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Jagged Alliance 3


Gold Member

  • Engage in rich, tactical turn-based combat
  • Recruit from a large cast of unique mercenaries, including many familiar fan favorites
  • Loot, salvage, and customize an arsenal of weaponry and equipment
  • Choose from a wide array of special perks to customize your mercs as they level up
  • Decide the fate of Grand Chien in an open RPG structure
  • Control territory, train the locals, command multiple parties, and defend against enemy forces in an alive, active world
  • Experience the campaign with friends in online co-op mode

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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Animated GIF


Please be good. I love the original two. I hope they keep the pseudo internet mercenary hiring websites they had.


Hm, looks much more better, but still rudimentary in certain aspects than the hotheaded leccgo make jagged alliance great again, then fail in a spectacular manner, type of attempts. Shooting thru walls, medkitting, lots of voiceover with different dialects is a must.


Monkey's paw, sorry. This is going to be another flavor of XCOM where all the strategic and logistical elements are abstracted away and RPG progression dominates every single decision. Hopefully all the big JA2 fans here are enjoying Highfleet, which is much closer to the spirit of the genre even if it is wearing a different DLC outfit.


  • Loot, salvage, and customize an arsenal of weaponry and equipment
  • Choose from a wide array of special perks to customize your mercs as they level up

These are the relevant red flags. When a tactics game starts talking about perks and customization you know you're on your way to RPG town. It's gonna be a game about selecting from a set of proscribed solutions to a tactical "puzzle" instead of developing your own gameplan or doctrine.


Monkey's paw, sorry. This is going to be another flavor of XCOM where all the strategic and logistical elements are abstracted away and RPG progression dominates every single decision. Hopefully all the big JA2 fans here are enjoying Highfleet, which is much closer to the spirit of the genre even if it is wearing a different DLC outfit.

Highfleet is amazing, but it's no turn based tactics game. Waiting for the next big patch to get back into it.

These are the relevant red flags. When a tactics game starts talking about perks and customization you know you're on your way to RPG town. It's gonna be a game about selecting from a set of proscribed solutions to a tactical "puzzle" instead of developing your own gameplan or doctrine.

Because of the popularity of Xcom, these sorts of things are an auto include in TBT otherwise people won't get it. Let's wait and see for more details.


I think all the relevant details are in the trailer. It looks just like XCOM/Phoenix Point. The interfaces are identical, right down to that horrible ability bar running along the bottom of the screen. They even use the same icons. And anyway its pretty clear the only reason this game exists is to ride XCOM's coat tails. If they wanted to make Jagged Alliance 3, they would have. These people want to make XCOM 3 and the license is an excuse to do that.
I think all the relevant details are in the trailer. It looks just like XCOM/Phoenix Point. The interfaces are identical, right down to that horrible ability bar running along the bottom of the screen. They even use the same icons. And anyway its pretty clear the only reason this game exists is to ride XCOM's coat tails. If they wanted to make Jagged Alliance 3, they would have. These people want to make XCOM 3 and the license is an excuse to do that.
Seeing action points being used gives me hope. The cover icon IMO is a positive addition. The ability bar might be ok if those abilities are either merc or loadout specific. In Ja2 the mercs had their own skills like night ops and heavy weapons so if those skills give some abilities others don't have, then it might be ok.


Hmm, could be good. I suck at games like that these days, so I'd probably shove it on the easiest difficulty setting :)

(getting older, 44, losing patience with things..?)


Seeing action points being used gives me hope. The cover icon IMO is a positive addition. The ability bar might be ok if those abilities are either merc or loadout specific. In Ja2 the mercs had their own skills like night ops and heavy weapons so if those skills give some abilities others don't have, then it might be ok.

I don't have a problem with "skills" per se its more that new XCOM is a bizarre and farcical reskin of Dungeons & Dragons in terms of its gameplay. There's really nothing gritty or grounded about it. The guns don't behave like guns, cover doesn't behave like cover, smoke doesn't behave like smoke; it's all just so heavily abstracted and streamlined to the point where it plays more like a minis wargame than a turn-based tactics games. I'm not sure how to explain this exactly but in XCOM its like the units are fighting with extremely long spears instead of shooting at eachother. The way they move and position themselves is clumsy that way. I feel like if you could playback the turns in real time you would see what a circus it is. Enemies sprint past you and shoot you in the back in the span of a turn, characters jump over buildings and back down again with a single move, that kind of thing.

Jagged Alliance is a little more suited to customized mercenaries with special abilities and outfits or whatever because it's more personality driven but that sort of gameplay is still a hard pass for me.


A mixture of hype and dread.
JA2 is still the unmatched king of the tactical genre as far as I’m concerned, so this should be my dream announcement on paper, but I have this annoying feeling the similarities will be extremely limited.

