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Now that games are 70 dollars and 80 euro, there should be a week one discount


If you ask me, making games 70 dollars and 80 euro was a mistake...pricing some people out of day 1 sales and working against the marketing push that goes hand in hand with launch.
When people don't get a game on day 1, they are more and more likely to wait for significant sales, resulting in large amounts of lost profit.

I think Sony should try and do discounts in reverse (not that it hasn't been done before) and offer games at 60 dollars and 65-70 euro for the launch week and then revert to the higher price after that week.

What do you think? Do you have any other ideas to get more people in on day 1? (PlayStation Gamepass is not an acceptable answer)


Bought a Ps5 day 1 knowing the price hike on games. You signed up for it.

Your priorities are messed up if you're arguing for a week 1 price cut.
It's wasted marketing in my opinion.... I think they are working against themselves. There usually isn't any marketing past the first few weeks after launch.


I just can't see anyone willing to buy it at the higher price when it was cheaper the first week. You end up causing more people to wait for a sale, alot of people buy games after launch, and not because of sales just circumstance.
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I just can't see anyone willing to buy it at the higher price when it was cheaper the first week. You end up causing more people to wait for a sale.
That's the point of having the week 1 discount, so they feel compelled to buy at that point in time. if they miss the opportunity...that's on them.


The global middle class shrank for the first time in 30 years last year. Raising game prices seems like a bad idea.

Plus it wasn't done in a bubble.... it looks bad against Gamepass and the fact that they started talking about bringing the games to PC, just shows it was pure greed. They want to raise the prices and also get revenue from PC, saying games are too expensive to make while also making more money than they ever did..... it seems so disingenuous and it takes the customer for granted.


Gold Member
The only way they offer discounts for more day one purchases is when idiots like me stop buying the games day one.

One problem....



That's the point of having the week 1 discount, so they feel compelled to buy at that point in time. if they miss the opportunity...that's on them.
Alot of people buy games at full price after launch, due to circumstance like maybe waiting for salary or waiting to see how others find the game or even a patch. You could end up pricing those people out.


Alot of people buy games at full price after launch, due to circumstance like maybe waiting for salary or waiting to see how others find the game or even a patch. You could end up pricing those people out.

They'd have been priced out anyway cause the new basic price was 70 anyway.
You could look at it as a discount for taking the week 1 risk.
I just don't think PS will ever go back on the official price, so this is what I would propose to them...


I think certain games should be priced like last gen. Ratchet and Clank and other games done well in reviews and sales because it sold at £30-40 etc on the PS4 compared to games that sold for £50-60 like God of War and Ghost of Tsushima.

And probably the bigger titles like Horizon2, Gran Turismo, Spiderman 2, God of War Ragnarok and Naughty dog’s next game will probably sell at 70

Then theres Nintendo‘s tactic to sell Wii U games at £50-£60 ( Smash ). Also there games like they belong on the PS3/360 at best ( Pokemon, Fire emblem, Animal Crossing ) and barely ever get discounts. Hasnt hurt them too much lol
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
It's wasted marketing in my opinion.... I think they are working against themselves. There usually isn't any marketing past the first few weeks after launch.
And yet the console is sold out everywhere.

And they don't have to use marketing money on it. The player base does it for free.

But yeah, complaining about this is a bit hypocritically. You already know the game prices would be higher before you jumped onto this gen. No one forced you

And discount the first week ain't gonna happen. Sony wants more of your money and they know you are gonna give it to them either way.


That's the point of having the week 1 discount, so they feel compelled to buy at that point in time. if they miss the opportunity...that's on them.

When you look at sale of games in general and especially the threads that go around here Sony make more money in that first week with the sale of a game the usually over the life of the game. Look at god or war first week sales or spiderman

why would they cut the profits early on? When sales start to dwindle they drop prices to get people buying who were on the fence.

maximum profit that way


They'd have been priced out anyway cause the new basic price was 70 anyway.
You could look at it as a discount for taking the week 1 risk.
I just don't think PS will ever go back on the official price, so this is what I would propose to them...
I'm all for having a week discount. It's just if they stick with 70 they eventually will end up normalizing it.

Having cheaper first week and then higher price second week, yeah you will get alot more people getting a game week one, but then you will probably see a massive number of people who wait for it to go back down to $60. They will probably sell some copies for $70 but alot of people won't do it. Very risky and you could potentially end up hurting the hype for the launch period of your game.


