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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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It always felt to me like everyone was always just trying to see the negative or bad side of everything with gaming. Rather than celebrating a hobby which brings so many together.

Bad shit happens, I get that. But to be that upset or mad or disappointed all the time would just tank any person's mental health completely.

They could use that energy so much better if they weren't just stroking their keyboards about injustices in gaming all day.
The game industry does have issues with labor and such. I know many developers that actively avoid that industry.

The problem is that you will have young kids outta school who want to work in gaming. It's a dream job for many.

But the cognitive dissonance is so evident. These are some of the same folk who analyze graphics to the pixel. That comes at a price. Do you love amazing graphics? Those graphics don't draw or animate themselves.

It's definitely gotten better since EA Spouse as well. The film industry has similar issues, but they are unionized. They're not working 9-5 either.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Too serious is my assessment. It gets exhausting.

Yeah that’s definitely a more concise summary.

Although I think call out culture and “awareness” still factors in because lots of folks aren’t capable of turning those parts off. They likely feel they have a sense of obligation and activism to keep it up.

Getting angry about the outrage of the day has to be exhausting and I think many posters would do well to take a break and to remember how to enjoy the little things.




For those that were on Era at the very beginning, was there ever really a golden age when the place wasn't utterly toxic?

A quick scan reveals that most people seem to agree that with the OP. It's a wonder why they still bother posting there. It got to 6 pages before the mods stepped in:


Check out the highlighted bit. There are going to continue going on the way they are until all the normal people have left. If you think it's bad now, imagine how bad it will be when only the crazies are left.



The game industry does have issues with labor and such. I know many developers that actively avoid that industry.

The problem is that you will have young kids outta school who want to work in gaming. It's a dream job for many.

But the cognitive dissonance is so evident. These are some of the same folk who analyze graphics to the pixel. That comes at a price. Do you love amazing graphics? Those graphics don't draw or animate themselves.

It's definitely gotten better since EA Spouse as well. The film industry has similar issues, but they are unionized. They're not working 9-5 either.

no issues with discussions around these problems, it’s a good thing,

But when you are having a discussion about gameplay or something directly related to the game, labour issues and unionisation just kills the momentum of the discussion and the sharing of enjoyment / hype for the game.

I believe ina time and a place for all things, era allows the “issues” to infest all conversations and it’s detrimental to the other aspects of forum discussion.

Pick a thread / make a thread and keep that stuff in it, instead of whiny posters trying to shame people for discussing the game and enjoying it because of the industry is problematic.

Too many fun killers injecting themselves into all things on that “forum”, no discussion and only approved questions get answered.




For those that were on Era at the very beginning, was there ever really a golden age when the place wasn't utterly toxic?

A quick scan reveals that most people seem to agree that with the OP. It's a wonder why they still bother posting there. It got to 6 pages before the mods stepped in:


Check out the highlighted bit. There are going to continue going on the way they are until all the normal people have left. If you think it's bad now, imagine how bad it will be when only the crazies are left.

"Where is the spirit of "we'll be better" when we left the old place?"

How ironic. They don't realise that THEY are the reason this place had turned to shit, until they finally threw a tantrum and left.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
A quick scan reveals that most people seem to agree that with the OP. It's a wonder why they still bother posting there. It got to 6 pages before the mods stepped in:

Yeah, it's almost as if when you actively encourage people to air grievances about any and all perceived injustices, and ban those who react in any way that does not affirm those grievances, all that will remain are a bunch of shitty and bitter people that are angry at the world and have turned the whole thing into a game of baiting for bans because it makes them feel powerful over others.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member


Wouldn’t be shocked if that kind of conspiratorial thinking became the norm in a few years.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
I think that "old ResetEra spirit" thread being locked, and the reasons why, both stated and unstated, have finally pushed me over the edge to accept the invitation to show myself the door.

