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Final Fantasy 16 Sony Exclusive Rumor 👀


Wasn't it a rumour that got debunked months ago? YoshiP's team is 100% focused on 14 and now more than ever after the success of shadowbringers.
What was debunked were the claims about YoshiP being the director of the title - not the ones about the game being in development at Square Enix's Business Division 3 who are confirmed to be working for several years now on an unannounced next-gen project that "has already completed initial development, has completed the development environment, and is now in the stage of full-scale large-scale development." according to it's recruitment page.

Edit: concept art from the unannounced title.
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Sony have more than enough studios at this point. I do wish that Sony would take greater risks with their Japan studios though. Take some of the money they are using for timed exclusives, give it to a team consisting of Gravity Rush, Astro Boy and Puppeteer developers and let them build an action adventure/rpg game that challenges Nintendo's accessibility with Mario/Zelda games.

I think if Sony wanted to increase their 1st party presence in Japan they should acquire koi’s tecmo, mainly for team ninja the studio responsible for nioh and ninja Gaiden. They’d also gain rights to dead or alive plus dynasty warriors if I’m not mistaken. I can’t imagine koie tecmo is worth a huge pricetag and they’d get a lot from them imo.


Square just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Business culture (I'm an expert), but releasing your game on as many platforms as possible are huge parts of it. We are not living in a communist society where you can make a living by sending people to the gulag. If you fail to make money here in the west, you will go bankrupt, and there is now way to recover from that.

What this means is the xbox crowd, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXVI for either system, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh at me all you want, but Square has alienated the entire market with this move.

Square, publicly apologize and release FFXVI on all platforms (inlucluding the OUYA) or you can kiss you business goodbye.
That was a legendary post. Couldn’t believe it then.
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Mister Wolf

aww are you upset? So it's ok when your favourite company does it? But not when Sony do it eh?

Not at all. Microsoft should just do the same and go all the way in by not releasing Minecraft RTX on PS5 and use their wealth to buy as many timed exclusives as possible.

REE Machine

Not surprising look at FF7 Remake. This is why any chance they get Microsoft should fuck Sony over. Give people the same energy they give you.
And they have, except the games they locked down arent anything to trifle over. Sony gets the heavy hitters it seems, thats market leader and money for you.

Mister Wolf

And they have, except the games they locked down arent anything to trifle over. Sony gets the heavy hitters it seems, thats market leader and money for you.

They need to keep doing it. And one of the most played games in the world Minecraft restrict the raytraced version to PC and Series X.

REE Machine

They need to keep doing it. And one of the most played games in the world Minecraft restrict the raytraced version to PC and Series X.
Im sure some people will pee in their pajamas if that happens but i could care less, get better and more mature content for your audience. Sony seems to be the only one putting out R rated movies these days while MS is going the pixar route.
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Mister Wolf

Im sure some people will pee in their pajamas if that happens but i could care less, get better and more mature content for your audience. Sony seems to be the only one putting out R rated movies these days while MS is going the pixar route.

It wouldn't just be some. Every single person who values/loves/obsesses Minecraft would be forced to strongly consider a Series X. Way more people then something like Final Fantasy.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
FFXVI is being kept from another console that it otherwise would absolutely release on because sony paid money (if this rumour is true). That is the definition of anti-consumer. They are literally stopping people from being able to play a game they otherwise would have been able to.
You only become a consumer if you buy their product, so it's actually Pro-Consumer and Anti-Nonconsumer


You only become a consumer if you buy their product, so it's actually Pro-Consumer and Anti-Nonconsumer

Exactly. The customer is always right, refers to YOUR customers, not the competitor's competition.

Where's the outrage over The Medium being a timed Xbox exclusive?
Exactly. The customer is always right, refers to YOUR customers, not the competitor's competition.

Where's the outrage over The Medium being a timed Xbox exclusive?
I agree as well.
I get that people want to be able to play everything on their console of choice, but how is this any different from streaming services getting exclusives? You mean to tell me that a manufacturer/business wants to pay for incentives that will bring people to their platform so that they make even more money? Shocking.


I agree as well.
I get that people want to be able to play everything on their console of choice, but how is this any different from streaming services getting exclusives? You mean to tell me that a manufacturer/business wants to pay for incentives that will bring people to their platform so that they make even more money? Shocking.

