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I feel like the Xbox Series S is a waste of time & I don't understand why Microsoft made such a console like the Series S.


It's not for you.

I know a few people that have one and they love it. It's for them.

Lies No GIF


Gold Member
It just makes no sense. If you want the next-gen experience, why not get the PS5 Digital for $400 that's 2.5x stronger?

If you can't afford $500, then you can't afford $300. It's a marginal difference and a console is purely a luxury item that no one really "Needs."i

I disagree with a few points here as they seem to be coming from an enthusiast point of view.

First, you can't get a Sony console anywhere here so getting that instead is a moot point. It most likely will be for quite a bit of time. Sure it's a better value proposition, but again moot. Not available.

Second, it's reductive to say if you can't afford $500 you can't afford $300. That's not how budgets work. The line is drawn differently for everyone. It's not only about putting "food on the table". Most people buying these toys can put food on the table. Many might be good with their money and don't out much value in a console and just want a toy that works. They may just refuse to budge from a certain price point. Heck maybe they just want a bedroom box.

Third, many people walk into a store and ask the person working about the item for their kid. They aren't enthusiasts nitpicking every single thing like we do here. Maybe they just want their kid to have something to play and the Series S is in stock.

This console is for people who are not like us. The people who are exhausted searching for product reviews for everything in a store. It's for the parent who doesn't know Teraflops from RAM. It's for the enthusiast who doesn't want to pay ridiculous prices for a second console in the bedroom. It's for the 10 year old that wants to play Minecraft and Lego games.

That market is much much bigger than us.
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The Series S is not made for you or anyone on this forum. Its made for people that:

- Only play FIFA/Madden/2k/Fortnite/COD every year and thats it
- A gamepass machine
- A secondary console

It should never be anyone's primary console if you are a gamer
This. There are a million people out there who play Fortnite and other f2p games that don’t care about 4K or anything else. They want something inexpensive that does the trick, that’s the Series S.
OP it is for playing next gen games with current gen visuals. It looks like one s/ onex in graphics. That its purpose.

Buying it after those two will not be an upgrade but more of future proofing when two years later games will stop coming for One systems.

If you want a jump in graphics, 4k HDR panel is what you need paired with series x.
This is such a bizarre thread, OP.

You don't notice that it has an SSD and can juggle 6+ games on Quick Resume with instant loading and swapping on the fly? I don't see how that's actually possible.

The console is £249. I don't know what you expected for that kind of money, but clearly you've set your expectation level to silly.

I have a Series X, but I love Series S because it goes in my backpack and travels with me so ridiculously easily. It's clearly not what you're looking for in an Xbox, but I'd suggest it fits well as a Game Pass box, a second console for PS owners, an emulation machine or, like for me, a great option for commute.

PS5 DE has Game Pass now? Sweet.
Juggle 6 plus games? I don’t know if it can even juggle 2 CODs. It’s neutered and can’t even juggle it’s own balls.
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This. There are a million people out there who play Fortnite and other f2p games that don’t care about 4K or anything else. They want something inexpensive that does the trick, that’s the Series S.

Depends if they care about needing a gold sub for FTP games or not. But then again many of those FTP games are playable on pretty basic PCs.


PS5 DE has Game Pass now? Sweet.

You Don't need the XSS for that. Game Pass is a good value, but its not something you buy an XSS for. You can just stay on the One S or One X for that.
Again the PS5 DE makes the XSS irrelevant.
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Gold Member
You Don't need the XSS for that. Game Pass is a good value, but its not something you buy an XSS for. You can just stay on the One S or One X for that.
Again the PS5 DE makes the XSS irrelevant.
If you don't have an Xbox One then XSS is a great box to buy for Game Pass. PS5 doesn't make anything irrelevant except PS4. That is unless you can play 3 generations of Xbox games on PS5.


Gold Member
I could have gotten one from Best Buy toady. I did not because I think the Series x is the better upgrade.


Let me be clear, I'm in no way hating on Microsoft or the console I'm just stating my own opinion on what I experienced from using the console for a couple of months.

For me, the console feels like any other Xbox system that has been out when it comes to the Xbox One. It feels just like the Xbox One and plays like it too. I don't see any difference in performance and visuals, maybe that's because I still don't have a 4KTV yet maybe that's the main issue I'm having but let me be clear. If that's the case then I don't find it fair to those who still haven't upgrade yet to 4K. I thought the Series S was meant for both 1080p and 4K tv and monitors. I played games that are meant for "next-gen" and I don't see anything brand new, not even 60fps. I can understand the lack of 120Fps because you are supposed to have a tv or monitor that supports 120hz. Even my gaming PC does that, in order for me to see beyond 120fps, I have to activate 144hz which is what my monitor has running.

