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Angry Joe being accused of sexual harassment


Those people over at Resetera love to dunk on people holy shit, I've never seen something like this.

Look at this, they don't give a fuck.



What that guy wrote on the bieber thread:


Holy shit. How are they so fast to deem someone a disgusting scumbag monster, this shit is honestly maddening. Dear lord.
They make a ton of noise, ban anyone that dares say otherwise and then if it ends up being fake, just lock the thread and move on? Holy shit, that's amazing, thank god that wasn't the gaming forum I found haha I would probably already be banned

Holy shit, I've never even visited the site. Only seen what I've seen of it through screen caps posted here. And i have to say really don't like the morons there.

Nobody gets the benefit of the doubt at all. I'd love to see someone falsely accuse one of those nerds and see how they handle the mob.


Funny story, I rarely ever resort to personal insults in arguments here, and i get into alot of them. I've been called all sorts of shit for the positions I take on conversations here.

The very first time I decided to stoop down to being a piece of shit like some of the other posters here and just start overtly calling people names, i immediately got warned for "spreading SJW nonsense" in "previous threads". So people are free to say whatever they want, as long as moderation agrees with them.
I'm inclined to think that if one knowingly decides to "stoop down to being a piece of shit", they shouldn't be surprised to have their posts moderated accordingly. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes", like ERA folk would put it.

I honestly feel like the only reason people dont get banned/warned here more often is specifically to not be accused of being like Era.
If that's the case, I could get behind that because ERA's warning/banning policy seems to be an arbitrary shitshow more often than not. Not something any community should strive for tbh.

But banning/warning policy is mostly irrelevant -- this forum's community is essentially Anti-Era in everything but moderation practice. The kind of shit people say here wouldn't only get them banned on Era, but probably most official non-exclusive forum boards on the internet.
I can and will not be the judge over if that's true or not, but also it's completely besides my argument. My point is that stuff that gets you banned on ERA would not get anyone banned on most boards on the internet that are being run competently. So if anything, ERA is the completely opposite tip of that scale and in that sense no less problematic than what you are criticising about GAF. And if I have to choose between one board that has the fault of allowing too little opinions, which breeds lynch-mob mentality, and one board that has the fault of allowing too many opinions, I will logically choose the one that cultivates less of an echo chamber.

I'm saying that women can afford to be more aggressive, because they're weaker. They are incapable of forcing themselves on you, so their aggressiveness cannot be misinterpreted as intimidation, unlike many men who misused their power (physical, social, economical) since ancient times to intimidate women into having sex with them.
Maybe I'm misreading this, but it sounds contradictory to me that you seem to think that women do not have social and economical power that can be misused. Women do have a lot of social power, especially nowadays. Which is why wrong accusations are a thing men are rightfully very scared of and why so many people want to take stories like this with a grain of salt. Trying to mobilize an online mob instead of going to the authorities is an abuse of social power as well.
Funny story, I rarely ever resort to personal insults in arguments here, and i get into alot of them. I've been called all sorts of shit for the positions I take on conversations here.

Yes, generic vague nebulous accusations will heighten your credibility.

The very first time I decided to stoop down to being a piece of shit like some of the other posters here and just start overtly calling people names, i immediately got warned for "spreading SJW nonsense" in "previous threads". So people are free to say whatever they want, as long as moderation agrees with them.

So you weren't banned, or warned, when you were originally "spreading SJW nonsense" "in previous threads", decided to "stoop down to being a piece of shit", were subsequently warned but not banned and are now trying to suggest you're a poor victim of political persecution? And insinuating GAF is no different from Era in this regard?

Yes, foolproof logic right there!

And this was during the PS5 games reveal, when the forum was basically flooded with threads of people angry that black people and women were being featured as protagonists in games. I'm sure you can imagine those comments.

I sure can imagine how you'd misrepresent them.

I honestly feel like the only reason people dont get banned/warned here more often is specifically to not be accused of being like Era.

Your feelings are evidence for nothing else than your own state of mind.

But banning/warning policy is mostly irrelevant -- this forum's community is essentially Anti-Era in everything but moderation practice.

