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Games that clicked with you after a 2nd chance


Demons' Souls. I had no idea what I was getting to way back when it first came out. I got so mad I put the game on ebay because I kept dying on the first level. Ended up finishing the game somewhat and fell off until Bloodborne pulled me back in for good. The "bloodborne was robbed" GOTY jokes convinced me to play it. Now I love this style of game.
Splinter Cell. First game came out when I was 12 and I rented it but couldn't get past the second level. Younger me couldn't grasp videogame logic if you moved around in the dark areas you could literally walk a foot in front of a guy and he wouldn't be able to see you. I found the trilogy cheap on ps3 a few years ago and gave it another shot. Instantly clicked and now I'm waiting patiently for the reboot. Such an awesome series.


Played fallout 3 on friend’s console and hated it after awhile, then I play it on pc with mods 2 years later, loved it. Sometimes even tiny changes or enhancements from trainer for the game really makes me enjoy games so much more. At this point I can’t even game much on consoles unless it’s some exclusive I really can’t wait to play.



Back in 2007 the first time I ran this game I was lost. I couldn't figure out what kind of game this was and how to play it properly.
I watched many videos and read articles about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and even had access to the closed multiplayer alpha which I played for days,
but the singleplayer on the other hand was very peculiar and bulky. I played through the first area without really knowing what I'm doing and was like
'meh - this is not even open world' but I was too hyped for too long for this game and started over some days later and it clicked.
I took my time, I listened, I observed, I understood, I became part of the zone. Still one of my all time favourite video games.​
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The Remastered version is the way to play on PS4/X1 or higher. Switch is limited to 30 fps I think.
Yes it is limited to 30 fps. But it is still very playable and a great choice if you value the portability. I’m playing the switch version now and most of that has been while in the car while waiting for my kids (swim practice, piano lessons, etc). It’s been great to have on the go. If that’s not important to you, the PS4 version of remastered is great and probably the best experience.


Gold Member
Monster hunter world.

never liked mh series before because of the technical aspect and the fact that i was forced to play on mobile (i have big hands, i hate playing in handled mode), so when the franchise arrived to a proper home console it was more easy to see why so many people were in love with the saga.

And i wasn't even convinced the first time with the demo, i thought that the controls were like molasses before understanding the core mechanic of the game...then i double dipped on ps4\pc and it was probably the game i played more during last gen (number of hours) :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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Gold Member
Dragon's Dogma.
Also this one, never really liked that much even if the combat was fine i guess, the map was boring as fuck to traverse and to be fully honest, i'm not even a big fan of the melee combat, magic was fairly better, but still, i don't really like the game that much even after the second or third try.


Gold Member
Demon’s Souls. Got horribly frustrated but kept trying before just quitting for a couple months.
When I returned to the game I struggled for some days more, then suddenly, when I beat a couple of previously impassable bosses, it finally clicked.

Xenoblade 1. Just overwhelming the first time I played it. Dropped it at Gaur Plains.
I restarted it some 4 years later and it just clicked. Next thing I knew, a hundred hours had passed.


Dark Souls. And it clicked for good.
Came to post this. I played Demon's Souls in 2008, before it even released in Europe. Absolutely loved it. Was super exited for Dark Souls, but when I started playing it, I was so disappointed by changes they made from my beloved Demon's Souls (Estus Flusks, no Nexus, less vibrant art design etc.). After that, I loved Bloodborne and finished Demon's Souls remake. Gave Dark Souls another chance last year and now it is my favourite Souls game. All the changes made sense: Estus Flusks is an amazing change from farming grass/blood vials, interconnected world without ability to teleport in first 2/3 of game gives absolutely fantastic sense of discovery and adventure which can't be replicated in DeS and BB and so on. Amazing how perception can change when you remove emotions and expectations and start to appreciate game for what it is.
Hey GAF, was wondering if you wrote off a game in the past and then gave it another try and then it clicked with you becoming one of your favorites. For me one of those games is Yoshi's Crafted World, really dig the 2d/3d aiming combined along with the psuedo 3d segments peppered into the mostly 2.5d gameplay. I gave this game another chance because I remembered it's really good demo that demonstrated the 2d 3d hybrid gameplay and wanted more of that gameplay.
Destiny 1

Played for 2 hours at launch, was in bundle with my 2014 ps4
I regretted it
Now I have over 1000 hours between 1 and 2, and probably my favourite game series ever on par with mgs
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Do you have the Switch version by any chance, and if so do you recommend that version?

Yes and No. Its still a great port, but for unknowned reason, they didnt change the controls, where Nintendo use BA in reverse, and its a bit of a mix up when you think your going back from menu by pressing B, but you confirming with B , and vise versa. Get pass that, and its a very fine remaster on Switch, no complain here.

Dark Star

Souls/Bloodborne for sure!