Dude just wait for the 1 month later 40% off deal
You know basically every fucking game besides nintendo
Well this is just a discussion about business.... personally I usually buy CE editions of the games I really want and get anything else that I don't feel too strongly about with a discount.


I bought 1 used game through whole PS4 generation (and I got PS4 with Infamous bundle) and sold two.

On PS5 which I got day 1 I bought new game (Des remake) for full price and sold it for 65 euro after 2 weeks. I bought used Spider Man for 25 euro and sold for 20 euro. I did the same for 4 other games - either bought used after a while or got on release day and sell later. So yes, new pricing made me rethink my day1 buying habits.

And I will keep doing this if those price will stay. I know a lot of non gamer parents who were planing to buy Ps5 for their kids but after seeing the prices of games and what Xbox offering with game pass they changed their minds.

I feel like a teen again when I got no money for PS3 games and I had to buy used copies and sell most of them.

It's not that I don't have money. 80 euro is just too much here in Poland. I can already tell you that there are plenty of used games on PS5 on our local eBay like site Allegro. And I don't blame people.

I feel like this price change for the 1st world countries does not change a lot. But eastern Europe and 3rd world countries... Those will go mostly for Xbox
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If you ask me, making games 70 dollars and 80 euro was a mistake...pricing some people out of day 1 sales and working against the marketing push that goes hand in hand with launch.
When people don't get a game on day 1, they are more and more likely to wait for significant sales, resulting in large amounts of lost profit.

I think Sony should try and do discounts in reverse (not that it hasn't been done before) and offer games at 60 dollars and 65-70 euro for the launch week and then revert to the higher price after that week.

What do you think? Do you have any other ideas to get more people in on day 1? (PlayStation Gamepass is not an acceptable answer)

I actually disagree. Games can be found on sale after launch for MOST AAA titles, the used market also exist and record sales goes to show the market isn't hurting in the pocket book department in terms of buying games, we've seen record sales reach massive heights in the last 15 years to show the price is not only ok, its a damn near steal at $60. Every year I'd be out here buying like 5 or 6 games easily with no issue, but I realize I'm not the only one when you see so many sales records.

I don't see enough to argue the community is poor, can't afford games and $70 is too much when clearly so many record sales happened at $60.

I'm fine with it.

I'll buy what I want day 1, I'll buy everything else used, on sale etc (but to be honest, that is literally what i normally do anyway). The price should literally be even beyond $70 if you factor actual inflation. We can't really be asking for AAA features, yet asking for the 15 year old price and act surprised when a shit load of publishers embrace DLC...

tillbot8 tillbot8 " I'll buy maybe 5 max games this gen at full price." I can't even do that in 1 year let alone a whole ass gen lol Lots of games are day 1 for me this year. Ratchet, Horizon, BF6 and a few others. It would be really, really hard to pick 5 for the whole gen, thats not even 1 a year. If I had to, like 100% NEEDED to, then BF6 this year, God Of War 2 next year, Spiderman 2, The Last Of Us 3....ohhh who am I kidding, my ass can't wait that long for so many games lol

I have series that have been day 1 buys for generations for me that I just don't see me getting at a later date. Depends on college classes, a project I'm working on etc. If those become too much over the next 2 years, then yea I might legit only buy 1 day 1 new game a year (the rest used)
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always chasing the next thrill
Well this is just a discussion about business.... personally I usually buy CE editions of the games I really want and get anything else that I don't feel too strongly about with a discount.
Man i am glad i do not care about CE anymore besides first party nintendo stuff.

saved me a LOT of money.
also the only stuff that is still worth something. (Man i have so much useless gaming shit from the 360 ps3 era) 🤣


I bought 1 used game through whole PS4 generation (and I got PS4 with Infamous bundle) and sold two.

On PS5 which I got day 1 I bought new game (Des remake) for full price and sold it for 65 euro after 2 weeks. I bought used Spider Man for 25 euro and sold for 20 euro. I did the same for 4 other games - either bought used after a while or got on release day and sell later. So yes, new pricing made me rethink my day1 buying habits.

And I will keep doing this if those price will stay. I know a lot of non gamer parents who were planing to buy Ps5 for their kids but after seeing the prices of games and what Xbox offering with game pass they changed their minds.

