 5 year old graphics (in a game that just came out). But they've been looking at 5 year old graphics since the beginning of the PS3/xbox360 generation so they've never been aware how far behind graphics in gaming have been this whole time.
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What would you call a company releasing a trailer they have dubbed "Game Engine Footage" and that you are now describing as impossible to achieve not just on consoles, but on high-end PCs as well?

The crucial detail here is "Game Engine Footage". If it was possible to have that in-game, they would have said "in-game footage".
The choice of words is far from taken lightly.
It's official promo material, yes, but it's also the first trailer of a project still YEARS away from completion. The sense of it all is that it's a purely theoretical showcase... and to build hype.

A trailer like that does not showcase the real game simply because nothing in the project had that level of polish, at that time. It's not a playble teaser, but a technology example, that also doesn't have to take in account optimization, input lag, IA, sound calculations, and all the hundreds of other consuming background processess that every game accomplishes every second.

There's a reason why all games get downgraded compared to the very initial reveal, and that's because you also have to take performance into account (unless you target a ridiculously high-level PC audience, like jadefire66 jadefire66 said). You can have a very capable engine, but you will always have to cut corners in a real-world scenario.
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The crucial detail here is "Game Engine Footage". If it was possible to have that in-game, they would have said "in-game footage".
The choice of words is far from taken lightly.
It's official promo material, yes, but it's also the first trailer of a project still YEARS away from completion. The sense of it all is that it's a purely theoretical showcase... and to build hype.

A trailer like that does not showcase the real game simply because nothing in the project had that level of polish, at that time. It's not a playble teaser, but a technology example, that also doesn't have to take in account optimization, input lag, IA, sound calculations, and all the hundreds of other consuming background processess that every game accomplishes every second.

There's a reason why all games get downgraded compared to the very initial reveal, and that's because you also have to take performance into account (unless you target a ridiculously high-level PC audience, like jadefire66 jadefire66 said). You can have a very capable engine, but you will always have to cut corners in a real-world scenario.

All that granted tentatively for the sake of argument, and if it urns out to be true like it did with TW3, I will call out that sort of behaviour,


All that granted tentatively for the sake of argument, and if it urns out to be true like it did with TW3, I will call out that sort of behaviour,
I'm not familiar with The Witcher 3 downgrade thing, but you can bet all games are downgraded between the initial reveal and actual release. The project is still taking shape, after all.
Now, if they show an actual gameplay footage, and then downgrade that (like Ubisoft usually does), THEN you're totally right and I will gladly join you in calling out such pratices. That's false advertising.

But an initial in-engine reveal? I understand your reasoning 100% , but it is better to have a more malleable state of mind at that stage, build hype, but to wait for updated footage.
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