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Nixxes Software joins Playstation Studios


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
It's not. But I know "you" guys want it to be. There's where your "wins" and "loses" come from. The acquisition game.

I love and own all platforms. I have no skin in this game, just making a casual observation at the juxtaposition of Sony saying "it's not an arms race" right before announcing that they've bought a bunch of new studios. I'm actually really happy about this particular acquisition because Sony makes good games and Nixxes makes good PC ports, and more PlayStation games coming to PC means more people get to enjoy them.


Jurjen Katsman, Founder & Sr. Director, Development: “We’re looking forward to working with some of the most talented teams in the industry to deliver the highest-quality gameplay experiences for PlayStation fans.”

yeah again, they help to deliver the best experience for PlayStation fans, because developers will not need to handle the PC version and can focus completely on the PS5 versions.

these guys are really good at porting stuff, they made the Xbox 360 port of Rise of the Tomb Raider, which was arguably better than the Xbox One S version because it didn't have the atrocious input lag of the One S version


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Considering they have done lots of PC ports I guess this will be the go to PC porting team.
They also handle the Playstation versions of Crystal Dynamics games as CD tend to develop on Xbox mostly.
They're good team and usually fix shit that's in the original CD version
I have to admit though, it's a bit of odd buy consider they are SE's go to porting team.
Wonder who SE will use now... unless..🤔
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King of Gaslighting
They appear to be going all in on PC porting much later down the line, but god the job NIXXES did on two ports I played in 2020: Horizon and AVENGERS. Both were. . .underwhelming.


yeah again, they help to deliver the best experience for PlayStation fans, because developers will not need to handle the PC version and can focus completely on the PS5 versions.
That's your interpretation. Why would they hide an agenda to a popular demand (PC ports)?


That's your interpretation. Why would they hide an agenda to a popular demand (PC ports)?

uhm... because this is Sony, and they aren't known to be super transparent. (see them trying to hide that GoW2 will still come to PS4 for months after announcing it) and while this is a popular demand by some, there are the retards that make 500 tweet long twitter threads about how they will destroy all their PlayStation hardware in protest lol


press release:

Sony Interactive Entertainment Acquires Nixxes to Further Elevate PlayStation Studios Exclusive Titles


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Who in the fuck cares if all ps games eventually come to PC? PC is a completely neutral platform to the consoles. A totally different customer base mostly. The PlayStation consoles will still sell like crazy, just now Sony gets even more sales by also getting that PC players money.

Sony fanboys crying over this, especially some of them ps fanboy youtubers, are pathetic.
Tbf if you look at this thread, most of the people getting a hard-on about this are actually Xbox zealots who don't even own a gaming PC 😁.


uhm... because this is Sony, and they aren't known to be super transparent.
But Sony already stated more PS4 games would come to PC - in a case by case scenario, so there's nothing to hide.
Until PC's (as a standard) have ultra fast SSD's, I can't see PS5 games be ported regularly, so I don't think Nixxes are acquired to mainly port games - at least yet, maybe in 4-5 years, when the PC storage standard is on par and Sony actually can make money off of porting PS5 games. Doesn't make much sense doing ports only for a hardcore PC userbase. HDD's are still the standard on PC.

there are the retards that make 500 tweet long twitter threads about how they will destroy all their PlayStation hardware in protest lol
Some people are absolutely retarded and should get more out in the real world.


So the arguments that Sony is only about “organic” growth, and that they are done with PC are both dead.

Good for nixxes though, get the bag and no longer work contract to contract!
Except PC was explicitly mentioned in their recent earnings call, so you're talking nonsense.

All this deal suggests is that games won't be coming day and date to PC, hence buying a studio known for ports.


Jim buys PC port dev. Orders waves of Playstation games PC ports like cheap $5 Little Caesars Pizzas. Dry pizza where the whole top cheese with toppings slides off.Yuck!


Jim buys PC port dev. Orders waves of Playstation games PC ports like cheap $5 Little Caesars Pizzas. Dry pizza where the whole top cheese with toppings slides off.Yuck!
Lol someone is salty and I'm loving it. I want more games to come to PC because I'm not a fanboy.


Gold Member
So bluepoint for remaster and these guys for pc portings, the dream team is shaping up rather nicely...

Avengers on pc being the most bugged game i ever played in my life only reinforce the positive warm feeling i have in my heart right now.