It's unfortunate that the network effects of forums can overpower so much else. A universally agreed-on toxic culture? Good posters being banned or cowed into silence? Bad posters being left to run rampant? Posters I once thought were reasonable becoming (or acting like) foaming-at-the-mouth ideologues, even in innocuous video game discussions? Doesn't matter if the site still has the sheer volume of users and posts to make for good discussion despite that. But now, for me, it doesn't. There are still smart, well-intentioned people posting there and some mods surreptitiously trying to do the right thing. Maybe the situation will turn around. But I'd bet against it.

I don't know if NeoGAF can ever get a critical mass of activity back or return to the glory days. My life circumstances are fortunate, but don't give me the time or energy to post enough to move the needle in that regard. But the forum has shown enough promise, enough signs of life, that I think it's time I gave it a try.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Hey C Chairman Yang , been a while.

NeoGAF is consistently recovering month by month and I'll continue to rebuild it. Those smart, well-reasoned people you mention are coming back to GAF on a daily basis thanks to the insanity over there. Check the stats below.



I think that "old ResetEra spirit" thread being locked, and the reasons why, both stated and unstated, have finally pushed me over the edge to accept the invitation to show myself the door.

It's unfortunate that the network effects of forums can overpower so much else. A universally agreed-on toxic culture? Good posters being banned or cowed into silence? Bad posters being left to run rampant? Posters I once thought were reasonable becoming (or acting like) foaming-at-the-mouth ideologues, even in innocuous video game discussions? Doesn't matter if the site still has the sheer volume of users and posts to make for good discussion despite that. But now, for me, it doesn't. There are still smart, well-intentioned people posting there and some mods surreptitiously trying to do the right thing. Maybe the situation will turn around. But I'd bet against it.

I don't know if NeoGAF can ever get a critical mass of activity back or return to the glory days. My life circumstances are fortunate, but don't give me the time or energy to post enough to move the needle in that regard. But the forum has shown enough promise, enough signs of life, that I think it's time I gave it a try.


For those that were on Era at the very beginning, was there ever really a golden age when the place wasn't utterly toxic?

A quick scan reveals that most people seem to agree that with the OP. It's a wonder why they still bother posting there. It got to 6 pages before the mods stepped in:

For the earlier days the virtue signalling, identity politics and unhinged thin skinned mod bans were contained within the Off Topic section. After a couple of years they had banned and silenced so many members that those people that like to smash the report button were not getting the daily kills they were used to getting becuse people learned to avoid posting in those ban bait topics.
So they realized they could just move up to the gaming section to boost the kill counts if they could make topics tangentially relating gaming and "Social issues".

The watershed moment was last years E3 and the pokemon topic about how dark a shade of brown one of the characters was, 28 bans on the first page. After that the ban hunters stalked the gaming section.
I think that "old ResetEra spirit" thread being locked, and the reasons why, both stated and unstated, have finally pushed me over the edge to accept the invitation to show myself the door.

It's unfortunate that the network effects of forums can overpower so much else. A universally agreed-on toxic culture? Good posters being banned or cowed into silence? Bad posters being left to run rampant? Posters I once thought were reasonable becoming (or acting like) foaming-at-the-mouth ideologues, even in innocuous video game discussions? Doesn't matter if the site still has the sheer volume of users and posts to make for good discussion despite that. But now, for me, it doesn't. There are still smart, well-intentioned people posting there and some mods surreptitiously trying to do the right thing. Maybe the situation will turn around. But I'd bet against it.

I don't know if NeoGAF can ever get a critical mass of activity back or return to the glory days. My life circumstances are fortunate, but don't give me the time or energy to post enough to move the needle in that regard. But the forum has shown enough promise, enough signs of life, that I think it's time I gave it a try.

I'm much the same. There is too much to mention directly but the whole ERA admin/mod team over there is fostering a very warped utopian ideal of their own and actually driving towards being the extreme polar opposite of what they hate. ERA lives in a bubble, humans are complex and have all sorts of differences across any given subject. This idea of right vs left is so fucking stupid. I've realised in the last couple of months how little can actually be discussed at ERA, it's tiny in fact. Gaming side is just as limited as off topic.

ERA has ceased to be a public forum, admins/mods see to that.

