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Naughty Dog Rumored to Be Developing New IP


Reseterror Resettler
She was not a lead character

In Lost Legacy she was the Sam to Chloe's Nate. Main partner character. Second billing. Definitely fits a Main role to me. I know that they mean "Main player character that the entire narrative revolves around and a full length AAA title," but I don't know. Constantly changing your own goal posts so you can be the first to do something six times is weird to me.
If you care, Neil Druckmann said Nadine was not written with any race. Just a woman from South Africa.

Then they cast Laura Bailey to play her.

Later, a character concept artist showed their drawing of Nadine as black.

They liked the look and went for it, despite already casting Bailey.

Hence the white chick playing the black chick.

i liked Nadine and didn’t have a problem with her character

it’s some of the other decisions like Abby and Lev and some of the others that really added nothing to the story and were not particularly compelling

I have no problem with them picking a character that shines and really stands out for what they’re going for, but more often than not it seems a little too forced and miscast and when you see it done so much repeatedly it lessens the quality and impact such a character could have
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Not a fan of Idris Elba, don´t find him to be a good lead actor, he is more a second role?actor (like in Thor, Beasts of No Nation) vs. where he plays the lead actor (shitty paris cop-movie, that one against the rock and that stupid bike, him as sniper? in suicide squad reboot ...).

Please, not another marvel IP! Why not give the voice of Kratos a chance? Voice + actor (face, persona) = done!

He’s great in Luther. It depends on the material.


completely agreed

it wouldnt surprise me if ND started design discussions with “we already know that X gender of Y race will be the lead, how do we make a story around that?”

when it should be natural, the story you want to tell may lend itself to a certain race or lead

It is pandering. You look at the game reveals lately and 50% of them seem to be black females. What percentage of the population is that? Why are we having to force that demographic so much into games rather than letting it be more natural? It’s just a way to virtue signal and it’s pretty embarrassing how forced it all is
There should be a drowsy or sleepy reactions for comments like these.


The only person who cares about the color of a persons skin is a racist
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Deathloop sold SO well, so this'll be a hit for sure!
In all seriousness, diversity is fine, EXCEPT when it's done purely for the purpose of virtue signaling and then condescendingly forced upon the gaming community, which I've no doubt would would the case here given Naughty Dog's awful wokeness. No thank you.
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Why does race have to be mentioned?
It's good to see but doesn't need to be pointed out.

? How the fuck are they even going the describe anything in this game if they have to be coded if someone's going to be triggered over something? So never mind why it needs to be mentioned I would more so question why does it bother you that they're describing something like that in the game in the first place how the fuck are they supposed to Market this game otherwise?

Be like " It's a game that might be set on Earth or some Planet like Earth with beings that might be humans that might use weapons that could be guns we don't want to upset the NRA" lol I mean at some point you'd be walking on eggshells not the fucking describe anything as someone might get triggered or overly sensitive over anything that's brought up.

So after the person that saw this leak wants to bring up that tidbit I don't see anything wrong with that if they believe that's something that will be verified in the future or something that's significant to the character in regards to their background or even the theme of the game.

I'm starting to think in the future we're going to get to the point where somebody says something like "why does the planet have to be mentioned" as not to upset them or some weird crap lol

it wouldnt surprise me if ND started design discussions with “we already know that X gender of Y race will be the lead, how do we make a story around that?”
? As an artist I start many stories this way. I design a character I like and be like "it would be cool if this happened to them or this" but that isn't pandering sir. A character artist can design a character they like and build around that design and vice versa, none of that means pandering to this or that as who the fuck can make a game then?

How the fuck would you even determine what is or isn't pandering? You going to read their minds? Make a machine that can tell if they made the story with a gender or race in mind already or? lol Its sound fucking absurd man, let that shit go. I don't see what good it would ever do you as I don't even fully understand what you'd be asking for and how it would ever be done.

So I'm sure they feel they have a great story and a cool character no matter the race and no matter what came first, but to really be out here making it sound as if the race and all that comes first and everything else is secondary is hogwash.
It is pandering. You look at the game reveals lately and 50% of them seem to be black females
nah bud.

Not sure where you heard that wild ass fake figure from. This the same shit we heard about 99% of all games being remasters by those that don't actually fucking count, add up, provide factual objective evidence etc.

Give us a number and we can talk sir, but I've seen nothing like this fucking 50% black female leads lol

ok bud, thats some wild hyperbole you got there


So never mind why it needs to be mentioned I would more so question why does it bother you that they're describing something like that in the game in the first place how the fuck are they supposed to Market this game otherwise?
Why doesn't it bother you?