I don't know maybe I'm doing it wrong and really need to upgrade but I feel like having the Series S is a waste of time and I don't understand why Microsoft made it. Hardly anyone talks about it and that to me is a big turn off because it feels like I made a mistake in buying it.

You dun goofed


If you don't have an Xbox One then XSS is a great box to buy for Game Pass. PS5 doesn't make anything irrelevant except PS4. That is unless you can play 3 generations of Xbox games on PS5.
No One who doesn't have an Xbox is going to pick up a new console to play old xbox games from 12 years ago.
The casual gamer will pick up a Nintendo Switch before an XSS. Sony and Nintendo have far more desired IPs.
You buy a new console to play New games, the mythical customer thats NOT already in MS ecosystem and drooling to buy an XSS to play Halo 3 ODST don't exist. Those customers are buying Nintendo Switches.


It’s a legit next gen console that plays next gen exclusive games for USD$299, cheaper than the previous gen consoles are. What’s there to not “get”?

I’ve got a series X in my media room, and I’ve now got my One X in the living room that had the One. When Series S are back in stock I’ll buy one to replace the One X because it’s on a 1080p tv and when I am doing serious gaming I’ll be playing on the SX.

What games are you playing on the Series S? Most likely Xbox One games, which is why it feels like an Xbox One lol.
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voted poster of the decade by bots
It has its place, just because you don't want one doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. For a 1080p TV, kids, smaller TV, it makes s lot of sense. It will make even more sense once it's price is $249 or $199.

As far as the ps5 de, its a void arguement as sony made hardly any, so comparing it it a product that 99.99999% of the country can't buy is irrelevant.

By the the ps5 digital is readily available, there's a very good chance the S is cheaper.

I have a Ps5, two series X, and one series S, I like them all.
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Yeah friend, agreed. It's completely unnecessary. it was never meant to be an enthusiast' console unfortunately. Size and price make it a dope side kick for the office or kids imo
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4k and 60 fps stole next-gen's lunch ..

Remember when Mark Cerny said 8 TFLOPS is needed for true 4K gaming. That was during last gen when AAA games were 90% 30fps. Now people expected 60 so double that to 16TFLOPS.. Add checkerboard/upscale/variable_rate_shading to get that back down to ~10TFLOPS and there's no horsepower left over for new games. Similar for CPU - they have 4x power, but half of that could be lost to doubling frame rate..

Next-gen games are only 60fps at the moment because they don't have anything better to spend their graphics budget on. Once games start being designed specifically for the PS5 and XSX you'll see the framerate drop back down to 30fps in most cinematic and open-world style games.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
It's a non-4K next gen device with a low barrier to entry for both hardware and games (Game Pass). There's a huge market for it, but not for enthusiasts. Even more so now that games are starting to retail at $70 and Game Pass is still the same price it's always been (really cheaper if you look for deals), but it still includes first party Microsoft games too on the day that they release (but now with Bethesda/ZeniMax games on top of it). The value proposition is pretty insane. And then there's the size of the console, which I could see being an additional factor for people wanting it. It'll fit nicely anywhere.

It functions as a perfect little console for a family that may be more cost conscious but still would like a next gen experience, and it also functions as a side console for those who may primarily game on another ecosystem (like PlayStation or Nintendo) but for a low cost can also easily get into the Xbox ecosystem (which is all Microsoft wants, as you're likely to look into Game Pass at that point).
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Its sold out every where.

Depends on what you define as selling well.

It's definitely possible to sell through all your stock but to have poor sales numbers. The same goes for Sony and the PS5.

Without official figures it's difficult to determine how many units they are selling. But the PS5, PS5 DE, XSX and XSS are pretty much sold out in the USA. The rest of the world might be a different story depending on the region. Like in Europe there's probably places where you can still find an XSS for example.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
As far as being a next gen console, I agree.

As the years go by things could get really interesting with how games run, look on it.

Agree with those saying the PS5DE makes it look worse.
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Gold Member
I'll probably grab an s at some point. I really like the concept. I'd use it for a 1080p game pass machine to play all the games I missed on ps5. Elder scrolls will probably be when I get one.
From a business standpoint the Series S makes perfect sense and it should do well in the market, and bring a lot of new people into the Xbox platform that otherwise maybe wouldn’t have thought about joining.

