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The Wonderful 101 Nintendo Direct trailer


Looks great. I'm trying to get a grasp of how it'll play, though. Like a character action game (only your character is 101 little guys)?

I've also read this will have dodge offset (amazing), right? This means combos. Given the different 'weapons' available, I wonder how flexible the combo system will be - could you switch 'weapons' mid-combo?

From what I understand, you switch 'weapons' by drawing on the screen (an approximation of what the weapon looks like) or using the right stick. How will this impact gameplay? You're punching baddies with, say, a giant hammer or whatever. A big projectile approaches. With a quick stroke, you draw yourself into a jelly shield, then draw a gun and shoot the farther enemies then draw a hammer to continue beating up the closer baddies. Am I imagining this right?

The though of a highly flexible 'weapon'/combo system with dodge offset sounds very appealing.


The game looks amazing but I'm not going to be getting excited about it until more is known. Game length, replayabilty, multiplayer (local or online), etc. With Bayonetta 2 I know at least something in regard to what I can expect because I can look up information on the first one. Monolith Soft's new game is going to be an RPG and that's my genre of choice and I loved Xenoblade and Xenogears back in the day. So I have no problem getting super excited for "X". This game is still a big unknown in regard to it being worth a $60 purchase. At the moment I'm not planning of getting this day one or at full price. More information is needed.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Someone who has watched the ND multiple times, is it me or did Iwata imply W101 would be out before the summer?

I've just rewatched that bit, and this is what Iwata said around 18:30

"We are planning a steady stream of games from this Spring to Summer, including Game & Wario, Wii Fit U, Pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, from our friends at TT Games and, of course, the Wonderful 101"

The order isn't probably casual (aside from LCU): Game & Wario has been officialized for March 28th in Japan, and probably Wii Fit U will follow not that far because they already showed all the boxarts for the different SKUs + already rated by OFLC. And we need to include "Wii Party U" coming in Summer.

Moreover, on the YouTube page, the part starting at 18:30 is indicated as "Spring and Summer Games"


I also happen to looooove this moment and just had to make a gif


the way W101 glows is so badarse

This games is so freaking drunk with style that it doesn't make sense and doesn't have to. Like the way the ground smashes when he lands, but he stands and it's totally unblemished.

Like; "Yeah, that's right, it's not really smashed, although I smashed it, and I don't give #?%@ cause we hot sh!t!"

I love when a game seems to exhibit what a fun time the team had while designing it. Miyamoto admitted having a lot of fun with Pikmin 3, and that's showing too. I can only imagine how much fun Platinum must be having with this gem.
Looks great. I'm trying to get a grasp of how it'll play, though. Like a character action game (only your character is 101 little guys)?

I've also read this will have dodge offset (amazing), right? This means combos. Given the different 'weapons' available, I wonder how flexible the combo system will be - could you switch 'weapons' mid-combo?

From what I understand, you switch 'weapons' by drawing on the screen (an approximation of what the weapon looks like) or using the right stick. How will this impact gameplay? You're punching baddies with, say, a giant hammer or whatever. A big projectile approaches. With a quick stroke, you draw yourself into a jelly shield, then draw a gun and shoot the farther enemies then draw a hammer to continue beating up the closer baddies. Am I imagining this right?

The though of a highly flexible 'weapon'/combo system with dodge offset sounds very appealing.

Not on a computer to find the link quick, but check out igns coverage of p101 from last years e3.

I remember the guy showing how the gamrplay mechanics work.
I've just rewatched that bit, and this is what Iwata said around 18:30

"We are planning a steady stream of games from this Spring to Summer, including Game & Wario, Wii Fit U, Pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, from our friends at TT Games and, of course, the Wonderful 101"

The order isn't probably casual (aside from LCU): Game & Wario has been officialized for March 28th in Japan, and probably Wii Fit U will follow not that far because they already showed all the boxarts for the different SKUs + already rated by OFLC. And we need to include "Wii Party U" coming in Summer.

Moreover, on the YouTube page, the part starting at 18:30 is indicated as "Spring and Summer Games"

A few people were asking Kamiya about a summer release, or a post-summer release, on Twitter and he seemed...I dunno, shocked? That might be the right word.


It's possible. When I played it last, the gamepad screen was just a static image of the motions you make for weapons. No reason it couldn't have off-TV play and the dodging mechanic makes it an excellent showcase for how little lag there is.
Isn't there a part where you go into a storage-like building and you have to look at the gamepad and the TV to unlock the door?
I love this. I want a game like this except a bit more open world - with four characters - giant monsters ...aka I basically want a power rangers game like this where you morph into suits and fight big ass bosses in a huge mech.

one day.
Everything is just so damn vibrant! I love the use of color :^)

I love this. I want a game like this except a bit more open world - with four characters - giant monsters ...aka I basically want a power rangers game like this where you morph into suits and fight big ass bosses in a huge mech.

one day.