Not sure why this even matters, what is the game about? What colour skin pigment the protagonist has means Jack shit.
I guess this matters for those that want to tick a box and let everyone know they ticked the box.

I mean listen to what you're saying, you're questioning why it matters and then you're also asking what's the game about

the race of the person might actually have something significant to do with the game what if it's a period piece in the Civil War and the person is some slave Freedom Fighter or something like that?

So I'm not trying to say that skin pigment does not mean Jack shit, what I am trying to say is it truly depends on the contexts and the specifics of the actual game itself. I see it no differently than I would religion politics or nationality etc

I'm not sure why religion even matters, what's the game about? The game is about the Christian Crusades

I'm not sure why what nation there from really matters, what's the game about? The game is set in 1916 about Irish Freedom Fighters....

I'm not sure what their political affiliation matters what's the game about?

The game is like a house of cards video game where a man gets revenge on a senator for betraying him and turning the party against him

Do you not see how that can contradict itself if the game indeed is about the very thing you're saying does not matter? -_-

Context is key.

Why doesn't it bother you?

? You asked why its mentioned... I'd argue you'd need to provide some logical reason on why it bothers you that its mentioned bud....


Eh. Admirable as it maybe, Nolan did this and completely miscast Danzel Washington’s son John David Washington. He would’ve been great as Neil. He’s good but not ready to be the male lead. The movie likely suffered as a result. Robert Pattinson should’ve been the male lead.

I don’t have any proof but I think Abby also started as a ‘wouldn’t it be cool to have a butch female lead’ character. Her character suffered as a result IMO. She looked too cartoony and weird to be relatable.

Let’s hope they have a good actor like Isaac’s actor Jeffry Wright lined up to play the lead. He needs to have screen presence and gravitas first and foremost.
Eh - in my opinion, the (many) issues with Tenet had little to do with the acting chops of its lead, and more to do with the directing. Washington can deliver when paired with a capable director like Spike Lee. Tenet is probably Nolan's worst film, which as I said, isn't the fault of Nolan's lead.

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
I mean listen to what you're saying, you're questioning why it matters and then you're also asking what's the game about

the race of the person might actually have something significant to do with the game what if it's a period piece in the Civil War and the person is some slave Freedom Fighter or something like that?

So I'm not trying to say that skin pigment does not mean Jack shit, what I am trying to say is it truly depends on the contexts and the specifics of the actual game itself. I see it no differently than I would religion politics or nationality etc

I'm not sure why religion even matters, what's the game about? The game is about the Christian Crusades

I'm not sure why what nation there from really matters, what's the game about? The game is set in 1916 about Irish Freedom Fighters....

I'm not sure what their political affiliation matters what's the game about?

The game is like a house of cards video game where a man gets revenge on a senator for betraying him and turning the party against him

Do you not see how that can contradict itself if the game indeed is about the very thing you're saying does not matter? -_-

Context is key.

? You asked why its mentioned... I'd argue you'd need to provide some logical reason on why it bothers you that its mentioned bud....
Classic example of someone reading more into something than what is actually there.

We know nothing about this game so, the game, the skin colour, the developer all mean Jack shit, until we are shown more.

The fact you spent so much time on your comment is very revealing.
nah bud.

Not sure where you heard that wild ass fake figure from. This the same shit we heard about 99% of all games being remasters by those that don't actually fucking count, add up, provide factual objective evidence etc.

Give us a number and we can talk sir, but I've seen nothing like this fucking 50% black female leads lol

ok bud, thats some wild hyperbole you got there

I was clearly exaggerating. But you could play a drinking game during some of these marketing teasers to see how many double woke points they get each time an underrepresented gender or race is showcased in a game trailer. They are clearly more represented than the general population and it seems a little forced to me rather than something that strengthens the product. Like putting a certain race in a midevil game from the 1500s in England, or prominently showcasing female soldiers in WW1/2 for popular games like CoD or BF. Should the goal be to overreport certain racers or genders to meet a marketing quota? That's pandering to me. I would think those races or genders would be more offended when that sort of revisionist history happens. But maybe it sells more, and they have a right to make products like that.

Again, I have no problem if the designers sat down and said this is the game story we want to tell and it just so happens to be a certain race or gender and you can tell it really shines through as a product - there are very good examples of those sorts of games. But on the flipside, it seems like many games have a "tick the box" quota and you can tell because each of their games seems to need to have everyone represented in some capacity, and the characters really aren't compelling or add nothing to the title and in many cases water it down because it's just not believable or doesn't fit into the setting and what they are trying to achieve.

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Classic example of someone reading more into something than what is actually there.

We know nothing about this game so, the game, the skin colour, the developer all mean Jack shit, until we are shown more.

The fact you spent so much time on your comment is very revealing.

