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Halo |OT| HaloGAF Evolved

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Squad DLC has become the unofficial achievement boosting playlist. It sucks, I just wanna play on Highlands and Tempest but I never get a legit game.


Squad DLC has become the unofficial achievement boosting playlist. It sucks, I just wanna play on Highlands and Tempest but I never get a legit game.

That's what happens when you lock achievements to specific maps and don't let them be unlocked on any map like Reach 1.0's achievements. And then neither Unearthed or Installation 04 get their own achievements..

He said no to Halogaf buying him a controller and then accepts a controller from a random??



I just played against the most annoying players ever. Every time they spawned they just started camping straight away. This while using Active Camo and Jetpack. We didn't even reach the 50 kill limit in the game because it took so long. My teammates weren't exactly helpful either. I did enjoy the last few seconds, though.
Ignore my awful shooting.
I just played against the most annoying players ever. Every time they spawned they just started camping straight away. This while using Active Camo and Jetpack. We didn't even reach the 50 kill limit in the game because it took so long. My teammates weren't exactly helpful either. I did enjoy the last few seconds, though.
Ignore my awful shooting.



343i Lead Esports Producer
Lol she obviously has some lying around. And I wanna say she works somewhere or knows some people (MarkMan) where getting them is not an issue. So thats why I accepted her offer.

I do appreciate HaloGAF's offer and support though. I wasn't trying to diss you guys
Lol she obviously has some lying around. And I wanna say she works somewhere or knows some people (MarkMan) where getting them is not an issue. So thats why I accepted her offer.

I do appreciate HaloGAF's offer and support though. I wasn't trying to diss you guys
Our hearts are already broken. You can't fix it anymore.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Are you implying that Bungie could have released a Title Update for Reach if they had wanted?

It's not as simple as "if they'd wanted" - since they had moved on to work on another game for another publisher. You're simply talking about the realities of the transition of responsibility.

Would we have "let" them? Sure, but Tashi "lets" hot chicks buy him controllers too.

It would be great if all the inside baseball ideas were simple, but they're invariably hugely complex.
MLG cant use Anniversary maps.

We cannot use DLC due to Microsoft's security and licensing system. If it was as simple as downloading a Map Pack, it would be a no-brainer. Also, the "MLG could get maps for free or at the very least heavily discounted" is a huge assumption.

I'm going to give a full explanation of why we can't use DLC. If anyone has a reasonable solution that we have not thought of, let's hear it.

Xbox DLC has 2 licenses. 1 license for the Xbox the DLC was originally downloaded to and 1 license for the Gamertag that purchased it. This means, the Xbox the DLC was originally purchased on, will work for all profiles on that Xbox. Also, if the gamertag that purchased it is on a different Xbox with the DLC downloaded, it will work for that gamertag.

Since we need Players to be able to use offline profiles, we need the DLC to be licensed to each Xbox. This means that the DLC needs to be purchased and downloaded on every Xbox. It also means that we need to make 250+ Xbox Live accounts to download the DLC. If the DLC is free, like we saw with Foundry, it just requires a lot of time to do it. For Foundry, 4 staff members (me, Nexy, Lenox, Synide) went to the MLG warehouse where we store the Xboxes for 4 days (~15 hours each day) and created 250+ XBL accounts and downloaded the Map packs. Also, something to note, is approximately 20-30 Xboxes would lose the Map Pack license every event. This would happen when hard drives would get removed and I would expect from the Xboxes bouncing around in the trucks during transit to and from events. When this happens, we need to create another 20-30 accounts and redownload the Map packs, usually on the Thursday before the event.

So that's free DLC. Now, when it's not free, here are the new issues. We cannot put the MLG credit card on 250+ accounts. Even if Xbox and American Express would allow us to make 250+ charges, we wouldn't want the credit card saved to that many accounts on our event Xboxes. 2nd option is getting 250+ DLC codes from Microsoft. We have tried several times in the past with no luck. Not only do we need to put them on each Xbox, but we need a lot of spares for the 20-30 Xboxes each event that lose the Map pack.

CEA is a new issue. Unfortunately, the Reach Maps are not on the CEA disc. Once the CEA disc is loaded, it wipes out all recent game history from Halo Reach. We use the recent history for selecting Maps and Game Modes so that all competitors can create profiles and access all the files. This means swapping between discs is not an option. However, an option we do have, is using only the CEA Maps and none of the Reach Maps. This means we would lose Countdown, Zealot, and Forge World.