After returning to GAF I enjoy going on forums again, I have a laugh almost everyday, don't pretend it's all rainbows or a hellfire shithole either and can see people discussing their opinions while generally being left to sort things out or being free to ignore each other when things get heated. It's not left or right leaning, it's the whole gamut in between. There is always going to be shit posters and idealists but GAF is now curating a more relaxed open forum and ERA is not an open forum anymore, it's a very closed minded community where the silent majority are literally too afraid to post in fear of banning or saying the wrong thing based on group think and a warped sense of ... I lack the words to describe why ERA chooses to be how it is.

Honestly when you total up the "wasteful" posts on ERA and look at the gaming news reveals GAF is currently almost on par and the new reaction system reduces a ton of sentiment and one liner replies with which you'll find your quality interactions increased, quantity of garbage to sift through decreased and you can actually be a little more productive and happier with your online time due to that. Oh you're also able to say what you will and be taken to task or praised, imagine that.

EDIT: One thing of note is gaming side and ERA admin team didn't learn a fucking thing from DF staff leaving for good from being driven off. They're all still at the same level of intolerance to reality, members want to discuss games not activism. The majority remain silenced as evidenced from the "old Resetera spirit" thread and locking.
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Hey C Chairman Yang , been a while.

NeoGAF is consistently recovering month by month and I'll continue to rebuild it. Those smart, well-reasoned people you mention are coming back to GAF on a daily basis thanks to the insanity over there. Check the stats below.

I just have to laugh at this post

I mean you have JordanN JordanN still unbanned. If that’s not tacit acceptance then I don’t know what is.
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Astral Dog



For those that were on Era at the very beginning, was there ever really a golden age when the place wasn't utterly toxic?
No it was always bad it just got worse, i never felt comfortable posting on off topic like on GAF and its not because i like Republicans :p

i can only speak for myself but i think this applies to others as well, that place is toxic and people aren't happy but you can't just leave it.
i was on Resetera since it started, moved on. why not i was afraid of being left behind , i don't do much socializing outside of family work and forums so the community is important to me, anyways it looks good:, huge community of dedicated gamers, familiar faces, constant news, but something is off,discussion isn't enjoyable anymore everything is racism sexism or murders so i started to stick on the gamming side, i felt something was wrong but i never could tell WHAT, obviously the problem is just me, Resetera is the best gaming community right? were else would i go? they always say other places are awful, i want to be there even if i don't enjoy it anymore, there were times i wanted to rest a couple months from Era because i was feeling stressed or sad from all the shit and negativity, but i never could do it.i was too attached i guess.

I never once thought of leaving ,if Era was bad other places HAD to be even worse
Anyways so i finally got banned for some innofensive posts imo, finally had to accept they didn't wanted me there ,got released and now have accounts on everything 🤭 even GameFaqs, and even if they have a few problems like any forum no place is as bad as Resetera made me believe
except maybe IGN D^:
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But then how are you supposed to show how Virtuous you are to people online?

I bet 100% of people who say they won’t buy a game will buy it anyway, they just won’t talk about it.

I think it's just 49%.
Another 49% never had any interest or money to buy that game to begin with.
Maybe 2% (being generous here) talk the talk and walk the walk.
Those threads are always the funniest to me, because ERA glorifies game developers and needs to stay "on message".
Love how it fucking tears them apart and gets everybody mad at each other lol

I personally buy all the products I want and can afford. If the creator, CEO, composer or anybody else is a criminal I'll let the police handle it.

No it was always bad it just got worse, i never felt comfortable posting on off topic like on GAF and its not because i like Republicans :p

My account from 10/2017 is still in good standing mostly because I stick to OTs and segregated communities.
That's where all the normal people are.

The winning move is to always watch out for pride flags, Kapernik-avatars and posters with tags before posting.
If you see any of them -> run.
That thread is absolutely vitriol.

The OP doesn't come with arguments, but also specifically lashes out at white people multiple times. Then, when some guy says ok lets give America back to the natives he gets assaulted by the hivemind and banned. They don't even deconstruct the thought, they just say its something else and he should shut up. Ottoman empire remark gets concern trolled as well. Or the classic its true because I read the book. Yeah, nazis say the same shit. Very objective.