It’s not made for the small select group of people who constantly post on this forum on a daily basis. This forum represents an insignificant amount of the entire marketplace and is NOT representative of the actual gaming market. 99% of consumers that purchase video game hardware and software are casual.

Microsoft has a console for us, it’s called the series X.

For everyone else, Series S is their mass market console.
OP - You say you don't notice performance improvements but doesn't the Series S load games MUCH faster than Xbox One, and hold framerates much more consistently?

I have never used Series S but I thought a few analysis breakdowns did show it offered marked improvements over Xbox One in a few areas, or no? I think there is one game that offers Ray Tracing on the S, but I don't remember which.


The issue with the Series S is that it is only 100 bucks cheaper than the PS5 DE, which is significantly more capable/powerful/valuable. (edit: someone correct me if I am wrong, as I failed high school algebra 3x, but comparing XsS to PS5 DE ends up like: 25 percent cheaper price tag but 2.5x less GPU power, less RAM, 50% less SSD space, 50% slower SSD, 35% less RAM, assuming I am correct then it is hard to find the value proposition, even with the excellent Game Pass library)

If not $199, then $249 at the most.

In hindsight, I wonder if MS wishes they had just done a discless XsX and not gone with two polarized SKUs in terms of power/performance. edit: Or, at least made the Series S more powerful, closer to 8TF instead of 4.
Capable and Value are very subjective. To me, PS5 doesn't offer anything remotely close to the value of xbox game pass. PS5 might have better resolution than Xbox series s, but in terms of how many games you can get through xbox game pass day one vs what a normal spender can get through PS5 isn't even close.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I wonder if Sony and Microsoft were hedging their bets a bit and worried that the pandemic and current recession would make it hard to sell a $500 console? Sony’s implementation was probably better as it won’t force Sony to create downgraded versions of future games.

With the incredible success of the $500 price point, I wonder if Microsoft will quietly walk back the S? Or will they force support for three versions of their games when the inevitable Series XX or whatever comes out?
Yeah, I rather get a PS5, I feel burned out because of the Series S. The Series S seriously disappointed me and turned me off for gaming in general. The lack of games always killed it for me too.
Well I'm sure the PS5 will reinvigorate your love for gaming. If you were so interested in PS5 why didn't you get that in the first place? Most of the people here would have suggested the PS5 from the beginning.

The XSS is a great console for the audience its for.

I wonder if Sony and Microsoft were hedging their bets a bit and worried that the pandemic and current recession would make it hard to sell a $500 console? Sony’s implementation was probably better as it won’t force Sony to create downgraded versions of future games.

With the incredible success of the $500 price point, I wonder if Microsoft will quietly walk back the S? Or will they force support for three versions of their games when the inevitable Series XX or whatever comes out?
I highly doubt there will be a mid gen console refresh seeing how these systems are gimped from the beginning of the generation. We'll also have to see how downgraded the XSS will be seeing how it is already doing things last gen consoles could not.
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It just makes no sense. If you want the next-gen experience, why not get the PS5 Digital for $400 that's 2.5x stronger?

If you can't afford $500, then you can't afford $300. It's a marginal difference and a console is purely a luxury item that no one really "Needs."
First off this has nothing to do with being able to afford it. It has to do with the availability of what they had. The PS5 is extremely hard to get. People will jump you if you have one while walking around the store or out. My boy, this has nothing to do with pricing lol


Well I'm sure the PS5 will reinvigorate your love for gaming. If you were so interested in PS5 why didn't you get that in the first place? Most of the people here would have suggested the PS5 from the beginning.

The XSS is a great console for the audience its for.
Yeah if the PS5 is easy to get. It's not as easy as going to a phone store and getting an iPhone 12 Pro Max. If that was the case, I would've never gotten the Xbox.
I wonder if Sony and Microsoft were hedging their bets a bit and worried that the pandemic and current recession would make it hard to sell a $500 console? Sony’s implementation was probably better as it won’t force Sony to create downgraded versions of future games.

With the incredible success of the $500 price point, I wonder if Microsoft will quietly walk back the S? Or will they force support for three versions of their games when the inevitable Series XX or whatever comes out?

"Expensive" consoles typically sell well during launch because of the hardcore gamers and scalpers. However, down the road casual gamers are going to start purchasing consoles and they usually buy the cheapest console that does what they want or at least that is how it is in the states.


That's my main issue with the Series S when it comes to value.