Netflix is so anti-consumer for having shows you can't watch on Hulu.
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Netflix is so anti-consumer for having shows you can't watch on Hulu.
Yeah, and I do get that streaming services are cheaper then purchasing an entire console but the general practice is the same. If I was Sony I would want as many reasons to stick with the ecosystem as possible. Pull out the big guns. Same as if I was Microsoft though they don't seem to care.


You only become a consumer if you buy their product, so it's actually Pro-Consumer and Anti-Nonconsumer
That’s not at all how it works lol. We are consumers because we purchase these consumer products. You’re a consumer even if you don’t buy a product. This move is anti consumer, because now you don’t have a choice of where to play the game when you otherwise would have.


FFXVI is being kept from another console that it otherwise would absolutely release on because sony paid money (if this rumour is true). That is the definition of anti-consumer. They are literally stopping people from being able to play a game they otherwise would have been able to.

What kind of fantasy world are you living in? this is business, no one stopping you from buying the console and playing the game or you could wait until the deal ends and the game releases on other platforms

same thing MS is doing with the console exclusives they announced


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
That’s not at all how it works lol. We are consumers because we purchase these consumer products. You’re a consumer even if you don’t buy a product. This move is anti consumer, because now you don’t have a choice of where to play the game when you otherwise would have.
No that's exactly how it works, how do you think they get more consumers?


What kind of fantasy world are you living in? this is business, no one stopping you from buying the console and playing the game or you could wait until the deal ends and the game releases on other platforms

same thing MS is doing with the console exclusives they announced
And they're anti-consumer too......

If they're TIMED exclusives then it's *less* anti-consumer as everyone will get to be able to buy them on their console of choice eventually though.

No that's exactly how it works, how do you think they get more consumers?

Come on fellas, use your brains.

: not favorable to consumers : improperly favoring the interests of businesses over the interests of consumers

Final Fantasy 16 would release on Xbox normally. Now it might not because they've acted in the interests of businesses (sony taking the game away from xbox players, square for taking money over giving the players the game) over the interests of the consumers (those that own an xbox now can't buy the game that they otherwise would have been able to).

This is literally textbook anti-consumer behaviour lol.

Netflix is so anti-consumer for having shows you can't watch on Hulu.

Some of you *really* need to pay more attention in school lol.

Netflix making their own content and having it exclusive isn't anti-consumer because they made it for their service. Disney taking all their shows off every other streaming service that already has them, however, is anti-consumer because they're literally taking away from the consumer. Same with Square - the game would have been on xbox, now it might not be.
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Netflix making their own content and having it exclusive isn't anti-consumer because they made it for their service. Disney taking all their shows off every other streaming service that already has them, however, is anti-consumer because they're literally taking away from the consumer. Same with Square - the game would have been on xbox, now it might not be.

Netflix doesn't make all their exclusive streaming content on Netflix. Just like Sony and MS don't make ALL their exclusives.
Are you talking about The Medium?
No Bro i have a PC i played most if not all my games on there and if FF16 is really only on PS5 for like the 1st year than forget it won't even buy it even when it comes to PC at least Xbox put their games on PC day 1 and not just locked it away to only 1 console.
Exactly. The customer is always right, refers to YOUR customers, not the competitor's competition.

Where's the outrage over The Medium being a timed Xbox exclusive?
The Medium is also releasing on PC day 1 though it a console exclusive which is fine.


Netflix doesn't make all their exclusive streaming content on Netflix. Just like Sony and MS don't make ALL their exclusives.
If netflix are making exclusivity deals with companies to have their shows exclusively that would have also gone to other streaming services then yes, that is anti-consumer.

I do love you guys keep thinking up these "gotcha!" things when all you're doing is actually figuring out that those things are also anti-consumer lol.

Exactly. The customer is always right, refers to YOUR customers, not the competitor's competition.

Where's the outrage over The Medium being a timed Xbox exclusive?

Customer and Consumer are 2 different things lol. A customer is a consumer that has bought something.
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Probably just timed like FFVII Remake.

Not even Sony would be scumbag enough to have a FF game 100% exclusive.

??? Why would that be the choice of Sony?

Thats Squares IP.

