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Fight the power: Japan teen plans lawsuit over gaming advice

Bullet Club

Fight the power: Japan teen plans lawsuit over gaming advice

A Japanese teen is standing up for his right to play hours of video games, crowdfunding for a lawsuit to challenge local government guidelines on limiting video gaming by children.

The 17-year-old, who asked to be identified only by his first name Wataru, has enlisted the support of his mother and a lawyer in his bid to challenge the first-of-its-kind ordinance issued by Kagawa prefecture in western Japan.

The ordinance calls for children to be limited to an hour a day of gaming during the week, and 90 minutes during school holidays.

It also suggests children aged 12 to 15 should not be allowed to use smartphones later than 9pm, with the limit rising to 10pm for children between 15 and 18.

But while the rules are just guidelines with no enforcement mechanism, Wataru told AFP he was inspired to challenge them on principle.

"How long children are allowed to play games or use a smartphone should be rules set by each family, not by the government," he said.

"I thought it is wrong that an administrative body intervenes in family life," he said.

Wataru insists his own gaming habits weren't particularly obsessive, but said he had experienced being kicked off an online server when he tried to access it after 10pm because of the local rules.

The time limits in the guidelines "have no scientific evidence," he argues.

"They're based on the premise that gaming is the cause of things like truancy and addiction to games."

"But it could be the other way around -- truancy can be caused by problems in school, for example, and for some people playing games can be the only relief."

Wataru isn't alone in his opposition to the guidelines: nearly 600 people signed a petition against the rules submitted in January while they were being considered by local lawmakers.

But the measure also attracted significant public support and passed the prefectural assembly in March, becoming the nation's first guidelines on children's access to gaming and smartphones.

Wataru's lawyer Tomoshi Sakka told AFP that he believes the ordinance violates the Japanese constitution's commitment to ensures the right of self-determination.

But for the Japanese teen, the guidelines are also just one more attempt to restrict the right of kids to have fun.

"There are so many playgrounds that ban playing football and even bans the use of any kind of ball," he said.

"How can us kids be allowed to just have some fun?"

Source: Yahoo
Dang I really like where they're taking Hi-Score Girl in season 3!

Seriously though, the restrictions seem needlessly authoritarian and could lead to worse abuses by the government. Japan is no stranger to an all-powerful gov't throttling the livelihood and wellbeing of the lower classes.
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Texas Pride

Kids need time to discover who they are and learn where their creativity comes from. If games are the outlet that sparks that creativity stunting their growth will hurt them later. Everything in moderation yes but moderation can be excessive too.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
1 hour every week?? Are they fucking crazy??

I get not letting your child playing fortnite 10 hours every day but that law is bullshit...

Yeah, I have a big problem with a government dictating your child's activities. Talk about a nanny-state.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Those guidelines sound about right to me. If I did't limit my kids time on her iPhone, she would literally be on it all day long.


I'm torn here. I really hate government meddling in people's lives, but a lot of people have no discipline and will get bad health as a result. If it's not mandatory, then what's the problem?


Gold Member
If anything Asian countries should have fewer laws. But the sounds of it in every article you read and form people overseas, it's way more hardcore with school, homework and school that goes into summers (or starts early in August).

There should be zero policies so they can have fun.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
So they can develope balanced, diversified interests.

Translation: I want complete control over my future kids and will treat them more like a pet than people.

Forcing them to do things they don't enjoy in their own free time doesn't help anyone and only serves to further resentment. Better to give them options and let them decide for themselves.
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Ultimate DQ Fan
Translation: I want complete control over my future kids and will treat them more like a pet than people.

Forcing them to do things they don't enjoy in their own free time doesn't help anyone and only serves to further resentment. Better to give them options and let them decide for themselves.

Children have no impulse control. You leave a kid to their own devices and they'll spend the entire day watching dumb YouTube shit.

I'm not gonna make them take up a hobby they don't want to do. But I'm going to damn well make sure they are going to explore other things and make sure they get enough exercise.
Japan is a miserable place anyway, they barely have free time over there, and people work themselves to death. They study so much but in the end life fucks them so hard due to a number of factors it is not even worth it.


Children have no impulse control. You leave a kid to their own devices and they'll spend the entire day watching dumb YouTube shit.

I'm not gonna make them take up a hobby they don't want to do. But I'm going to damn well make sure they are going to explore other things and make sure they get enough exercise.
And if they don't?