Without the existence of the PS5 DE the Series S is a pretty good value. At 200$ less it allows you to play next gen games at Upto 1440P which is enough for many people.

However when it's compared to the PS5 DE it doesn't seem like a good value to me. Especially when the PS5 DE is alot more powerful than it at only 100$ extra.

And your last paragraph is pretty interesting. I'm wondering if Microsoft only made the Series S because they were just expecting one SKU from Sony. I'm wondering if the PS5 DE caught them off guard.
Some of you guys are delusional, seriously. You think that ms made an entire new console in a matter of months because Sony announced a digital console? Never mind the fact that the console is in the background on a few videos from ms, and also digital foundry were shown it long before the reveal, or the leaks about ms having a 2 console approach to this gen from before any next gen console was revealed, you think it was a reaction to Sony? Lol. Absurd.

If anything, the PS5 DE and its pricing is a reaction to the series S coming out and undercutting them massively on price. Even this is unlikely.

I swear some of you guys have zero idea how any of this business or the real world works.
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You heard it here folks $200 is basically nothing. Most of my bills are under $200 so I am going to stop paying them and when the creditors complain I'll just say 'c'mon, there is only a marginal difference between $0 & $150'.

He's right, and you aren't. There's a difference between $1,000 and $10,000. But $300 and $500? It's basically the same price over the period of 7 years. If you can't walk to the store right now and pay $300 for something without breaking a sweat, you shouldn't be spending the money.
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He's right, and you aren't. There's a difference between $1,000 and $10,000. But $300 and $500? It's basically the same price over the period of 7 years. If you can't walk to the store right now and pay $300 for something without breaking a sweat, you shouldn't be spending the money.
Some people rather spend the extra 200 dollars on games rather than 4k resolution.
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Which casual gamer rushes out to buy a new console without new games in the first month its out?
Have a look at the price of the One S. Have a look at the price of the PS4 and Xbox One S.

The point of it is that it will sell to people that aren’t rushing to buy new gen consoles, but it will sell to the casuals that are just going to buy a console. They see a PS4 or XB1S for $299 (or $250 or whatever they are) and then see a brand new next gen console for the same price and it’s a no brainer. They just sold a new next gen console to someone that usually buys a console 7 years into a generation. Do you not see how that’s a win for MS?


Some people rather spend the extra 200 dollars on games rather than 4k resolution.

And that's fine. That wasn't his argument. His argument was that $200 is not negligible and is a substantial amount of money. If it is to you, then you need to be more responsible with your money before spending it on game consoles.
And that's fine. That wasn't his argument. His argument was that $200 is not negligible and is a substantial amount of money. If it is to you, then you need to be more responsible with your money before spending it on game consoles.
Depends. For a casual (only buys one or two games a year) it is a lot of money because consoles aren't a necessity and depreciates in value fast. Besides cheap and convenient gaming, consoles doesn't offer anything that you can't get elsewhere. It isn't like before where consoles offer a lot of value with its features.
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The Series S has 2 objective advantages over the Series X:
  • It is cheaper
  • It is smaller

If these are not factors for you of course the console won't make sense compared to the Series X choice which is objectively superior (outside of those 2 points).

For some people a console at least 35% cheaper and about half the overall size has a destinct appeal. Especially as those people who prioritize budget price and compact offering are less likely to have a high end 4K display and so would benefit less from the Series X's premium offerings.
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And that's fine. That wasn't his argument. His argument was that $200 is not negligible and is a substantial amount of money. If it is to you, then you need to be more responsible with your money before spending it on game consoles.
Absolutely, but people are not good with money in general, and almost double the price for the big boi consoles is a significant jump that is beyond many people. Like others have said, if you’ve budgeted $300 for a console, $500 is out of the question. Even people that can afford it won’t spend $500 if they’re only budgeted $300. Where does it stop - oh if you can afford 500 you can afford 900? If you can afford 1000 you can afford 1500?

$200 is a non negligible amount of money to a lot of people that are buying these consoles.
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Depends. For a casual (only buys one or two games a year) it is a lot of money because consoles aren't a necessity and depreciates in value fast. Besides cheap and convenient gaming, consoles doesn't offer anything that you can't get elsewhere.

I don't disagree. I'm a VR and PC user and I can't be bothered with inferior experiences that require heavy compromises. I have to pay a premium for that (for work). However, if you view $200 as a lot of money (casual or otherwise), console/PC gaming may not be the right hobby for you.
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