Not really bud.

It means it could mean more then what we realize.


My bet: He/she is not gonna be black black, it's going to be soft black, you know, like Miles Morales. Black enough to say they did something woke, diverse and innovative but not black for the black people to have a real hero. Probably a black cisgender teen with a Japanese father and a mom from Dominican republic but was born in NY.... but moved to London. Naughty Dog is making the game of the century.


I was clearly exaggerating.
I get that james, but how can anyone take your post seriously if it exaggerates many things and then wants people to believe other conspiracy's? If you have a logical point and a figure that supports it, don't exaggerate only to then reveal that when one starts to ask for real figures or something
double woke points they get each time an underrepresented gender or race is showcased in a game trailer.

Should the goal be to overreport certain racers or genders to meet a marketing quota? That's pandering to me.
Yet you have little evidence of this, this is just as bad as any of the weird claims made by SJW.... ie shirt tucked in means this, white guy on box was to meet quota, proof "trust me bruh"
I would think those races or genders would be more offended when that sort of revisionist history happens.

They are also fake video games with fictional stories, they are not fucking history lessons or documentaries or anything like that. Its from a artisitc place where they are given enough freedom that its understood if they make changes as its not a school board thing, its no a government policy, its nothing that would magically effect the entire country to really be putting it on the level of "offended"

Not all of us get offended over that shit man lol

it seems like many games have a "tick the box"

Don't know what to tell you James, might as well join the whole SJW thing as that was literally their arguement.

"it seems" (proceeds to just make anything up)

If you feel it "seems" that way, good luck. I don't see anything logical with anything this tbh. I didn't with SJW's, I don't see it with your point either bud. I might disagree with them, but you offer the same reasons to disagree with you too.

You live on this "it seems' and or "tick the box" and get triggered over fictional characters and make massive assumptions with little information other then hearing or seeing a race. It was my major issue with SJWs in the first place. So I'm going to tell you what I told them....I'm sure this really goes on in the industry, I'm sure to some extent people like that really, really exist.... you can't prove that with a shirt tucked in and or white male and in your situation clearly you can't prove that simply cause a character was black anymore then they can prove it was some right wing agenda cause character white.

With such logic, nothing is fucking allowed in games man. Its tiring as fuck.

I have no problem if the designers sat down and said this is the game story we want to tell and it just so happens to be a certain race or gender and you can tell it really shines through as a product

Not all stories can be done that way though...if its the game is about the Civil War, race, gender, religion, nation etc matters, Many topics have to do with such things where it can't really be "just so happens", it would fucking matter greatly if the actual main story literally is about a thing that effects a nation, race, gender, religion etc.

Many times, those elements can be a massive part of the story and can't just be a "just so happens". So the book The Yellow Wallpaper can't just have a character that um "just so happens" to be this or that, it litearlly IS about a concept that factors the persons gender.....

If you have no problem if they make a story that doesn't factor that, give them the respect when they make a story that does. I respect what they do regardless if it factors, or not. Its their story to tell and how much it matters or not is up to them. It can be nothing at all, it can be a story about the underground railroad with zombies lol

Let them decide that.


Haven't really cared about any Naughty Dog game outside of Uncharted 2 and the original TLOU.

Would like to see a good game
with good writing and good pacing from them, black lead or otherwise.
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I get that james, but how can anyone take your post seriously if it exaggerates many things and then wants people to believe other conspiracy's? If you have a logical point and a figure that supports it, don't exaggerate only to then reveal that when one starts to ask for real figures or something

Yet you have little evidence of this, this is just as bad as any of the weird claims made by SJW.... ie shirt tucked in means this, white guy on box was to meet quota, proof "trust me bruh"

They are also fake video games with fictional stories, they are not fucking history lessons or documentaries or anything like that. Its from a artisitc place where they are given enough freedom that its understood if they make changes as its not a school board thing, its no a government policy, its nothing that would magically effect the entire country to really be putting it on the level of "offended"

Not all of us get offended over that shit man lol

Don't know what to tell you James, might as well join the whole SJW thing as that was literally their arguement.

"it seems" (proceeds to just make anything up)

If you feel it "seems" that way, good luck. I don't see anything logical with anything this tbh. I didn't with SJW's, I don't see it with your point either bud. I might disagree with them, but you offer the same reasons to disagree with you too.

You live on this "it seems' and or "tick the box" and get triggered over fictional characters and make massive assumptions with little information other then hearing or seeing a race. It was my major issue with SJWs in the first place. So I'm going to tell you what I told them....I'm sure this really goes on in the industry, I'm sure to some extent people like that really, really exist.... you can't prove that with a shirt tucked in and or white male and in your situation clearly you can't prove that simply cause a character was black anymore then they can prove it was some right wing agenda cause character white.

