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Death Stranding 2: On The Beach | State of Play Trailer


Sure, here you go!


Damn, that's damn exhilarating.

I feel like the 1st game only scratched the surface in regards to the cosmic level implications of the Death Stranding event.

The sense of wonder and anticipation is literally off the scale.
I always find it funny when people doubt Kojima, his influence on the gaming industry is immeasurable. With each MGS he innovated with his wild creativity and humour, invented mechanics that fundamentally changed the the gaming landscape and continue to inspire other games to this day. Did people think it would be any different with a sequel to Death Stranding? You think he put all his crazy ideas into that one game and couldn't come up with anything exciting and new for the next one? Oh man, we ain't seen nothing yet, this game is going to be out of this world, quite literally.

Edit: also, I'm officially on media blackout from here on out, going to be an excruciating wait lol

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As a huge fan of the first one,this looked great.....thank god they didn't change up the gameplay(suck it up haters,lol),can't wait to stumble over those new enviroments.....no idea when I'll get to play this but there were a few other great looking Japanese games at that State of Play so perhaps a PS5 might be in my sights next year.And a new MGS style game lined up next for Kojima and Sony....damn son!


Why doesn’t Sony buy them already

Next gen starts when Kojima says so

Holy shit

2025 tho :(
I get your point but they have made a game for them,they are making a sequel to it for them and they have agreed to make their next game(a new IP)for them.....seems they have a pretty strong relationship....why ruin it,let Kojima have the freedom to tell Sony what he wants to do without any corporate shadow hanging over him.


Gold Journalism
Of course that fanboys have to attack John for saying that he thinks DS2 looks better than Hellblade 2.

DS2 does look better. It's also an open-world game / not on-rails type, which makes it even more impressive. John should not be attacked for his correct assessment.

Anyway, Decima continues to prove it is one of the best engines out there. Absolutely amazing stuff.
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Tech looks amazing, but the 1st game was so utterly boring and this looks more of the same
The first game was absolutely engrossing and full of details and intricacies, people write it off as a delivery game but it's much deeper than that and that's ok if you don't get it. It's not for everyone. But to call it boring is an injustice to the story and world he's created.
I was LTTP to DS1, only having played it about 5-6 months ago. My short attention span meant that I struggled for the first hour of the game but I made it through, and it was amazing. The characters and narrative have so much depth.

What I enjoyed most was the world building and traversal mechanics - I've never seen something like that before in a video game and it was one of the most fun parts of the game, building roads, coordinating the different routes for the rope lines, the catapults for packages - it's a really enjoyable game. My only gripe was with some of the narrative becoming too abstract to follow coherently towards the end but it's not that bad.

To reduce this game to a "wAlKing sImUlATOR" is very reductionist and doesn't really do justice to the kind of gameplay and traversal mechanics this game introduces.
The first game was absolutely engrossing and full of details and intricacies, people write it off as a delivery game but it's much deeper than that and that's ok if you don't get it. It's not for everyone. But to call it boring is an injustice to the story and world he's created.

I found the whole game boring, but a visual masterpiece. A lot like the 1st Shenmue TBH


Kojima is a hack writer but he makes games that are unique in a sea of mass produced slop. I hope there will be more action and less running around this time around. And not shit vehicle physics.

No thanks, I felt scammed after spending 60 hours on the first one for nothing.
I finished the game as confused as I was when I started. No answers, nothing clearing up, everything too complicated for no reason. I couldn't stand the final scene on the beach, I didn't know what to do and I kept killing myself over and over, going insane 🫠

If anything Kojima is always overexplains everything. I always feel like he's standing behind me saying "Did you get it? Aren't I really smart for thinking all these details though?" YES I GOT IT 15 MINUTES AGO IN THIS 16 MINUTE CINEMATIC!

Anyways, I can't wait :)
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I am right intae this!

I loved the weapons in DS, they were fun to use, so I'm happy with a more action - focused game. Looks like plenty of relaxing wandering, too!

Comfy bros, we are home
Like if he himself modeled the 3D models lol, he has crazy ideas but others are Who put their talent to what you are seing....
huh? The man was doing god-tier graphics since the 90's when he was with Konami and with every single MGS team throughout the years.
He was then fired, assembled a new studio, created a new IP and released an amazing looking game, all in 4 years. This one looks even more insane.

