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John Carmack's VR head-mounted display Interview (GiantBomb)


I can't wait to pick one of these up once all kinks are worked out, compatibility is perfect, and they cost 50 bucks.

Off topic I suppose, but he confirmed that the console versions of Doom 3 BFG Edition will be 60 fps. I didn't think they could pull that off.


My favorite quote in this interview:

John Carmack
: "It takes 50 milliseconds to get this (visual information) over a fast screen display. That's more time than it takes to send a packet from America to England. That's just ridiculous! But that's because router people care about latency. They know it's important, so they don't pile it up. Display people don't know yet, but I am trying to educate all of them about that... "

Haha, wow.

It seems like display manufacturers are aware of the issue with them including game modes for most panels. Wish the the trade off for less input lag wasn't the picture looking like shit though.


So I was just going to check GAF for the latest and here I am 90 minutes later, reading this whole thread and Carmacks twitter and not understanding much and loving every second of it. Fascinating to follow a guy so clearly passionate about something


Really really cool. This is the kind of crazy stuff that e3 should be about. Great to see it. Also, the man is actually a genius. So smart


Every die hard PC Gamer was nodding and smiling while he talked about display latency.

I've been an HMD 'fan' since I saved money to buy an expensive piece of crap for my Sega Genesis. I've been patiently waiting for consumer tech to catch up at a reasonable price. Now that we're almost there we also need someone who is going to pay attention to the details. He hit every bullet point on the shortcomings of the current batch of offerings. I hope he keeps up with it because we're getting very close now.


What an amazing guy. Can't think of any recent interviews that held my attention like this one.

So very few developers actually speak with the ardent interest and knowledge with which Carmack speaks. Too much PR these days. He also made a handful of my favorite games, so...


Amazing interview indeed. He explains things so clearly and passionately.
I now want Khan-academy styled programming lessons narrated by Carmack.


Carmack's a genius, but his contributions to the industry have been lackluster over the past few years. Maybe it just seems that way in comparison to id's dominance in the 90s.

I'd say he's indirectly contributed a fair amount, it's just not in the form of a pile of retail releases. He's certainly done more than the developers behind the yearly cookie cutter FPS series out there.
my brain hurts

this guy is talking about time and space.. holy shit, it seems like he knows everything about the realm of virtual reality
I liked the GiantBomb interview better, but the Kotaku one imo seemed a bit more condensed and mind-blowing.
Shortly after he started talking photons & matrices, my brain stalled out and no longer tried to understand what he was saying.
Yet I listened on, interested.


PS - Doom3 for consoles now 60 frames per second, WOOT!!
Extremely fascinating interview. Glad to see Brad was heading this one up, even if he only gave a brief nudge in conversation here and there.

Between this and Jaffe's stuff last night, GB has been making a rather bland E3 worth my time.


Came for the Carmack, stayed for the fascinating VR and display talk (as delivered by Carmack). Forget next gen consoles, this is the exciting stuff.


That's awesome, and I love that he tinkers with all kinds of cool stuff like this.

Funny when he mentioned getting his hands on a vr display and discovering that the tech seemingly hadn't advanced for the past 20 years ... I can just imagine.

Carmack drinking game time... every time he says "on there".


Post Count: 9999
Some really interesting stuff in there. Carmack is god-tier.

One thing I'm surprised he didn't do though was use FireWire. That would drop the 'Windows latency' as he called it a bit (fuck USB for realtime anything).

Regardless, it's amazing some of the things he refuses to take for granted - even things he has no real way to change but wants to get some ideas out there. For example, the idea of using eye-tracking in order to get data for focal depth simulation to take care of the other half of natural 3D detection. Crazy shit. I could listen to this guy lecture for days.


I'd be in for the second verison thats a bit more put together. Even better sony should approach Carmack and this other guy for their next head set. Sony has acess to optics that they don't .

Also the kickstarter should allow them to order a huge batch of the optics , might drive cost down a bit. I'd love to do it but i'm not good at making shit and i doubt i'd make a good mount. I'd prob have mine taped up also
What an amazing guy. Can't think of any recent interviews that held my attention like this one.

So very few developers actually speak with the ardent interest and knowledge with which Carmack speaks. Too much PR these days. He also made a handful of my favorite games, so...

The reason for this is very simple. Most game companies send out people who actually don't make games to do their interviews. The pretty faces most companies send to do interviews have basically no idea how a game is made, or how the technology works. They are nothing more than producers or directors who usually (not always) have very little to do with actual game craft.

Carmack on the other hand, while I personally believe him to be extremely handsome, is deeply rooted in how games work, how to make them better, and how to use the technology to it's fullest.

