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Angry Joe being accused of sexual harassment


Basically this. He seemed like a creep, but nothing that was really really bad, and if she would've said something he might have acted differently. For example when he asked her to jump in the shower with her, that is the PERFECT time to let someone know you have a boyfriend.
And then he could have said "It's okay, he can come too"



Yeah, okay. Checks out.



Angry Joe, what the fuck dude, have some standards. Damn, that's some dark shit.
Men often go for "less attractive" women because they get less attention and are easier. Joe probably thought he was in with a shot. But I don't want to comment too much about her looks, irrelevant to the "aCcUsAtIoNs".


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
As furious as it makes me to see the same reprehensible witch hunts play out over and over again without any real social pushback, it’s reassuring that 2020 GAF is an oasis of sane and reasonable people with well-adjusted moral compasses.
C tier streamer chick comes off like a psycho attention whore who was trying to use Joe as a career ladder...then realized after flirting with him all day he wanted a piece of ass (how DARE he!). She's apparently so socially retarded that she didn't understand that an invite to a hotel room means he wants to bang (I almost can't believe people are this stupid. Is this a SJW generational problem caused by too much social media fueled isolation or something?) And all the shit about him taking her phone away? Yeah, pretty clear she pulled that straight from the nether regions of her ass...obviously so she wouldn't get in trouble with her boyfriend for ignoring him for 8-10 hours because she was trying to schmooze and was enjoying free drinks, etc...all fucking day from another guy.

Then when he brought in his attorneys she did some gold medalist back pedaling, reversing earlier words like "assault", "harassment", etc... And apparently bailing off Twitter after admitting she has no evidence of one God damn thing.

In short, her story is total bullshit and provided he has enough data to meet the criteria AJ should sue the living fuck out of her for defamation.
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As furious as it makes me to see the same reprehensible witch hunts play out over and over again without any real social pushback, it’s reassuring that 2020 GAF is an oasis of sane and reasonable people with well-adjusted moral compasses.
Agreed. I just wish it didn't feel like such a small oasis sometimes. It feels like the dessert of insanity is endless around us.

I am glad that a lot of Joe's twitter followers seem to be supporting him in this matter, so maybe there's hope.
Resetera fascist:
Yes but it doesnt mean shit, the accusation being untrue 1% of the time doesn't mean we should stop believing the other 99%

I see this so much over there and I need to explain why it's SO toxic and dumb:
  • When a women actually has been assaulted/raped/whatever, she's a victim. Yes. She goes to court and either can convince through evidence that her accusation is true and the perpetrator gets punished, or she has no convincing evidence and the perpetrator goes unpunished. WHATEVER THE OUTCOME: SHE WAS A VICTIM, NO NEW VICTIM WAS CREATED
  • When a woman false-accuses an innocent man, there was no victim at the beginning. The man goes to court and can either convince through evidence that the accusation is wrong and he goes free, or he has nothing convincing and gets punished. IN THIS CASE, A NEW VICTIM WAS CREATED FROM NOTHING.

Yes, most accusations are real, but it must also be considered that the graviatas between each of the scenarios is not equal. The former is about getting justice/revenge for the already-victim. The latter IS creating a new victim, the whole process IS A CRIME. So between denying a victim justice and creating a NEW victim, anybody with the tiniest glimpse of empathy and reason should treat any accusation with care and wait for FACTS. It is bad when victims get unheart. It's infinitely worse when innocent people are made new victims. Get your morality in check, you hateful femcels.
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I don't believe a single word she says. History these days shows, that women tend to abuse their "power" over men in this regard. We've come to the point where simply telling a women that you find her attractive is seen as sexual harassment (except if your chad thundercock, then you're welcome of course).

btw: can't wait for AngryJoes TLOU2 review, shits going to be entertaining as hell.
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As furious as it makes me to see the same reprehensible witch hunts play out over and over again without any real social pushback, it’s reassuring that 2020 GAF is an oasis of sane and reasonable people with well-adjusted moral compasses.
It also makes me furious. Ironically sometimes I think of myself as a proper sjw, because it kills me to see such unjust conduct. And the stupidity of it all eats away at my faith in humanity.


So even if we assume that everything she wrote is true, how exactly is this a big deal? Dude was a slimy slimeball, she was too timid to say no to anything, awkwardness ensued. Wow, what a story?
This sums it up pretty much imo. It's not that I think she is lying, it's more that I think she is way exaggerating the severity of what happened. Also, she seems very oblivious and/or ignorant to a lot of things, so I can see that a dude might feel encouraged to make advances:

I did however, DM everyone I met thanking them and saying I was glad to meet them. Joe ended up replying as seen below and inviting me to his panel. I said sure and was clearly oblivious to what the rest of his message meant but wanted to believe he had no ill intentions (...)

