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Angry Joe being accused of sexual harassment



those guys are retarded beyond imagination.
It's really up to the person making a claim to provide proof of that claim. That is notoriously hard to do in he said/she said cases. It's one of the reasons that sexual assaults are hard to prove and is a big part of the motivation of movements like 'believe women'.

While I think there's a duty to listen to accusations and to seriously investigate them, I also think it's very dangerous to condemn someone when no objective evidence exists.


Her description also shows you how bad some women are at telling a story.

If a story involves something that happens at Target, they start the story the night before, tell you what they had for dinner, what they watched before bed, how many times they hit snooze before waking up, what places they visited the next day, the cars on the road, the one guy who wouldn't let them in the lane, and then finally get to the part about arriving at Target.
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So many questions.... out of the gate, I have a boyfriend. Boom full stop, not interested.

After the awkward hotel moment, leave and go somewhere else. After the weird “haha you’re my girl for the whole dinner time”, leave and go somewhere else.

At any point throughout the night, could’ve said hey I have a boyfriend stop advancing on me and telling people I’m your girl.

To me it sounds like he had no clue you were in a relationship and found you attractive. So, he started making advances towards a girl he likes.... even if done badly. He was trying to show off and impress this girl (like any guy does when he likes a girl), during the limited time of the event.

He wasn’t sexually harassing you, he was being a guy who wanted to get with a girl. I’m not one of those blame the victim people, but she never said he made sexual moves other than asking her to join in the shower.... and not forcing her to do anything while at the hotel or throughout the night. Him telling her to put her phone away throughout the night may be scummy or wanted to have all the focus on him, but it’s not sexual harassment.

These types of stories will make it to where no guy will ever want to hit on a girl for fear of being called out for sexual harassment and being dragged in the mud all over the internet. Not to mention years after the fact.
This all happened in 2018? Where he is being accused of using his clout to get into her pants? why is this all coming out now during a pandemic is person who posted this bored sitting at home or something?
Her description also shows you how bad some women are at telling a story.

If a story involves something that happens at Target, they start the story the night before, tell you what they had for dinner, what they watched before bed, how many times they hit snooze before waking up, what places they visited the next day, the cars on the road, the one guy who wouldn't let them in the lane, and then finally get to the part about arriving at Target.
Reminds me of Jussie Smollet. His story was way too detailed and rehearsed.


I just read the corresponding thread on Resetera. They're all immediately assuming guilt. What a fucking joke. Everyone has their ideologies and it's fair to have your differing opinions about this, but surely we should be all bound by the same desire to assume innocence until proven guilty? This should transcend all ideologies regardless of where you fall on the spectrum.
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There are actually a dozen or so streamers being accused of harrassment right now by bandwagoners brave women, ranging from rape to cheating (??). Apparently it started with a Destiny streamer.

Again, the severity of these accusations vary WILDLY and some (many?) of them aren't really harrassment.. but ya know how it goes these days.

The TVGBadger Google Drive folder of evidence against the accuser is absolutely genius. She clearly wanted it and it's almost a shame he didn't wait until she took him to court so that he could lay it down and get her to pay his legal fees when he would inevitably win.


I just read the corresponding thread on Resetera. They're all immediately assuming guilt. What a fucking joke. Everyone has their ideologies and it's fair to have your differing opinions about this, but surely we should be all bound by the same desire to assume innocence until proven guilty? This should transcend all ideologies regardless of where you fall on the spectrum.

Yeah it seems like people don't even want to bother with court anymore. They can ruin your life much worse by taking to Twitter.
Really, if women are found to have intentionally lied, the guys should take them to court and sue the fuck out of them.
Of course not every accuser is lying and not every guy is an angel, but there's far too little punishment for the few women who choose to lie for the sake of... attention?
Don't you realise that none of this has anything to do with someone feeling uncomfortable or oppressed? This is a tactic of the left. Read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky .

Note rules 4 and 13:

4. Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules - i.e. If you agree with their calls to "end the patriarchy", they will MAKE you live up to that! And you will have no recourse but to submit because you expressed their rule as one of your own.
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalise it, and polarise it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. - Is this not evident daily in the gaming industry?


Another queen who is sexually harassed by men just thinking about her? The quinn last year outright killed a man and everyone congratulated her. Giantbomb even banned me for suggesting some objectivity. These cases suck and these pink haired fuckers can say anything about anyone to get them cancelled.
The guilt is assumed OUT RIGHT since out pure lady would have a reason and would never lie !
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Yeah it seems like people don't even want to bother with court anymore. They can ruin your life much worse by taking to Twitter.
Really, if women are found to have intentionally lied, the guys should take them to court and sue the fuck out of them.
Of course not every accuser is lying and not every guy is an angel, but there's far too little punishment for the few women who choose to lie for the sake of... attention?
I just don't know what's worse though. The people who will accuse someone of rape, and lie about it, or these people who take factual events and warp them and make themselves a victim when nothing wrong really happened. In the case of Joe here, was it awkward? were they uncomfortable? probably, but that doesn't mean any wrongdoing took place, especially to the point where it needs to be shouted about on the internet, and then have an angry mob go after them for. Every damn human will have a failed attempt at flirting under their belt, so if Joe is guilty of something, we all are guilty of it. So what!? This woman needs to get a life, but not try to steal his.
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I hate angry joe. I truly do. I only say that because the fact that I’m about to defend him right now is a true anomaly.