Overly agressive people like this, they have skeletons in their own closet. Its inevitable that some scandal is going to hit them due to a slip up or hack. Authoritarian places like this typically don't last. In-fighting is inevitable. The amount of opressors will dry up because of bans or disinterest and allied media will eventually cut their ties if they become too controversial. Their 'luck' I think, is that they position themselves as minorities and victims of the system. They play that card, its more difficult to notice their racism as its more between the lines. When I read all whites suck ass and need to be purged, it has a different impact on me then when I read the same about other ethniticies. That is because they cultivate the fact that historically its true that whites have been on the receiving end for less. They use it as an excuse to green light racism towards this race however, while we hopefully know any existing form of racism should be cast out.

Literally Ree.


Gold Member
The first year of Era was good tbh. Most of the quality posters from GAF were there, discussion was lively, and there was general comradery about escaping the negativity of GAF.

Just under a year in, around mid-2018, things started to get weird. There were some threads about whether violence against people you don’t agree with was justified, and moderate voices would get warned or banned. Aggressive trans issues started to pop up. People started seeing shit everywhere. Certain creators were suddenly “not given a platform on Era”.

It accelerated really quickly. The expression of “walking on eggshells” started to appear then. After eating two warnings I decided that engaging with that style of a forum is not relaxing passtime for me, rather it would make me more stressed and worried than entertained or informed, so I left and returned here.

Even with all the shit going on in the world, GAF has managed to retain a sense of fun now. But like Era of the beginning, we will forever be susceptible for the miserable firestarters poisoning the place.

EDIT: I think that latest Era mod post is actually a refreshing moment of honesty in their positioning. If they want to be the grievance forum, power to them for standing openly for it. They will attract a more appropriate crowd. The problem has been that normies were led to believe that Era is a generalist forum and then gaslighted to think that Era’s specific grievance world view is normal and theirs is wrong. Wearing their heart on their sleeve will only do them good.
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It has the usual: You can't be racist against whites stuff as a bonus.

Apparantly racism = prejudice + power, hence POC can't be racist.

Is this some new definition of racism that nobody but ERA uses?
This is what intersectionality is - everything is analysed and judged through the lens of power dynamics, and the people who hold less power are always right, whereas the people with the power are always wrong regardless of their actions so the best they can do is to repent and prostrate themselves.


I agree first months was good. Prominent GAF posters and insiders went there. Now, GAF was never as bat shit as current Era is but the start was pretty much a continuitation of the good side of GAF back then. OT's weren't full of political dirt yet, not what I remember. I had the same gaming related discussions I had here. But some time into 2018 my activity started to drop. I started to notice sjw and political drive by's in a fuck ton of threads. "this game has no female create a character, boycott!" "this game has no gay or trans romances, boycott!" "anyone who is going to buy DQXI is a bigot!". I usually DID concern troll at first, I would say I was so looking forward to the game knowingly pissing them off.

But it got worse and worse and moderation got more aggressive. At first I thought, this is off topic so I just tell them to keep this out of the gaming discussion and mods will probably move it. But that would get you dog piled and reported more and more, and mods would be openly against you for daring. Then I knew this was a sinking ship for sane people.

Ah, Mike Z is cancelled now as well. Another one burned at the stake.
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I agree first months was good. Prominent GAF posters and insiders went there. Now, GAF was never as bat shit as current Era is but the start was pretty much a continuitation of the good side of GAF back then.

IMO on pre-2017 GAF there was some SJW fuckery going on, some mods going roque and plenty of "for the LULZ" bans.
Was still 10000x friendlier and open than ERA is now.
At least Gaming side on GAF was pretty much 99% about gaming. On ERA the sides have kinda merged and it sucks.


Reeee is just a great example what happens when miserable people try to look good by trying to appear woke. They try to out woke each other every day and it turned into a hate cult.