So....they'd be the ones to ok that or not. So unlikely Sony would even waste the money to spend on such a thing if even feasible as it gets them no more sales to not have it go else where years later or something. If it doesn't go to another system afterwards, its actually MORE LIKELY that Square themselves are not looking to port it.

The IP still belongs to Square, so its unlikely you'd see any deal like that as how much money could you really give to a publisher to have them NOT sell their IP THEY OWN else where? lol

So I think if you even see FF 16 only on PS5, it might have more to do with Square not wanting to work on several systems at once and it might not be worth it to them to even do that with a install base that doesn't even buy their games that much...

So when only 20% of that games sales are from XB, it makes sense for them to consider just porting after the fact.

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If you want to be treated like a first-class citizen by Sony then bend the knee and buy-in to their ecosystem - you get all the perks once in. Why should they give a rats ass about people who prefer to fatten Gabe's or MS's pockets and actively vouch for the adoption of services and hardware from their competitors like activists. You're gonna continue to get the raw deal by your own choice. Sony would be extremely stupid to listen to that snake song. Putting exclusives on Steam is a fat mistake as well - and the first on the job error by Herman Hulst (and whomever else approved, ultimately Jim). That peanut change ain't worth it. It does nothing for you strategically and hurts your mindshare with the hardcore crowd that buys your product Day 1. You should not risk in any way shape or form trading a casual Steam customer for a hardcore Sony customer. The math will never be anywhere equal. It's dumb, plain and simple. Nintendo execs know this, as did older Sony execs.

If you're going into PC out of short-term greed, at least be strategic about it by supporting the Epic's Game Store exclusively to eat into Steam's market share (not ideal anyway). Ideally you would make IP's that speak to that market completely outside of Steam/Epic like MMO's/Fornite's/League of Legends and the like. The failed bid to acquire Leyou was the right move. But the Chinese are clearly not stupid and didn't allow it to happen. Which means it's gonna be hard to get a footing on PC. Buying your way in is becoming extremely hard and expensive. Valve is the same company that's putting out VR headsets to compete with PSVR. You shouldn't make those hooked on the Steam/Xbox ecosystem more comfortable on their choice than they already are. There is obviously those that will never ever flip, but a large amount is always up for grabs. To follow MS stupidity is really something else. The more thirsty Steam/Xbox consumers are for your content (and the port-begging campaigns and whining are a testament to that - no matter the pain and screams in this social media age), the better the chance to break them into getting your hardware and into your ecosystem. MS is already down to their very hardcore this coming gen, and these are the hardest consumers to break - many (not all) are like cult followers and as such many will go down with a sinking ship. All it means is you gotta punch them harder into submission even if the investment for return is lesser than with a casual flip. It's what it's.
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Darkness no more
Pretty big news if it ends up true. It wouldn’t be surprising considering Remakes times exclusiveness. I hope we can see some footage soon and they learned from XV’s development hell. I liked XV a lot for what it was l, but felt it could have been a much better game if they ditched putting parts of the story in other media and just focused on making the game itself a compete package. Please don’t do that again SE.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Come on fellas, use your brains.
We know what it means.
If I don't smoke and the cigarette company increases the price and reduce the packet size
Is that anti-consumer to me?
No because I'm a nonconsumer
But by your definition I am
Sounds like they're going full circle if true. Non-exclusive -> exclusive -> non-exclusive -> exclusive.

But, I have to be honest, FF has lost a lot of its flair with its recent entries. Does this really matter anymore?
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What kind of fantasy world are you living in? this is business, no one stopping you from buying the console and playing the game or you could wait until the deal ends and the game releases on other platforms

same thing MS is doing with the console exclusives they announced


They also need to consider, how do they even KNOW Square WANTS to continue putting FF series out on many systems at once? Look at FFVII remake. For all we know, Square might want to take the Sega route. Make it on PS, then PC, then XB and port as they go on to save on cost.

Looking at last gen, XB gamers should be lucky they even got FFXV and KH3 day and date as last gen, FF was moving something crazy like DOUBLE the units on PS3, FFXV had like 80% of its sales on PS4, KH3 had like 82% of its sales on PS4.

Square has a very solid and sound reason to go the conservative Sega route and just port along the way if the fans exist to support it. They might simply be allow Sony to pay for a timed game that was likely NEVER even coming out day and date on XB anyway.