Of course he's not alone in the studio but clearly his teams are always well oiled machines and he's the one ahead of all of them. Give the credit where its due, come on now. Pretending he's just there to have "crazy ideas" is underselling this guy.


Man the lighting look so freaking good , make everything else in the show looked last gen.

Impressed global illumination too . I thought it was ray tracing sometime .
I thought so too, theres some really nice reflections here and there, and some of the realtime lighting seems seriously good (when the ship door opens)


Kojima is a hack writer but he makes games that are unique in a sea of mass produced slop. I hope there will be more action and less running around this time around. And not shit vehicle physics.

I don't think it's so much that he's a hack writer (you can't ever fault his ambition or creativity, which hacks tend to lack) but he could definitely benefit from some polished editing by someone else. Sometimes these auteur types start to sniff their own farts a bit too much, and need reining in a bit. Death Stranding's narrative is so intent on throwing as many concepts into the mix as possible, that it tends to lack focus and a solid throughline of character and story progression. But I remain surprised and in admiration at the way he actually made it all come together in a decent ending that (mostly) made sense.

I expect DS2 to be more of the same - too much stuff thrown in, but all bursting with originality, and coming together in a story that's barking mad, but still hits some good emotional highs.


Gold Member
My sentiments exactly.

And guitar gun? Really? It just looks fucking stupid, like those cheesy del Toro or Quentin Tarantino movies that people with caps with propellers like.
I thought that ds was huge cringe-ball but i thought that scene was fire :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

Who cares if he use a guitar gun? that is not even top 500 weirdness in DS world.
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huh? The man was doing god-tier graphics since the 90's when he was with Konami and with every single MGS team throughout the years.
He was then fired, assembled a new studio, created a new IP and released an amazing looking game, all in 4 years. This one looks even more insane.

Of course he's not alone in the studio but clearly his teams are always well oiled machines and he's the one ahead of all of them. Give the credit where its due, come on now. Pretending he's just there to have "crazy ideas" is underselling this guy.
Anyone that has ever worked on a Big proyect/corporation knows that you are wrong at so many levels, the credit IS 90% to the team, not him. PERIOD.
Anyone that has ever worked on a Big proyect/corporation knows that you are wrong at so many levels, the credit IS 90% to the team, not him. PERIOD.
Who assembled the team? Who's calling the shots? Do you have any idea what it's like to create a studio from 0 and do a huge big budget AAA game and making it all work ON YOUR FIRST TRY for said studio?

Do YOU know how big projects work? Assembling a studio nowadays is a huge gamble and in most cases it just doesn't work dude.


Who assembled the team? Who's calling the shots? Do you have any idea what it's like to create a studio from 0 and do a huge big budget AAA game and making it all work ON YOUR FIRST TRY for said studio?

Do YOU know how big projects work? Assembling a studio nowadays is a huge gamble and in most cases it just doesn't work dude.
Do you think he was alone doing all that? Hahaha dude the conversation ends here.
Do you think he was alone doing all that? Hahaha dude the conversation ends here.
If you are right then Kojima would have had copycats. The one in charge actually matters. The buck stops with him. He decides what his team can and cannot do. He decides what his product is suppose to be. I will believe you when I find Kojima games made by non-Kojima teams, not before.

The one in charge matters. That's why so many studios die when they get bought out and has a new boss who sucked. That is why Blizzard officially died for real recently when the last original founding member left.
Anyone that has ever worked on a Big proyect/corporation knows that you are wrong at so many levels, the credit IS 90% to the team, not him. PERIOD.

People make the same argument about Steve Jobs, but if you take him out of the equation there would be no Apple today, as for his workforce, then yes we can give them credit but they're replaceable, but Steve wasn't. That's the difference.



And his reaction, as always, is just as childish
He said something wrong? Looks like the correct response to me and I don't even like DF that much (I just honestly don't see the point of showing games across platforms as people will just buy games for their platform of choice and all it does is fuel platform wars, but that's their whole shtick)

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
He said something wrong? Looks like the correct response to me and I don't even like DF that much (I just honestly don't see the point of showing games across platforms as people will just buy games for their platform of choice and all it does is fuel platform wars, but that's their whole shtick)

He couldve just ignored him.

“What is wrong with you? Go away” just sounds like a total bitch response to me

Waaaaa go away 😩

Just. Don’t. Respond.
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