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She cried rape, he went to prison for 6 years. She met up with him years later...

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No. No, what the fuck is wrong with you? No.

It's bad enough that many rape victims are afraid to come forward, but then you have highly publicized cases of false accusations and it makes those victims even more afraid of coming forward and being called a liar.

But you wouldn't face charges of false accusations unless 1) you falsely accused, and 2) the "accused" has proof that it was a false accusation.

If you accuse someone of rape (and actually were raped), even if they weren't convicted of rape, the accuser would not face charges UNLESS the accused had proof that the accusation was false.


Do you have access to a yearbook?

I'm not from here but I'm sure I know someone that went there. I have a friend that went to nearby Wilson at the same time. Going to try an inquiry (he played football in HS and College and I'm sure he faced Banks).

Poly is kind of a unique HS because of its mix. It has a wide reach geographically and has a notably diverse student body.

I'm sure something will show up from somewhere soon.


jesus christ.

this whole thread is awful.
Every rape thread is awful, with namecalling, victim blaming, etc. - the story is still always worse than the thread, though.

It makes me sick that this can happen. I just hope I never have to deal with it since I avoid touching people. I had someone almost grope me once - that was frightening, and then I got a lecture from my parent like I'd done something wrong and was going to get sent to prison. Scared the heck out of me, and all I did was stand up in front of a girl at a basketball game, and after she touched me look at her like "What the heck you doing?"

Oh well, best not to live in fear and be around people you can trust, I suppose.
This man should be awarded the $1.5 million dollars, and the false accuser should have to pay it. Glad they got it right, but man.. His character and name have to be repaired, years of his life down the drain, etc.

This man just spent 6 years in prison, is now a registered sex offender (does this even go away if evidence appears for the contrary years later?) for a sex crime he did not commit, and he potentially missed out on a promising future as a professional football player and you think all he deserves is 1.5 million? I don't think 1.5 mil can sweep that taint under the rug... I couldn't even put a price on that to be honest...


G***n S**n*bi
This is seriously one of my greatest fears in the world. Being falsely accused of a heinous crime and spending time in prison for it, is just.. it is just beyond words. I don't even know how I would react in a situation like that.

I feel terrible for this man. Absolutely terrible. He deserves compensation and that woman needs to go to prison. Period.

The law needs to set an example on the women pulling this type of shit. The law needs to start bringing down the fucking hammer. These are peoples lives and reputations we're talking about here...


The counter argument is that if they have stiff penalties and jail time associated with coming forward it will cause all the liar's to just live with it for the rest of their lifes.

Absolutely despicable people who pull this shit.

But you wouldn't face charges of false accusations unless 1) you falsely accused, and 2) the "accused" has proof that it was a false accusation.

If you accuse someone of rape (and actually were raped), even if they weren't convicted of rape, the accuser would not face charges UNLESS the accused had proof that the accusation was false.

As well as prevent some victims from coming forward for fear that their rapist will have better lawyers and suddenly after being viciously raped, you're sent to prison...and viciously raped.
Every rape thread is awful, with namecalling, victim blaming, etc. - the story is still always worse than the thread, though.

It makes me sick that this can happen. I just hope I never have to deal with it since I avoid touching people. I had someone almost grope me once - that was frightening, and then I got a lecture from my parent like I'd done something wrong and was going to get sent to prison. Scared the heck out of me, and all I did was stand up in front of a girl at a basketball game, and after she touched me look at her like "What the heck you doing?"

Oh well, best not to live in fear and be around people you can trust, I suppose.

are you a virgin?


In both cases isnt the type of crime simply lying?
What? In the examples you used the crimes and punishments the accused would face are a misdemeanor for petty theft and a felony conviction for rape. The severity of the false accusation charge the accuser would face would be based on that.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Hold up. What did the guy do to her? What was he wearing? Was he in a perverse way asking for the false accusal? These are the most important questions.

They had sex. Consensually.