The next day, After walking around, I get a message from him inviting me to a dinner with people from Youtube, again, I assumed nothing of it and thought it would just be people I met the night before. So, I agreed (...)

Joe looks at me and says “I can’t believe you came” and just smiled and I said yea, of course, you asked me too. He then begins to brag that he can only really travel this way around PAX East or he’d get swarmed. I just laugh and say “yea I guess that’s what happens when people like you!” (...)

He asked for my phone and called his phone, it ended up being in his pocket. He laughed and said “oh geez” then just plucked away at his phone. I didn’t think anything of it but realized he now had my number. (...)

Again, I’m assuming he doesn’t have bad intentions and didn’t want to be that person that says “Hey are you trying to sleep with me? I have a boyfriend you know!” when he was just being nice, so I just stay quiet and say sure. (...)

I’m just standing around and he ends up taking a shower and asking me to join him, I laugh and say “You’re funny” and he replied along the lines of saying he knew and the offer was on the table if I decided he wasn’t joking. (...)

I bring out my phone and Joe tells me to put it away and to enjoy the time with him, so I do, assuming that he finds it rude so I try to respect that. (...)

I’m a bit nervous again because I didn’t have much money, but I keep that to myself because I agreed to come and I’m not going to expect anyone to pay for my food. (...)

By this time, 5 hours have passed and I haven’t been able to use my phone once to tell Allen or my boyfriend I was okay. (...)

I tell him how weird he is being but all of a sudden, Joe spun me around and started interrogating me about who I was talking too. I lie and say Allen, he starts getting angry and said “your boyfriend?” and I lie and say no, Allen is drunk so I called him because I can tell Joe is drunk and PISSED. (...)

I immediately say I can’t and have to go. He then reminds me not to tell anyone because it would ruin his reputation and mine as well. Some people came outside and asked if we were okay and I say yes and run inside to grab my purse. (...)

So, for the sake of argument and to avoid victim-blaming, I am going to assume that everything she told was true und happened in that fashion. Then what I see is a girl who met Joe at some event, reached out to him afterwards expressing how pleased she was to meet him, agreeing to a dinner invitation for the next day (while claiming to be both oblivious to his implications and also not wanting to believe he had "ill" intentions? I'd assume you need to be aware of something, not oblivious to it, to not believe it?), again assuming nothing and acting very oblivious, while at the same time coming across as a girl who is interested in you from a guy's POV. When they met again, she continued to express consent in meeting, to laugh at his jokes and make compliments. In other words: all the exact same signs you, as a dude, are likely to look for when flirting with a girl. When he got her phone number, which seems like a very obvious flirty move, she again didn't assume anything of it. And continued to do so, and to keep it to herself that she had a boyfriend even when she already suspected he was trying to hit on her. Instead of bailing out, which should have happened at this point at the latest, she accompanied him to his room despite already knowing that he planned to take a shower (which, #metoo or not, is a pretty common move when trying to get laid, because it opens up the possibility of sexual tension... and just that, opening up, without involving pressure). When he then takes it a step further and makes a clear advance, she doesn't shut it down, but instead laughs again. She doesn't express unease or discomfort, at least not in any straight-forward manner that a dude who is clearly thinking they are in a romantic situation would pick up. You laughed before around him when you were complimenting him, so how is he supposed to see now that your laughter means you're weirded out?
She then continues to do as he pleases, because she doesn't want to be rude. To keep concerns to herself and to roll with her agreement to the situation. Then she claims that 5 hours have passed, in which she was unable to use her phone once - even with the best possible intentions, I call bullshit on that one claim, because if you are so uneasy with a situation, you can and will find a way to contact your friend or bf. She is basically claiming that over a span of 5 hours, she would not even be able to sneak to the toilette to take out her phone and send a message or two? This is highly unlikely.
When Joe directly asked her about whom she was talking to, she outright lied. Even when he suspected that she was talking to her boyfriend, she insists that she doesn't - at which point Joe must believe she's taking him for an idiot. So, although it may not be classy, it's understandable that he gets pissed and angry with her and feels like she's playing games with him. Simply because at no point before did she express clear discomfort or that he had overstepped any boundaries. She closes with saying "immediately" that she cannot go with him and has to go. Which would be the very first time that she would have openly and directly stated something along those lines towards him, because previously, she made active efforts to keep her thoughts and impressions to herself.