Which is the single most important difference in order to maintain a forum where different points of view can freely coexist. It's why you haven't been banned despite endlessly posting against the grain, which you have every right to. Your attempt to downplay this key aspect doesn't go unnoticed and is entirely consistent with your politics.

The kind of shit people say here wouldn't only get them banned on Era, but probably most official non-exclusive forum boards on the internet.

The fact that, allegedly, most forums aren't free-speech friendly these days isn't an argument . It says nothing about whether or not free-speech should be upheld at every opportunity.

For example, as a matter of principle, I think you should be able to express your points of view here. That's also true as a matter of practicality.

I welcome having your posts on display, as they offer insight into Woke irrationality, the proclivity to resort to logical fallacies and, generally speaking, piss poor arguments.


Regarding the Angry Joe thread on Era:

Civilization didn't happen overnight. It took eons before rule of law, due process and presumption of innocence were adopted throughout the West, as mechanisms to push back against all sorts of bias, injustices and abuse of power.

Unfortunately, it seems some Resetera members can't be reasoned with. Emotions are running the show. So, regrettably, the only foreseeable way for them to learn the invaluable lesson will be if one day they face false accusation of sexual harassment.

They'll become instantly and keenly aware of how important due process is.
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I'm inclined to think that if one knowingly decides to "stoop down to being a piece of shit", they shouldn't be surprised to have their posts moderated accordingly. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes", like ERA folk would put it.

You know, the longer i post here, the more i start to wonder if people genuinely feel that way. I can't imagine too many situations in which someone who isn't a piece of shit calls someone else a retard for sharing an opinion in a public forum.

I've noticed alot of tag-play around here regarding "opinions". People can say whatever they want and nobody is able to take issue with it, until they do, at which point they're the victim, and you're an asshole for "assuming" things....Which is comical when the original comment is usually a very broad, very negative assumption about not a single person but entire groups and sometimes cultures of people.

People have this strange idea that fair freedom is the ability to say asshole things to anyone, yet cosmic law is supposed to protect them from people having anything to say about it....Cry and cry about how left-wing people are unnecessarily accusatory and hastily judgmental, yet choose to be unnecessarily inflammatory....and hastily judgmental. And then have the audacity to call people "Snowflakes". It's the most bitch-made philosophy i've interacted with.

if that's the case, I could get behind that because ERA's warning/banning policy seems to be an arbitrary shitshow more often than not. Not something any community should strive for tbh.

There's a double-edged sword here, because lack of any real rules means it's really easy for topics to turn shitshow and never recover for it. But that's just up to what you perceive as a "shitshow".
I can and will not be the judge over if that's true or not, but also it's completely besides my argument. My point is that stuff that gets you banned on ERA would not get anyone banned on most boards on the internet that are being run competently. So if anything, ERA is the completely opposite tip of that scale and in that sense no less problematic than what you are criticising about GAF. And if I have to choose between one board that has the fault of allowing too little opinions, which breeds lynch-mob mentality, and one board that has the fault of allowing too many opinions, I will logically choose the one that cultivates less of an echo chamber.

That's just the thing though. GAF is no less of an echo chamber than Era is. Not by virtue of its moderation, but by it's lack of it.

I mean seriously lol, just look at how Era was formed. The far-left wingers got enraged over an issue, account-suicided, and left. There are left-wing people on this board but the forum is very clearly right leaning, at times very far right leaning.

It's because the counter-balance to GAF's political community all left. And now it's composed of people who literally just shit on Era and left-wing politics all day. It's literally the Anti-Era in here.

It's not that people with sensibilities opposite of GAF's aren't allowed to post.....it's that they're never gonna post here to begin with. GAF has already been labeled, and if they didn't know before they got here, it becomes EXTREMELY obvious within a few days of posting. I myself came back expecting a more central environment, but that is not what GAF is. It's identity is intrinsically linked with Era at this point and so is it's community.

If you think this place cultivates (or even embraces) opposing opinions just because you don't get expelled for having them, then i'm sorry to disappoint you. Lol communities don't work like that in real life, and they most certainly don't work like that on the internet with anonymity and lack of consequences.


