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[DF] Elden Ring Beta: PS5/ Xbox Series X/S First Look - Quality vs Performance Modes Tested



Our first hands-on with developer From Software's next major project, as offered in a generous network test. Limgrave is open for exploration on every console platform, a daring open-world twist on the Dark Souls formula. PS5 and Xbox Series consoles offer two modes to enjoy it - quality mode and frame-rate mode - each with distinct advantages. But can either truly hit a locked 60fps? And what of playing the PS4 Pro version on PS5? Tom investigates.


advanced basic bitch
thor GIF
Contrary to my own predictions last year, it's talking longer for the SeX to show it's compute and CPU advantage.
Definitively not a premature ejaculator, I just hope than that when it cums it'll be worth the best tantric sex.

Help them Bluepoint, please!

Fuck's sake.

Demons remake surely looks better, but also runs at a much lower resolution.
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Not too bad but not perfect. Still beta.
It would not be completely weird if their "Framepacing" issues have something to do with low latency.
bloodbrne 30fps is one of more responsive 30 fps games. If some framepacing is the price, so be it.
Demons Souls have perfect 30 fps but if feels so extremely delayed in comparsion and yes - I tried both on ps5.
Bloodborne have way superior 30fps gameplay and framepacing enver bothered me in it.

That said - 60fps demons souls is the way to go. Maybe From will tweak performance mode to be more stable 60.
Or at least have 40fps/120hz mode like Ratchet. Would be perfect


Bluepoint releases game for just one console, FS for hundreds consoles. There's a difference.
Hundreds of consoles? 😂

How could they?
Elden Ring has to run on a shit load of different setups.
Why would they be good for such a scenario?

Unlike FromSoftware, Bluepoint knows how to deliver smooth consistent framerates.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Fromsoft is a game play GOAT and a technical WOAT...these the people we expect to give us bloodborne 60fps?

Framerate mode not a lock 60 for a cross gen game on next gen hardware is embarrassing.
They just need to drop the resolution to 1440p and leave the dynamic 4K bs behind.

P.s the lol was for WOAT in case you were wondering. Too funny.
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From motion blur is always excellent and really helps to make animation look great.
hope it's there in performance mode too on ps5 !


The load times is reason enough to go PS5 for this game.
I didn’t experience anything noticeable, let alone game breaking frame rate-wise, except during the evening sessions there would be lag after respawing at a bonfire or quick travel. Nothing during combat. I didn’t bother with the PS4 version for any session. I wonder if the PS5 I/O has something to do with the game performing better?


I didn’t experience anything noticeable, let alone game breaking frame rate-wise, except during the evening sessions there would be lag after respawing at a bonfire or quick travel. Nothing during combat. I didn’t bother with the PS4 version for any session. I wonder if the PS5 I/O has something to do with the game performing better?
I was chosen for the XSX version and noticed fps drops in the raining sections.
Still played good for a Closed Network Test.


Gold Member
Just lower the dynamic res a bit for framrrate mode, should be able to hit 60fps mote consistently.

I didn’t experience anything noticeable, let alone game breaking frame rate-wise, except during the evening sessions there would be lag after respawing at a bonfire or quick travel. Nothing during combat. I didn’t bother with the PS4 version for any session. I wonder if the PS5 I/O has something to do with the game performing better?
Nothing to do with it, especially if you consider that SX performed better during some faster traversal.


PC only.

From Software have no idea how to optimise on console, that much has been clear over the years.

yeah after playing the SX beta I was shocked and actually stopped playing after trying the horse guy once because I just could not stand the framerate, even with VRR


Gold Member
It baffles me how once again this DF video is full of pixel counts, details you need to zoom in or play the footage in slow-mo to notice, how often it's not quite 2160p etc. and +/- 10 fps difference between consoles, but NOT A SINGLE WORD about the biggest problem that impacts the visual presentation of the game the most - SEVERE foliage and geometry detail pop-in ruining pretty much all large open areas, some of which you can see in multiple shots in this material. Amazing.
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Mister Wolf

This and Tales Of Arise just further drive home the point that you need VRR. The idea that all developers should or will give a fuck enough to ensure locked framerates making VRR moot is a delusion, and has never existed in any console generation. Live in reality.
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From Software is technical Woat?.... What a bot load of bullshit narrative going on here for weeks
The company which made Bloodborne and Dark Souls III is WOAT
This game has Per Object Motion Blur and Raytracing.
And who are judging these graphics....oh right people who have been playing on 1080p30 for 8 fucking years
What a holier than thou bullshit.