Edit: nope, the warm feeling was just an heart burp caused by a suspicious taco i had for lunch...
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I know you're hurting right now, but you dont need to make up shit. I havent trashed any PS exclusive, in fact i have praised the ones that have come to PC.
If you want to back up that claim and post some of these posts, go for it. If not, shut up then.

fart town usa

Gold Member
Jim buys PC port dev. Orders waves of Playstation games PC ports like cheap $5 Little Caesars Pizzas. Dry pizza where the whole top cheese with toppings slides off.Yuck!
Leave my $5 Hot and Ready alone!!
leave GIF

OT - Great news for PC gamers. The studio doesn't make anything original so if they can bring Sony Console exclusives to PC, everyone wins. Sony is effectively widening their market without shutting anyone out, really takes some mental gymnastics to spin this into a negative.


Gold Member
Oh, these guys ported Tomb Raider...that probably means they'll handle Uncharted 4. I'm guessing Sony will do games that have already been on PSNow: Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, GoW, Spider-Man, etc. They won't bother with KZSF, and they've already done HZD and Days Gone.


Whatever arbitrary standard you wanna use fella. When Sony eventually buy a multiplatform publisher your tune will just change to ‘well they didn’t spend £7b on a publisher’. Predictably boring fantastical nonsense, as ever.
But they didn't buy any major IP with this acquisition (same with Housemarque and Bluepoint). Why can't you guys see the fucking difference between this and a publisher full of multiplatforms IPs? The difference is so clear I wonder how your brains work.



yeah they definitely bought bluepoint. who else i wonder? because ps japan managed to pick the wrong picture from the acquisition folder.
Have you seen that BluePoint have put "self-funded, independent studio" on their Twitter page - was that there before? And do you reckon it's Sony trying to cover their tracks (like why bother)?


Nixxes makes some of the best PC ports. Weird aquisition, unless they want to port more games to PC or just put them to work on some random assets and such?


Yes this is hardly exciting…

unless you are a pc player..

Nixxes ports games to PC - guess what they will port the coming years?

yep, every single Sony first party title
Leave my $5 Hot and Ready alone!!
leave GIF

OT - Great news for PC gamers. The studio doesn't make anything original so if they can bring Sony Console exclusives to PC, everyone wins. Sony is effectively widening their market without shutting anyone out, really takes some mental gymnastics to spin this into a negative.
How is bifurcating the Sony 1st party titles a win for "everyone"? 👀 Not mention games on PC are cheaper and the contradicting statement from Sony that 1st party games are best on playstation.....

I think your perception of the phrase "win for everyone" is a bit warped lol.


Square Enix acquisition all but confirmed.

I doubt it but I hope so. They are aquiring western studios, which I'm happy with, but they need to show some love for Japanese games as well. I hope they can fit Cloud and Sol Badguy into the lineup after getting rid of Japan Studios. But make no mistake nobody can replace Kat.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

I love and own all platforms. I have no skin in this game, just making a casual observation at the juxtaposition of Sony saying "it's not an arms race" right before announcing that they've bought a bunch of new studios. I'm actually really happy about this particular acquisition because Sony makes good games and Nixxes makes good PC ports, and more PlayStation games coming to PC means more people get to enjoy them.

But you see the difference between what Sony is doing and what MS is doing right? They aren't doing acquisitions the same. You can't really compare them to each other. That's why it's not an arms race. They aren't running the same race when it comes to acquisitions.


TR 2013 PS3 was really good. Their PC and DC ports have been really good as well. These guys are obviously purchased to avoid bad PC ports in the future.
So, there's a few ways to look at this one.

Obviously, the most apparent is this is (likely) a move by Sony to foster even more porting of PlayStation titles to PC, and I don't think that simply means PS4 games. I've been under the impression now that at least all non-story driven, multiplayer-centric 1P games will be Day-and-Date between PS5 and PC, starting with TLOU2: Factions, and these kind of acquisitions further support that idea. Those are the kind of games that benefit most from having the largest possible playerbase from jump, which means more revenue, which means more profit. Getting those Day-and-Date between console and PC also keeps the online userbase even in terms of content and skillsets, which are critical to ensure a healthy community.

While Nixxes also provides some tech support and assistance with game design and whatnot, honestly that's not the main reason Sony acquired them, because their 1P studios already support each other and they have their ICE teams which further do such, and they seem to do a good job at it. What they don't have is a team specialized in handling PC ports of big games, and that's where a studio like Nixxes comes into the picture.

However there are some other ways to look at this, because from a messaging POV this acquisition kind of flies in the face of what Ryan & Hulst have been saying for a while. Or maybe better to say, what a "certain segment" of the fanbase have been insisting for a while when it comes to the nature of Sony's acquisitions. The main talking points they've been using are that Sony does acquisitions of companies that have "essentially" exclusively done work for Sony in the past anyway, and have a strong history of developing games for their platforms.