"I accept any race!"
"I accept any gender!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"BUT I ACCEPT ANY SPECIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"WELL I ACCEPT ANYTHING THAT LIVES BUT I ALSO HATE WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"I ACCEPT EVERYTHING BUT ALSO HATE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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Reeee is just a great example what happens when miserable people try to look good by trying to appear woke. They try to out woke each other every day and it turned into a hate cult.

"I accept any race!"
"I accept any gender!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"BUT I ACCEPT ANY SPECIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"WELL I ACCEPT ANYTHING THAT LIVES BUT I ALSO HATE WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"I ACCEPT EVERYTHING BUT ALSO HATE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



IMO on pre-2017 GAF there was some SJW fuckery going on, some mods going roque and plenty of "for the LULZ" bans.
Was still 10000x friendlier and open than ERA is now.
At least Gaming side on GAF was pretty much 99% about gaming. On ERA the sides have kinda merged and it sucks.

Yeah and thats no surprise. I see some old GAF regulars and mods acting rather hardcore on Ree.

The problem obviously was and is those members. They first pushed their bullshit agenda here, and now there. And with the times changing for the worse, with 2020 being a disaster in general, its no strange it hits an apex. Pre 2017 GAF would probably be just as insane if it took place right now. It would have those particular vocal posters, attract the same sycophants, and cast level headed posters out. Combined with todays outrages as fuel. What Ree needs to do, is weed out all extremists. But their leadership is extremist. And besides, those guys will simply move on, create another site or go back here. And the same shit happens again.

What I don't understand is, they're using the current state of the world as an excuse. Aren't games and forums supposed to be some form of escapism? When lockdown happened I just bought FFVII and forgot about everything for a while.


What I don't understand is, they're using the current state of the world as an excuse. Aren't games and forums supposed to be some form of escapism? When lockdown happened I just bought FFVII and forgot about everything for a while.

tbf ERA forgot about Covid too the second the BLM riots started LOL

For some reason the few "prominent ERA users" that account for half of these posts can't imagine that people can be concerned about COVID, war, famine and racism and still discuss/enjoy entertainment for a few hours.
If ERA was about more than just cheap virtue signaling without any real consequence, the admins would shut down the servers and kill the site. Coltan mines, power usage, Chinese factory workers killing themselves... etc.
Tons of "problematic" aspects of running a website.

Bullet Club


The only way to fix Resetera's negativity problem is to ban everybody except TaySan.


I had not been a member of note here but left on good terms (i.e. not account suicided) for Era as it was more active. Within a few days I saw a few people getting banned for mild bantz and very inoffensive stuff and realized that this was probably not the land of milk and honey and lost interest. The world isn't black and white and the people on ReeEra deciding that it is infact so have too much power for their own good. May they use it to exclusively have their opinions reaffirmed. Interesting to see the same 25 big words used over and over again, not sure how they don't bore themselves to death.

Happy neogaf is going well.



But then how are you supposed to show how Virtuous you are to people online?

I bet 100% of people who say they won’t buy a game will buy it anyway, they just won’t talk about it.

I think it's just 49%.
Another 49% never had any interest or money to buy that game to begin with.
Maybe 2% (being generous here) talk the talk and walk the walk.
Those threads are always the funniest to me, because ERA glorifies game developers and needs to stay "on message".
Love how it fucking tears them apart and gets everybody mad at each other lol

I personally buy all the products I want and can afford. If the creator, CEO, composer or anybody else is a criminal I'll let the police handle it.

Their arguments here always have the same glaring flaw.
Where exactly do you draw the line?

If you want to be an ethical gamer then why not also do deep dives into the technology you use, the clothes you wear, the food you buy.
Who knows how many brands have dark secrets lurking behind the PR facade?

So I'm gonna cry myself to sleep because JK Rowling is a bigot but people will still buy the Harry Potter game?
Then I'm going to wake up in the morning and have some eggs for breakfast that have been farmed in god knows what horrendous conditions?
I wonder where the cobalt in my devices came from...

On top of that if someone is going to accuse a developer of being a Nazi then I am going to need proof.
Not some "well he tweeted once about 6 years ago that he supported gamergate" weak bullshit. Real evidence.
I'm not going to refuse to buy a game because a guy working on it happened to disagree with you guys on gamergate.