Regarding that game of tag i was referring to:

Yes, generic vague nebulous accusations will heighten your credibility.

I sure can imagine how you'd misrepresent them.

Your feelings are evidence for nothing else than your own state of mind.

"Oh, I clearly know who you are enough to talk about your "consistent politics", so i'm present for all these conversations"

"but I don't see anything? People don't say mean shit to you, you just "interpret it wong " because of your "feelings" and "state of mind".

See? This is what i mean lol.

At least on Era when someone decides to call someone a piece of shit, they just fucking own it. The amount of timid tap dancing here is fucking ridiculous.

If nothing else, at least i can respect people like Brap or Tesseract for just being direct lol
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Those people over at Resetera love to dunk on people holy shit, I've never seen something like this.

Look at this, they don't give a fuck.



What that guy wrote on the bieber thread:


Holy shit. How are they so fast to deem someone a disgusting scumbag monster, this shit is honestly maddening. Dear lord.
They make a ton of noise, ban anyone that dares say otherwise and then if it ends up being fake, just lock the thread and move on? Holy shit, that's amazing, thank god that wasn't the gaming forum I found haha I would probably already be banned

I got perma-banned from there for shit that was hardly offensive to a regular person. But Era?? They pick and choose what to be offended by and it changes on the daily!

The moderation there is truly a fucking joke. It's all over the place. I've seen people say far more despicable things than I ever did only to see them post freely, with a warning, or a slap on the wrist ban that I was never lucky enough to receive.


Wasn't one of the very founders of #metoo accused of fucking some underage boy only for her to back pedal and be like NOPE when she got accused???? Same with Justin Trudeau?

All these scum are all like BELIEVE VICTIMS until THEY are accused.


Regarding that game of tag i was referring to:

"Oh, I clearly know who you are enough to talk about your "consistent politics", so i'm present for all these conversations"

"but I don't see anything? People don't say mean shit to you, you just "interpret it wong " because of your "feelings" and "state of mind".

See? This is what i mean lol.

Yes, clearly, you're a victim.
You're being closed-in on.
Here's your medal.

Yes, this is not the first post I've read from you. Even if for the wrong reasons, your posts and politics are memorable.

I am not claiming the forum is exempt from "mean shit".
That's not my point, at all.

At least on Era when someone decides to call someone a piece of shit, they just fucking own it. The amount of timid tap dancing here is fucking ridiculous.

I do not want to call you a piece of shit.
But you do seem to almost yearn for it.

If nothing else, at least i can respect people like Brap or Tesseract for just being direct lol

I'm not after your respect.

Let's get back on topic, shall we?
Just so you know, it's the allegations against Angry Joe.

What's your take?
Do you think he's guilty until proven innocent?


I blame the victim. Don't @ me Resetera
This is what I don't get it makes no sense to say "don't blame the victim" "don't two sides this" and similar things in these occasions.
When people say don't blame the victim, it means: if a girl was raped you don't go ask her how were you dressed? did you provoke him? and so on, we already know the rape 100% HAPPENED, there was physical CONTACT/FORCE on her.
Here accusations based on ages ago stories or flirting messages, are flying around like nothing and people are making rape accusations based on some flirting texts comparing them to real rapists.
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Women are gonna find that they are gonna have to be the aggressor in relationships going forward if this shit keeps up.


Women are gonna regret it when they're no longer approached and be confused why men no longer pursue them.
Not these women, thankfully being a minority. This is exactly what they want when “they’re fighting patriarchy” and shifting “power roles”. Welcome to the wonderful world of intersectionalism! What we need is more women taking a more clear stance against this crazy development, as a mans opinion is not worth anything in these matters.

