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She cried rape, he went to prison for 6 years. She met up with him years later...

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Do you want a specific law targeting people who falsely accuse rape?

Also you said this shitty thing:

It's so hard on us men huh? Those damn women get EVERYTHING!
He was told to take the plea from his own lawyer because he wasn't getting off even if he didn't do it. Again, seems pretty easy to me.


It's made easy by attitudes like yours which encourage women who've been victimized to stay silent about the crimes done to them.
The key is to make it easier for rape victims to come forward. The process we have now clearly doesn't work. This woman found a giant loop hole and exploited it, being completely disrespectful to those who were actual victims.


The problem with "making her pay!" is that it heavily discourages people who falsely accuse others of rape to come out later on saying "I lied".

Think about it for a second: if you *knew* that you'd get fucking years in prison and shit if you ever admitted to it, would you ever do it? It would clean the other person's record, but your own life would be over.

I'd love to see someone who would do it. Seriously, because that is a HUGE thing to do - ruining your own life. I don't believe someone who actually lied about rape would be capable of doing such a thing.


Lets not lose sight at his lawyer, the women is ultimately at fault for accusing Banks, but it also seems like his first Lawyer is a lazy piece of shit that did no leg work in trying to defend him before suggesting a plea deal. Seems like he believed his client was guilty or just did not care enough to defend him.


My school runs the California Innocence Project, although they only do Northern California.

According to an article written a few days ago in the San Jose Mercury News about the program, an average of 52 prisoners nationwide are exonerated annually since the year 2000. Good to know that the wrongfully convicted have a chance of getting true justice.


He was told to take the plea from his own lawyer because he wasn't getting off even if he didn't do it. Again, seems pretty easy to me.

So he had a shitty lawyer who had no idea what he was talking about.

Better than innocents being jailed

The justice system is supposed to be innocent until PROVEN guilty not just believing one person over another,

You'd rather have 10 rapists walking then 1 innocent man jailed... I guess I get that, but this is not a black and white scenario where we can't have innocent men free and rapists behind bars. Cases like this are few and far between.

The key is to make it easier for rape victims to come forward. The process we have now clearly doesn't work. This woman for a giant loop hole and exploited it, being completely disrespectful to those who were actual victims.

She didn't find a loop hole, she lied and the shitty lawyer who was defending the boy was shitty. That's not a loop hole, that's an unfortunate turn of events.
He was told to take the plea from his own lawyer because he wasn't getting off even if he didn't do it. Again, seems pretty easy to me.

Well, I don't think it was a forgone conclusion that he would automatically be found guilty. Perhaps a better lawyer might have offered different counsel?

My understanding of rape statistics is that getting convictions is hardly a slam dunk.


He was told to take the plea from his own lawyer because he wasn't getting off even if he didn't do it. Again, seems pretty easy to me.

Well the question is was that really shitty legal advice or the truth?

Personally I would never plea to a crime I didn't commit, but then again I am not a young black male... I've sat on a jury on a trial of a young black male, and 90% of the jurors where automatically "cops said he did it, guilty." no questions asked.


Well, I don't think it was a forgone conclusion that he would automatically be found guilty. Perhaps a better lawyer might have offered different counsel?

My understanding of rape statistics is that getting convictions is hardly a slam dunk.

For god's sake yes, in cases where there isn't much evidence it usually goes against the accuser. Sadly in most cases of date rape there is very little evidence.


The problem with "making her pay!" is that it heavily discourages people who falsely accuse others of rape to come out later on saying "I lied".

Think about it for a second: if you *knew* that you'd get fucking years in prison and shit if you ever admitted to it, would you ever do it? It would clean the other person's record, but your own life would be over.

I'd love to see someone who would do it. Seriously, because that is a HUGE thing to do - ruining your own life. I don't believe someone who actually lied about rape would be capable of doing such a thing.

It's not like the accuser actually came forward in this case. She admitted it in private to the accuser (to whom an admission is pointless) but she's still lying to the authorities.

And anyway she already is on the hook for the 1.5m she stole from schools, so there's punishment hanging over her head already.


Do you want a specific law targeting people who falsely accuse rape?