I hope this helps everyone understand why we cannot use DLC or CEA Maps at this time. Again, if anyone has a solution we're not thinking of, I'd love to hear it.


I'm guessing there's no way to get special discs from 343 with all the maps on them is there? Fronkles, save us.
It's not as simple as "if they'd wanted" - since they had moved on to work on another game for another publisher. You're simply talking about the realities of the transition of responsibility.

Would we have "let" them? Sure, but Tashi "lets" hot chicks buy him controllers too.

It would be great if all the inside baseball ideas were simple, but they're invariably hugely complex.
As always, I appreciate your insight.

I'm not too worried if TS ends up going TU, considering that you say there are no plans to eliminate Reach 1.0 altogether. I would actually rather play SS without AL in Reach 1.0.


MLG cant use Anniversary maps.

I'm guessing there's no way to get special discs from 343 with all the maps on them is there? Fronkles, save us.


The Anniversary pistol is poop anyway.

Well, the joke was that it's actually not on the disc because they ran out of room for a gametype from trying to cram everything onto a single disc. Anniversary doesn't even have Invasion as base gametype (it's loaded like Insane / Action Sack gametypes). Perhaps the Halo 3: Mythic idea wasn't such a bad idea in hindsight now?

edit: and now I accidentally deleted my original postquote and am too lazy to fix it


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm guessing there's no way to get special discs from 343 with all the maps on them is there? Fronkles, save us.

Not easily. This is a limitation of the way the MLG, current DLC and the community works, rather than an Anniversary specific problem (I get that nobody is saying it is). I imagine in the future a lot of that kind of stuff will get easier, rather than harder, but ultimately the barrier here is mass purchase by a private entity.


This would have been so perfect with anniversary...

It would have made too much sense to increase the DLC adoption (and appearance rate) ratio of the entirety of Reach multiplayer. As it is, we end up with a split market on a game that didn't need it. And Anniversary won't load Noble or Defiant so Anniversary doesn't even serve to upsell people on Reach's existing DLC.

The massive downside is due to their TU, it would have also meant Reach: Mythic would have not been compatible with Reach: Just Reach and you would have had to rebuy Reach: Mythic to replace your Reach: Just Reach copy anyway for LAN setups (unless you want to connect every single Just Reach box to Live). I liked the idea and all but the execution could have been tons better.

Hey You

MLG cant use Anniversary maps.

I'm guessing there's no way to get special discs from 343 with all the maps on them is there? Fronkles, save us.

They should have just done with CEA what they did with ODST. Would make so much more sense, but then it probably would have been $60.


And then Anniversary wouldn't have been $40, and it would have created other issues.

Like what kind of issues for example? H3: Mythic seemed to be a good idea and way not to split the community and require certain playlists to be in Reach forever (ignoring playlists for achievements for a moment).


343i Lead Esports Producer
Can MLG start a kickstarter for Anniversary maps and buy the 250+ codes from Microsoft that way?
It's because it's a chick. (I think!)

So...we rallied around him and tried to get him a free controller...then he meets a girl and gets a free controller? HaloGAF = Best Wingman on the Internet.

Re: Bungie

I doubt that the people working on Reach thought "let's just get this turkey out the door" because I doubt anyone that Bungie would hire would have that kind of approach to making a game. There are a lot of aspects of Reach that are better than Halo 3.

The one area where the "contractual obligation fulfillment" theory may be correct is in the way the studio was organized to finish Reach and work on Destiny. How much time did the long-time Bungie employees have to work on Reach before they were put on the Destiny team? Did they have the same amount of time but were too burnt out on Halo to bring their A-game? We're likely to find out in some Bungie Vidoc of the distant future.

As for 343: they are in a tight spot. Even if Reach had been lauded as "The Best Halo Ever", they were in for a bumpy ride. The degree of difficulty for taking over control of Halo in the middle of a game's lifespan is off the charts. While doing that they published a game and issued a TU that solved more problems than it created. I am very comfortable with where they are taking the franchise.

Frankie, now that I've washed your company's metaphorical balls, can I get a copy of the Halo 4 password-protected reveal.pdf?


They should have just done with CEA what they did with ODST. Would make so much more sense, but then it probably would have been $60.

Just My Opinion: Maybe they could have had Anniversary actually install the Anniversary maps to any box the disc gets put into like the Halo 2 Map Pack Disc. As it is, I think it's kind of weird that we have an Anniversary Disc-only section of Reach when literally every copy of Anniversary comes with an export code. The Reach side of Anniversary even comes up as "Anniversary Multiplayer Demo", so maybe the Anniversary disc multi should have just been that: a demo, with a thing that tells people to redeem their Live code and play via Reach for the full matchmaking experience.