I feel like a teen again when I got no money for PS3 games and I had to buy used copies and sell most of them.

It's not that I don't have money. 80 euro is just too much here in Poland. I can already tell you that there are plenty of used games on PS5 on our local eBay like site Allegro. And I don't blame people.

I feel like this price change for the 1st world countries does not change a lot. But eastern Europe and 3rd world countries... Those will go mostly for Xbox

Well that is part of the broad view that I am trying to address here.... when you take into account all regions and currencies, I do believe it will impact sales. To what extent, I don't know... but I guess time will tell.
I dont understand the logic. If people don't buy it week one, they are more likely to wait for a discount? So, how would raising the price $10 week two help things?

I guess you could sell it a bit cheaper IF you bought it well before release and there were no refunds if the game ends up review bombing. That wouldn't be great for consumers, but I could see how that might make sense for publishers.
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Ummm... major 3rd party were doing it regardless, and judging by UK charts and NPD data, the full price retail ($60/$70) aren't dissuading customers. It is whether they match quality and value to that individual's ceiling. You're literally yelling into the void on this one.


I dont understand the logic. If people don't buy it week one, they are more likely to wait for a discount? So, how would raising the price $10 week two help things?

I guess you could sell it a bit cheaper IF you bought it well before release and there were no refunds if the game ends up review bombing. That wouldn't be great for consumers, but I could see how that might make sense for publishers.
Well, it just doesn't have the discount after week 1. It's like a discount for buying with that risk and getting more people in during the marketing period.

Rat Rage

Gold Member
It's just a discussion of the business strategy. Of course if I had an issue personally with a game price, I would just wait... simples.

Well, this business strategy is just like any other business strategy: try to make as much money as you can. Especially with videogames this has worked pretty well, since it has turned out that the "average" videogamer is pretty fucking stupid. Over the years, the videogame industry has realized they can shovel pretty much anything down their throats, like microtransaction, loot boxes and episodic content and shit - and apparently it works!
So now the videogame industry is trying to sell their "games need to be 70 dollars" rethoric, in the hope it will work as well (which it probably will).

Anyway, if the price is too high: don't pay. You are the consumer, the industry has to do what YOU want, not the other way around.


If you ask me, making games 70 dollars and 80 euro was a mistake...pricing some people out of day 1 sales and working against the marketing push that goes hand in hand with launch.
When people don't get a game on day 1, they are more and more likely to wait for significant sales, resulting in large amounts of lost profit.

I think Sony should try and do discounts in reverse (not that it hasn't been done before) and offer games at 60 dollars and 65-70 euro for the launch week and then revert to the higher price after that week.

What do you think? Do you have any other ideas to get more people in on day 1? (PlayStation Gamepass is not an acceptable answer)
I ain’t worried, I never buy games in day one! I also don’t mind waiting until they are on discount!


Pretty much the general business strategy is effective because people will pay for what they value. It is just like the Skyward Sword preorder madness. That game is a very barebones port of a Wii game, but it sold out in preorders. A 10+ year old game sold for $10 cheaper than $70 game. So people buy what they enjoy and value. Some want the best deal no matter the quality and some want that high quality experience no matter the price.


I actually disagree. Games can be found on sale after launch for MOST AAA titles, the used market also exist and record sales goes to show the market isn't hurting in the pocket book department in terms of buying games, we've seen record sales reach massive heights in the last 15 years to show the price is not only ok, its a damn near steal at $60. Every year I'd be out here buying like 5 or 6 games easily with no issue, but I realize I'm not the only one when you see so many sales records.

I don't see enough to argue the community is poor, can't afford games and $70 is too much when clearly so many record sales happened at $60.

I'm fine with it.

