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Returnal has sold around 560,000 copies


lol at the people in this thread trying to shit all over their sales numbers.

The game has sold fantastically well considering 1, it is and exclusive to ps5 and two there are only 10 million consoles sold out there.

How many ps5 consoles are going to be sold at the end of this generation, 150 million, now take that into consideration and consider what that game lifetime sales are going to be?

The game is absolute quality,

Keep on providing the good's Sony


Flashless at the Golden Globes
An install base of 10 million compared to an install base of 100 milion + and don't forget one has only been out for a couple of months while it took the other a couple of years and a PC release to reach that benchmark.
Eh. The install base is full of hardcore gamers who buy way more games than late adopters. Look at the Infamous Second Son and Killzone Shadowfall stats. They were both the best selling games in their franchise despite releasing in the launch window.

I am sure Returnal will sell more. I dont mean to put it down. I loved the game, but its bizarre to me that TWO games that sold 5 million arent getting sequels from Sony.


Gold Member



Gold Member
At that price point, I’m sure no one is surprised it didn’t do bigger numbers. I remember seeing the trailer and tilting my head at the price, it didn’t look all that fun honestly. On a blind leap of faith I bought it and turned out to be one of my favorite games of the year, incredibly addicting.
If it was priced better I bet it would be close to 2 million already. I think a lot of people (myself included) have felt that $70 is too much for a game of this type.

I see it is on sale for $49 now, so I'll finally pick it up.
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Aren't these very good numbers for a niche hardcore title?

Ether way, HM has said that they got DLC plans on the way. Adding more biomes to the game would be incredible. People who love this game will be eating soon.


That attach rate is better than I expected, considering the barrier of entry for Returnal, both in price and difficulty.


5.6% attach rate, not amazing for a second party (now first party) title, especially when we're not even a year into the PS5's lifecycle.

It is a niche title and I could see it having long legs as more people get the PS5.
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game will have more sales, once they have more ps5. My estimate is 4m-8m by the end of 4 years. depends on how much ps5 is sold.

If they include it in psplus maybe, otherwise no. Just like people didn't buy resogun after 4 years, hardly anyone will buy Returnal after 4 years.


Aren't these very good numbers for a niche hardcore title?

Ether way, HM has said that they got DLC plans on the way. Adding more biomes to the game would be incredible. People who love this game will be eating soon.
when you dropping new music bro? and yes these are good numbers that will only continue to grow, more importantly the game is super fun, as some have said above me its very addicting.


Aren't these very good numbers for a niche hardcore title?

Ether way, HM has said that they got DLC plans on the way. Adding more biomes to the game would be incredible. People who love this game will be eating soon.
Where did they state this?

I want it noooow!

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
That's 35+ million in revenue on a game that probably had a shoestring budget. That's impressive, when considering their revenue for 2020 was 14.7million.

Housemarque old games sold very poorly… in 2017 they released nex machina on ps4 and pc, pc sales didn’t exceed 50.000 units.

I bet they cracked a keg of beer when they crossed half a million.
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It's a big success for HM and Sony. Really glad a game like this can still be made in this day and age of multiplayer, DLC and MTX focused games


80 euro launch price was hilariously out of touch. ANother sign that Jim Ryan and Co don't have a clue.

Game looks fantastic and people that have it always seem to love it....I will be getting at 50 euro or lower. Have to use my limited power to signal....
To each their own. I'm absolutely fine with paying that much if they release as high quality games as Returnal.


The game is also on sale right now on PSN so 600 000 copies in less than 3 months is good for this kind of game but it deserves more! Best Housemarque game ever 😀

The game was impossible to find physically in a lot of markets so they made even more profit with the digital sales.
Great game, I really enjoyed it. I think it has to be said Days Gone sold way more than that, and didn't get a sequel green-lit. Sounds like Sony does have favorites amongst its kids.


You cant exactly save in Deadcells either.
In Returnal you at least get a save point after level 3/Biome 3.
And you can use quick portals to get to Biome 2/3 from Level 1. Or a Quick portal to Biome 5/6 from Level 4.

How easy do people want it for a Rogue like
I save in Dead Cells all the time.


Good for them. I suspect the $70 and the extreme niche gameplay mechanics is gonna knee cap the ip or make it exclusively appeal to a tiny percentage of hardcore gamers.

Outside of that HM is a solid studio and Returnal proves that they are talented and can think outside the box.
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So Sony buys a studio that sells 500k copies. But cancels sequels for games that sold 5 million. Brilliant.
They may have seen the brilliance in Returnal and bought the studio for its potential, and to keep it out of the hands of a competitor, since we already knew others were trying to buy them.


