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Marvel's The Avengers |OT| (Dir. Joss Whedon) [Spoilers unmarked]

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Still Alive

Was this shot even in the movie?
Yes, but that's probably when you went to the bathroom.

:p No. Quite a few shots and lines from the trailers weren't in the movie, actually.
Except Spiderman lives in New York

edit - And if I had things my way Black Widow, hawkeye, and thor would be thrown into a black hole
Thor? Are you kidding? He was one of my favorite parts of this movie even though I missed the supposedly awesome fight between him and Hulk.

Only problem is Marvel has shown they don't need Spidey for their movie to make over $1 billion at the box office ><
Yes, but imagine how much they could make if Spidey was in the film! It'd be approaching Avatar/Titanic levels of money.
Your were nit picking. Those are my nits. I always have issues when something is not adequately explained. I did not allow it to put a damper on my enjoyment of the movie. You are entitled to believe whatever you like.

Right and I even said I know I'm nit picking.

That doesn't excuse your childish behavior. In future, think and read before you post.
What Feige mentioned, the LMD. That's the Life-Model-Deocy in the comics, often used by Fury in order to enter a dangerous situation without the actually risks, since he's remotely operating the LMD from elsewhere. When Coulson's trying to call him, Stark delivers a funny line; "you have reached the life model decoy of tony stark", which establishes LMD's in the MC universe. Furthermore, the line was used in relation to Coulson specifically.

Not a coincidence.

Oh shit, I completely missed Tony dropping that LMD line. That's actually a cool way to bring them into the universe.


I didn't even need to see Spiderman, but a shot of a few of the bad guys mysteriously wrapped up in webbing wouldn't have been out of line.

I also liked that they stayed true to the comics and didn't let Hulk lift Thor's hammer.
Nah, I loved cap strategy, wished he had more of these moments. They were boxed in, as you said, without a plan they will just bash whatever it is in front of them, but cap actually give good instructions.

Thor slows down the reinforcements, Hawkeye is a scout, Iron Man contains the battle in that specific area, he and the widow deal with whatever gets to the ground and the hulk jumps around picking whatever is on the air that either crossed Thor's lightning or isn't on Iron Man's perimeter (also, the big flying things only he can actually deal with). It makes incredible sense, I think, and it's not something they would do without instructions.
I was talking about this with my girlfriend and maybe what lacked was a scene where they do try to bash everything at random and it fails, showing that they need the leadership, but this would break the pace too much, maybe. Still, anyone who played heroclix knows that coordinating a super-hero group is an art. :p
And more than any superpower, Captain America is the best at that.

The idea behind the cap strategy is a good one, but it might have worked better if he was giving the orders in the fly and not when surrounded by aliens who want to kill you but decide not to for those few mins. Still, a minor complaint and one that doesn't bother the majority.

Iron Man's suit got charged up 400% by Thor's lightning, making him much more powerful.

Thor never got owned by IM though. They had a good fight but by the end Thor was crushing IM's suit with his bare hands. He would have won if Cap didn't stop it.

Yeah, I caught that but it still felt like IM was on the winning end of the fight until Thor dropped the hammer and went in using his bare hands. It felt odd to me that he could even go toe to toe with Thor/take so many direct hits from the hammer.


It would be nice to reference those other obvious Avengers characters that Marvel can't get in their movies. Something like Nick Fury saying Spider-Man is dealing with his own problems or something. Anything to acknowledge that they exist in the universe.


I also liked that they stayed true to the comics and didn't let Hulk lift Thor's hammer.

Yup. Which is going to make it truly badass when Cap lifts it in the sequel.

/wishful thinking

It would be nice to reference those other obvious Avengers characters that Marvel can't get in their movies. Something like Nick Fury saying Spider-Man is dealing with his own problems or something. Anything to acknowledge that they exist in the universe.
I wish they could do something like in the cartoon comic, and have a kid named Peter take a picture of the team after a big fight.


Still Alive
Yeah, I caught that but it still felt like IM was on the winning end of the fight until Thor dropped the hammer and went in using his bare hands. It felt odd to me that he could even go toe to toe with Thor/take so many direct hits from the hammer.
He's the protector of earth, he's not going to obliterate the dude. He dropped the hammer because he didn't want to destroy him, he want to stop him.

But that logic can't really be applied for when he threw down the hammer on Cap, but that snippet was just there to get everyone stop fighting (with that cool metal echoing sound).


