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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Violence Jack - Hell Town

Said it was dropped but my stubborn self sat through the rest of it. Fuuuuuuck everything.
My Little Monster 1:
Fantastic. That's how you put together a great first episode. Shizuku and Haru are both already set up as really likable characters, a hell of a lot happens, and it's both hilarious and touching. I really loved how this episode was able to go from laugh out loud comedy to moving drama at the drop of a pin. The art style for the show is also very pretty and distinct looking. I love the color.

Definitely looking forward to seeing more of this, especially given how much things changed in some unpredictable ways just in the first episode alone.


Predilections about moé princesses trapped in a box aside, Nia is fundamental to Simon's character arc. The story hasn't changed focus at all.

That depends on what you think the focus was to begin with, I suppose. When the show started Kamina, Simone and Yoko all had an equal share of the time. Then it became the Simone show. As of episode 12 Yoko at least regained some screen time, so I'm open to the possibility that things work out.

I do like the show, and I don't expect it to get worse
except no Kamina is bugging me
; I just think that Nia is an insufferably terrible character and a detriment to an otherwise fun show.

Part of it is the sadness of seeing such a bad Gundam show. At the time, SEED and Wing are probably the worst Gundam had to offer. Neither of them are particularly bad, just not amazing. Than comes Destiny. Just as SEED is a sort of pseudo remake of 0079, Destiny does the same for Zeta. Except the forgot to put in things like decent characters and drama. They introduce Shinn, the worst Gundam protagonist ever put to screen. Just when they start developing him, and having the balls to make him
actually beat Kira
, they undo that and make Kira the main character. Kira than becomes the most awful, overpowered, haxz0r pilot in Gundam history. The fact they're ruining some plot lines from arguably the greatest Gundam show of all time makes this all the more heartbreaking.

Man, Destiny looks pretty, but the characters are just awful. Shinn is terrible. Destiny Kira is terrible. Also, as you mentioned, the ending is so much BS.

Hahaha, I guess I have terrible taste in anime, then, because Wing is the only Gundam I've ever known and I love it
but I will readily admit that anyone whose name is not Zechs Merquise is a completely flat character in that show
, and I honestly think that Destiny Kira is cooler than SEED Kira was. Neither one is as cool as Athrun, but he does have the hotter girlfriend.

What I already know will make me hate this, though, is that no explanation will ever really satisfy me as to why
Mu is now a bad guy
. Just as Rau Le Creuset's explanation was not satisfactory at best and out and out terrible when suddenly it became
one more convoluted and never well-explained aspect of Kira and Cagali's childhood

What I do find nifty about Gundam SEED is that the Freedom always winds up up against Gundams that have names contrary to the idea of Freedom. Justice, Providence, and Destiny, namely. It would've been nice if any of the characters piloting those suits, aside from Rau
and by proxy Durandal
had any connection to the ideas their suits embodied.

Crazy WMG here: Shinn is actually a clone of Durandal. Same complexion, same hair color, similar eye color, one still has a brain . . .


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Psycho Pass 07

The Chipmunk Detective in its natural CG habitat.
I was surprised that such a simplistic arc finds itself being dragged out for so long. The last episode might as well not exist for as little it adds to the story. It is pretty simple to identify the weaknesses of an episode like this. This show has no personality, characters wear blank and expressionless faces that tell the viewer nothing in environments that feel flat and nondescript. To complicate things the events occurring are almost a classic victim of telling rather than showing. It is really unfortunate how this series is turning out.


Sucks at poetry
Wow! This is exactly what I needed after the shit I just saw. Both are really good Extollere! :)

Thanks I'll share the colored up one when it's done. If it pleases you, use it how you like.

That one is good, but I like the first one more. Deko just sitting there isn't really doing it for me. She should have some sort of reaction.

Yep. Pretty much what I felt. The first one is actually the second :p
I'll probably clean up the lines on it anyways.
Genshiken 04

And enters the cosplay girl. Not a bad episode. The chase scene was fun as well as the animated anger. Finally noticed that the ED reflects the aftermath of each episode so at least that gives me something to look forward to.


Sucks at poetry
My Little Monster 1:
Fantastic. That's how you put together a great first episode. Shizuku and Haru are both already set up as really likable characters, a hell of a lot happens, and it's both hilarious and touching. I really loved how this episode was able to go from laugh out loud comedy to moving drama at the drop of a pin. The art style for the show is also very pretty and distinct looking. I love the color.

Definitely looking forward to seeing more of this, especially given how much things changed in some unpredictable ways just in the first episode alone.

Just watch the first episode 8 times and you'll be caught up with the rest of us.
Violence Jack - Hell Town

This was edited and banned in various locales for good reason!

Ah, the days when Shounen Jump could be home to a banned series. Times sure have changed.

Edit: Huh, apparently it was Shounen Magazine. Oh well, they still wouldn't get away with Go Nagai shit these days even if they are more lenient than WSJ.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I guess this screen was developed to properly display HidaSketch S10 or something.


Ah, the days when Shounen Jump could be home to a banned series. Times sure have changed.

Edit: Huh, apparently it was Shounen Magazine. Oh well, they still wouldn't get away with Go Nagai shit these days even if they are more lenient than WSJ.

Yeah, the stuff in Violence Jack was pretty ridiculous. Gets getting brutally killed and shit. Eventually the manga did move to a seinen magazine.