With such logic, nothing is fucking allowed in games man. Its tiring as fuck.

Not all stories can be done that way though...if its the game is about the Civil War, race, gender, religion, nation etc matters, Many topics have to do with such things where it can't really be "just so happens", it would fucking matter greatly if the actual main story literally is about a thing that effects a nation, race, gender, religion etc.

Many times, those elements can be a massive part of the story and can't just be a "just so happens". So the book The Yellow Wallpaper can't just have a character that um "just so happens" to be this or that, it litearlly IS about a concept that factors the persons gender.....

If you have no problem if they make a story that doesn't factor that, give them the respect when they make a story that does. I respect what they do regardless if it factors, or not. Its their story to tell and how much it matters or not is up to them. It can be nothing at all, it can be a story about the underground railroad with zombies lol

Let them decide that.

Not just "it seems". I posted the receipts. You can feel free to disagree, but this specific demographic is roughly 6% of the US population and they are marketed very prominently.

And that's fine, I don't really care as it doesn't drive my own personal purchasing decisions (a game can be good regardless of forced quotas), but I'm calling it for what it is - pandering, check the box virtue signaling.


I dont want to see a single fucking complaint about this, if the word "woke" is even uttered once, you will be banned.

*how id be as a mod*

Cant wait for ND's new game, Day 0 for whatever they make.
If I was a mod I would have banned people like you. As a person of color, I find this whole attitude disgusting and discriminatory. This is an attempt to swoon people in the name of diversity but is at the end of the day cheap monetization of wider bigger social movements. And only a racist mind can approve and appreciate such notions in my opinion. Make a human protagonist alive with a human emotions like love, care, jealousy, greed and stop mentioning gender, race, etc. If you really care about racial discrimination don't give money give your time and energy and invest not donate in ventures like education and community building of all segments of hard-working minority groups. And most of all stop talking because we have got way too many talkers on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. who at the end of the day want to sell their own goods.
Because there hasnt been a real AAA game with a black lead since like... GTA San Andreas? It was news with Ghosts of Tsushima too except Asian lead. Its good to see
Deathloop released this very year. A game set in old japan with black protagonist will be the highest level of cultural misappropriation which will be antithetical to the very notion of eliminating racism. Again a result of talking non-racists people doing little homework on their approach because if they did they will realize they are following on the footsteps of their racist forefathers.


All I can say for sure is that, in the context of their previous games, this will be fucking good. So I'm looking forward to it.


Gold Member
Can’t wait to see the exaggerated swagger
Guaranteed the character (male or female) will be the stereotypical Black person tough guy persona complete with a bit of ghetto hood talk and background.

Chances of a clean cut Black character in gaming is slim.


My bet: He/she is not gonna be black black, it's going to be soft black, you know, like Miles Morales. Black enough to say they did something woke, diverse and innovative but not black for the black people to have a real hero. Probably a black cisgender teen with a Japanese father and a mom from Dominican republic but was born in NY.... but moved to London. Naughty Dog is making the game of the century.



I posted the receipts.

You posted videos of trailers, that doesn't prove the intent of the design was some conspiracy anymore then SJW showing you the cover of Uncharted or Call Of Duty doesn't prove some anti-female or right wing agenda...

but this specific demographic is roughly 6% of the US population and they are marketed very prominently.

and? You don't have much proof that such a figure is WHY that would be added or shouldn't be etc. How much of the US population is a zombie? How many people can we say their demographic is candy? The fuck? Are we to say that the fans of zombies games MUST be to fucking get the population of zombies to buy games? Candycrush is aimed at some fucking candy people? lol Sir...not all reasons lead to getting the exact demopahica that the character is, to buy the game. I would say that was the funniest thing on the whole SJW argument in teh first place, the argued how many white males played games, then ignored the success of MANY Japanese games in Japan that clearly are not solely about Japnaesee people, we even fucking cited the success of stuff like Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid to show clearly if another country is buying it, its not this solid proof of shit, it just means the artiist, director, producer etc favored a region, face, character, nation etc, not that the aim was SOLELY for that and that alone or something as it questions why such games are successful in other regions clearly with little white people in the first place.

Just like how I'm telling you we don't got a fucking zombie population yet those games move massive units lol Soooooo they don't need to provide you some deep reason on why they have a character man, it doesn't need to fit some US population statistic to work or anything odd like that.

I'm calling it for what it is - pandering
You went from "it seems" to "it is".

So...Anti-SJW and SJW alike need to hear it...make your own game. If it triggers you that someone can make a game with a demographic you hate and you have all this baseless conspiracy behind it, you are free to make your own game man.
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