As it is, I'm not sure what Anniversary MP's purpose was. It certainly isn't to upsell used copy buyers, as they can't buy Defiant or Noble for the disc and use those maps. To use the disc on LAN you're stuck with just the 6 Anniversary maps. There's no bridge map between the two versions (Forge World makes the most sense) so that both sides can make use of community variants in matchmaking and LAN. What could maybe solve MLG's situation is if base Reach was updated to have the ability to export it's .maps to the hard drive where Anniversary could load them, but that'd probably require title updating Anniversary to load any maps not on it's disc and you're back at square one for non-corporate funded LANs.

Add in the fact that the new Defiant achievements need Anniversary installed to even be unlocked and then I just get confused at what they were going for. I'm going to stop here before this becomes a huge wall of text. I'll save it for my Anniversary review. As it stands, I think Halo 3 Mythic was the best compromise between MS wanting to make money and the playerbase not wanting to be split. In 3 Halo titles it seems we've been in all 3 points of the spectrum (Halo 2 favored the playerbase the most, Halo Reach favors MS's pocketbook the most, Halo 3 favored both sides equally)

Also for testing

If anyone wants to help me test updates for the Infection maps in matchmaking, the first test session for today starts in roughly 40 minutes
Just My Opinion: Maybe they could have had Anniversary actually install the Anniversary maps to any box the disc gets put into like the Halo 2 Map Pack Disc. As it is, I think it's kind of weird that we have an Anniversary Disc-only section of Reach when literally every copy of Anniversary comes with an export code. The Reach side of Anniversary even comes up as "Anniversary Multiplayer Demo", so maybe the Anniversary disc multi should have just been that: a demo, with a thing that tells people to redeem their Live code and play via Reach for the full matchmaking experience.

As it is, I'm not sure what Anniversary MP's purpose was. It certainly isn't to upsell used copy buyers, as they can't buy Defiant or Noble for the disc and use those maps. To use the disc on LAN you're stuck with just the 6 Anniversary maps. There's no bridge map between the two versions (Forge World makes the most sense) so that both sides can make use of community variants in matchmaking and LAN. What could maybe solve MLG's situation is if base Reach was updated to have the ability to export it's .maps to the hard drive where Anniversary could load them, but that'd probably require title updating Anniversary to load any maps not on it's disc and you're back at square one for non-corporate funded LANs.

Add in the fact that the new Defiant achievements need Anniversary installed to even be unlocked and then I just get confused at what they were going for. I'm going to stop here before this becomes a huge wall of text. I'll save it for my Anniversary review.

While that would be really nice, I imagine MS and 343 really don't want people to pass their disc to friends and allow them to download the maps as well. From a business standpoint of selling maps that doesn't help.. On the other hand it probably would allow some people to play maps they normally wouldn't play. Still, I dont see on disc map packs happening again, or at least not in normal occasions. It would be nice though, don't get me wrong.


While that would be really nice, I imagine MS and 343 really don't want people to pass their disc to friends and allow them to download the maps as well. From a business standpoint of selling maps that doesn't help.. On the other hand it probably would allow some people to play maps they normally wouldn't play. Still, I dont see on disc map packs happening again, or at least not in normal occasions. It would be nice though, don't get me wrong.

Then again, we thought they were going to incentivize buying the Anniversary disc by giving it a short term exclusive period where it'd be the only way to get the map pack, then they announce before the game comes out that the Live map pack purchase would be available the same day. I know 3 people that went and cancelled their preorder the next day. At that point you wonder why they sat on the 3SK pistol gametype until Anniversary came out, since they were going to gate it behind paid DLC anyway in matchmaking. You just can't read MS sometimes. I mean it was great and all for us, but a weird business decision. You had people ready to buy a 40$ game over just waiting a few weeks to buy 15$ of DLC by itself and told them "no thanks, we want less money from you. it's coo". I mean, I've crammed enough money as it is into their pockets by buying extra Defiant/Noble codes.


Here's Killa KC on the Maps:

We cannot use DLC due to Microsoft's security and licensing system. If it was as simple as downloading a Map Pack, it would be a no-brainer. Also, the "MLG could get maps for free or at the very least heavily discounted" is a huge assumption.