Took me a while to get into BB since it was my first FromSoftware game (around 2016). I played it blindly (no guides, no videos, no forum help) and it was going pretty bad. I wasn't running around without a weapon or anything, I did manage to figure out most of the basic mechanics quickly. But leveling up my character, gems, weapon management,etc went to the wayside. I managed to beat Father G and Cleric Beast just tossing molotov cocktails over and over again LOL. When I got to Blood Starved Beast I totally gave up and put the game down for weeks. Then I watched some videos and guides and figured out the cheats/cheese and beat it.

Since then I'm just a huge fan of the games now.


Gold Member
surprisingly it's persona for me despite being such a big fan.

I played P3 long before FES and P4 but I just couldn't get into it due to the nature of Persona fusion. It all seemed very complicated back then. I played P4 and it was the same. It was only when I played Raidou that I appreciated it and went back to playing Persona and SMT in general.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
+1 for Souls games but it was the third attempt.

Not "clicked" but I appreciated TLOU1 more when I played it at 60fps.

OoT. I grew up with a Game Boy and a Playstation so didn't touch OoT or MM until much later and they felt super strange to me the first time.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Skyward Sword at the time I went through a motion control hatred second play through easily turned SS into one of my favorite Zeldas and it’s main issue isn’t motion control it’s things like backtracking, weird bosses, broken levels etc. based off my second chance play through I have a much better view of the game which is a classic.


Skyrim: Got the game day one, i just beat Dark Souls so the gameplay mecanics of Skyrim instantly felt like dogshit, the game was as hella buggy, and it felt overwhelming at first (so many books to read, so many icons in the maps, so many things there and there and there lol), specially since it was my first western RPG i tried, i felt like the game may be cool some how,one thing for sure is that i loved the setting that's Nordic mythology, but the bugs were too much freezes allday, also i had many games to play at that time so voila too many reasons to not play this game, so i gave up.

1 Year later i heard the game was more functional after many patches, so i was on period where i played all games i wanted and no new games had my interest, beat 50 times Dark Souls, so i though i should play something new, and what about going back to Skyrim, specially since now it's not as buggy anymore.

So i reinsert the Skyrim disk on my Xbox 360 one year later, i kept playing it, while the gameplay was still shit ,i mean after Dark Souls it really felt shit, but then you start appreciate it for what it is, also this game wasn't about precise gameplay but for other aspects, like story, freedom, the world, the aura, the music and all. so i ended up really loving the game, like really LOVING IT, the world the characters the atmosphere and so on, it was magical and this game transport you, which usually not a lot of western games succeed with me (unless it's Rockstar and Red Red Dead). I finished the games and the DLCs too were just too amazing, and i actually (maybe unpopular opinion?) but i enjoyed Skyrim even more than TW3 (that i also loved too), i did everything that could be done in the game, i think i end it in 260 hours or something.


The Witcher 3

First time the combat just felt so awful, I didn’t really know the story of the past games and it just felt like they were throwing quests at me and the economy was broken because I didn’t have enough money to buy anything. By the time I made it to the second play area I was so totally lost I gave up on it

Second time through I paid a lot more attention to the story and role played more as a monster hunting Witcher who never makes much money, made sure to complete all the quests and paid more attention to the story and the readable material. I even grew to like the combat by the time I was using it more strategically to fight different monster hunts. The real breakthrough was the bloody baron quest line


Like everyone it seems... Dark Souls 3.
This was my first (and only) Souls game I finished.

When it released I pirated it to see what the fuzz was all about. I sucked at it and didn't want to put the time in to learn to play it.
Then my friend gifted me it for my birthday and I had to try again. Suddenly it clicked and became one of my most played games ever.

Still can't get into the other soulsgames though.


Yakuza 0

Was enjoying it just enough to keep playing

Then the story got crazy, and I got really invested

Loadings for entering every building, fight and etc. really brraks the pacing

And no voice acting during most quests really hurt the presentation


Red Dead Redemption 2:

Got about a quarter through the story and hated the game, how it controlled, the pacing, the rigid mission structure, the predictable story beats and how the open world was working. I sold it and moved on with my life. I then around 10 months later came across a video of someone professing their love for RDR2 in a really well formed essay style video and they talked about their experience and I just said to myself that I needed to see if I could gain a similar fondness for the game, that same day I ran to my local CEX and picked up the game and at first I was hating my time with it, but I decided to give it an hour and something clicked. Was it the amazing narrative? The expertly written characters and dialogue? The memorable side-encounters and main missions? The magnificent open world? I'm not sure, maybe it was one of these things, maybe 2 or 3 or maybe every single factor and more, but something really clicked with me and by the end of the week I had racked up almost 100% completion for the game and it had cemented itself as one of my favourite games and experiences with a piece of art/entertainment of all time.


Demon's Souls was though to grasp for a newcomer.

This is my answer. It came out in the era of Ninja Gaiden/DMC/Bayonetta and I was trying to play it like a character action game. It took a friend convincing me to pick it back up, and once I did, hoo boy did it click. Now, I have bought every version of every game in the series and replay them all the time.


