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Cronenberg on TDKR: Batman running around in a stupid cape, for kids

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no he didn't, that was Paul Haggis



I sorta agree.

When watching the Nolan Trilogy, it just made me think it would've been even better had it been alot darker. The character of Batman definitely has the potential to pull it off but he's also so popular and supposed to the all good guy that they probably can't do that kind of big budget movie and have it rated R.

Still I would say Nolan has made the best comic book set of movies.


He comes off as a pretentious twat. Who gives a shit what people consider to be "art"? I honestly hate that entire debate.

He didn't really get into the debate about what art is.

Let's review his art quotes -
"I don't think they are making them an elevated art form".


"It's adolescent in its core. That has always been its appeal, and I think people who are saying, you know, Dark Knight Rises is supreme cinema art, I don't think they know what the fuck they're talking about."

I don't want to get into an overly semantic argument here, but I think what he's trying to say that those movies are not super deep, "high art" ventures.
And I wholeheartedly agree.

Also, I don't think it's fair imply Cronenberg an art snob (if that what you're saying).
The dude made The Brood.

This man directed Crash.

I liked Crash. *runs*
You don't need to run for liking that Crash.


I don't think he's slamming the movie at all, just those who call it high-budget art house - like Mark Kermode did in his review.

He has a point. It's like when people say a video game has a great story. Yeah it does have a great story - for a game. The Dark Knight Rises is a great comic book movie.

Exactly. And I agree with him. It wasn't a bad movie at all but the praise it's getting is forehead smackingly lol worthy. People are describing it as some kind of magical moving experience and all I saw was a batman movie that tried to be 'serious'


He didn't really get into the debate about what art is.

Fair. I guess I was thrown by the opening, where it is implied that anyone who considers the film "art", "Doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about."

The whole thing still rubs me the wrong way. I never remember the Nolan films being considered "high art". Just incredible well liked and revered art.


Nolanbats is fun, smart, well-made, etc. Why do they have to be high art? Why can't they just be really good superhero/action-adventure flicks?


For his part, Cronenberg did acknowledge that he respected Nolan's mastery of IMAX technology, calling it "really tricky and difficult to do." But he added that the movie was "boring." "A superhero movie, by definition, you know, it's comic book. It's for kids. It's adolescent in its core."

Oh he can fuck right the hell off with shit like this. This completely negates his entire opinion on TDKR for me, comics are for kids? Is he stuck in 1950?
Sorry for the thread derail, I was clearly referencing the wrong Crash.

But yes, Batman has several graphic novels, none of which I would recommend for kids (the better Bat-stories range from PG-13 to R). The "art" debate with film and games has always seemed petty to me. TDKR obviously aspires for more than say, Wolverine or Transformers, but in the end it is a summer blockbuster. I found it well worth my $11 on IMAX and I don't really give a crap if it wins an academy award.
I don't really think he slammed the movie. He said his opinion and he is entitled to it. I loved TDKR but Cronenberg is also one of my all time favorites as well.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
So can I say that his new movie is for tween girls due to Robert Pattinson being the star?


Pretty sure he's talking about superhero comics. 'He's calling immature oh no fuck him'

How is that any better? I guarantee that at one point all of the things he said about superhero comic books were said about his films. "Oh, horror? That's adolescent, for kids."

Dismissing an entire medium is laughably closed-minded and I really hope that his comments were taken out of context in this interview, because it doesn't sound like him.


Before Rises came out I read a lot of stuff about how while The Avengers was a fun comic book movie the Nolan Batman movies were something more - Real Films (TM). That's what he is reacting to, and his reaction is not wrong.

I feels to me like a lot of people liked the second Batman movie and rather than just saying it was a good movie they enjoyed had to justify their extreme praise by making up terms like "Arthouse Blockbuster."

Superhero comics are mostly for kids. I like superhero comics, but that's the truth. And attempts to make them more "mature" usually only end up with guys in silly costumes doing stupid shit only now someone is being raped as well.


How is that any better? I guarantee that at one point all of the things he said about superhero comic books were said about his films. "Oh, horror? That's adolescent, for kids."

Dismissing an entire medium is laughably closed-minded and I really hope that his comments were taken out of context in this interview, because it doesn't sound like him.

I agree with you but everybody's kind of proving his point when they get pissy over what he says about their tastes.

The guy below you gets it.

Gray Man

I just don't think it's elevated. (Director) Christopher Nolan's best movie is 'Memento,' and that is an interesting movie. I don't think his Batman movies are half as interesting though they're 20 million times the expense."

Isn't that a graphic novel?
Just wanted to bring this out because fuck this term

Writer Neil Gaiman, responding to a claim that he does not write comic books but graphic novels, said the commenter "meant it as a compliment, I suppose. But all of a sudden I felt like someone who'd been informed that she wasn't actually a hooker; that in fact she was a lady of the evening."
Graphic novel is just a pretentious way of saying comic book.

Exactly. I remember back in the day when a graphic novel was simply a self contained story that was written for that volume only. In other words it was never individual issues.
A trade paperback was a collection of issues that was one story. Like Watchmen.

Gray Man

What lies. the man speaks the truth. Some people prefer to have a thoughtful script that makes you think, than 250 mill thrown at the screen.

I think Memento and The Dark Knight trilogy are very different movies, and for the most part both really well done on my level.

I think "Memento" and "Inception" are a little overrated, but they are still good movies. I think Christopher Nolan has the rare ability to wrap the world and stories he creates with a sense of greatness, larger than you, more grand than you can imagine.

This is really good, because it helps hide, or dull down any plot issues, script, etc.
He is right. While TDKR is good and entertaining, it`s not art to me. I`ve heard a bunch of people I know say it is one of most artistic films ever and stuff... yet they wouldn`t be caught dead watching something from Buñuel or the like.
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