So, I am not saying that her side of the story isn't true at all. I'm just saying that I can very, very well see how on the other side, a dude who was trying to hit on her might have thought to receive a lot of encouraging signals from her. And let's not kid ourselves, men are still expected to make moves on women if they are interested, even in 2020 it's still the women's part to act aloof. And she wasn't even doing that. She actively showed a lot of signs that can very well be interpreted as genuine interest in the guy. If he is so totally wrong in his assumptions, you need to set things straight or else, the situation will only escalate and get worse, as it presumably did. Of course he's gonna be increasingly pissed if you keep rolling with everything he suggests, but then act as if his interest in you came out of the blue.


Resetera fascist:

I see this so much over there and I need to explain why it's SO toxic and dumb:
  • When a women actually has been assaulted/raped/whatever, she's a victim. Yes. She goes to court and either can convince through evidence that her accusation is true and the perpetrator gets punished, or she has no convincing evidence and the perpetrator goes unpunished. WHATEVER THE OUTCOME: SHE WAS A VICTIM, NO NEW VICTIM WAS CREATED
  • When a woman false-accuses an innocent man, there was no victim at the beginning. The man goes to court and can either convince through evidence that the accusation is wrong and he goes free, or he has nothing convincing and gets punished. IN THIS CASE, A NEW VICTIM WAS CREATED FROM NOTHING.

Yes, most accusations are real, but it must also be considered that the graviatas between each of the scenarios is not equal. The former is about getting justice/revenge for the already-victim. The latter IS creating a new victim, the whole process IS A CRIME. So between denying a victim justice and creating a NEW victim, anybody with the tiniest glimpse of empathy and reason should treat any accusation with care and wait for FACTS. It is bad when victims get unheart. It's infinitely worse when innocent people are made new victims. Get your morality in check, you hateful femcels.
Yeah, even in the situations where the person going to social media is actually true, it's not about justice, it's about revenge. We're supposed to be a civilized society, and this form of payback is not acceptable. It's like you said, it's a crime. The person making the accusation may be a victim, but they are deciding to get back at their assailant by becoming a criminal themselves. They are not allowing people who are guilty of crimes to get a fair trial even if they go to a court of law, because they are contaminating the jury people with preconceived ideas about the perpetrator.

None of this matter though to folks at REEE, this is exactly what they want. They want chaos, and to turn their back on the patriarchal civilization that we live in. They take pride in their witch hunts not being a court of law.
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Gold Member

He even told her he was going to shower. Sounds like a 'pass' hidden in a suggestive joke to not outright ask and risk being shot down. Also, how hard is it to wait at a hotel bar? She's been here before (apparently), there's a basic level of intelligence as an adult you're expected to have. Fuck me, these people.

I thought she was going to go silent after that tweet earlier, guess she's really sweating and trying to walk it all back now. Hope she gets made an example of in the hope it makes other women think twice about embellishing normal interactions as predatory behavior and tweeting

I too go to hotelrooms with complete strangers just to have them shower, no big deal! /s What? And Joe is in the wrong here for assuming she wanted more?

I've been on so many business trips, conferences and shows professionally in my life and unless I'm already sharing a room with someone the followed procedure is ALWAYS "I'm just going to my room to change/shower/put my bag away, I'll meet you back in the lobby/bar at x time". The exception is, girl you've pulled that evening or a hooker. Everyone follows this in my experience.


Resetera fascist:

I see this so much over there and I need to explain why it's SO toxic and dumb:
  • When a women actually has been assaulted/raped/whatever, she's a victim. Yes. She goes to court and either can convince through evidence that her accusation is true and the perpetrator gets punished, or she has no convincing evidence and the perpetrator goes unpunished. WHATEVER THE OUTCOME: SHE WAS A VICTIM, NO NEW VICTIM WAS CREATED
  • When a woman false-accuses an innocent man, there was no victim at the beginning. The man goes to court and can either convince through evidence that the accusation is wrong and he goes free, or he has nothing convincing and gets punished. IN THIS CASE, A NEW VICTIM WAS CREATED FROM NOTHING.