This article is one of the most bullshit attempts of a cancellation i’ve ever seen. This girl sounds like such a naive, total dumbass in this story.

She got pulled from her boyfriend by security and said nothing? That part infuriates me. I don’t even believe it and when I try to tangibly imagine it, I can’t. Sounds like bad fiction. What a total dumbass this girl is.

Then she can’t use her phone because he said it was rude during dinner? Fuck you girl. You act like you have no agency in stupid life, at no point in your poorly written ramblings did it seem like you were actually being forced to do anything against your will or that anyone here committed anything even close to a sexual assault. From Joe’s perspective it sounds like you made it seem like you were totally into him and willing to go on this dumb little adventure with him. This is so weak.


I just don't know what's worse though. The people who will accuse someone of rape, and lie about it, or these people who take factual events and warp them and make themselves a victim when nothing wrong really happened. In the case of Joe here, was it awkward? were they uncomfortable? probably, but that doesn't mean any wrongdoing took place, especially to the point where it needs to be shouted about on the internet, and then have an angry mob go after them for. Every damn human will have a failed attempt at flirting under their belt, so if Joe is guilty of something, we all are guilty of it. So what!? This woman needs to get a life, but not try to steal his.

Yeah if this is the new standard for 'sexual harassment' then I guess practically every date that doesn't quite go the way a man hoped will be spun as sexual harassment. It's weird because it's not exactly power harassment either. It's not like she needs Joe to get on in the industry. If he were some sort of gatekeeper to new business etc then you could maybe argue along the lines of Harvey Weinstein but otherwise... nah..


Even if Sideshow Bob didn't have a boyfriend and they ended up having consensual sex, how much do you wanna' bet that the story would still conclude with that dumbass blog post about sexual harrasment.
I'm not into conspiracy theories but it's funny this story has dropped before his Angry Review of TLOU 2 comes out and judging by the live reactions it's going to score bad. It would suit a fans narrative that his opinion does not count as he is a bad man or some shit like that.

I don't know, why has this not come out before ?
This whole things sounds funny and she even admits to not having any evidence. Ok sure, I can see him acting like a creep but he never did anything sexual or physical with her so why even call him out for this after two years? Seems like a grab for attention. I will wait to see how he responds to it.


Whoa there. No allegation of rape.

Her anecdote seems to be that she spent a 'celebrity' evening with him. During that evening there were several moments where she felt uncomfortable but said nothing to him and continued in his company. Early in the evening, while they waited for the dinner booking, he had a shower and, light-heartedly, asked if she wanted to join him. She refused without repercussions.

Later she claims he 'stopped' her from using her phone at the dinner table. It's not clear why she couldn't have gone to the bathroom and used it there. Later she claims that he physically withheld it for awhile (though she was able to get it back easily enough later in her story).

She claims that he became annoyed with her at the end of the evening when it became clear she wasn't interested in him. According to her account he accused her of misleading him and using him for contacts/exposure.

She makes no actual allegation of sexual assault that I could discern.

Another person who was present later expressed sympathy when they heard her story, but made it clear that her discomfort/situation wasn't at all obvious at the time.

I think that's a fair summation.
Nowadays, a bad date is enough to be called a rapist. I'm glad I lived my youth before this insanity started, but fear for my son.
Given the apparent organisation that these things tend to have coupled with info that came to light in the Politics forum (Sun Light group etc...) it can only seem like there is quite the little choreographed group mobilising behind the scenes here...


Given the apparent organisation that these things tend to have coupled with info that came to light in the Politics forum (Sun Light group etc...) it can only seem like there is quite the little choreographed group mobilising behind the scenes here...

Unsettling, but if that's what it takes root out anti-semitism in the gaming community then I'm all for it.


Gold Member
Nothing from what I've read indicates that Joe did anything wrong except hurt this woman's feelings? Why didn't she leave if she was super uncomfortable? Or at least said she feels that the whole thing was creepy and wanted it to stop?


So, nothing happened? Sounds like the girl led him on, had an interest in cheating on her bf with AngryJoe and then later regretted it and somehow that became AngryJoe's fault.


This is becoming an hourly thing in the past 24 hours.

I read the article, and I'm sorry, but I just want to say grow the fuck up to this person. Sounds like she was uncomfortable because he was coming on to her, and she had a boyfriend. Ooooh no, first of all, having a boyfriend doesn't mean shit, people cheat all the damn time. Or so many "strong independent" women like to proclaim they're poly because they won't be tied down to one person. Then we got people like this woman who think men everyone should know you're off limits because you have a boyfriend? What is this, middle school? If 2 people couldn't get together because one of them was already in a relationship, I would've never been born.

Holding out for two years... and she decided to do this now, because... Please don't tell me this is a knee-jerk reaction to AngryJoe not liking TLoU 2, right?

Some people should grow the eff up, seriously.


There are actually a dozen or so streamers being accused of harrassment right now by bandwagoners brave women, ranging from rape to cheating (??). Apparently it started with a Destiny streamer.
Not only streamers, wrestlers too:
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