People need to look at all the facts, not all games from the east will appear on XB........ do we REALLY believe Sony is paying for ALL GAMES FROM THE EAST to not come on XB?

orrrrrrrr is it simply that those games don't sell well enough for the publishers to really waste the money on for 18% to 20% sales when they can just port a year later? So I think Square was expecting more sales from KH and FF and I truly believe the KH collection, World Of Final Fantasy etc was Square testing the waters with a vote by the XB community.

If those um "votes" are low, why should Square really keep wasting funds making games day and date that move low units?

So Sony can clearly pay to get the game timed on PS5, but Square might have been looking to just put it out on 1 system to save money based on XB having such a low sale rate for their games. It might be their whole goal to just port to PC, then XB if demand exist.

Its not like Sony and MS have a "timed deal" together with FFXV and Red Dead 2 not to come to PC or something lol

H Hypereides ? Oh it matters.

You might feel that way and thats ok, sales show otherwise. Especially when you consider ever FF is different. So someone can not like 1 FF and love another.
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The Medium is also releasing on PC day 1 though it a console exclusive which is fine.

It's fine for YOU, because YOU play on Xbox/PC. So, of course, you don't care that The Medium won't come to PS5 until later. But you have a problem with games not coming PC/Xbox at launch?
H Hypereides ? Oh it matters.

You might feel that way and thats ok, sales show otherwise. Especially when you consider ever FF is different. So someone can not like 1 FF and love another.

With all due respect, "fastest selling" isn't a noteworthy metric, in any scenario, regardless of game to me. Publishers can tout "fastest-selling" as much as they like. I more interested in the ultimate lifetime sales. Most AAA sales are very frontloaded and slow down falling onto a flat trajectory fairly quickly anyway.

Likewise, if you feel like its still a significant IP with presence then more power to you.
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With all due respect, "fastest selling" isn't a noteworthy metric, in any scenario, regardless of game to me. Publishers can tout "fastest-selling" as much as they like. I more interested in the ultimate lifetime sales. Most AAA sales are very frontloaded and slow down falling onto a flat trajectory fairly quickly anyway.

Likewise, if you feel like its still a significant IP with presence then more power to you.

Doesn't matter. It shows the community still buys the game.

So a game at 9 million units is nothing to try to dismiss....
Doesn't matter. It shows the community still buys the game.

So a game at 9 million units is nothing to try to dismiss....


Look, you seem to still care about this series and that's fine. Unfortunately, you're not going to persuade or overturn my view. Besides there's no need for that. You're obviously convinced that its still an important IP and that's a fair opinion to have.
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People loosely throwing the words "anti consumer" because is the new rage is annoying af. Just cause your console of choice isn't getting xyz exclusive deal doesn't mean that the companies involved in the xyz deal owe you anything. If you want to be a part of the customer base that these deals are tied to it's simple, you buy that product, if not then stop bitching.

That's how business works. If you want a product that's on business A you buy into business A's product and not bitch about if it's on business B. That's how the world works. I feel like the internet with each passing day gives people an inch to bitch more and more with no logic in mind. Shit is annoying af.



Look, you seem to still care about this series and that's fine. Unfortunately, you're not going to persuade or overturn my view. Besides there's no need for that. You're obviously convinced that its still an important IP and that's a fair opinion to have.

Not trying to.....

The sales show its an important IP man. You might have to just deal with that bit of reality. Hard to really try to argue a game moving 9 million units isn't significant simply cause you don't like it. So many IP exist that sell 9 million or more that I don't buy as clearly I don't just buy every single last game....

However, I also don't try to claim an IP is not important based on my personal taste or anything, if its moving the fastest units out of any title in the series history, clearly I must take note that SOMEONE still finds the IP important enough to buy day 1.

Some stock must be put in that objectively regardless of our opinions on a title man. I don't play Call Of Duty, Fifa, Fortnite etc, but it would me like me saying those are not important or significant in some deal or something. I don't play em, but clearly enough do to support its importance to the community. When you have 15 entries of a series and one of em is in the top 4 best selling....