Yes, most accusations are real, but it must also be considered that the graviatas between each of the scenarios is not equal. The former is about getting justice/revenge for the already-victim. The latter IS creating a new victim, the whole process IS A CRIME. So between denying a victim justice and creating a NEW victim, anybody with the tiniest glimpse of empathy and reason should treat any accusation with care and wait for FACTS. It is bad when victims get unheart. It's infinitely worse when innocent people are made new victims. Get your morality in check, you hateful femcels.

their bullshit narrative of “only 1% of accusations are false” is utter bullshit. There is basically zero downside to making a false accusation if you’re a woman. Why? 1) people believe you. 2) you will likely face No punishment for ruining someone because “well if we punish for false accusations people will stop coming forward!“

point 2 may beeven more bullshit than point 1. Someone being punished for lying to ruin someone shouldn’t stop a legitimate victim from coming forward. If you’re not lying and you have any kind of proof.
The justice system really needs to jail and heavily fine these people who make knowingly false accusations. A false accusation can, AND HAS, ruined people’s lives, those who make false accusations need to feel that same pressure.

I’m just glad people are starting to fight back against this bullshit whether it be with court or even online.
Well after reading the whole thing I think it's pretty clear that Joe is a full on creep, that's not really all that surprising.

Having said that, this girl also hung out with him for 9 hours , went to his hotel room, went out for food with him and went to a club with him without mentioning she has a boyfriend. She was also too intimidated to use her phone the entire time sadly the last part doesnt really make sense, she says shes 26 and shes been through something similar before, If u take that into account then the fact that she went along with this for longer than 10 minutes is absolutely baffling.

They both sound like fucking idiots if u ask me.



At least put a NSFW tag on that thing.
Lol, i mean, she's very plain and could use a makeover, but let's not act like she's hideous guys. That's not how we should want to be seen...(unless we're talking about Abby Russell, she can go to hell). I have been picking her apart, because her story sounds like she needs to grow the fuck up if she thinks this was some #metoo worthy offense.

She may be stupid and crazy for trying to make something out of this story, but she could probably be a looker if she knew how to do something with her mousy hair, and knew how to use a makeup kit.
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The Alien

Honestly, i used to not mind this stuff and just find it hilarious.
But after 2020, all the protest, rioting, looting, the entire hypocrisy and brain wash of the left wing media and politics, people getting on their knees to wash other's feet just because they are from a different race, people losing jobs, getting death threats because of a difference of opinion. It's kinda starting to scary me where the western civilization is headed.
I Think i may start looking for classes on japanese language.
Yep. Feel the same.

Makes me think this may be the most important election in generations.


Meanwhile, there's been at least a few stand up specials about this insanity wave, performed by big name comedians, Bill Burr, Dave Chappelle, even Louis C.K. who returned back to stand up after his own case of harassment.

They speak clearly, at length, and with right on the spot humor, criticizing how crazy this situation has become, how the lack of due process, the mobs, the overreaction and overcompensation is appalling and scares proper professionals out of the industry, 'cause fuck that noise.

Are these rats hiding in the shadows of the audience going mad about the jokes and spazzing out? Have they become so tone deaf that won't see why this is now a big part of satyre routines?


Gold Member
She was also too intimidated to use her phone the entire time sadly the last part doesnt really make sense

Makes perfect sense if she's hiding a boyfriend from AJ and that fact that she's spending all evening with a Youtube star as his +1 from that same boyfriend.

If the boyfriend found out? It was AJs fault he would not let met use my phone.
Makes perfect sense if she's hiding a boyfriend from AJ and that fact that she's spending all evening with a Youtube star as his +1 from that same boyfriend.

If the boyfriend found out? It was AJs fault he would not let met use my phone.
Sure that could also be true. But why would I assume that ? Her acting like that is equally as likely as Joe acting like a creep. Why make assumptions about her but not him ? Shows clear bias imo.
I guess we can wait for Joe's side 0f the story.


Gold Member
Sure that could also be true. But why would I assume that ? Her acting like that is equally as likely as Joe acting like a creep. Why make assumptions about her but not him ? Shows clear bias imo.
I guess we can wait for Joe's side 0f the story.

You've not read the topic have you?


C tier streamer chick comes off like a psycho attention whore who was trying to use Joe as a career ladder...then realized after flirting with him all day he wanted a piece of ass (how DARE he!). She's apparently so socially retarded that she didn't understand that an invite to a hotel room means he wants to bang (I almost can't believe people are this stupid. Is this a SJW generational problem caused by too much social media fueled isolation or something?) And all the shit about him taking her phone away? Yeah, pretty clear she pulled that straight from the nether regions of her ass...obviously so she wouldn't get in trouble with her boyfriend for ignoring him for 8-10 hours because she was trying to schmooze and was enjoying free drinks, etc...all fucking day from another guy.

Then when he brought in his attorneys she did some gold medalist back pedaling, reversing earlier words like "assault", "harassment", etc... And apparently bailing off Twitter after admitting she has no evidence of one God damn thing.