The world has gone completely crazy lately. We should just shut down internet before another generation gets poisoned with these ideas. Saying that partly as a joke, partly dead serious.
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I read the story and I'm not taking any sides, but honestly, she could have avoided a lot of things by being vocal. The fact she felt like he was advancing on her very early on before they even went to dinner and did not tell him she had a boyfriend. She could of walked out of there at any moment whether it be the hotel or restaurant or whatever, I don't believe she could not find her bag or phone at the restaurant if she really wanted to. It sounds like she could of asked someone else to help and say hey they took my bag/phone I need to find it. It sounds like he was acting like a douche but obviously this is his personality, I could hardly call this sexual harassment in my book. She could of taken control of the situation at any time she wanted if she did not feel comfortable.


Yes, clearly, you're a victim.
You're being closed-in on.
Here's your medal.

Yes, this is not the first post I've read from you. Even if for the wrong reasons, your posts and politics are memorable.

I am not claiming the forum is exempt from "mean shit".
That's not my point, at all.

I do not want to call you a piece of shit.
But you do seem to almost yearn for it.

I'm not after your respect.

yeah sure whatever
Let's get back on topic, shall we?
Just so you know, it's the allegations against Angry Joe.

What's your take?
Do you think he's guilty until proven innocent?

Same as every situation like this. We'll never know without a confession and it's none of our business anyway. if taking the account at face value....I feel like she should have deuced the fuck out of there and found her boyfriend the moment the shower incident happened. And i feel like Joe would have been a moron for pursuing her further after his overt attempt fell flat, but he wouldn't be the first guy to have zero sexual perception.

As for twitter sexual assault trials......If you've ever had a woman close to you be the victim of a rape/sexual assault in the past or present and watched them outright refuse to involve law enforcement / pursue the guy (and you know they aren't lying), your outlook on these sorts of allegations will very likely change.

If she's lying, not only will she eventually be found out, but the internet retribution will likely be severe (if she's not already getting backlash for the allegation in the first place).

If not, oh well, skeletons don't like living in closets.

As for this specific situation, I don't have a strong opinion either way. I'm of the opinion that these sorts of facts eventually reveal themselves.


You know, the longer i post here, the more i start to wonder if people genuinely feel that way. I can't imagine too many situations in which someone who isn't a piece of shit calls someone else a retard for sharing an opinion in a public forum.

I've noticed alot of tag-play around here regarding "opinions". People can say whatever they want and nobody is able to take issue with it, until they do, at which point they're the victim, and you're an asshole for "assuming" things....Which is comical when the original comment is usually a very broad, very negative assumption about not a single person but entire groups and sometimes cultures of people.

People have this strange idea that fair freedom is the ability to say asshole things to anyone, yet cosmic law is supposed to protect them from people having anything to say about it....Cry and cry about how left-wing people are unnecessarily accusatory and hastily judgmental, yet choose to be unnecessarily inflammatory....and hastily judgmental. And then have the audacity to call people "Snowflakes". It's the most bitch-made philosophy i've interacted with.
I kind of fail to see how this has anything to do with my response. I cannot talk for the rest of GAF because I don't know the incidents you are referring to. I am looking at the situation you described: you stooped low - knowingly - and got moderated for it. What exactly is the problem with that? Note that it was you who pointed out that at Era, at least people own it when they call others names. My point being that if you deliberately stoop low, yes, you probably should be prepared for the consequences. If your point is that it's unfair because other people stooped low before and didn't get moderated - well, that's happening on Era also. I'm just saying that no matter which place, if I make a conscious decision to behave badly, I should own the consequences, no?

There's a double-edged sword here, because lack of any real rules means it's really easy for topics to turn shitshow and never recover for it. But that's just up to what you perceive as a "shitshow".
I see the underlying problem, but at least for now, it's a nice change to feel able to express any sentiment I wish. Within reason, of course, but I don't consider my sentiments unreasonable to begin with.

That's just the thing though. GAF is no less of an echo chamber than Era is. Not by virtue of its moderation, but by it's lack of it.

I mean seriously lol, just look at how Era was formed. The far-left wingers got enraged over an issue, account-suicided, and left. There are left-wing people on this board but the forum is very clearly right leaning, at times very far right leaning.