I would like a law that says "if you falsely accuse someone of ANY crime, and they're convicted, and it's discovered you falsely accused someone, you switch places with them and get their sentence." Not specifically targeted at rape, but anything. If you accuse someone of stealing from you and you know they didn't do it or something, and they get convicted, you should get the punishment that was going to be given to them.

Something like that. I don't know why I bother writing this since you're going to shit on me for "promoting rape culture" or something like that anyway.


So he had a shitty lawyer who had no idea what he was talking about.

You'd rather have 10 rapists walking then 1 innocent man jailed... I guess I get that, but this is not a black and white scenario where we can't have innocent men free and rapists behind bars. Cases like this are few and far between.

She didn't find a loop hole, she lied and the shitty lawyer who was defending the boy was shitty. That's not a loop hole, that's an unfortunate turn of events.
Knowing she would never be charged with a crime, she took advantage of the system for her gain. What she did is illegal, there is nothing in the law that says you are allowed a free pass for rape accusations. That is the "loop hole".

qcf x2

Yet it's still grossly under-reported. Add stiff penalties for anything resembling a false accusation - Do you think it'll get better or worse?

Add stiff penalties for anything proven to be a false accusation: no problem. Do nothing: many women will see it as an easy way to get rich, as this girl did. What she did was absolutely reprehensible. She took away something that he will never, ever get back, and almost undoubtedly could be considered an accessory to whatever abuse he took in prison, be it physical, emotional, psychological or, unfortunately/ironically, sexual. Throw her ass in jail after she pays the money back.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
That's it women, don't come forward with a rape accusation cause if you can't prove it you might ruin the rapists life.

If you're actually raped, by all means, you should come forward.

But if you were not raped, and you KNOW you were not raped, but you cry rape anyways and ruin someone's life, as this woman did, you're no better than an actual rapist. At least those crimes, criminals, victims, perceived criminals, and perceived victims aren't fake.


marrec has lost his shit.


wanting people who lie about rape to be punished = America loves rape

Where the fuck am I saying that? I'm saying we should specifically target this as a crime and instead use existing laws to stop this kind of thing from happening. We don't need a law against Falsely Accusing Rape, just one against Falsely Accusing.

If you're actually raped, by all means, you should come forward.

But if you were not raped, and you KNOW you were not raped, but you cry rape anyways and ruin someone's life, as this woman did, you're no better than an actual rapist. At least those crimes, criminals, victims, perceived criminals, and perceived victims aren't fake.

It's easy to say this, but statistics show that most victims don't think like this.
So he had a shitty lawyer who had no idea what he was talking about.

You'd rather have 10 rapists walking then 1 innocent man jailed... I guess I get that, but this is not a black and white scenario where we can't have innocent men free and rapists behind bars. Cases like this are few and far between.

I'd rather have a million rapists walk free than 1 innocent man jailed and so should everyone, cases like this where it eventually comes out and the innocent man is eventually cleared may be few and far between but you can not say that with any certainty about those that haven't been lucky enough to be cleared
There shouldn't be such a thing as a plea bargain.
If the system is willing to reduce the sentence for someone based on them not fighting for their own case, then they should just go ahead and make that the baseline sentence - and let them fight for their case with no fears of losing.

It just boggles my mind that plea bargains exists, who knows how many innocents end up in jail just because they don't want to take the risk of standing for what they know is the truth.

I'd rather have a million rapists walk free than 1 innocent man jailed and so should everyone, cases like this where it eventually comes out and the innocent man is eventually cleared may be few and far between but you can not say that with any certainty about those that haven't been lucky enough to be cleared

Yeah, I guess I agree with you on an ideological level... but I would rather one innocent be jailed than a million rapists walk free.
Heck, I'd rather one innocent be jailed than a hundred rapists walk free.


marrec has lost his shit.


wanting people who lie about rape to be punished = America loves rape

That wasn't his point. I don't agree with his "rape culture" comment but misappropriating his argument does no one any favors.

I'd rather have a million rapists walk free than 1 innocent man jailed and so should everyone, cases like this where it eventually comes out and the innocent man is eventually cleared may be few and far between but you can not say that with any certainty about those that haven't been lucky enough to be cleared

Nope. That's a million injustices balanced against one. C'mon, man.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It's easy to say this, but statistics show that most victims don't think like this.

