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Ridley Scott's Prometheus Trailer

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Yeah that's from the special edition. In my opinion of all the added cuts should've just been deleted scenes material on the dvd. The scene you mention completely interrupts the badass drop into the planet.

Agreed. Plus that scene has some of the worst acting in the entire film. Paxton is awful in that scene.
The special edition is awesome because of them mentioning Ripley's daughter and the turret scene. But the scenes on LV426 prior to the team arriving are wack. Oh and also Hudson parading around in the dropship "I'm an ultimate badass with the most badass crew with the most badass gear so badass Ripley baby check out my muscles brahbrah" wtf was Cameron thinking when he wrote that shit?

Great film though. I don't think the victory goes so easy to Alien anymore now that I think about it.

Alien has great atmosphere but Aliens also has it's moments of tension and I'm honestly now starting to think this might be Cameron's best film (above the Terminators).
The special edition is awesome because of them mentioning Ripley's daughter and the turret scene. But the scenes on LV426 prior to the team arriving are wack.

Great film though. I don't think the victory goes so easy to Alien anymore now that I think about it.

Alien has great atmosphere but Aliens also has it's moments of tension and I'm honestly now starting to think this might be Cameron's best film (above the Terminators)

yeah that was great too. I lament what we'll no longer ever get from hollywood. This type of movie just seems impossible now due to the budgets and the glossiness involved.

Cameron doesn't get out of bed for less than a $250 million budget anymore :(. If anybody puts out another Terminator-style film in the near future I'll be stanning them for life.


well not really...yet
yeah that was great too. I lament what we'll no longer ever get from hollywood. This type of movie just seems impossible now due to the budgets and the glossiness involved.

Cameron doesn't get out of bed for less than a $250 million budget anymore :(. If anybody puts out another Terminator-style film in the near future I'll be stanning them for life.
District 9 is the closest to what you're describing, low budget and gritty sci-fi imo, though obviously nowhere near as good as the original Terminator.
Alien has great atmosphere but Aliens also has it's moments of tension and I'm honestly now starting to think this might be Cameron's best film (above the Terminators).

everyone comes around eventually. welcome to the club! I've always thought Aliens was by far his best film. not that I dislike Terminator or anything but I would never put them over Aliens.

the characters, set design, score, atmosphere, action... everything in Aliens pretty much kicks your ass. it also has pretty memorable dialogue.


The turret scenes are kind of cool, though. Those should have been left in the theatrical cut.

They're cool conceptually but the Aliens-getting-shredded footage is reused from earlier scenes in the movie and repeated over and over. It's really obvious.


everyone comes around eventually. welcome to the club! I've always thought Aliens was by far his best film. not that I dislike Terminator or anything but I would never put them over Aliens.

the characters, set design, score, atmosphere, action... everything in Aliens pretty much kicks your ass. it also has pretty memorable dialogue.

Terminator 2 is Cameron's best film followed by Terminator 1. T2 is just a tightly put together movie that has a set of rules that it follows really well. And outside of the action there is some some surprising depth which Aliens lacks. I'm not saying Aliens isn't great though.

I would love to get back pre-Titanic Cameron. :(
everyone comes around eventually. welcome to the club! I've always thought Aliens was by far his best film. not that I dislike Terminator or anything but I would never put them over Aliens.

the characters, set design, score, atmosphere, action... everything in Aliens pretty much kicks your ass. it also has pretty memorable dialogue.

I disagree, like Charsace says, there is an odd kind of depth to Terminator 1 and 2 that's missing in Aliens.

Terminator was also Cameron's own creation, perhaps that bond added something to it.


Who would win: the T800 or a xenomorph? Because I think the T800 has the brute strength needed to tear a xenomorph to pieces, but the xenomorph would leak blood everywhere and destroy the T800, too. Maybe a draw?

Anyway, we answer that question and we know what film is better.

T1000 would win easy for sure though, so T2 is definitely best minus it looking like it was shot on video but then Aliens also has that problem with many of its shots so who knows? In the end Arnie naked in T2 was one of the most gorgeous looking creatures ever put on film like a marble statue so I think we all know what's the best option.
New pic.


Damn she is pretty.


Who would win: the T800 or a xenomorph? Because I think the T800 has the brute strength needed to tear a xenomorph to pieces, but the xenomorph would leak blood everywhere and destroy the T800, too. Maybe a draw?

Anyway, we answer that question and we know what film is better.

T1000 would win easy for sure though, so T2 is definitely best minus it looking like it was shot on video but then Aliens also has that problem with many of its shots so who knows? In the end Arnie naked in T2 was one of the most gorgeous looking creatures ever put on film like a marble statue so I think we all know what's the best option.

The xenomorph cannot possibly win this. Best it can hope for is to take the T-800 down with it.

The queen could probably destroy a lightly-armed T-800.


Ridley Calls Prometheus An Alien Prequel!

I have to redesign the elements that led to the thing you finally see in Alien, which is the face hugger…I don’t want to repeat it. The alien in a sense as a shape is worn out..maybe we’ll come up with something different. What we’re trying to do is squeeze in two prequels…if you explain who he was and where he came from then you want to find out where they came from and you might was to go to this place where his people come from.