It's because the counter-balance to GAF's political community all left. And now it's composed of people who literally just shit on Era and left-wing politics all day. It's literally the Anti-Era in here.
Yeah, pretty much, but that doesn't make it the same sort of echo chamber. I'm willing to take any bet that a left-leaning individual can "survive" GAF a lot longer than a right-leaning individual can Era. Because people may call you a SJW, but at least you're not hit with a ban for speaking out of line instantly.

It's not that people with sensibilities opposite of GAF's aren't allowed to post.....it's that they're never gonna post here to begin with. GAF has already been labeled, and if they didn't know before they got here, it becomes EXTREMELY obvious within a few days of posting. I myself came back expecting a more central environment, but that is not what GAF is. It's identity is intrinsically linked with Era at this point and so is it's community.
So far, I've seen more diverse opinions on GAF than on Era. One of the latter's biggest problems is that they are fucking quick to shut people down instead of discussing and educating them. Literally asking questions is considered to be a trick out of the "alt-right playbook" in their eyes when in reality, it's the only way to find out more about a topic you're lacking information on.

If you think this place cultivates (or even embraces) opposing opinions just because you don't get expelled for having them, then i'm sorry to disappoint you. Lol communities don't work like that in real life, and they most certainly don't work like that on the internet with anonymity and lack of consequences.
Would you care to enlighten me, because that's precisely what I think? Like, not getting expelled over opposing opinions is quite literally more embracing of said opinions than the other way around, I'd say. I am not sure how this can possibly be interpreted differently tbh.

Same as every situation like this. We'll never know without a confession and it's none of our business anyway. if taking the account at face value....I feel like she should have deuced the fuck out of there and found her boyfriend the moment the shower incident happened. And i feel like Joe would have been a moron for pursuing her further after his overt attempt fell flat, but he wouldn't be the first guy to have zero sexual perception.
Case in point being that this exact sentiment could probably have had you banned over at resetEra for victim blaming. That's the problem sadly.
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I kind of fail to see how this has anything to do with my response. I cannot talk for the rest of GAF because I don't know the incidents you are referring to. I am looking at the situation you described: you stooped low - knowingly - and got moderated for it. What exactly is the problem with that? Note that it was you who pointed out that at Era, at least people own it when they call others names. My point being that if you deliberately stoop low, yes, you probably should be prepared for the consequences. If your point is that it's unfair because other people stooped low before and didn't get moderated - well, that's happening on Era also. I'm just saying that no matter which place, if I make a conscious decision to behave badly, I should own the consequences, no?

Absolutely. It's just that when the authority refuses to acknowledge that bias, it becomes obvious what kind of place you're dealing with.

Yeah, pretty much, but that doesn't make it the same sort of echo chamber. I'm willing to take any bet that a left-leaning individual can "survive" GAF a lot longer than a right-leaning individual can Era. Because people may call you a SJW, but at least you're not hit with a ban for speaking out of line instantly.

I mean yeah i totally get this. I'm just saying that there's little point to "surviving" here when your opinions are questioned at best and outright mocked at worse just by virtue of where they come from. And it's not like i'm talking about random topics -- topics on GAF pop up with obvious right-wing bias from the start, even gaming topics don't avoid this kind of conversation.

So far, I've seen more diverse opinions on GAF than on Era. One of the latter's biggest problems is that they are fucking quick to shut people down instead of discussing and educating them. Literally asking questions is considered to be a trick out of the "alt-right playbook" in their eyes when in reality, it's the only way to find out more about a topic you're lacking information on.

i mean, their moderators are insane. No argument.

Would you care to enlighten me, because that's precisely what I think? Like, not getting expelled over opposing opinions is quite literally more embracing of said opinions than the other way around, I'd say. I am not sure how this can possibly be interpreted differently tbh.

Just to be clear, I'm not debating whether or not you're more "free" here, or whether Era is an echo chamber or not. It absolutely 100% without a doubt is, and you are more free here. What I said was "cultivating" or "embracing" of opinions happens no more on GAF than on Era. Any real dissent towards right-leaning conversation here rarely results in any meaningful interaction by way of people learning anything.

What YOU'RE talking about is whether or not GAF tolerates opposing opinions, which, of course, they do. But says nothing about GAF's capacity to actually host diverse opinions or nuanced conversation, which is entirely dependent on its community.