And for proper context I should stress that I actually ended up liking “modern XCOM” a lot (even if it took a full sequel, its expansion and giving up on any hope of getting something closer to the original to get there).
I just don’t want for a new JA to be a nuXCOM clone.

Oh well, at very least I don’t see this being worse than the “baby’s first XCOM” that a midnight Suns is turning out to be.
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Linux User
Looks like they are going to stereotype every nationality to hell and back. Era will have a mental breakdown.
Stereotypes are based on something otherwise they would never exist.

Take Dutch people for example: yes we really like money. I have seen people argue about 3 cents.


A mixture of hype and dread.
JA2 is still the unmatched king of the tactical genre as far as I’m concerned, so this should be my dream announcement on paper, but I have this annoying feeling the similarities will be extremely limited.
You and me buddy!

I'm very cautious about this, JA2 is on my top 5 games of all time list, with mods on top you have the ultimate custom experience, I wanted to have a proper sequel since 1999 but I never got one, Back in Action and Rage are not good, all I want is a modern solid base which the community could build upon, that's all I ask.
A mixture of hype and dread.
JA2 is still the unmatched king of the tactical genre as far as I’m concerned, so this should be my dream announcement on paper, but I have this annoying feeling the similarities will be extremely limited.
It is insane that there are still games from the 90s that have not been surpassed. Like Ja2. Or Master of Orion 2. Like, the recipe is right there, just copy that and then improve upon.


Oh man.... looks like this might be good. I was a huge huge fan of JA2 and unfinished business.

Is that supposed to be Ivan in the trailer?

Hope this one lives up to the legacy of 2.
I still play JA2 to this day, so I hope this will be good.

I wonder if this will have voice acting again, that was missing from the trailer.

Hope we see Gus, Magic Shadow and Reaper again!


JA2 is the pinnicle of the genre and an atg.

Just assume the newshit will be some level of decline until proven otherwise.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Jagged Alliance 3 is a turn-based strategy RPG game known historically for its blend of strategic campaign management, a huge world to explore, diverse side-quests, in-depth tactical combat, and beloved characters. The Legacy Trailer announces that Ian Currie, designer of and responsible for the original concept of Jagged Alliance, is back to ensure that Jagged Alliance 3 continues the franchise with its roots in mind. Jagged Alliance 3 is set to release in 2023 on PC.


That's pretty cool that Ian Currie is involved.



NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

We played the first 12 hours of Jagged Alliance 3, the long-awaited sequel to the popular tactics series, and found a game that takes its gameplay pretty seriously (in a good way!) but can't say the same about its tone (and the jury's still out on whether that's good or bad). Previewed on PC by Leana Hafer.

  • 🎮 The reviewer missed out on the 1999 Jagged Alliance 2 but still found the gameplay of the third installment rewarding and engaging.
  • 🤔 The game's throwback humor sometimes clashes with its gritty and grounded conflict setting, which creates a tonal whiplash.
  • 🔫 The game has a roster of dozens of pre-made mercenaries to choose from, and players can also generate a custom mercenary based on their answers to a personality quiz.
  • 💥 The game's deep tactical combat is well-made and fun. Players can approach any enemy installation in an open-ended way with multiple possibilities.
  • 🌍 The game is set in a fictionalized African country called Grand Shin, with hundreds of discrete sectors to explore. Villages can serve as strong points, and ports allow for quick travel by water. Diamond mines provide income, and enemy bases will send out their own squads to retake captured sectors until players assault and eliminate them.
  • 💊 Resource management is a critical part of the game. Players need to balance machine parts and medicine resources to keep their gear working and heal their injured squad members. They can train militias and friendly villages to defend them while away on missions.


Havent seen the video yet, but based on your comment this sounds fantastic and some hope finally to capture the JG2 magic.

Edit: ok this IS fantastic. Seems like finally we will get a worthy sequel.
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Are the first 2 good?
I tried playing JA1 a while back and couldnt get into it but didnt play long enough to make an informed decision.


Are the first 2 good?
I tried playing JA1 a while back and couldnt get into it but didnt play long enough to make an informed decision.
Not sure on 1 but 2 is a cult classic and was fantastic. It might be janky with the controlls for the modern age but the general concept and systems is top notch and quite unique.


Are the first 2 good?
I tried playing JA1 a while back and couldnt get into it but didnt play long enough to make an informed decision.
JA2 is freaking incredible! Buy it and play! You won't regret it!

I remember leaving the last boss bleeding on the floor, then putting lots of explosives around her body and then throwing a hand grenade at her to take her out in spectacular fashion.
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I never finished it but I really liked Back in Action. Admittedly it was the first game in the series I played so there's that.

Most of what i've seen of this one looks quite good so im looking forward to trying it.
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