Yup. Which is going to make it truly badass when Cap lifts it in the sequel.

/wishful thinking

I wish they could do something like in the cartoon comic, and have a kid named Peter take a picture of the team after a big fight.

Or at least Tobey Maguire take the pic lolz.
He's the protector of earth, he's not going to obliterate the dude. He dropped the hammer because he didn't want to destroy him, he want to stop him.

But that logic can't really be applied for when he threw down the hammer on Cap, but that snippet was just there to get everyone stop fighting (with that cool metal echoing sound).

Fair enough, I accept it's a minor complaint and one that probably doesn't warrant a big discussion.

And yeah, that was a very cool sound.
Yeah, I caught that but it still felt like IM was on the winning end of the fight until Thor dropped the hammer and went in using his bare hands. It felt odd to me that he could even go toe to toe with Thor/take so many direct hits from the hammer.

Noooooo. Thor was never at any point not on the extreme winning end. He obviously wasn't trying to kill or seriously hurt Tony at any point in the fight. I mean, we saw how he casually crushed the arm in the suit. He could have easily ripped his arms off or crushed his skull with the headbutt but he was just trying to beat him into submission. Thor wasn't even hurt by any of IMs attacks and no, simply getting knocked back doesn't mean he was hurt by it.


Still Alive
It's amazing how Mark Ruffalo IS Banner. He's the best casting choice since RDJ for Iron Man. Those two literally are the incarnations of their characters, in real life. Works so well.
Fine. We can keep thor, but Black Widow and Hawkeye are definitely out.

Indeed. Hawkeye had some cool shots, but whenever the scenes focused on him and Black Widow it's like my interest plummeted very steep.

Also the film began fairly slow but after I while I started to enjoy myself a good bit. Marvel Studio's best film and I really liked Mark Ruffalo and RDJ.


Indeed. Hawkeye had some cool shots, but whenever the scenes focused on him and Black Widow it's like my interest plummeted very steep.
Worst line in the film: "hey, it's just like Budapest." "You and I remember Budapest very differently." So out of place. To be fair though I think that's the only bad line in the entire thing.


Is hulk stronger than thanos?

Wikipedia said:
The Hulk possesses the potential for limitless physical strength depending directly on his emotional state, particularly his anger. This has been reflected in the repeated comment, "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets." David Banner's attempts at recreating the supersoldier serum and subsequent self-experimentation resulted in genetic changes that he passed along to Bruce. These genetic characteristics and the changes they spawned were dormant until activated by the radiation of the gamma bomb. When transforming into the Hulk, Bruce's DNA realigns in such a way as to make it act like a cosmic antenna absorbing kinetic energy directly from the multiverse. The ability to absorb energy from this unlimited source provides the Hulk with his increased bulk and apparently limitless strength. After probing, the entity Beyonder once claimed that the Hulk's potential strength had "no finite element inside." His durability, regeneration, and endurance also increase in proportion to his temper. Greg Pak described the Hulk shown during World War Hulk as having a level of physical power where "Hulk was stronger than any mortal—and most immortals—who ever walked the Earth."

The Hulk's level of strength is normally limited by Banner's subconscious influence. When Hulk allowed Jean Grey to psionically "shut Banner off", he reached a scale of power on which he managed to overpower and destroy the physical form of the villain Onslaught.

So basically hulk is the most powerful thing there is.... If he wants to be.


Worst line in the film: "hey, it's just like Budapest." "You and I remember Budapest very differently." So out of place. To be fair though I think that's the only bad line in the entire thing.

Not really, they had on site footage of them in Budapest on one of the screens early on in the movie. Both of them side by side, identical to them in the final battle.
I've heard more than one girl say something along the lines of "Loki made my ovaries explode". I have no idea how that caught on, especially since it sounds a lot more painful than 'wow that turns me on'. Its like saying "black widow made my ballsack explode!". Yeah, not quite.


Still Alive
I've heard more than one girl say something along the lines of "Loki made my ovaries explode". I have no idea how that caught on, especially since it sounds a lot more painful than 'wow that turns me on'. Its like saying "black widow made my ballsack explode!". Yeah, not quite.
Bahahaha, wow. They couldn't write that shit if they tried. :lol


the only thing about this movie that bugs me, is when the mind-controlled hawkeye and the other shield agents are trying to sneak into and destroy the helicarrier and rescue loki

and the conversation went like this:

mind-controled agent: helicarrier, we ask for landing permit.

radio operator on the helicarrier: i can see that this is one of our planes, but your flight is not registred. what are you transporting ?

mind-controled agent: weapons and food.

radio operator on the helicarrier: well then, carry on. permission granted. ... (few minutes later the helicarrier is down.)

besides that, i'm already counting the days till the dvd release. can't wait to see it again.