I'm going to give a full explanation of why we can't use DLC. If anyone has a reasonable solution that we have not thought of, let's hear it.

Xbox DLC has 2 licenses. 1 license for the Xbox the DLC was originally downloaded to and 1 license for the Gamertag that purchased it. This means, the Xbox the DLC was originally purchased on, will work for all profiles on that Xbox. Also, if the gamertag that purchased it is on a different Xbox with the DLC downloaded, it will work for that gamertag.

Since we need Players to be able to use offline profiles, we need the DLC to be licensed to each Xbox. This means that the DLC needs to be purchased and downloaded on every Xbox. It also means that we need to make 250+ Xbox Live accounts to download the DLC. If the DLC is free, like we saw with Foundry, it just requires a lot of time to do it. For Foundry, 4 staff members (me, Nexy, Lenox, Synide) went to the MLG warehouse where we store the Xboxes for 4 days (~15 hours each day) and created 250+ XBL accounts and downloaded the Map packs. Also, something to note, is approximately 20-30 Xboxes would lose the Map Pack license every event. This would happen when hard drives would get removed and I would expect from the Xboxes bouncing around in the trucks during transit to and from events. When this happens, we need to create another 20-30 accounts and redownload the Map packs, usually on the Thursday before the event.

So that's free DLC. Now, when it's not free, here are the new issues. We cannot put the MLG credit card on 250+ accounts. Even if Xbox and American Express would allow us to make 250+ charges, we wouldn't want the credit card saved to that many accounts on our event Xboxes. 2nd option is getting 250+ DLC codes from Microsoft. We have tried several times in the past with no luck. Not only do we need to put them on each Xbox, but we need a lot of spares for the 20-30 Xboxes each event that lose the Map pack.

CEA is a new issue. Unfortunately, the Reach Maps are not on the CEA disc. Once the CEA disc is loaded, it wipes out all recent game history from Halo Reach. We use the recent history for selecting Maps and Game Modes so that all competitors can create profiles and access all the files. This means swapping between discs is not an option. However, an option we do have, is using only the CEA Maps and none of the Reach Maps. This means we would lose Countdown, Zealot, and Forge World.

I hope this helps everyone understand why we cannot use DLC or CEA Maps at this time. Again, if anyone has a solution we're not thinking of, I'd love to hear it


aka Cabbie
Has everyone here felt like they've gotten their money's worth from the pack?

It was exciting to see High Noon pop up in regular FFA the other day, but I just wish we could have some consolidation of playlists so that DLC players would match up more often in competitive.
Has everyone here felt like they've gotten their money's worth from the pack?

It was exciting to see High Noon pop up in regular FFA the other day, but I just wish we could have some consolidation of playlists so that DLC players would match up more often in competitive.

Due to the Anniversary playlists, yes, but I'm still frustrated that DLC never comes up in regular MM playlists despite 343's tweaking of DLC importance in the MM systems.


Here's why MLG can't use the maps...

We cannot use DLC due to Microsoft's security and licensing system. If it was as simple as downloading a Map Pack, it would be a no-brainer. Also, the "MLG could get maps for free or at the very least heavily discounted" is a huge assumption.

I'm going to give a full explanation of why we can't use DLC. If anyone has a reasonable solution that we have not thought of, let's hear it.

Xbox DLC has 2 licenses. 1 license for the Xbox the DLC was originally downloaded to and 1 license for the Gamertag that purchased it. This means, the Xbox the DLC was originally purchased on, will work for all profiles on that Xbox. Also, if the gamertag that purchased it is on a different Xbox with the DLC downloaded, it will work for that gamertag.

Since we need Players to be able to use offline profiles, we need the DLC to be licensed to each Xbox. This means that the DLC needs to be purchased and downloaded on every Xbox. It also means that we need to make 250+ Xbox Live accounts to download the DLC. If the DLC is free, like we saw with Foundry, it just requires a lot of time to do it. For Foundry, 4 staff members (me, Nexy, Lenox, Synide) went to the MLG warehouse where we store the Xboxes for 4 days (~15 hours each day) and created 250+ XBL accounts and downloaded the Map packs. Also, something to note, is approximately 20-30 Xboxes would lose the Map Pack license every event. This would happen when hard drives would get removed and I would expect from the Xboxes bouncing around in the trucks during transit to and from events. When this happens, we need to create another 20-30 accounts and redownload the Map packs, usually on the Thursday before the event.

