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She cried rape, he went to prison for 6 years. She met up with him years later...

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Sometimes I don't understand why a woman lies about rape.

Are they ashamed of the sexual encounter or something? Or just evil people?
I think that it could happen when they are ashamed to tell her parents or boyfriend. Then those people basically call the police etc. while she starts to lose more and more control.
Now she would not only have to admit to the sexual encounter, but also that she has lied about the rape. And instead of just her parents she would have to confess it to the police or a judge.
So the more time passes the worse it gets.


AP story on espn updated w/ a lot more details


In a strange turn of events, the woman, Wanetta Gibson, friended him on Facebook when he got out of prison.

In an initial meeting with him, she said she had lied; there had been no kidnap and no rape and she offered to help him clear his record, court records state.

But she refused to repeat the story to prosecutors because she feared she would have to return a $1.5 million payment from a civil suit brought by her mother against Long Beach schools.

During a second meeting that was secretly videotaped, she told Banks, "'I will go through with helping you but it's like at the same time all that money they gave us, I mean gave me, I don't want to have to pay it back," according to a defense investigator who was at the meeting.

Banks said outside court Thursday that he had lost all hope of proving his innocence until Gibson contacted him.

"It's been a struggle. But I'm unbroken and I'm still here today," the tall, muscular Banks said, tears flowing down his face.

He recalled being shocked and speechless on the day Gibson reached out to him after he had been released from prison, having served five years and two months.

"I thought maybe it wasn't real," he said. "How could she be contacting me?"

He said he knew that if he became angry when he met with her it wouldn't help, so he struggled to keep calm.


By this response I guess she has to be white. Or at least pale?

No my friend, my dearest hephalumps. I am merely demonstrating that there is no inherent racial aspect attached to the name, though it is an old English name indeed. Plus I already found someone with that name who lives in the LB, CA area. There are quite a few old ladies, both white and black, named Wanetta. So it does appear to be, in fact, an old Southern name.


But should someone be punished more for falsely accusing someone of rape than say falsely accusing someone of stealing a candybar?

I mean does the law make any distinction between the two?

I'm not a lawyer, as a disclaimer. I highly doubt being accused of candy theft would end up in court, but I digress.

Perjury should be perjury and treated as such in any and all applicable cases.


So can she be charged with perjury hearing the NPR clip one more time it seems like she never said anything under oath?


He will never ever get those six years back. And it's multiple times as bad cause he was so young. The state really has to step in here. I don't care at all about what sentence there will be for that human filth. Focus should be on him.
Having no repercussions for falsely accusing someone of rape is not better.

Honestly, I don't think that anyone really thinks that there should be no ramifications for lying about rape. However, as it pertains to any form of perjury or false accusations, I don't know why we should shine a spotlight on it in particular as a major problem we need to address. Doing so carries with it the implication that false rape charges have become an epidemic that we must stop.

The argument that follows is that this has the unfortunate consequence of deterring people from reporting rapes, lest they be labeled as yet another liar out to besmirch the reputation of a fine, upstanding gentlemen. And rape is already a difficult crime to prosecute.


But should someone be punished more for falsely accusing someone of rape than say falsely accusing someone of stealing a candybar?

I mean does the law make any distinction between the two?
Of course they should, and the difference in sentence lengths should be the determining factor.
How much can you get for false reporting a crime?
Well, it would be filing a false police report. I imagine that would be nothing more than a misdemeanor.

Doubt jail time would even be involved. And if so, not a significant amount. But I'm not sure if it is considered a felony or lesser category of crime.

Edit: Scales on what type of crime is accused according to a quick Google search. But of course that can vary by state.


please never be a lawmaker.
false accusation should be a federal crime.
Well you shouldn't convict people who voluntarily step forward and tell that they lied, because if you do that, then no one will ever confess that again.

Though it appears that this was only solved because he secretly recorded those meeting, so I think there should definitely be some punishment for her.