She felt regret about it after the fact, or maybe shame due to social influences by her parents or a religious upbringing or a myriad of other reasons. Or maybe she just wanted to fuck someone's life up and/or earn some money. So she claimed he raped her, got 1.5 million bucks from a civil suit, and everything was all fine and dandy for her.

I want to scream. Nothing enrages me more than a story like this. It spits in the face of law and order. It takes a giant dump on actual rape victims. It ruins innocent lives, tears apart families and friends, for no reason at all.


Rape victim advocacy. Someone to help the victims and strengthen them so they feel they can make a claim or an accusation bolstered by proof and their support. For some reason, I think that if they told her at some point that if she was lying, that she could face punishment as well would only affect her if she knew that she was lying. Not to be an avenue of how to escape my sexual predicaments in a shame culture, but to let her know that false accusations are morally wrong, and that she could face consequences if it did eventually come out that she was lying, so why not start with telling nothing but the truth.


This is seriously one of my greatest fears in the world. Being falsely accused of a heinous crime and spending time in prison for it, is just.. it is just beyond words. I don't even know how I would react in a situation like that.

I feel terrible for this man. Absolutely terrible. He deserves compensation and that woman needs to go to prison. Period.

The law needs to set an example on the women pulling this type of shit. The law needs to start bringing down the fucking hammer. These are peoples lives and reputations we're talking about here...

Yeah, the French dude that was going to run for President got hosed pretty bad too.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
This man just spent 6 years in prison, is now a registered sex offender (does this even go away if evidence appears for the contrary years later?) for a sex crime he did not commit, and he potentially missed out on a promising future as a professional football player and you think all he deserves is 1.5 million? I don't think 1.5 mil can sweep that taint under the rug... I couldn't even put a price on that to be honest...

It depends on the state and/or organization keeping records.

Sometimes you can't be removed from the sex offender's registry even if your conviction is overturned. Unless you request it, go before a panel, and every person unanimously agrees to remove you.


One word for this bitch ........ cunt!

She should be given a prison sentence and all of her assets stripped from her and the poor man be awarded damages against her and the state.

Vile trash like her damage the chances of legitimate rape victims getting real justice.


Banks had been arrested after Gibson said he met her in a school hallway and urged her to come into an elevator with him. The two had been friends since middle school and were in the habit of making out in a school stairwell, according to court papers.

See this is what pisses me off. Woman cries rape. Changes story and contradicts herself. Man convicted. Not a single one of us is safe.


What if they were in on this together and shared the money...shyamalantwist

spend 6 years in the can for a nice sum of money.

would be a great movie or book.
Yikes. Ridiculous that people want to lock her up for 6 years. What exactly does that do?

falsely destroyed someone's life and credibility.
stole 1.5 million from tax payers money to funds local education.
and how about perjury.
punishment for any of those crimes

your conclusive deduction is mind blowing.


Honestly if someone ruined my life and sent me to jail for something I didn't do like rape I'm not sure if I'd be able to stop myself from murder.

She should get 12 years minimum.

People falsely accusing others of rape are why too many REAL rape allegations are brushed off/not taken seriously.

She not only ruined his life, she had a hand in every case where a woman wasn't taken seriously when she claimed rape.


The counter argument is that if they have stiff penalties and jail time associated with coming forward it will cause all the liar's to just live with it for the rest of their lifes.
Carrot and stick. Grant leniency to those who come forward voluntarily, but with harsh punishments for those who are found out without coming forward.


G***n S**n*bi
Yikes. Ridiculous that people want to lock her up for 6 years. What exactly does that do?
You're right it is pretty ridiculous. 6 years isn't enough.

She should get get 10 and he should get every god damn penny she has to her name.

She destroyed a mans life for god sakes...
Yikes. Ridiculous that people want to lock her up for 6 years. What exactly does that do?
Well, I don't know what the appropriate amount of time is. However, making a false accusation that gets someone imprisoned and you an undeserved sum of money is certainly against the law. I don't think it's preposterous that people think she deserves some form of punishment for this transgression.

However, as has been stated, it's worth weighing that desire for justice versus the alternative. If we get overzealous about punishing people when these circumstances arise, it might send the wrong message: never admit you were lying.