This is a community where current threads in the Politics sections includes threads like:

How do you stop the spread/propagation of woke culture if the woke left controls the news media, social media, and tech?

BLM = Black Lies Metastasis

Tim Pool - epic conversation & rant on the culture war, and why we need to stop kneeling to the mob

And these aren't joke threads, they're played straight and literal. And that's just the politics section:

If every future story/narrative in videogames will now focus on woke-ism I want Video Games to be cancelled.

This is an inherently politically-charged thread from the GAMING section.

There is no space for liberal discourse here, it's too far leaned. You're free to speak, absolutely, but to claim GAF isn't an echo chamber simply because you aren't banned for speaking is kind of diluting the definition of what an echo chamber is -- Era is a forced echo chamber, but you don't require such extreme moderation to have one.

Case in point being that this exact sentiment could probably have had you banned over at resetEra for victim blaming. That's the problem sadly.

Without a doubt
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As someone who's a big fan of Joe and has been watching him since forever, he can definitely come across as abrasive and a bit of a jackass at times, especially when he starts getting in fights with his own audience.

Buuut... this claim definitely comes across as dubious, and making a mountain out of a molehill. At best.

So needless to say I'm 100% on Joe's side here and I'm glad he went the lawyer route and put out this statement, instead of just instantly bending over and taking it as I've seen a lot of other accused guys do. I hope he pushes it as far as he can and tries to get her for defamation.

Also, fuck ResetEra.
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Fantastic statement.

I honestly hope he has his lawyers look into taking action against Resetera.com, too, considering the contributed immensely as a catalyst that blew this "news" up.

Speaking of which, this is what the crazies have to say:

And there it is, legal action unless you shut up

Yeah. I still believe her account of the events.

I'd take his version of events more seriously without that cease and desist in place

Joe still gets shit on because he follows PROPER LEGAL PROCEDURE. How twisted and ... bad must one be to dismiss his well layed out statement?! These people are so unfair, it makes me incredibly frustrated.


Holy shit. How are they so fast to deem someone a disgusting scumbag monster, this shit is honestly maddening. Dear lord.

Because mob mentality, witch hunting, and public shaming feels good. It's been a part of human nature since the beginning of time. You could go back thousands of years, but just in these past few hundred years we had the Salem Witch Trials, the Red scare, the Aids crisis, and now it's Social Media Outrage Culture. Who's a Nazi/Sex Offender?

They make a ton of noise, ban anyone that dares say otherwise and then if it ends up being fake, just lock the thread and move on? Holy shit, that's amazing, thank god that wasn't the gaming forum I found haha I would probably already be banned

I got banned from Era a few weeks ago because someone said "Fuck ALL cops" and I basically responded "Yeah not all 800,000 of them tho" and I got 5-10 pages of their members sperging out, calling me a loser, calling for me to get banned, insulting me, the works. One member called me out and shamed me for not responding to the hate I was getting, as if any sort of response would've helped. I received a 2 week ban (For "tone policing"). I haven't used the site since, for obvious reasons. I can guarantee you even if I posted a heartfelt apology, I still would've gotten banned, because precedent has been set these past few years that apologizing does nothing.

Also I wasn't sorry either. I still stand by what I said, and they can suck my dick if they have a problem with it.
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Fantastic statement.

I honestly hope he has his lawyers look into taking action against Resetera.com, too, considering the contributed immensely as a catalyst that blew this "news" up.

Speaking of which, this is what the crazies have to say:

Joe still gets shit on because he follows PROPER LEGAL PROCEDURE. How twisted and ... bad must one be to dismiss his well layed out statement?! These people are so unfair, it makes me incredibly frustrated.

They're stubborn lunatics who, once they have made up their (hive)mind, refuse to ever change it.

I wouldn't pay much attention to them; going by Joe's twitter replies alone his fanbase isn't buying it at all and is rallying around him.

Edit: He posted this too -

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They're stubborn lunatics who, once they have made up their (hive)mind, refuse to ever change it.