I'm 95% sure that that's a quote from a two-year old interview, when the movie was much more of an "Alien prequel" than it is now.
That is a mash-up of [mis]quotes from a 2010 interview MTV did with Scott.
Scott: Yeah, the thing about "Alien vs. Predator" is, I know it's commerce, but what a pity. I think, therefore, I have to design — or redesign — earlier versions of what these elements are that led to the thing you finally see in "Alien," which is the thing that catapults out of the egg, the face-hugger.


Scott: I don't want to repeat it. The alien in a sense, as a shape, is worn out.

MTV: Will you consult the original alien designer, H.R. Giger, on these ideas?

Scott: Yeah, he's still around. Once I get more serious and get going, and the big wheels start turning, we'll certainly talk. And maybe we'll come up with something completely different.

MTV: In your mind, when do cameras begin rolling on the film?

Scott: We're hoping to have it in theaters in late 2011, or maybe the best date in 2012.

Dat fact checking.
Here's some news, or more of a confirmation. Artist Carlos Huente worked for five months on designing the "Alien creatures" in Prometheus.

An AvPGalaxy forum poster sent him an email and he responded:

It was really sort of a "coming around to a full circle" for me working with Ridley on Alien Prequel...

I was thirteen or fourteen when "Alien" originally opened at the theater in 80. Because I was under age at the time I first saw it with my parents and then dragged every aunt and uncle that would go to see it with me to the theater 8 times..That movie affected me more so than Star Wars...well Star wars was pretty huge but Alien was serious..and I think that was what was so cool about it. It wasn't a comic book or so far out that it couldn't happen in a real future....very, very impact-ful movie experience for me at the time. Also the exposure to Giger's work which knocked me around for years....

As high as my expectations were, working with Ridley was better than I expected...He was focused on the design and what I was doing for the first 3 months.. It was great......I can't talk about the movie but it was a great experience for me.. I don't know what they ended up using of mine in the end but I was the only one designing the Alien creatures at that time (5 months)......I know he brought in a classical Italian sculptor to make one of the characters...he had something in mind for one of the characters that didn't require my eccentricities..(heh) but...there it is...once the movie comes out I will be able to speak more freely..

Thanks for your interest
Walmart bought out Weyland Yutani, picardfacepalm.gif Totally forgot about that stupid line. Typical Josh Whedon "campy-humorous wink-wink" crap.

Anyways, I'm officially on media blackout until the movie. I'm not exaggerating when I say I might not even watch the second trailer whenever it's released.


So The Duelists was on Film4 earlier tonight. Scott's incredible talent for photo-like composition was on show and the choreography brilliant - the actors really selling the physical exertion of the various sword duels etc. Unfortunately, the pacing was quite mediocre - lots of short, sharp scenes with the character-development bits usually occurring in under a minute before getting to the next beautifully shot sequence of someone else talking or preparing for an upcoming duel or an actual duel. Those were definitely limitations of the script rather than the direction, though, so yay Ridley Scott.


I love The Duelists, the best movie from a first-time director that I've ever seen.
I haven't (knowingly) watched enough first-time director films to make a strong case against your claim, but did it not strike you as undercooked? Naturally, the on-going duels between the two is the centre focus (and how magnificent they were!) but it was at the complete expense of other elements in my opinion. And the scenes were just too damn short - it was like breezing through a sequence of plot points rather than actually following a character on their journey.


I haven't (knowingly) watched enough first-time director films to make a strong case against your claim, but did it not strike you as undercooked? Naturally, the on-going duels between the two is the centre focus (and how magnificent they were!) but it was at the complete expense of other elements in my opinion. And the scenes were just too damn short - it was like breezing through a sequence of plot points rather than actually following a character on their journey.

I haven't seen it in many years so I couldn't tell you details, other than I really liked it and had no problems with it.
looks like what could be Space Jockey suits/armour in the background?

new quote from Damon Lindelof, with more at the link

“The movie is definitely epic in its scope. One of the filmmakers that we ended up talking about to a fair degree of redundancy was David Lean, who directed ‘Lawrence of Arabia,’” he said. “We wanted to make the movie feel big by having the characters be small in big spaces. That connected to the larger themes we were talking about — that we’re all just these little gnats crawling around on our little planet.”

I am not getting the same sense of size from the space jockey in those shots. In Alien it looks huge, with one of their legs being almost twice the size as a normal human. Here it looks like it's only 7 or 8 feet tall.

So the space jockey went from giant menacing alien creature...

to a humanoid thats slightly bigger than humans thats apparently just wearing a scary looking space suit.

Yet I can't wait to see it. The epicness will be too much.


The size should be fine - they weren't that 'big' in ALIEN.




The people are the size of his arm.

From Giger's Alien, page 34, Giger writing about viewing the set: "In his seat in the center of the 'turntable' is the pilot, eight meters (26 feet) tall; he has an internal framework of steel tubing to ensure stability."
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