Japan is a miserable place anyway, they barely have free time over there, and people work themselves to death. They study so much but in the end life fucks them so hard due to a number of factors it is not even worth it.
Yeah man, and then Godzilla comes to eat them all
Could he have just play it for as long as he likes like how would they even enforce that like do they go to everyone one house to check if they play more than 1 hour lol seem like a none issue.
SOME Children have no impulse control. You leave a kid to their own devices and SOME spend the entire day watching dumb YouTube shit.

I'm not gonna make them take up a hobby they don't want to do. But I'm going to damn well make sure they are going to explore other things and make sure they get enough exercise.

Not all kids are your like that, but I have no idea why anyone thinks they should be offering you counsel on how you raise your kids. Nothing wrong with trying to steer them into things that will keep them healthy and help them meet other kids. My dad was a lot like you and I'm very thankful for it. Half of my best childhood memories happened when he told us kids to go outside.
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ut I'm going to damn well make sure they are going to explore other things and make sure they get enough exercise.

That's good and all, but we're talking about Japan here. One of the densest countries on the planet. There's a reason there are daily calisthenics shows and it's not cause gyms are easy to access. Also remember the city is in a lockdown cause covid gonna covid. Loosening restrictions to kids and play games and not go fucking nuts during this time doesn't seem unreasonable.


Could he have just play it for as long as he likes like how would they even enforce that like do they go to everyone one house to check if they play more than 1 hour lol seem like a none issue.
Wataru insists his own gaming habits weren't particularly obsessive, but said he had experienced being kicked off an online server when he tried to access it after 10pm because of the local rules.

He is just butthurted. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


No wonder the birth rates in Japan have been so low for decades. People seem to have no fun there.

All school and all work like a bunch of slaves to to a pay stub.

The japanese government and laws are quite evil. They manipulate the population and pushes them to the edge while maintaning the "high moral ground", as the people believes that all their hardwork and rigid society are what makes them a great country.... While they die from overwork and suicide for not attaining the "society" standards.

At college I had to do some researches about other countries laws and as a brazillian I always imagined that Japan was so far ahead of Brazil in everything.... Well... I was really surprised with their laws, specially their criminal laws, I triple checked just to make sure that I was not researching incorrectly...

This is a great article for anyone interested in Japan conviction rates and how the japanese government acts:

This is a great article for anyone interested in Japan conviction rates and how the japanese government acts:

What a coincidence, these days I’m watching a J-drama about exactly that, it’s called 99.9 Criminal Lawyer.


Fight the power: Japan teen plans lawsuit over gaming advice

A Japanese teen is standing up for his right to play hours of video games, crowdfunding for a lawsuit to challenge local government guidelines on limiting video gaming by children.

The 17-year-old, who asked to be identified only by his first name Wataru, has enlisted the support of his mother and a lawyer in his bid to challenge the first-of-its-kind ordinance issued by Kagawa prefecture in western Japan.

The ordinance calls for children to be limited to an hour a day of gaming during the week, and 90 minutes during school holidays.

It also suggests children aged 12 to 15 should not be allowed to use smartphones later than 9pm, with the limit rising to 10pm for children between 15 and 18.

But while the rules are just guidelines with no enforcement mechanism, Wataru told AFP he was inspired to challenge them on principle.

"How long children are allowed to play games or use a smartphone should be rules set by each family, not by the government," he said.

"I thought it is wrong that an administrative body intervenes in family life," he said.

Wataru insists his own gaming habits weren't particularly obsessive, but said he had experienced being kicked off an online server when he tried to access it after 10pm because of the local rules.

The time limits in the guidelines "have no scientific evidence," he argues.

"They're based on the premise that gaming is the cause of things like truancy and addiction to games."

"But it could be the other way around -- truancy can be caused by problems in school, for example, and for some people playing games can be the only relief."

Wataru isn't alone in his opposition to the guidelines: nearly 600 people signed a petition against the rules submitted in January while they were being considered by local lawmakers.

But the measure also attracted significant public support and passed the prefectural assembly in March, becoming the nation's first guidelines on children's access to gaming and smartphones.

Wataru's lawyer Tomoshi Sakka told AFP that he believes the ordinance violates the Japanese constitution's commitment to ensures the right of self-determination.

But for the Japanese teen, the guidelines are also just one more attempt to restrict the right of kids to have fun.

"There are so many playgrounds that ban playing football and even bans the use of any kind of ball," he said.

"How can us kids be allowed to just have some fun?"

Source: Yahoo

Oh boy


always chasing the next thrill
When i was a kid i was allowed to play 1 hour a week. On my genesis,

i now own 30+ consoles. I don’t have any contact with my biological father,

that sure helped.
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