Xenoblade 1. Just overwhelming the first time I played it. Dropped it at Gaur Plains.
I restarted it some 4 years later and it just clicked. Next thing I knew, a hundred hours had passed.
Yup one of the worst "sins" a game could do (at least for me) is to overwhelm you with tons of tutorials and info early on in the game and Xenoblade 1 really suffered from it. Still i never thought even for a second about giving up because everything else was amazing and it kept impressing me by how they managed to pull-off a game of such insane scale on Wii's hardware at a time when SE (Kitase) was throwing excuses about FFXIII like "HD Towns are hard to do".:pie_eyeroll:
Bloodborne. Thought it was crap the first time I played it. Controls seemed janky as hell and after a few deaths putting you back at the first lamp I just didn't stick with it.

I then played it maybe 3 years later. Was a slog at first. Father Gascoigne wrecked me and Cleric Beast was an epic intro but a pushover.

Blood Starved Beast was the third boss that I faced and that is when I was sold on the game. What an epic fight.
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Gold Member
Bloodborne for me.

Cleric Beast handed me my ass in 2016 and I never really went back. Was also busy not gaming much for a few years.

Went back in 2018 and whooped his ass all of a sudden on the first shot. The game clicked my second go round and I fell in love with the aesthetics, art design, mystery of the lore, and fantastic gameplay. Sucked me right in and I could not put it down.

Lots of trial and error and just as many fist pump moments. One of my favorite games of all time now in 35+ years of gaming.

Spurned me to revisit Demon’s Souls PS3 a few weeks later for the very same reason. Only got past the Tower Knight when it first came out, almost a decade later loved every moment the second go round with it.

Now to get me a PS5 for my third go round.
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Gold Member
Yup one of the worst "sins" a game could do (at least for me) is to overwhelm you with tons of tutorials and info early on in the game and Xenoblade 1 really suffered from it. Still i never thought even for a second about giving up because everything else was amazing and it kept impressing me by how they managed to pull-off a game of such insane scale on Wii's hardware at a time when SE (Kitase) was throwing excuses about FFXIII like "HD Towns are hard to do".:pie_eyeroll:
Well, Xenoblade wasn’t HD and its towns are pretty empty and not much beyond PS2-era in terms of complexity, in spite of their scale (basically no buildings to enter, few NPCs, very limited interaction with the environment).


Gold Member
Oblivion on 360.

When I got my 360, the first batch of games I got were COD 2, NHL 07, Gears, Oblivion. I barely played Oblivion as the loading times were giant and I was into shooters and sports. After I got sick of COD 2 and Gears, I got into Oblivion. I even started over fresh. Loved it and beat the game.

At one time I even checked the net for a list and map of all dungeons and quests and printed it off planning to do all of them. I did a bunch then realized it would take eons to do it all. I don't know, there must had been over 200 places to check out. The list went on forever. So at some point, I just said fuck it and plowed through the main quest. lol


BOTW for me.

It took three times over a few months for it to finally click and when it did I loved it.I did all the shrines but fuckkkk finding al those seeds. I think my problem was that I played HZD before it and enjoyed it alot more (both games are great IMO). I can't wait for BOTW 2 I hope they fix alot of 1's problems.

Undertale was another one. Three tries on this one aswell (twice on steam then bought on switch) finally beat it and enjoyed it.

I'll add witcher 3 on here aswell. five tries to get into it (pc/ps4/xbox x3) I know its a great game and I enjoy it.But for some reason I just stop. I know one day it'll click for me.


Hellblade:Sunua's Sacrifice, Im playing it right now, it is so good with headphones. I get the story and atmosphere much clearer since the first time I was admiring visuals only not focusing on anything else.
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Dark Souls.

2 friends couldn't shut up about it.
So I try it at one of their place. I started a new game and made the Asylum. I didn't like the overall dark and slow atmosphere and I like "well it's not my type of game".

But my friends couldn't stop speaking about their playthrough between them.
So I made another try to my friends place. I like it a bit better and decided to buy it.

Then at home it clicked. Made several dozens of playthrough and more of 1000 hours of run time... Best game I have ever play
Half-Life 2.
I borrowed it from a friend when it was released, thought it was pretty boring at the time. The entire game felt like a tech demo for their physics engine, not like a game.
I won the Orange Box on Steam a decade or so ago, so I thought I might as well give it a second chance; and I'm glad I did, it definitely felt better than it originally did.
I still don't really like the Episodes though. They're fun, but I feel like you always do the same shit; same enemies, same weapons same fight against a gunship, etc. The story wasn't compelling enough to make me finish them.


not tag worthy
Batman Arkham Asylum. I played the demo hated the combat but I believe GAF kept raving about the game so I gave in and got a copy then played for and absolutely loved it. They should port the trilogy to Switch and other newer systems for some easy money during Covid Times.


Jelly Belly
Fallout 3.

Friends were gushing about it all the time.
So I bought it, hated it and sold it.
Friends said I played it like a shooter and went into the wild too soon.
So I bought it again, hated it and sold it.

Couple of years later I had nothing to play and I asked my friend if I could borrow Fallout 3 to give it one final change.
I loved it to death... So I bought it again.
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