I'll buy what I want day 1, I'll buy everything else used, on sale etc (but to be honest, that is literally what i normally do anyway). The price should literally be even beyond $70 if you factor actual inflation. We can't really be asking for AAA features, yet asking for the 15 year old price and act surprised when a shit load of publishers embrace DLC...

tillbot8 tillbot8 " I'll buy maybe 5 max games this gen at full price." I can't even do that in 1 year let alone a whole ass gen lol Lots of games are day 1 for me this year. Ratchet, Horizon, BF6 and a few others. It would be really, really hard to pick 5 for the whole gen, thats not even 1 a year. If I had to, like 100% NEEDED to, then BF6 this year, God Of War 2 next year, Spiderman 2, The Last Of Us 3....ohhh who am I kidding, my ass can't wait that long for so many games lol

I have series that have been day 1 buys for generations for me that I just don't see me getting at a later date. Depends on college classes, a project I'm working on etc. If those become too much over the next 2 years, then yea I might legit only buy 1 day 1 new game a year (the rest used)
When you got a special needs kid and a Wife not into video games, priorities get altered. So now I bide my time and maybe get an hour or so every two nights. So when I was younger, yeah I could splurge and invest the time. But now I can't justify 80 euro on a so so hype game that will be half off in 6 months. But I did learn patience and being frugal which is nice :) times and lifestyles change. Gotta roll with it :)


Been buying games for $70-120 for deluxe bs and seasonpass. Would happily pay $100 for GOW, GOT, TLOU2, HZD, Days Gone, Uncharted 4 and the likes today.

But generally the economy is collapsing and raising the base price at this time is irrational.


When you got a special needs kid and a Wife not into video games, priorities get altered. So now I bide my time and maybe get an hour or so every two nights. So when I was younger, yeah I could splurge and invest the time. But now I can't justify 80 euro on a so so hype game that will be half off in 6 months. But I did learn patience and being frugal which is nice :) times and lifestyles change. Gotta roll with it :)

Very true. Its going to be based on everyone's personal life.

I guess I can actually really take a look at how much I spend on new games and dial it back. Looking back at 2020, most of the new games I bought and beat, I beat months after release, as in by the time I was done with Ghost Of Tsushima, it was like December lol It was already so cheap and I realized I never really needed to buy it day 1. Only game I even beat soon after launch last year was The Last Of Us 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 and I hated Cyberpunk... I'm going to strongly consider just doing 1 new game a year and everything else used.

At least until I get my degree or put out a project (what ever comes first).

I was out here like "I need some time to put out a art portfolio to get a scholarship)

Also me "ok bitches time to spend 90 hours on The Last Of Us 2 and 80 hours on Ghost Of Tsushima" lol I don't even want to get into how much time I put into BFV.


I have seen Sony doing some discounts on pre-orders of some games for PS+ members.

But if you want cheaper prices, buy physical. Returnal here in physical stores costs 67€, while on the PS Store its 80€.
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I have seen Sony doing some discounts on pre-orders of some games for PS+ members.

But if you want cheaper prices, buy physical. Returnal here in physical stores costs 67€, while on the PS Store its 80€.
ikr, plus you can just get it used months or even weeks later.

ok tillbot8 tillbot8 deadass got me to change my mind and I'm buying everything but 1 game this year used. ONLY 1 will get the sweet, sweet day 1 buy.


Imo going from 60€ to 70€ was okay, Delevlopment has become much more Complex & expensive
But from 60 (70) to 80 is far too much

Dont forget 80€ (inc VAT) is currently over 95$
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Imo going from 60€ to 70€ was okay, Delevlopment has become much more Complex & expensive
But from 60 (70) to 80 is far too much

Dont forget 80€ (inc VAT) is currently over 95$
So? Gaming Industry is making money hand over fist and seeing growth and increased spending year over year. They'll making too much money digitally with microtransactions and stupid DLC skins. They are more than making up the cost of the "Complex development". The consumers are only being up charged out of greed and because we allowed it to happen. People should take a stand against this just like they did when they were charging $10 for online gaming for used game. We see that didn't last very long.
People need to pay that much for the first weeks and months, so that the developers have plenty of resources to fix bugs, optimize, and expand their games, so that by the time I buy it for $10 or $20, it is worth every penny.


So? Gaming Industry is making money hand over fist and seeing growth and increased spending year over year. They'll making too much money digitally with microtransactions and stupid DLC skins. They are more than making up the cost of the "Complex development". The consumers are only being up charged out of greed and because we allowed it to happen. People should take a stand against this just like they did when they were charging $10 for online gaming for used game. We see that didn't last very long.
I partly agree with you, but still think that the jump from 60 to 70 was okay
studios used to have 20 - 30 employees nowadays there are 80, 100 and sometimes even 200 developer who work on a title
At ps3 Times naughty dog for example launched every 2 years a triple A title, nowadays we get one or two title from them in a console generation
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