See this is what pisses me off. Woman cries rape. Changes story and contradicts herself. Man convicted. Not a single one of us is safe.

Not that I'm trying to undermine the severity of the situation, but technically, he wasn't convicted. He plead guilty at the advice of his legal counsel.


Agreed on some of these reasons. But what is really strange is. If no one knows then how is it better to make something that happened between two people a massive drama. Shame is one thing if others found out(not excusing it but then the public shame might cropup), but if 2 people had sex...and you felt shame, to run to the cops seems counter intuitive if no one is aware of the event in the first place. Then it begins to look VERY premeditated with a specific goal in mind.
Sometimes I could imagine that it's also sort of a revenge? But I can't really imagine someone going through all this just to "get back" at the cheating boyfriend.


Also there should be a list for these people. Just so everyone knows that that person is a lying piece of shit that had no problem in ruining an innocent's life.
Its called justice and six years sure as shit ain't enough.

This isn't a situation where an eye for an eye works in my opinion. There is no punishment that makes this right. 6 years in prison, life in prison, monetary compensation, none of it will ever make up for the life he essentially lost and the future he now is stuck having.

Forcing a client into a Plea bargain is also something I truly hate about the judicial system. If you are a good fucking lawyer, you find the truth, you don't skirt around it in hopes of a lessened sentence for an innocent man. He shouldn't have had to do any time in the first place. Seems like this case was won on hearsay and nothing more.


Yikes. Ridiculous that people want to lock her up for 6 years. What exactly does that do?
Karsticles raped me!

*Karsticles, you're found guilty!*

*Karsticles wastes 6 years of his life locked him. His family and friends see him as a sick animal. He gets put on the sex offender list.*

*Karsticles is released. Enco got over $1 million and is living a nice life. Karsticles can't find a job and doesn't know what to do with himself. Enco laughs.*

Good thing you don't think I should be punished. Glad I got away with your life.


What a fucking stupid thing to say.


This isn't a situation where an eye for an eye works in my opinion. There is no punishment that makes this right. 6 years in prison, life in prison, monetary compensation, none of it will ever make up for the life he essentially lost and the future he now is stuck having.

So if I smashed your head with a pipe and you turned veggie, I shouldn't go to prison because....well, nothing will make it right. You'll never be anything more than a veggie.
I agree with him. If I had to choose I would choose rape everytime over having to serve several YEARS of prison time.
Not that I am saying one is worse than the other but there is a chance of being raped while incarcerated along with a host of other dangerous situations.
Not that I would ever downplay what this man's lost, but people are acting like hes already dead. He can still live a life and find happiness.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
She should be forced to pay reparations for the rest of her and his lives. Nothing can make up for the injustice done to him, but as long as he is around, he should be entitled to parts of her estate. Garnished wages, special priority to certain assets if she dies before him (not at the expense of dependents' needs, though, I guess... I'm not an expert on estate planning or anything like that, so the legal details would need to be worked out in legislation), things like that...

If he dies before her, she should still be required to contribute to his estate/trust fund until she passes, too.

This is one of those injustices that she should have to make amends for for the rest of her life. No amount of jail time could make up for it, or serve any purpose except revenge/punishment.

Give her a prison sentence, and once she's free, make it so that she has to continue to make amends to the person she wronged for the rest of her life, or until he forgives her for her wrongdoings.

Forced amends is the way to go.

And I'm usually not the punitive type, but I consider this a small way for her to make it up to him. Though she never can
Karsticles raped me!

*Karsticles, you're found guilty!*

*Karsticles wastes 6 years of his life locked him. His family and friends see him as a sick animal. He gets put on the sex offender list.*

*Karsticles is released. Enco got over $1 million and is living a nice life. Karsticles can't find a job and doesn't know what to do with himself. Enco laughs.*

Good thing you don't think I should be punished. Glad I got away with your life.


What a fucking stupid thing to say.

I don't think he meant that she shouldn't be punished. I think he was making a point of saying 6 years in prison isn't punishment enough.
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