Hahaha, I guess I have terrible taste in anime, then, because Wing is the only Gundam I've ever known and I love it
but I will readily admit that anyone whose name is not Zechs Merquise is a completely flat character in that show
, . . .
Let me be clear. Wing is not a bad show. It's totally cool to like it. It just doesn't compare to 0079, Vicfory, or especially Turn A and Zeta. I would argue G is better as well, but that's debatable.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Otaku no Video 2
Fucking GAINAX I swear to God. That was trippy as fuck.

Otaku no Video final thoughts

The disconnect between the imaginary and the tangible is at the forefront here. I found the whole thing to be tremendously sad, what with
Kubo and Tanaka's constant longing for "simpler, but bigger". The Portrait of an Otaku segments only highlight the disparity of what nerds want nerds to make out of the world and what the world really is for such nerds. It's a very innocent view of society that reminds me of all those Anno interviews about his views on manchildren.

Idyllic in 2D, and pathetic in 3D. Kubo's determination and entrepreneurship is misleading about the solitude in which most of these people be. It hit me the most when Fukuhara suddenly appeared to save Kubo's enterprise with her amazing drawing skills, especially as it had been preceded by an upsetting segment regarding an otaku's use of video games to relieve his sexual needs. It's damnation through contrast.

Neat experiment nevertheless. Not sure how soon I will revisit it, but there wasn't anything particularly offensive for me to hate it or love it at either side of the spectrum. It's funnies were funny and there was plenty else to enjoy from here. I give this three bunnygirls out of five.
That depends on what you think the focus was to begin with, I suppose. When the show started Kamina, Simone and Yoko all had an equal share of the time. Then it became the Simone show. As of episode 12 Yoko at least regained some screen time, so I'm open to the possibility that things work out.
Gurren Lagann was always, from episode one, Simon's story.


Honestly, I think we should wait a few months before doing the 2012 AOTY thread to give people some time to check out anything they missed and to allow any 2-cour shows still running to finish.

This is always the best idea for a number of reasons.

It would be a bad idea to start the thread before series like From the New World are finished.


[Violence Jack] - Hell Town

Jack is a mysterious, unexplainable beast. Apparently he spends some part of his time standing inside walls. Why was he there? How did he survive being trapped behind the rubble? Does any of it matter?:


The plot is incredibly simple. Three groups of people are trapped in the rubble of a mall: Group A are a bunch of 'normal men' and a few kids. Group C is a group of women who have barricaded themselves away from the men. Group B is basically an evil biker gang. As this is a 80's apocalypse you have to have your pre-requisite FOTNS punk gang lead by a giant baddie:


All the groups wish to escape the rubble but most of the 'drama' in this OVA resolves around whether or not group C are going to be brutally raped and murdered by the other two groups. It's classy, highbrow stuff. Go Nagai really knows how to write women:


Of course, because this is Violence Jack, in the end everyone gets brutally raped, murdered, or eaten. Or some combination of the above. Even kids:



Excessively gratuitous on pretty much every level I can't really think of any reason to watch this. It has some pretty good animation, I suppose.


wandering son not at #1 is why Obama was reelected.

Too much competition.

2012 wasn't nearly as good as 2011 sadly. I'm still on the Nise train as far as personal taste goes but my other favorites include Fate/Zero, Tonari (so far), with stuff like Joshiraku and Hyouka sprinkled in. Chuu2 is dependent on whether it devolves into shitty drama towards the end for no good reason.


Let me be clear. Wing is not a bad show. It's totally cool to like it. It just doesn't compare to 0079, Vicfory, or especially Turn A and Zeta. I would argue G is better as well, but that's debatable.

I couldn't say, since Wing and SEED are the only ones I've ever actually watched. Well, and I think maybe a bit of G.

Gurren Lagann was always, from episode one, Simon's story.

I'm not disagreeing with you on that. At all. And as of episode 13 Simone no longer consumes all the screentime anyway, so my complaint was a brief and moot one. Although the opening intro's definitely misled, what with the guy shown during the "This is the story of a man" bit having Kamina's cape and all. But I still don't disagree. It's definitely Simone's story and he's not hogging all the screentime anymore, so I'm over it.
Nia still sucks though :)

Anyway Big O 13 has blown my brains out. Clearly it all takes place after End of Evangelion and the Megadeuses (Megadueces?) are just the end result of the Jet Alone project, since
I guess the world ended in a Giant Robot Holocaust?

And if Roger is Batman, Norman is Alfred, Dastan is Gordon, and Schwarzwald is the Joker, is Dorothy Robin? And is her blossoming love just one long joke about how Batman and Robin are gay?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
This is always the best idea for a number of reasons.

It would be a bad idea to start the thread before series like From the New World are finished.
We could always revote for AotY 2011 and wait until 2014 to do 2012's.
I'm not disagreeing with you on that. At all. And as of episode 13 Simone no longer consumes all the screentime anyway, so my complaint was a brief and moot one. Although the opening intro's definitely misled, what with the guy shown during the "This is the story of a man" bit having Kamina's cape and all. But I still don't disagree. It's definitely Simone's story and he's not hogging all the screentime anymore, so I'm over it.
Nia still sucks though :)
Kamina's importance is overstated in most internet discussion, I fear.
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