That being said, it takes a certain kind of journalist to get the most out of Carmack, I'm happy they used Brad, because Brad knew exactly what to do, shut up and listen.


I'd say he's indirectly contributed a fair amount, it's just not in the form of a pile of retail releases. He's certainly done more than the developers behind the yearly cookie cutter FPS series out there.

He has and an insane amount. Just not in actual retail. The amount of devs who state pretty regularly that they are working with or on something he has talked about or suggested is huge.
Arguably even more so in the fact that he doesn't just call up TV companies and lay into them. He does it with MS, he does it with pretty much anyone he has an idea for and an improvement to suggest.

I would so love for him and Corrinne Yu from 343 to get together and discuss tech. Both have a VERY easy way about them.
Honestly I think if you gave them both a couple questions and made a youtube video of their answers it would be an insanely popular series. I just can't imagine 2 people so easy to listen to about stuff so complex. They both can explain things and though you don't understand it all they have a way of leading the discussion and making it palatable.


Post Count: 9999
Carmack's a genius, but his contributions to the industry have been lackluster over the past few years. Maybe it just seems that way in comparison to id's dominance in the 90s.
In terms of games, sure. His contributions in terms of rendering techniques, simulation, etc. have not. Just because developers aren't using his engines anymore doesn't mean engine designers aren't reverse engineering his ideas.

It's a 'rising tide lifts all boats' situation. His contributions to 3D end up improving the industry as a whole.


Post Count: 9999
my brain hurts

this guy is talking about time and space.. holy shit, it seems like he knows everything about the realm of virtual reality
Well, there's a ton of overlap between 3D graphics, optics, VR, etc.

That said, I'm not sure people realize how smart he is. He's not just some great programmer. He's a math genius with tons of physics knowledge as well.

Hell, he founded an aerospace company and his heavily involved in their engineering - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armadillo_Aerospace. It's quite possible he may well end up being on of the main forces behind getting us space tourism

I could listen to that man talk for days.

I wish he did a regular podcast or something. Or even a limited run lecture series.


Very interesting (and cool) stuff.

I think the biggest thing I take away from this is that the prevailing myths about why the VR fad failed don't describe the real problem (i.e., that it's impossible to do because people will just get motion sick or that people thought the headsets looked stupid).

We just didn't have the technology to do this right 18-20 years ago.
This is the first video from this E3 that left me genuinely giddy with excitement. Thanks for making the thread.

This just goes to show how desperately we need people pationate about moving things forward and not simply satisfying board members. I love how he succinctly points out the absurdity of the present day display latency levels. Get this man his own conference.


PS - Doom3 for consoles now 60 frames per second, WOOT!!
Is this official! I know it may look sad to some people but the thought of me playing Doom 3 on my PS3 at 60fps has me damn excited.

I played the game on the OG X-Box and I had a great time with it. But playing it at 60fps as it does on PC is sweet.


Saw this earlier, great interview. Always good to listen to John just talk about stuff he's working on. It would be really interesting when this technology is ready for primetime if one of the console manufacturers puts some real weight behind it. I've never used anything like this but just from impressions it sounds like a pretty profoundly immersive experience that could be used as a big selling point/differentiator.


This is some pretty awesome stuff. I really hope this tech takes off eventually because I've wanted it for so long now.

Dan Yo

This is what the next video game systems should be. We've been using TVs to display video games for so long and that display technology is better suited to film. For games, a VR helmet would be the ultimate display interface for putting you into interactive experiences that are not passive like film.

Really amazing stuff and I hope Carmack continues to push this technology forward.
Oh man, I was eating that shit up.
Fuck your E3 schedule, they should have just left the camera rolling so he could talk more and come back for it later.

My thoughts exactly, I hate when interviewers rush Carmack. The man is a living legend in the gaming industry. Let him take however long he wants and get other people to take care of the scheduled stuff, and then post the full unedited thing for us later


I wouldn't say it was mindblowing-- Carmack is just a guy who doesn't pretend to know more than he actually does, so you get an honest presentation, rather than some sales pitch like everyone else in the industry.

Dan Yo

I wouldn't say it was mindblowing-- Carmack is just a guy who doesn't pretend to know more than he actually does, so you get an honest presentation, rather than some sales pitch like everyone else in the industry.
Doesn't pretend to know more than he does? So you're saying the guy really does know EVERYTHING? Because he sure makes it seem that way whenever he speaks.
i'm interested in head mounted displays, but i don't think we're gonna see them in a big way any time soon. people still complain about having to wear 3d glasses.
I was going to buy the Sony HMZ-1. But I tried one at a store and it didn't feel quite right yet. So I was going to wait for the next revision of that tech. But if Carmark's guy really can get that project going and is able to sell kits for ~$500 I'll probably get that instead.
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