5 years IIRC.

But eh, better bailout before bloodlust GAF goes full force. Perjury should be treated more seriously, no need to make a special law just for this, since it's very uncommon.

If GAF is to believed, half of all rape convictions are actually false, and the women responsible should be executed.


Well you shouldn't convict people who voluntarily step forward and tell that they lied, because if you do that, then no one will ever confess that again.

Though it appears that this was only solved because he secretly recorded those meeting, so I think there should definitely be some punishment for her.

But how many people get away with false accusations that are never reported every year?

This is fun.


I live in Long Beach and found someone with her name who graduated from LB-Poly in 2005. No picture.

Everyone I know is talking about this but so far, nobody I've heard from knows her.


This is a shitty thing to do to someone but lets not make it even harder for someone to admit they were raped by making it a federal crime if you 'False Report'. That would destroy years of progress.
What's hard about it now? If a woman's eyes are big and sad enough she can destroy any life she wants to. Seems really easy.


I bet a lot of people on GAF would do the same thing for less money.

No. No, what the fuck is wrong with you? No.

It's bad enough that many rape victims are afraid to come forward, but then you have highly publicized cases of false accusations and it makes those victims even more afraid of coming forward and being called a liar.

I'm basically one step from bankrupcy right now, but no fucking way would I still take 1.5 million to fuck over one man and an entire population.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
And this is why I am against the death penalty. The justice system gets shit wrong. Really wrong.

I can't even imagine how much losing 6 years of your life to prison will fuck with you. Time is so precious.

It's not just any 6 years, but the first 6 years of his adult life.

He missed out on going to college and the window of opportunity for him to pursue a sports career.

He was looking to become a football star, maybe even play in the big leagues. He missed out on all of that because this chick had him locked up until he was 25, and the stigma of the conviction stayed with him for the next several years and undoubtedly limited his job prospects.

She ruined his life. Yes he still has many decades ahead of him, yes he can still marry and have kids, but he'll never be able to look back and say he had a shot at becoming a football star because of her. And for the last decade she has been fully aware of this.

Fuck her. Evil bitch is a stain on humanity.


I think that it could happen when they are ashamed to tell her parents or boyfriend. Then those people basically call the police etc. while she starts to lose more and more control.
Now she would not only have to admit to the sexual encounter, but also that she has lied about the rape. And instead of just her parents she would have to confess it to the police or a judge.
So the more time passes the worse it gets.

Agreed on some of these reasons. But what is really strange is. If no one knows then how is it better to make something that happened between two people a massive drama. Shame is one thing if others found out(not excusing it but then the public shame might cropup), but if 2 people had sex...and you felt shame, to run to the cops seems counter intuitive if no one is aware of the event in the first place. Then it begins to look VERY premeditated with a specific goal in mind.


So he can sue her now right?

I mean, something has to happen to her. How is it possible that she has no consequences for what she did, on top of being 1.5 million dollars richer?

Neo C.

Personally, I don't even understand the point of debating whether rape or false imprisonment is worse. That discussion just strikes me as a pointless distraction.

I agree. I'm more disturbed at how easy it is to put an innocent man into a prison. As I said, the system is broken.
Hold up. What did the guy do to her? What was he wearing? Was he in a perverse way asking for the false accusal? These are the most important questions.


False Report of Rape needs to be its own federal crime with fucking steep punishments.

I'm sorry, I know the defense force is going to come at me, but god damn this shit. There are a lot of victims of rape (far more than reported), and that's terribly sad. But there are a ton of women who cry rape as if they were crying wolf, and those evil bitches deserved to be punished with extreme prejudice. I've had this argument on gaf before, but a rape accusation stains a man's image and he is presumed guilty rather than innocent (look at the Duke lacross scandal).

The counter argument is that if they have stiff penalties and jail time associated with coming forward it will cause all the liar's to just live with it for the rest of their lifes.

Absolutely despicable people who pull this shit.
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