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Started dating a girl.. who watches dolphin porn

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Find the nearest exit. Bail the fuck out. Change your phone number . Move to a new state. Stage you death and find a new identity.
Name and shame

I'm waiting for a star to fall
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Although he's proud of his scat love.
Yay or Nay on the continuation of that situation?

I found a few videos of it in a folder on her desktop. So I checked her browser and.. it gets worse. I wont go further into detail. But should i date someone who could potentially molest my dogs?
Sounds like a freak (in a good way).

Stick with it. See what happens. And respect her privacy from now on, Jesus.


human on dolphin. she had a site just for this kind of thing in her history. I am not at her pc.. Will update

Dr Prob

There is such a thing?

Sure. Or at least an internet thing.

Many years ago someone on a board linked to a dolphin sex FAQ and what really stood out after reading it a few times (it was interesting!) was that the male dolphins ejaculate hard. Like, someone could get injured.

So it's a safety issue for her. Plus you could get some crazy disease.

On the other hand, your dogs aren't dolphins, so that worry seems completely unfounded.

Is she pretty?


Some people have weird fetishes that hurt nobody. I think you're the weird one for intruding on her privacy.
Isn't a dolphin's ejaculation so powerful that it can crush skulls?

Tell her not to give them blow jobs.
Hmm, let's see

*Googles "Dolphin ejaculation"*

After much consideration, my partner and I have decided to post up a few stills from some of our home movies. You'll have to forgive the quality, these stills were taken from a heavily compressed version of the footage rather than the raw footage.

Mostly, we'd like to dispel some of the silly myths that get passed around about various forms of sexual activity with dolphins, their anatomy, and their sexual behaviour and because so many people lie or exaggerate about their experience we've decided to prove ours. In short, they do not ejaculate with enough pressure to cause you internal damage. I can personally verify that the parts of all those involved are still perfectly functional and there was no pain or injury involved.

I really don't reccomend you try this yourselves. Dolphins aren't the cute, cuddly, spiritual creatures that a lot of people seem to like to imagine them as. They are large carnivores that can quite easily kill you just for their own entertainment if they choose to. They have a wicked sense of humour.

Before anybody asks...

I will not tell you where the video footage was taken.
I will not tell you when it was taken.
I will not tell you how we had this level of access to dolphins.
I will not post the entire film, nor will I give it to anyone who PMs me asking for it.


The dog thing wasn't that serious. Im more worried she has eatin a humans feces before. I didnt want to go into that detail so I focused on the other fucked up thing
Some people have weird fetishes that hurt nobody. I think you're the weird one for intruding on her privacy.
Except the dolphins...they are hurtin'

I assume its not dolphin on dolphin sex.

Are we talking beastiality here OP? Or is it two dolphins fucking?

It's fucking weird regardless. She has a few screws loose. Run fast.

Edit: okay it's human on dolphin. ~_~


Dumb reason to break up. If it bothers you so much, just freakin talk to her about it. That's what you're supposed to be able to do with your significant other.
The dog thing wasn't that serious. Im more worried she has eatin a humans feces before. I didnt want to go into that detail so I focused on the other fucked up thing

Nah nah you can just make a statement like that without some deets.
Dumb reason to break up. If it bothers you so much, just freakin talk to her about it. That's what you're supposed to be able to do with your significant other.

I agree. Make sure to drop in a casual question about the taste of human excrement next time you talk to her.


still a junior
I know a person who is afraid of dolphins taking over the world. This topic startled me. Then I kept reading...
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