Same with the JK Rowling shit. I would never play a Harry Potter game so whatever.
If I did want to play the game then I don't see how some political disagreement with the creator of the series is enough to put the brakes on my purchase. I mean fundamentally this "outrage" is based on the fact that she thinks TransWomen and Women are separate groups.

If they want to make an argument that a game is sexist or racist or transphobic then at the very least the arguments need to be good.

If the local news runs an expose on the treatment of chickens in farms then this is the kind of thing that would shock me into making better choices when I buy eggs and meat.

If I read an article with real facts about coffee and the places it comes from and the conditions there then that will be a factor and I will shop around and try my best to do my best.

The planet is getting fucked up. Look at all this plastic bullshit floating around. Of course I will recycle, of course I will think about waste and what I can do personally.

"This game is sexist because Mario has to rescue the princess and it promotes blah blah blah blah." Shut the fuck up.
"The lead developer said there are no black people in 1600s or whatever Bohemia so he's a Nazi and blah blah." Shut the fuck up.
"The game is based on some books and the author of the books thinks biological sex exists but I disagree so blah blah." Shut the fuck up.

I have never once seen these cretins make a good argument for not buying a game.

Microtransactions? I don't buy them. Try it. It's really fucking easy.
Crunch? Tell me how much the devs are earning and how many hours they are working. I had to work 60 hour weeks in a fucking call center just to keep my life on the rails back in the day. Literally just to see my paycheck evaporate by lunchtime on payday.
Developer with shitty opinions? I'll be the judge of that. Not you.
Problematic in game content? See above.

OMG a publisher did an AMA on 8chan!
OK, but they apologized, yeah?
OK so we're good. No problem.
Reeeeeeeeeeee! You are supporting All Of The Bad Things when you buy their games!
No. They made a mistake. They said sorry. It's done.
Get him banned! Dismissing concerns! Drive-by! BAN HIM!
My impression was that it started out pretty much just like GAF was just before the split, lots of social justice stuff but also good fun threads and some banter. My favourite threads were about foods from different parts of the world but I mainly went on for international perspectives on stuff. I used to get bans here and there on Gaf for strong banter/wrongthink and I got them on Era too but they got more and more often until it felt like I was getting banned every couple of weeks so I told them to jack my account in during the world cup. I don't want no part of any forum that doesn't allow me to reference and weaponise the fact that Brazilian legend Grainncha lost his virginity to a goat. But then a year later I asked for my account back so I could talk abotu Mario Maker 2 and it was definitely much worse. Everything was srs bsns, everything had a prejudice angle, the fun threads were gone, you couldn't joke in serious threads and every thread was serious. Mods playing favourites and the good ol' gaf dogpile turned up to eleven - serious what the fuck is it with that? You make a post that people don't agree with and it comes back again and again and again, even after you develop your argument, people still ask you for evidence that you posted hours ago, so you have to have the same argument with different people over and over. I've never seen that anywhere else.


I don't want no part of any forum that doesn't allow me to reference and weaponise the fact that Brazilian legend Grainncha lost his virginity to a goat.

Gonna need some evidence on that, matey.

Weird that somebody could be so touchy feely, especially in a footy thread. Prolly never seen a match in person.
Did they ever find out if she did take it up the arse?
One of his legs was two inches shorter than the other. He lost his virginity to a goat, slept with hundreds of women and sired at least 14 children. When he played for the Brazilian national team in the 1950s and early 60s, he scored 34 goals and won the World Cup twice. He killed his mother-in-law in a car crash, then died of drink. His name was Garrincha, and his exploits make Paul Gascoigne look like an amateur.



On top of that if someone is going to accuse a developer of being a Nazi then I am going to need proof.
Not some "well he tweeted once about 6 years ago that he supported gamergate" weak bullshit. Real evidence.
I'm not going to refuse to buy a game because a guy working on it happened to disagree with you guys on gamergate.

The beauty of that Nazi label is that it can mean so many different things to so many different people.
IRL it means you committed a hate crime and/or are a member of an illegal neo-nazi organisation.
On ERA it's probably enough to not change your Twitter pics to a pride flag.