From Software's Engine's geometry and their animation works is only second to Rockstar. Better than Naughty Dogs and Santa Monica. Clearly way too many of you nothing about Computation. The CPU utilization of this engine is phenomenal. It is pushing as many good stuff as Returnal in terms of effects and yet it is above 1440p60. The asset design with its wear and tear is on another level and enemy design is the best of any game ever...EVER and that's with the very few stuff I have seen so far.

If lightning alone triumphs every other stuff then maybe Valhiem should be game of the year this year. What about scene complexity, deformation and microanimations where is that in Demon's Souls. Oh right because a company that makes remakes is more competant than the company whose game they are remaking.

It looks better than Ghost of Tsushima which looked better than Ubisoft stuff. Which open-world game looks better than this except RDR2. Which one?

But But From Software dont know how to code graphics.....
Not to mention this is the state of the game four months prior to release. Its this good four months before compared to the horrible development year everyone is having except Insomniac.

P.S. You cant play Cyberpunk next Gen version on console yet and Forza is not on PS5. So yeah which open-world game on console space looks better than this except RDR2.
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Ordinarily I'd say don't worry it's a beta but From don't exactly have a good track record when it comes to performance.

If the PC version is ok I'll get it there and reduce the settings until I get it close enough to 60fps for G-Sync to save me.


I played it on ps5 and it was terrible in frame rate mode.

Console choice is If the games stay like this "which they won't" then I'd go with the xbox series x version as I have a vrr TV.

But my 3090 is waiting for my premium collectors edition on steam!


From Software is technical Woat?.... What a bot load of bullshit narrative going on here for weeks
The company which made Bloodborne and Dark Souls III is WOAT
This game has Per Object Motion Blur and Raytracihng.
And who are judging these graphics....oh right people who have been playing on 1080p30 for 8 fucking years
What a holier than thou bullshit.

From Software's Engine's geometry and their animation works is only second to Rockstar. Better than Naughty Dogs and Santa Monica. Clearly way too many of you nothing about Computation. The CPU utilization of this engine is phenomenal. It is pushing as many good stuff as Returnal in terms of effects and yet it is above 1440p60. The asset design with its wear and tear is on another level and enemy design is best of any game ever...EVER and that's with the very few stuff I have seen so far.

If lightning alone triumphs every other stuff then maybe Valhiem should be game of the year this year. What about scene complexity, deformation and microanimations where is that in Demon's Souls. Oh right because a company that makes remakes is more competant than the company whose game they are remaking.

It looks better than Ghost of Tsushima which looked better than Ubisoft stuff. Which open-world game looks better than this except RDR2. Which one?

But But From Software dont know how to code graphics.....
Not to mention this is the state of the game four months prior to release. Its this good four months before compared to the horrible development year everyone is having except Insomniac.
Some fanboys are truly insane lol
Haven't seen a bigger load of bullshit in a while)
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From Software is technical Woat?.... What a bot load of bullshit narrative going on here for weeks
The company which made Bloodborne and Dark Souls III is WOAT
This game has Per Object Motion Blur and Raytracihng.
And who are judging these graphics....oh right people who have been playing on 1080p30 for 8 fucking years
What a holier than thou bullshit.

From Software's Engine's geometry and their animation works is only second to Rockstar. Better than Naughty Dogs and Santa Monica. Clearly way too many of you nothing about Computation. The CPU utilization of this engine is phenomenal. It is pushing as many good stuff as Returnal in terms of effects and yet it is above 1440p60. The asset design with its wear and tear is on another level and enemy design is best of any game ever...EVER and that's with the very few stuff I have seen so far.

If lightning alone triumphs every other stuff then maybe Valhiem should be game of the year this year. What about scene complexity, deformation and microanimations where is that in Demon's Souls. Oh right because a company that makes remakes is more competant than the company whose game they are remaking.

It looks better than Ghost of Tsushima which looked better than Ubisoft stuff. Which open-world game looks better than this except RDR2. Which one?

But But From Software dont know how to code graphics.....
Not to mention this is the state of the game four months prior to release. Its this good four months before compared to the horrible development year everyone is having except Insomniac.

Bluepoint needs to fix you after they fix Elden Ring
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Was going to get this on PS5 as there are generally less cheaters for FROM games there, but I think I'll do PC this time.


Gold Member
Looks 10X better than Demon's Souls to me. I don't know what crack some people are on. The animations and enemy design alone wipe the floor not to mention wtf did bluepoint did. They just created graphics upgrade to an existing game. This bluepoint praising has gotten ridiculously stupid.

You're perfectly entitled to prefer From's art style over what BP did with DeSR (I thought it was a respectful remake though), but technically Elden Ring is at least a generation behind. That's just a fact.
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