Nixxes fits neither of those.

Yes, they've done a lot of ports to PlayStation platforms over the years, but they've also done a ton for other platforms. In fact, if you check their wiki, most of their work has been with Microsoft platforms, either Windows or Xbox consoles. So if we were to go by majority to insist an association, that would seemingly favor Microsoft here. One of the other talking points used by a certain segment of the fanbase have been that these acquisitions should primarily be justified via how "organic" they are. This implies the working relationship history between the company buying and the one being bought, and generally has assumed quantity when used as a talking point. But again, you can check the wiki listings and see that for those who cling to that talking point, it doesn't work for them in this instance if they wish to use it as a means of justifying this acquisition over some other type of acquisitions.

Additionally, Nixxes hasn't really "developed" any games of their own, as they have handled ports throughout their history. This makes them similar to Bluepoint, with the differentiation being that Bluepoint has also done remakes of games, particularly recently like with Demons Souls. Given there's a strong likelihood Sony are also (or have already) acquired Bluepoint, it just lends further credence to the idea that Nixxes' acquisition is focused mainly on PS ports to PC, although it doesn't rule out them developing an original title in the near future. But the reason I bring all of this up is because for a "certain slice" of the fanbase/gaming community, they have essentially centered their idea on Sony's acquisitions targeting developers; even under the label of studios, the focus has seemingly been around developers, which implies they create their own games. At least so far, that isn't the case for Nixxes.

Really though, out of those two it's the first main point which draws up some other implications. Now, this is just me speaking to the folks who have tried framing certain acquisitions as being "bad" out of emotive or badly placed ethical arguments, or try saying certain other acquisitions are "bad" because they are consolidating a market or taking options away from players. Now I ask those same people...where's that same energy? Because if you want to look at it from a point of bad faith and pessimism, does not Sony acquiring Nixxes result in consolidation of the porting side of the gaming market, locking away a studio who's usually handled ports for many other developers to now only handling ports for Sony's developers? Does that not remove an option for other developers who'd like a company to port out to platforms like PC? What about PC players who preferred Nixxes handling ports of non-Sony 3P titles to PC, does this not now remove an option for them?

For Microsoft, does this not now remove an option for them WRT ports to PC (as you can tell I'm being somewhat facetious here because we know they handle these ports themselves now, but I'm just showing how STUPID many of these "ethical"/emotive/market consolidation arguments have ALWAYS been)? I though removal of options for other companies and gamers that used to enjoy them was considered "anti-consumer", "monopolistic", even "illegal"? I mean, weren't we constantly told these things only maybe nine months ago? Or are these segments of the community still going to cling to arbitrary things like the size of the studio, or if they're a publisher or not, as if these arbitrary elements suddenly determine if options are being shifted around/removed, or determine how "organic" an acquisition is?

So yeah, I'm not holding back anymore with those particular folks if they continue to make frankly ignorant statements on these things that boil down (for them) to defending or attacking a plastic box, even if that means any amount of goalpost-shifting, double standards, hypocrisies you name it. As I've said before, I personally have no issue with these acquisitions, regardless who's doing them, so long as human/civil rights aren't being violated or they aren't hostile takeovers. Because as long as those things aren't involved, it's usually likely that the parties involved are 100% consenting to each other's terms, have considered their best interests and those of employees who would be affected, and are doing everything by the book legally-speaking. And that's really all that should truly matter to those of us on the outside of these happenings.

It's a good thing Sony's acquired Housemarque, Nixxes and (most likely) Bluepoint. It's a good thing Microsoft's acquired Zenimax/Bethesda, Ninja Theory, Obsidian etc. I don't root for acquisitions, but I'm not gonna drag my feet through the ground kicking & screaming against them out of factors that just don't factor much at all, either. And, I'm not going to be a hypocrite and conjure up BS reasons why "this" acquisition is totally fine, but fearmonger if this "other" acquisition is happening, etc. Because I'm an adult, and understand (decently enough) how these sort of business deals happen, why they happen and so forth.

It would be nice if some other folks across the internet could be a bit more mature about this stuff. Maybe now they'll start.


What time is it?
Have you seen that BluePoint have put "self-funded, independent studio" on their Twitter page - was that there before? And do you reckon it's Sony trying to cover their tracks (like why bother)?

I don't think it is guaranteed but a BluePoint acquisition makes all the sense in the world. The Nixxes acquisition just reinforces that feeling as it appears Sony's strategy is to go after strong development talent rather than established IPs. I could see Sony announcing BluePoint's next project along with the acquisition at their rumored "PSX" event.
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