So that's free DLC. Now, when it's not free, here are the new issues. We cannot put the MLG credit card on 250+ accounts. Even if Xbox and American Express would allow us to make 250+ charges, we wouldn't want the credit card saved to that many accounts on our event Xboxes. 2nd option is getting 250+ DLC codes from Microsoft. We have tried several times in the past with no luck. Not only do we need to put them on each Xbox, but we need a lot of spares for the 20-30 Xboxes each event that lose the Map pack.

CEA is a new issue. Unfortunately, the Reach Maps are not on the CEA disc. Once the CEA disc is loaded, it wipes out all recent game history from Halo Reach. We use the recent history for selecting Maps and Game Modes so that all competitors can create profiles and access all the files. This means swapping between discs is not an option. However, an option we do have, is using only the CEA Maps and none of the Reach Maps. This means we would lose Countdown, Zealot, and Forge World.

I hope this helps everyone understand why we cannot use DLC or CEA Maps at this time. Again, if anyone has a solution we're not thinking of, I'd love to hear it


Why don't they just buy the map pack codes from Gamestop?

Gamestop gets bitchy about buying DLC codes with the same CC after a while. After I bought 100$+ worth of Defiant codes from them, they apparently no longer wished to have my money and forced me to to buy them in person at a store with cash if I wanted any more codes. If I try to place an order for Defiant or Noble now, the site will just show my order as "Pending" and then cancel it 12 hours later. And in person they'll only allow me to buy one code at a time. I wish Amazon had the rights to sell map pack codes again, they were a lot better at it. And if I have problems with buying 100$ worth of DLC from them, MLG would run into problems with almost 3,500$ worth of codes.

Haha, I remember when I shelled out for Halo Wars collectors... for Orbital.

Actually, was mostly interested in Sandbox like everyone else. And Halo Wars wasn't a bad game, but if I could go back, I would have gotten the standard and waited a few months for Mythic 1.

Anybody else do this?

At the Wars midnight launch I went to, everyone there was buying the Collector's edition, and out of the 20 people there, 18 were explicitly getting it for the Mythic Map Pack, the game was secondary. And to be honest, I was kind of getting it for that reason too, but Wars ended up being a game I really liked, so it worked out?

Ehm... you know that it is very fishy that a guy buys codes for $100+. Especially in these times with stolen creditcards etc.

I'm aware that it would come off as fishy if you bought them in bulk, but it wasn't all at the same time (you can't even order more than 1 at a time via their site). I had been buying them over the course of 2-3 months and then I asked them why the site would just show pending and then delete the order after a while, they said it was my card provider. Call the bank, bank is all "We don't care, Gamestop is doing it". They had no problem taking the card in person for a code at the store, but even with just cash they'll only let me buy one at a time. I was able to buy 3 Noble codes on one receipt when it came out. At some point Gamestop changed their policy/limits.

Amazon gives no fucks and will let you buy two 4,000msp codes back to back, let alone map pack codes when they had them. Gamestop is not great at this digital services thing.


aka Cabbie
Haha, I remember when I shelled out for Halo Wars collectors... for Orbital.

Actually, was mostly interested in Sandbox like everyone else. And Halo Wars wasn't a bad game, but if I could go back, I would have gotten the standard and waited a few months for Mythic 1.

Anybody else do this?
Gamestop gets bitchy about buying DLC codes with the same CC after a while. After I bought 100$+ worth of Defiant codes from them, they apparently no longer wished to have my money and forced me to to buy them in person at a store with cash if I wanted any more codes. If I try to place an order for Defiant or Noble now, the site will just show my order as "Pending" and then cancel it 12 hours later. And in person they'll only allow me to buy one code at a time. I wish Amazon had the rights to sell map pack codes again, they were a lot better at it.
Ehm... you know that it is very fishy that a guy buys codes for $100+. Especially in these times with stolen creditcards etc.

Haha, I remember when I shelled out for Halo Wars collectors... for Orbital.

Actually, was mostly interested in Sandbox like everyone else. And Halo Wars wasn't a bad game, but if I could go back, I would have gotten the standard and waited a few months for Mythic 1.

Anybody else do this?
I bought Halo Wars for the game. At the end it isn't that bad game people make it be. Best RTS on a console till now.
Has everyone here felt like they've gotten their money's worth from the pack?

It was exciting to see High Noon pop up in regular FFA the other day, but I just wish we could have some consolidation of playlists so that DLC players would match up more often in competitive.

I did with the premium battle playlist but they took my baby away from me!
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