"This game is sexist because Mario has to rescue the princess and it promotes blah blah blah blah." Shut the fuck up.
"The lead developer said there are no black people in 1600s or whatever Bohemia so he's a Nazi and blah blah." Shut the fuck up.
"The game is based on some books and the author of the books thinks biological sex exists but I disagree so blah blah." Shut the fuck up.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. At some point in life you need to get cynical and pragmatic or go insane.
What really bothers me is the notion that minorities would treat the majority much differently if the shoe was on the other foot.

If Asian or African empires had invented long haul ships and advanced weaponry before the Europeans. Guess what?
They would have colonized and looted Europe and we'd be talking about the plight of Norwegian-Nigerian slaves today or "whiteface". We might also complain about the African countries not sending enough aid our way etc.

If LGBTQ people were the majority?
We wouldn't see many straight couples on TV and JK Rowling would be in jail.

All in all, we all exist on that tiny blip of the human history timeline and need to look out for ourselves.


This is an offensively stupid thread and the fact that so many people got bans, while the OP can’t coherently make a compelling argument, nor respond to actual thoughtful posts, is ghastly.

What’s the point of even posting in that thread? Ugh.
That thread is a graveyard, I'm scratching my head wondering what modern European country is still profiting from the OPs hypothetical??

He also didn't respond to the best response in the thread, the one that clearly states that modern Europe was also built on the conquests of Rome, the Vikings Norman's etc. I wonder why???

Also from an Irish perpsective a culture carved up and nearly destroyed by jolly old England all I want is the Brits to stay the fuck away from our sovereignty and leave us in peace, I dont want money from them how does that make up for hundreds of years of bloodshed

Wanting money in exchange for traumatic experiences is weird


"Give money to black people" Everything around it is just a smokescreen for that.

See that's different though cause that's not some past trauma vague "feeling" of injustice, that's a very current inequal system in America, its fucked up and they need to fix it, the situation now with protests and such speaks to a conscious collective will to want to fix it

But like European Colonialism is over, done, finished and it has been for many many years,

The only post colonial question to ask now is Hong Kong, and sadly they are been left to be picked apart by the CCP as the rest of the world does nothing

This reparations angle makes no sense




This kinda shit is so stupid, every fucking country on the planet has an immense amount of blood on its hands.

We just mainly learn about this stuff because most of us are either from Europe or the US ( at least the OP seem'd to acknowledge in the thread title that not every country in Europe was a part of colonialism. Most don't. ).
It's such an incredibly white thing to obsess about too, you don't see the Turks or anyone else bend over backwards and apologize constantly for all of the horrible shit their ancestors did ( including slavery ). And even do to this day.
If people genuinely care about slavery then focus more on the slavery that actually exists today, and you better not fucking talk about this on your fancy PC or Iphone. A lot of the minerals etc that go into creating these things literally involve slavery. There's poor people in the third world being held at gunpoint being forced to collect these things with paid mercenary militias putting down rebellions with deadly force.
All these morons are sitting around with an Iphone tweeting and talking about this on Resetera when they might aswell be sitting there with a pool of blood in their hands.

Sure I am at fault too but at least I have some semblance of self-awareness about it and don't pretend..
Don't fucking sit there and praise these big corporations for putting the rainbow colors on Twitter but ignore how they're involved in actual slavery and other horrible treatment of people abroad for cheap materials and production.
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Same with the JK Rowling shit. I would never play a Harry Potter game so whatever.
If I did want to play the game then I don't see how some political disagreement with the creator of the series is enough to put the brakes on my purchase. I mean fundamentally this "outrage" is based on the fact that she thinks TransWomen and Women are separate groups.

Good points but this is exactly what makes them so dumb.

They are agressively pushing trans woman = woman yet they won't stop using the word themselves. Why not use "women" and leave it at that? According to their logic as well, you have women and trans women. That sounds like 2 separate groups or...?

These loonies actually contribute to the fact these are seen as separate groups without realizing it. But then again, their foundations are built on pushing narratives.
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