The first thing I thought of was the new Xeno trailer to be honest.
I'm still calling August for this game. My hype is growing by the day. I think all these gifs have really sold me. I hope it gets a good marketing push.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I can't help but be reminded of the sega am2 games when i see this game in action. It just has that style, i guess the full bright textures and the 60fps have a lot to with it. At the risk of sounding hokey, it just looks like a game!


So...what are the chances of this being successful and us getting a Viewtiful Joe HD Collection or a Viewtiful Joe 3???


You know, this Nintendo Direct trailer was what sold me on the game. Last year's reveal, was like "Ehr..kinda meh, but is Platinum/Kamiya so I'll keep an eye out".

Can't wait. :)
So...what are the chances of this being successful and us getting a Viewtiful Joe HD Collection or a Viewtiful Joe 3???

This game being successful and Viewtiful Joe anything happening are entirely unrelated. Viewtiful Joe remains the property of Capcom.


It's amazing how agry this post makes me. Because all of these points are completely valid. People who enjoy video games should love this, but hearing the talk about it not being worth 60 dollars and the like just blows me the fuck away.

I fear for this industry in the next few years.

I just want to say this game looks amazing. Keep on fighting the good fight, Nintendo, Platnium. :(

Games aren't worth $60 now unless it's an FPS with online multiplayer!


This seems like a "couple weeks after E3" title, doesn't it? Kind of like OoT 3D in the U.S.

Reason being, we'll have Bayo 2 at E3, which will build hype for Platinum, and thus TW101, as well.

Release the final TW101 trailer at E3, then bring it out shortly aftre E3, and coast off dat hype.


This seems like a "couple weeks after E3" title, doesn't it? Kind of like OoT 3D in the U.S.

Reason being: Bayo 2 at E3, plus the latest trailer for this TW101, will build hype for Platinum, and thus TW101. Then you release with similar timing to OoT 3D (relative to E3) and coast off dat hype.

MGR, Anarchy Reigns, Bayonetta 2, and this. Platinum on a roll.


If they do end up showing Smash, 3D Mario, and Mario Kart at E3, as promised, and then add to that the inevitable Retro game reveal, along with new demos of TW101, and maybe footage of Bayo2 and X... 2013's already shaping up to be one of Nintendo's strongest E3s ever. And on top of that they'll surely have the 3DS' holiday lineup in tow. Wowee.


If they do end up showing Smash, 3D Mario, and Mario Kart at E3, as promised, and then add to that the inevitable Retro game reveal, along with new demos of TW101, and maybe footage of Bayo2 and X... 2013's already shaping up to be one of Nintendo's strongest E3s ever. And on top of that they'll surely have the 3DS' holiday lineup in tow. Wowee.
I'm also really curious to see whatever Monster Games has been up to since Pilotwings Resort, and what Treasure is cooking up for the 3DS.
If they do end up showing Smash, 3D Mario, and Mario Kart at E3, as promised, and then add to that the inevitable Retro game reveal, along with new demos of TW101, and maybe footage of Bayo2 and X... 2013's already shaping up to be one of Nintendo's strongest E3s ever. And on top of that they'll surely have the 3DS' holiday lineup in tow. Wowee.

Potential Nintendo E3 2013:

3D Mario, Wii U [playable]
Super Smash Bros. 4, Wii U & 3DS
Mario Kart 8, Wii U [playable]
Monolith Soft's 'X', Wii U
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Wii U
Wii U Party, Wii U
Wii U Sports, Wii U
Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei, Wii U
Retro Studio's Game, Wii U
Yarn Yoshi, Wii U
The Wonderful 101, Wii U (depends on release pre-/post-E3)
Bayonetta 2, Wii U
Pokemon X & Y, 3DS
The Legend of Zelda, 3DS

Plus Treasure, Monster & any surprises.


That is pret-ty impressive. I imagine this is normal for a console's first E3 after launch. That's when all the games which have been cooking for a while are ready for showtime.


Potential Nintendo E3 2013:

3D Mario, Wii U [playable]
Super Smash Bros. 4, Wii U & 3DS
Mario Kart 8, Wii U [playable]
Monolith Soft's 'X', Wii U
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Wii U
Wii U Party, Wii U
Wii U Sports, Wii U
Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei, Wii U
Retro Studio's Game, Wii U
Yarn Yoshi, Wii U
The Wonderful 101, Wii U (depends on release pre-/post-E3)
Bayonetta 2, Wii U
Pokemon X & Y, 3DS
The Legend of Zelda, 3DS

Plus Treasure, Monster & any surprises.

I came


Potential Nintendo E3 2013:

3D Mario, Wii U [playable]
Super Smash Bros. 4, Wii U & 3DS
Mario Kart 8, Wii U [playable]
Monolith Soft's 'X', Wii U
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Wii U
Wii U Party, Wii U
Wii U Sports, Wii U
Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei, Wii U
Retro Studio's Game, Wii U
Yarn Yoshi, Wii U
The Wonderful 101, Wii U (depends on release pre-/post-E3)
Bayonetta 2, Wii U
Pokemon X & Y, 3DS
The Legend of Zelda, 3DS

Plus Treasure, Monster & any surprises.

