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Cyberpunk 2077 — Our Commitment to Quality


Gold Member

His facial expression is familiar...


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Oh well. Based on Witcher 3 they'll fix the game and it will eventually be a thing of greatness. The same people crying about being against "crunch" are the same ones bitching about the game for the most part. I'm used to games being trash on release and improving over time. There's very few games, outside of Nintendo, that even are released without major issues.
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Q: Didn’t you test old-gen consoles to keep tabs on the experience?

We did. As it turned out, our testing did not show many of the issues you experienced while playing the game. As we got closer to launch, we saw significant improvements each and every day, and we really believed we’d deliver in the final day zero update.

Are they serious with this bullshit? They tested the last gen versions and didn't see what was wrong with it? It's just one lie after another with this company.
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always chasing the next thrill
so they cancelled the ps4 and xbox one versions?
and commit on fixing the game? on current gen
did he cut off his little pinky ? at the end?
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Q: Didn’t you test old-gen consoles to keep tabs on the experience?

We did. As it turned out, our testing did not show many of the issues you experienced while playing the game. As we got closer to launch, we saw significant improvements each and every day, and we really believed we’d deliver in the final day zero update.

Are they serious with this bullshit? They tested the last gen versions and didn't see what was wrong with it? It's just one lie after another with this company.

Have to agree with you on this. PS4 is a closed system with no variables so it's not like PC where someone's configuration could possibly throw things for a loop.
It's the vicious and almost unsolvable problem that faces many independent game companies as they grow.

You start small, have honest non-PR interactions with consumers/fans, and deliver a good product in a slow time-frame. Once the accolades come, the ambition and scope of future projects grow exponentially, but the independent studio is unable to attain the resources themselves to create such a vision.

Publishers/investors come knocking and you try to pick the one that will allow you to retain as much creative freedom as possible while offering the money needed to craft the ambitious projects. The partnership may work for a while, as it did with Witcher 2 and Witcher 3, but as your games continue to grow in fanbase and the amount of money flowing is hard to ignore, the publisher/investors which once had your back begin to apply pressure to get the next project done sooner and have new cash coming-in quicker.

This clash between suits wanting their revenue now and complex games needing more time to bake in the oven creates mishaps like Cyberpunk 2077.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Q: Didn’t you test old-gen consoles to keep tabs on the experience?

We did. As it turned out, our testing did not show many of the issues you experienced while playing the game. As we got closer to launch, we saw significant improvements each and every day, and we really believed we’d deliver in the final day zero update.

This can't be real! Like COME ON!!!


So second half 2021 for Series X and PS5 upgrade.

Happy Hour Reaction GIF
I've been saying since before release next gen version won't come until end of 2021.. They say second half of 2021 so according to my mathematics with the history of promised timelines and delays from CDPR that should probably be around the end of 2021.


Gold Member
Q: Didn’t you test old-gen consoles to keep tabs on the experience?

We did. As it turned out, our testing did not show many of the issues you experienced while playing the game. As we got closer to launch, we saw significant improvements each and every day, and we really believed we’d deliver in the final day zero update.

Are they serious with this bullshit? They tested the last gen versions and didn't see what was wrong with it? It's just one lie after another with this company.

They aren't changing. The lying and damage control just keeps on piling up and its not making them look any better.

They should take the hello games approach and stop talking for a while. Show us, don't tell us.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Guess I'll be holding on playing this one a little bit more. Maybe 2022.
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Jesus, that screenshot in OP's post looks terrifying. Dude looks like he's lost his soul...
It's the appropriate look, really, for asking for patience and understanding. Contrast that with other companies: when vanilla Destiny 2 was on fire, and players left the game in massive numbers, Bungie were still posting memes and trying to be funny. The community reacted with the calm and consideration you'd expect from the internet: death threats, insults, and a hundred threads a minute asking for resignations. They didn't post too many memes after that.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Good message. I played on a high end PC and it's my GOTY, but it looks like the complete vision wont be ready until the end of 2021. Hopefully the improvements they make are going to be significant.


Tag, you're it.
I don't need a crappy video to figure out they're sorry, and I don't care for any more blah blah about bugs/crashes because I know this will be fixed.
No, I want you to tell me what's the plan for all the cut content, this is the REAL question that need an answer.
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I finished the game. Without the crashes and other bugs it's a really good maybe even great game. But it was the absolute wrong decision to release it in this state. If their are enough story additions via dlc I might give it a second try.
More lies, they are experts.
I don't need a crappy video to figure out they're sorry, and I don't care for any more blah blah about bugs/crashes because I know this will be fixed.
No, I want you to tell me what's the plan for all the cut content, this is the REAL question that need an answer.

The question no one has balls to ask them, and they will always pretend this is not true, I mean, the fans is eating.
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Gold Member
Does this count as a typical 'don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness' type scenario?
Like, lets not ask for permission from our stakeholders to delay this game, but instead lets get this shit out the door and do the corporate apology thing instead.

It's crazy how much good will and positive industry buzz evaporated overnight because of this launch.


Gotta love that vague 10 month window of “updates” on the road map. It’s better than nothing though I suppose.


Ok CDPR just gimme RT+60fps on PS5 and you are all forgiven

... well actually i'm not even mad at you CDPR as i haven't bought the game yet, but just please gimme that RT+6fps mode Mouahh
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