In short, her story is total bullshit and provided he has enough data to meet the criteria AJ should sue the living fuck out of her for defamation.

The most damning thing that a story like this is contrived, to me, is when people keep giving excuses as to why they couldn't just leave or use their phone, without any actual apparent threat to their safety. "He told me to put it away" is not a reason to ignore your texts to significant others all day long.
That is an instant red flag to anyone with half a brain.
This MeToo shit is so far beyond crazy town at this point.

Don't let these types of whamen continue to gaslight men. There is nothing wrong with hitting on women and attempting to sleep with them. Every sex act is a negotiation.
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I'd assume you'd read everything before not just accusing people of bias.

Anyway, I'm already onto you babyfacereeee
I read the entire story and most of peoples comments in here. Your comment is clearly bias towards joe, that is objectively true, read your own comment back lol it literally you put all blame on her. As I assume you weren't there and didnt witness shit then u must be going off the same information that I am. If that's the case your bias is crystal clear. I'm not whit knighting for either side. You're defending joe and condemning her, that is called bias my friend.


Yeah, they invented the catch-all-term "predatory behaviour" for these types of deals.
Same thing happened to EvilLore.

Pretty much every man who makes a move on a lady is a predator these days or can be made into one after the fact.
Abusive treatment is a nice word too !


Resetera fascist:

I see this so much over there and I need to explain why it's SO toxic and dumb:
  • When a women actually has been assaulted/raped/whatever, she's a victim. Yes. She goes to court and either can convince through evidence that her accusation is true and the perpetrator gets punished, or she has no convincing evidence and the perpetrator goes unpunished. WHATEVER THE OUTCOME: SHE WAS A VICTIM, NO NEW VICTIM WAS CREATED
  • When a woman false-accuses an innocent man, there was no victim at the beginning. The man goes to court and can either convince through evidence that the accusation is wrong and he goes free, or he has nothing convincing and gets punished. IN THIS CASE, A NEW VICTIM WAS CREATED FROM NOTHING.

Yes, most accusations are real, but it must also be considered that the graviatas between each of the scenarios is not equal. The former is about getting justice/revenge for the already-victim. The latter IS creating a new victim, the whole process IS A CRIME. So between denying a victim justice and creating a NEW victim, anybody with the tiniest glimpse of empathy and reason should treat any accusation with care and wait for FACTS. It is bad when victims get unheart. It's infinitely worse when innocent people are made new victims. Get your morality in check, you hateful femcels.
100% agree.
You know when they say "some cases doesn't have hard evidence" it all depends on she say he say, so the victim cannot really prove the case, that is true BUTTTTTTTTTTTT

Then it is no longer our position as netizens to throw judgements on either party, because we are not their close real-life friends. We do not know the day to day integrity of either party.
If your friends believe it that's fine, because your friends have been with you for quite some time and they knew if you don't lie for such things or you are just a pathological liar. But if I or any anonymous fans or online people insists that I must side with the accuser, female/male, regardless of the evidence then that is fucking bias and equivalent to despicable internet mob lynching.
Then you would be part of the problem that prevents justice from happening.

These fake woke people doesn't have any moral standards, they see themselves as the paragon of moral arbiter.
As you're hard of reading.

1. I was replying to your comment
2. Do you know what a quantifier is?
1. Yes you did good job fella. That's the comment I am referring too, the one that is completely one sided, what do they call that again.
2. No I dont, enlighten me and how it's relevant to your clearly bias comment that you're attempting to defend in the weirdest way.

Being bias isn't innately bad dude, u can admit to being bias without coming across as a bad person.


People over at ResetEra wouldn't understand the importance of due process, unless they themselves became victims of this witch hunt.

I harken back to the Salem witch trials where everything was all well and good, until the governor's wife got accused. Then it was all "Whoa whoa wait a minute people. Let's be rational thinking adults here."


I don’t think this will stick. He just needs to keep going like business as usual and no one will remember in a week. He does have the luxury of being self employment after all, good luck getting him fired.


Do you know it feels irrelevant? Because it seems fabricated, and she things these details will make it look convincing.

Look at her initial dm with AJ, eveything is clear with proper address of each other and clear profile.
Then look at her other messages, all profiles concealed (even hers), and not even a single mention of who is who, what event, and where. You can take the screenshots and use it against anybody for any accusations.

This is why i read the accusations and have my reservations. While Era goes all in and thinks she must be right because it's so "detailed".
Because she is woman.

I believe woman.
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