I save in Dead Cells all the time.
But when you die you start from the beginning right? Its the same as Returnal.

Returnal saves all your key items, shortcuts, weapon progress etc. You just start from either Level/Biome 1 or 4 depending on where you died
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I can't get over the fact that it's a roguelike. I'm not a big fan of these types of games because having to replay the whole thing from scratch when you mess up is a good way for me to hit the off switch on a console. I've even read about people losing progress over bugs or game crashing which sounds even more frustrating. I get that you retain some token progress with your stats and such, but I get the feeling that they made it this way to sort of cut corners. Because with checkpoints and save states this game would be 5 hours long and maybe that's also why 500k is a success - the budget was low because it's a short game that's been artificially stretched out by making it a roguelike.

I dread the future when game publishers will figure out that this is the way to cut down the budget on those fancy-looking games and everything will become short, punishing, and frustrating like in the 8 or 16-bit era, only with shinier graphics.


lol at the people in this thread trying to shit all over their sales numbers.

The game has sold fantastically well considering 1, it is and exclusive to ps5 and two there are only 10 million consoles sold out there.

How many ps5 consoles are going to be sold at the end of this generation, 150 million, now take that into consideration and consider what that game lifetime sales are going to be?

The game is absolute quality,

Keep on providing the good's Sony

Well considering how it was said to be a "mega hit", can you blame them for shitting on the numbers?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
You cant exactly save in Deadcells either.
In Returnal you at least get a save point after level 3/Biome 3.
And you can use quick portals to get to Biome 2/3 from Level 1. Or a Quick portal to Biome 5/6 from Level 4.

How easy do people want it for a Rogue like

I actually didn't know this. Are you sure the bolded is true?
I bet Returnal cost a fraction of Days Gone
No doubt about that.

I am still wondering what make that game different from the regular third person shooter aside inability to save. Lack of that option certainly make it niche though. Was it fixed?
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I actually didn't know this. Are you sure the bolded is true?

Yes. Ive platinum’d the game.

Once you beat the 3rd boss and start in Biome/Level 4, if you die again you start in Biome/Level 4. You don’t go back to Biome/Level 1.
You always start in Biome/Level 4 after you beat the 3rd boss

And once you beat the first boss, you can use a level portal to reach level 2 without doing all of level 1.
Same as when you beat the 2nd boss. 4th/5th boss etc.

Once you finish the game, you can choose if you want to start in Level 1 or 4 to collect the key items for a 2nd/Secret ending.

The game also saves all you key items, weapon progress.

Theres alot of misinformation mostly by people who don’t even have the game or console lol….
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Yes. Ive platinum’d the game.

Once you beat the 3rd boss and start in Biome/Level 4, if you die again you start in Biome/Level 4. You don’t go back to Biome/Level 1.
You always start in Biome/Level 4 after you beat the 3rd boss

And once you beat the first boss, you can use a level portal to reach level 2 without doing all of level 1.
Same as when you beat the 2nd boss. 4th/5th boss etc.

Once you finish the game, you can choose if you want to start in Level 1 or 4 to collect the key items for a 2nd/Secret ending.

The game also saves all you key items, weapon progress.

Theres alot of misinformation mostly by people who don’t even have the game or console lol….
Yeah at first there was a lot of hysteria and I was like shit this game will be punishing, then I watched a streamer play it and saw the insane amount of things that were kept on death and wondered what the fuck people were going on about.


So Sony buys a studio that sells 500k copies. But cancels sequels for games that sold 5 million. Brilliant.

We dont need every Playstation Studio making sequels.

The more popular games like God of War, Horizon, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima are all getting sequels. Some new or older IP‘s are needed.

Plus Returnal scored alot better than Dayz Gone. I like both of the games personally


So Sony buys a studio that sells 500k copies. But cancels sequels for games that sold 5 million. Brilliant.
housemarque showed teeth so they bought it. Compared to Resogun atleast.

Days Gone should have been an amazing game. If only they had dropped the love angle and have a more compact game. played for like 10-12 hours.


Yeah at first there was a lot of hysteria and I was like shit this game will be punishing, then I watched a streamer play it and saw the insane amount of things that were kept on death and wondered what the fuck people were going on about.

It was reviewing well and it was Playstations first exclusive since launch. I knew it was gonna get hate to try and stop the praise. Haters gonna hate….Mostly by the fans of the “competition”
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