There are also the unannounced collaborations with third-parties that Iwata made mention of. Which could be anything, really.


hot damn I had absolutely no hype for this game before this trailer.

Wow, visually it's stunning and the gameplay looks intriguing.


One thing I noticed in W101 is how the environments seem to have some "volume" to them, giving them a look similar to CGI. Are they just pre-rendered or is it the engine using some kind of special visual effect?


One thing I noticed in W101 is how the environments seem to have some "volume" to them, giving them a look similar to CGI. Are they just pre-rendered or is it the engine using some kind of special visual effect?

It's all in-engine, they just make effective use of clean texturing, depth of field, and I think there's some motion blur.

One thing I liked about this trailer over the others is that they're really starting to show off some of the insane boss fights in this game. They can really do some interesting stuff with the sense of scale.


Potential Nintendo E3 2013:

3D Mario, Wii U [playable]
Super Smash Bros. 4, Wii U & 3DS
Mario Kart 8, Wii U [playable]
Monolith Soft's 'X', Wii U
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Wii U
Wii U Party, Wii U
Wii U Sports, Wii U
Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei, Wii U
Retro Studio's Game, Wii U
Yarn Yoshi, Wii U
The Wonderful 101, Wii U (depends on release pre-/post-E3)
Bayonetta 2, Wii U
Pokemon X & Y, 3DS
The Legend of Zelda, 3DS

Plus Treasure, Monster & any surprises.

They'd have to try really hard to fuck it up.

No Nintendo, that's not a challenge. Seriously no. NOOOOO
It's all in-engine, they just make effective use of clean texturing, depth of field, and I think there's some motion blur.

One thing I liked about this trailer over the others is that they're really starting to show off some of the insane boss fights in this game. They can really do some interesting stuff with the sense of scale.

Playing with scale is what I'm interested in the most. The giant robot boss they've been demoing for a while and this new footage all contains some massive structural destruction. I really hope they push it to completely ridiculous levels.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
My most anticipated game at E3 this year will be it and the new Monster Games title, assuming it will be an arcade racer again: Excite U, Wave Race, F Zero? Whatever. Bought.


You guys forgot that Miyamoto's new IP, could be revealed this year too.
We don't really know if it exists anymore. Miyamoto originally said he'd like to introduce "a new character IP" on Pikmin's 10th anniversary but that was 2011. Maybe they're just taking their time with it and use it to test new ideas or maybe it's cancelled.


I really hope this game gets the attention it deserves. Would hate for it to turn into another under the radar gem


I was completely in awe of the X announcement that I completely skipped over this, but now that I've seen that trailer I'm so hyped for this. It's fucking dinosaurs man!

If this was given some commercial airtime I reckon it could be wildly successful. Oozing with tokusatsu style, bright and colourful yet action packed and high quality it gets across its Saturday morning cartoon feeling very easily (but not in a bad way, quite the opposite) except it's totally playable. The game is gonna have a lot of "Fuck yeah!' moments and there's next to no chance of the game making you shake your head, facepalm or cringe which is ironic coming from the guy who made Bayonetta (though I loved its cutscenes).
So, is the little white floating thing at 0:21 new? I don't remember seeing that in any E3 footage of (what I assume is) the same section. Maybe it's the 'Murphy' of this game? Or the player's cursor - the 1 in to the 101, if you will :p

EDIT: Went back and looked at the E3 footage and it's there too. How did I never notice it before!?
It's not going to get much exposure at all. It isn't even gaining much traction on NeoGAF.

I don't know why people on here are shocked this game isn't generating more attention. Platinum's games usually don't sell exceptionally well, and more than likely neither will this.


Unconfirmed Member
I think it has more to do with there being nothing to talk about really, more than anything.

Like we still barely no anything about it besides the name and that it has english voicework


Potential Nintendo E3 2013:

3D Mario, Wii U [playable] Confirmed
Super Smash Bros. 4, Wii U & 3DS At most a trailer
Mario Kart 8, Wii U [playable] Confirmed
Monolith Soft's 'X', Wii U Doubt it.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Wii U Most likely
Wii U Party, Wii U Most likely
Wii U Sports, Wii U 50/50 on this one
Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei, Wii U Doubt it
Retro Studio's Game, Wii U Guaranteed unless they announce it beforehand in a Direct
Yarn Yoshi, Wii U Most likely
The Wonderful 101, Wii U (depends on release pre-/post-E3) Guessing one final trailer at E3 before a June/July launch
Bayonetta 2, Wii U Probably not since it looked really early in devlopment from that one video, but maybe a tease of some kind
Pokemon X & Y, 3DS Doubt it
The Legend of Zelda, 3DS 50/50. I can see them saving this for a post-E3 Direct

Plus Treasure, Monster & any surprises.
My thoughts.
My thoughts.

You don't think the biggest 3DS games so far will make an appearance? I don't really understand your logic here.

Anyway, this E3 is impossible to screw up, although I know Nintendo will try. StreetsAhead's list has me really excited either way (yes, even after last year ;_;).
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