I wouldn't pay much attention to them; going by Joe's twitter replies alone his fanbase isn't buying it at all and is rallying around him.

Edit: He posted this too -

He quoted her. Great. Now REEsetEra will claim Joe "assaulted" her because he pointed out her walking back on her statement.


Demanding the UTMOST tiny shred of common sense (aka being a functioning human being) is now called "victim blaming" and dog piled on. These people are garbage from the bottom of their hearts ...

Man (or lady) just stop posting their nonsense here. You're just getting yourself worked up.


Fking hell, resetera is promoting 5 to 6 different game personality witchhunts in a single day? and its been going on all week. I mean shit, even the puritans took a few hours of rest here and there.. they're heads are going explode scanners like eventually
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Demanding the UTMOST tiny shred of common sense (aka being a functioning human being) is now called "victim blaming" and dog piled on. These people are garbage from the bottom of their hearts ...

Wow....those posts and to see the hivemind in action like that. It literally makes my blood boil. It just hurts my brain that these people think what they do is okay in any way.
The accuser is being absolutely dragged (as the kids say these days) in the comments of the article. But Joe comes across as a complete dork in this story.

Instead of asking for her number straight up, he does this:
Joe begins to freak out and I ask him what was wrong, He started to say he lost his phone and was afraid a fan had it and couldn't believe it. He asked for my phone and called his phone, it ended up being in his pocket. He laughed and said “oh geez” then just plucked away at his phone. I didn’t think anything of it but realized he now had my number.

Motherfucker introduces her to all his connections, pays for her dinner, gets rejected AND STILL offers to pay for her cab LMAO:
You meet my friends, I take you to dinner (that Youtube paid for), I pay for everything and you leave me hanging, the least you could do is come back with me” I immediately say I can’t and have to go. He then reminds me not to tell anyone because it would ruin his reputation and mine as well. Some people came outside and asked if we were okay and I say yes and run inside to grab my purse.

Joe then offers to pay for my cab, to which I say no thanks because I didn’t want him knowing where I was staying AT ALL.


That forum looks like a graveyard, so many heroes tried to bring some logic to the discussion but if they try to do so, they get instantly banned because logic is not allowed, everyone has to align and spread accusations like an army of bots.
Now I know why people refer to it as the "hivemind"
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Unconfirmed Member
Those people over at Resetera love to dunk on people holy shit, I've never seen something like this.

Look at this, they don't give a fuck.



What that guy wrote on the bieber thread:


Holy shit. How are they so fast to deem someone a disgusting scumbag monster, this shit is honestly maddening. Dear lord.
They make a ton of noise, ban anyone that dares say otherwise and then if it ends up being fake, just lock the thread and move on? Holy shit, that's amazing, thank god that wasn't the gaming forum I found haha I would probably already be banned
First page of this same thread has a guy say that same thing lol.
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Would they have already had each other's numbers as they were messaging each other before they went to dinner?

She messaged him first didn't she?


We're at a point in time where we are missing one important thing, and it needs to return before everything turns to shit. What it is? Women's accountability.


Gold Member
So, he completely denies it (TBH it felt like his lawyer told him: "just deny it, don't even dangle a carrot for these people"). Accusations were pretty fucking weak to begin with, so it's neither here nor there.

Anyone who carries on probably didn't like Joe already.

OK, now I await TLOU2 review 😂
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The reaction from Reee is exactly what these people want when they make these bs accusations. Its what helps the story spread like wildfire often times before the accused even has a chance to respond.

Fuck all those morons, they should be held accountable for defamation of character. Maybe if there were actual consequences for doing such things people would wait for more substantial evidence or facts to come out before we want to ruin a person's life.

I hope this girl gets whatever punishment is possible for doing what she did should she prove to not be able to substantiate her claims.
I don't think he sexual assaulted her or harassed her, but it's is possible he is just awkward around women and swung and missed. But is it even fair to recount this to the general public. So now hitting on women is sexual harassment if you don't know if there interested?


Funny thing is that looking at the screenshot, some users that were attacking the guy asking for evidence, got banned too. I guess they weren't "aligned" enough.
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