Okay, but I was talking about people who didn't feel victimized. Which is what this woman is. She wasn't raped. There was no misunderstanding. She just stuck with a lie that she knew was a lie.

This woman is not a victim. And she never was.


Where the fuck am I saying that? I'm saying we should specifically target this as a crime and instead use existing laws to stop this kind of thing from happening. We don't need a law against Falsely Accusing Rape, just one against Falsely Accusing.

It's easy to say this, but statistics show that most victims don't think like this.

Except existing laws clearly don't stop this from happening. That's why people are asking for something different. IMO, just make false accusation punishment scale with the severity of the penalty of the accusation.
That wasn't his point. I don't agree with his "rape culture" comment but misappropriating his argument does no one any favors.

Nope. That's a million injustices balanced against one. C'mon, man.

Someone being falsely imprisoned/convicted for a crime they didn't commit is the very definition of an injustice


Okay, but I was talking about people who didn't feel victimized. Which is what this woman is. She wasn't raped. There was no misunderstanding. She just stuck with a lie that she knew was a lie.

This woman is not a victim. And she never was.

Of course she's not a victim, she's a horrible person.

But prosecuting her under anything other than a blanket perjury law, (or something related) then we make it harder for actual victims of rape.
There shouldn't be such a thing as a plea bargain.
If the system is willing to reduce the sentence for someone based on them not fighting for their own case, then they should just go ahead and make that the baseline sentence - and let them fight for their case with no fears of losing.

It just boggles my mind that plea bargains exists, who knows how many innocents end up in jail just because they don't want to take the risk of standing for what they know is the truth.

Well, the counter to that is that if there's no reward for just fessing and saving the expense of a trial for a crime that you committed, everyone -- the guilty included -- would always declare themselves not guilty.

Ideally, the innocent would never be tried. But since that's not really possible, I don't know if a conviction leading to the same sentence as his plea bargain really fixes anything. Apparently, his lawyer thought he was going to lose anyway.


There shouldn't be such a thing as a plea bargain.
If the system is willing to reduce the sentence for someone based on them not fighting for their own case, then they should just go ahead and make that the baseline sentence - and let them fight for their case with no fears of losing.

It just boggles my mind that plea bargains exists, who knows how many innocents end up in jail just because they don't want to take the risk of standing for what they know is the truth.

plea bargains are not the problem, mandatory sentences are the problem. mandatory sentences don't take account for special situations/circumstances. So it puts people in awkward/desperate situation in taking a plea deal instead of gambling and getting the mandatory/max jail time. If there was no mandatory/minimum sentences then a judge/jury could possible decide how long somebody can go to jail for based on this specific case.
Well, the counter to that is that if there's no reward for just fessing and saving the expense of a trial for a crime that you committed, everyone -- the guilty included -- would always declare themselves not guilty.

Ideally, the innocent would never be tried. But since that's not really possible, I don't know if a conviction leading to the same sentence as his plea bargain really fixes anything. Apparently, his lawyer thought he was going to lose anyway.

I can buy it as a cost saving move, and a way to make sure that some criminals get some punishment rather than none but I wonder if it wouldn't be balanced out by innocent people being able to focus on defending themselves and not have to make gambles - which really does not belong in a court of justice.
I suppose I don't have to, but then threads like this would just be a big circle jerk of rape culture.

It's really disturbing how much hateful bile has been spewed. The thread title, "she cried rape" is horrifically shitty to begin with. But the reactions to the story make it seem like the majority of rape accusations are false when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. This gem is a perfect example of the seething hatred for women some people have:

this is why I can't be a "white knight" for rape cases. This happens far too often.

Sorry, but it's worse to be accused of this falsely than to be raped and still have your freedom.

So, instead of talking about the flaws of the criminal justice system, about the ways in which it failed the young man in question, about the ways in which the girl could be coerced into making such an accusation, or about whether our culture shames women about promiscuous acts making the claim of rape preferable to the label of "slut", we have to have a meltdown about the apparent epidemic of false accusations made by "bitches" and "cunts".
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