Right and I even said I know I'm nit picking.

That doesn't excuse your childish behavior. In future, think and read before you post.

funny how it's always the same posters who call others out for childish behavior and to think before posting.


the only thing about this movie that bugs me, is when the mind-controlled hawkeye and the other shield agents are trying to sneak into and destroy the helicarrier and rescue loki

Yeah, their operational security is terrible.

Robot Pants

First half of the movie was pretty bad. 2nd half was much better. I could definitely go without Black Widow, though. Pretty awful. Hawkeye I could live without too.
I really though Loki was just a boring villian to have and his armor looked ridiculous haha.

I'm all for a sequel though, and I can see it being much better.
They should just completely negate the Fantastic Four movies and make Dr. Doom the villian. I'd be there day 1.
So do we think they're going to dive right in to Thanos for Avengers 2 (with set-up in Iron Man 3 and Cap/Thor 2) or are they going to set him up in the background for a while and have him be in Avengers 3?

My friend described Thanos as the most insane villain the Avengers ever fought, what with his ability to rewrite reality. I just personally feel like that's a HUGE leap from "This is our first battle together as a team!" to "Ok second movie we're fighting THE WORST villain on our roster!"

Also, I wonder if AntMan is going to join the Avengers in part 2? They could then have those robots that Hank builds (Ultron?) be the bad guys in A2 and leave Thanos for A3?

Or, wait, have they done the Ultron robots in the movies yet? Were they in Iron Man 2 at all? Fuck I need to sit down and rewatch all of these films.

I can't wait until Marvel Studios has more movies made so when Avengers 2 does happen we can have AntMan and Dr Strange and the Black Panther popping in and out through the movie or fighting in the background. It makes me really sad that they don't have the film rights to all their properties because a movie with a MASSIVE battle involving the X-Men, Avengers, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four... that would be absolutely mind-destroying.


Rodent Whores
The real reason that scene sucks was that everybody and their momma saw Hulk catching Iron Man in the trailer, so we all knew that was about to happen.

I'm so glad I went on a media blackout for this film.

Batman, too. During the preview for TDKR, I turned up my music player and just stared at the girl next to me.
It makes me really sad that they don't have the film rights to all their properties because a movie with a MASSIVE battle involving the X-Men, Avengers, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four... that would be absolutely mind-destroying.

do we really want this? a movie like that will probably ensure most of those character as a cameo because you can never really give all of the character an equal screentime or even things to say.

even in the ultimate comic books with it's huge event like ultimatum etc, they have to show that same event in multiple book series, so spider-man got his own ultimatum books showing his perspective, fantastic four and ultimates also have their own ultimatum storyline. how are you going to show all that big of an event in a single movie.
do we really want this? a movie like that will probably ensure most of those character as a cameo because you can never really give all of the character an equal screentime or even things to say.

even in the ultimate comic books with it's huge event like ultimatum etc, they have to show that same event in multiple book series, so spider-man got his own ultimatum books showing his perspective, fantastic four and ultimates also have their own ultimatum storyline. how are you going to show all that big of an event in a single movie.

I specifically meant cameos, yeah. They'd never be able to go in-depth like they do in the comics with the movie versions but to have an Avengers movie where say they fight the Skrull and during the final battle there's a camera pan and you see like, EVERYONE is there fighting, that would be insane. Like having the Baxter Building in the skyline or everyone's fighting and Reed's voice or face comes on a screen to say the FF have the East End on lockdown or something. Then the camera is following the Hulk as he jumps up a building and you see Daredevil and Spider-Man fighting a couple Skrull on the rooftop in the background.

I mean, the entire thing Marvel is setting up is a cohesive movie universe where all these characters exist in the same place, so naturally they'll be dropping in and out of each other's movies.


How many individuals do you think troll the Internet looking up Christoper Nolan & Christian Bale's respective contracts that state they're signed on for 3 films?

Yeah, it's not like this is being marketed as the final film or anything.

Oh, wait..........
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