Thats pretty fucking important. It means the series isn't going anywhere as its pretty hard to argue against its continued support.
People loosely throwing the words "anti consumer" because is the new rage is annoying af. Just cause your console of choice isn't getting xyz exclusive deal doesn't mean that the companies involved in the xyz deal owe you anything. If you want to be a part of the customer base that these deals are tied to it's simple, you buy that product, if not then stop bitching.

That's how business works. If you want a product that's on business A you buy into business A's product and not bitch about if it's on business B. That's how the world works. I feel like the internet with each passing day gives people an inch to bitch more and more with no logic in mind. Shit is annoying af.

And BTW... Square is totally on board. Why? Cause they see the writing on the wall. Not only is the majority of their consumer base on Playstation but also Playsation consumers actually BUY the games for $60. They're looking at Sony's financials, at their own financials and they're looking at the direction these companies are taking and they're like... the fuck should I turn down this money for PC gamers who buy shit on discount or Xbox gamers who hold on a purchase praying it comes to Gamepass.... the numbers just doesn't add up. And these deals bring eyes from consumers of the preferred platform (Playstation) to your product - a first class citizen treatment. Playstation gamers will be temped to buy just for that reason alone.

On the Xbox side you got a movement pushing for a cheap digital rental service that's gonna eventually kill the Xbox hardware division itself. What's funny is seeing the PC crowd, (myself included), out of selfish reasons propping it up as it gives no reason to own the hardware. They could give two shits about Xbox, they just want that Halo and Gears, and whatever else to come to Steam Day 1. Instead of making the exclusive games exclusive to Gamepass (on PC); MS releases the exclusives on Steam??? :messenger_grinning_squinting: Not hard to guess that people would rather pay full price on Steam than pay a buck for Gamepass. Phil the false prophet

If these publishers struggle every day in coming up with ideas to suck money out of you... do any of these kids really think big publishers are on board with Gamepass? Lmao...

Shit is gonna get worse and worse for Xbox gamers (and PC gamers to an extent)..... who counter-productively push for their own demise by praising Gamepass and not demanding better from MS.

These publishers will be giving freebies for pennies to Sony - they want that $60/box. "Best value in gaming" .... you do that....:messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Quality ones though?
Depends on what you like. If you like strategy games then there's no better platform. If you like CRPGs, there's obviously no better platform. If you like shooters, there can be argument whether you like mouse + keyboard or controller as input method. If you like immersive sims (Mainly the stuff from Looking Glass Studios), PC is the only option there. If you like fighting games, you're probably better off with a console. If you like JRPGs, you're probably better off with a console (although that seems to change), etc.

But PC has a lot of very high quality games that are exclusive to that platform. Especially if you look at older stuff, most of which are still very playable today.
Not trying to.....

The sales show its an important IP man. You might have to just deal with that bit of reality. Hard to really try to argue a game moving 9 million units isn't significant simply cause you don't like it. So many IP exist that sell 9 million or more that I don't buy as clearly I don't just buy every single last game....

However, I also don't try to claim an IP is not important based on my personal taste or anything, if its moving the fastest units out of any title in the series history, clearly I must take note that SOMEONE still finds the IP important enough to buy day 1.

Some stock must be put in that objectively regardless of our opinions on a title man. I don't play Call Of Duty, Fifa, Fortnite etc, but it would me like me saying those are not important or significant in some deal or something. I don't play em, but clearly enough do to support its importance to the community. When you have 15 entries of a series and one of em is in the top 4 best selling....

Thats pretty fucking important. It means the series isn't going anywhere as its pretty hard to argue against its continued support.

You're telling yourself you don't want to persuade me, yet at the same time that's what you're attempting to do.

I'm not going to continue this. Since you're stubbon and set on having the last word and I'm going to let you have it.

John Wick

Not at all. Microsoft should just do the same and go all the way in by not releasing Minecraft RTX on PS5 and use their wealth to buy as many timed exclusives as possible.
They have been doing the same or have you been asleep? They tried it with 360 and still now with Xbox. Remember Tomb Raider?
Considering how much MS paid for Minecraft it makes sense for them to get it out on as many platforms as possible to recoup that money back.
Yes I'm sure their shareholders would be very excited in wasting profits from other divisions to bulk up Xbox eh?
If money was the only key to success what happened to Bing? Edge? Windows Phone, Skype to name some?
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