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What was Media Molecule thinking with their Move tech demo?


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios

You would expect MM to do something special and different and they show some crappy move footage. Hope that's not their game.


It started out pretty great with the entire "build your own world".

And then I had a Wii Music deja vu.


Yeah, I thought it was bizarre. That is not what I imagine myself and my friends doing for fun.


The only real dud of the event. So silly. Firstly I'm not interested in Move anyway, but ok, benefit of the doubt, Zbrush PS4 cool...but then to not tie it in to gameplay and instead throw together a music video? Fail...


i mean if they were offering some sort of playful 3D SCULPTOR that came for free with every PS4 (or maybe was like $3 on PSN), it'd be neat and all, but uh... seemed like otherwise a waste of time


nods at old men
It's not even a game right?
It's their own little in house demo thing.

I didn't get it at all, and really didn't need to see it.


It was pretty funny to watch Media Molecule try to be serious about this PS Move-based game. I love how developers came out and talked about the hardware being able to make their "dreams come true and bring in a new level of "emotion" and shit. It's almost as hilarious as the metaphors so many Japanese developers use to describe their approach to game design.


It was kinda cool how they sculpted those different objects, but the part where they were "controlling" those "people" I didn't understand at all. How did it know which parts were it's legs and arms? How did it know to interact with the guitar? That part confused me like hell.

It reminded me of Wii Music and how simple gestures played instruments, in this case dance and play instruments, except in this case it wasn't clear at all what it's purpose really is.


I was wowed by the 3D creation ..but was hoping for a mention of exporting otherwise all that work for showing a Dream? And then you act it out or something? Pretty confusing.

Also I'd hope you could disable the camera recording in the background while doing it too - they should have at least made it more transparent (literally) if it is going to be a storytelling thing.
Yes that was odd

It's like they had a hit idea with LittleBigPlanet and they are afraid to try anything that doesn't top it in terms of innovation

I sincerely hope that isn't all they have done for next gen after all this time


Fascinating. I thought it was one of the only remotely interesting parts of the press conference. Seemed really neat.


That guy actually stood up there with a straight face and said that they worked tirelessly for 2 years working on a solution to figure out how to "record their dreams" and then after meditating on it they decided boom...the move controller was right in front of them all along.


Wut? I thought it was great. Amazing tech. Basically Zbrush but on console. I'm sure they will build another great game with this.
The only real dud of the event. So silly. Firstly I'm not interested in Move anyway, but ok, benefit of the doubt, Zbrush PS4 cool...but then to not tie it in to gameplay and instead throw together a music video? Fail...

exactly. I thought it was interesting and would be fun for people to get into "clay" modelling. Then they took it in a weird direction.
I thought the sculpting was super neat until I realized that couldn't ever be used in a game (Media Molecule likely knows this as well) and then they did the Ravi Drums and what? There is literally zero percent chance that they did not know this looked like Wii Music, so I can't fathom why they ran with it anyway.
I guess they didn't learn anything from the tepid reception Ninty got for WiiMusic. Then again, maybe most of that was (hopefully) a tech demo...


Am I the only one who really liked it? I guess I am.

It looks like you could do all sorts of cool creative stuff with it.
It honestly looked fake as fuck. There's no way those characters were doing what they did just because of the gestures the players made.

nick nacc

what i dont understand is why the move still exists. THE DUALSHOCK FOUR HAS A LIGHT ON IT THAT THE NEW CAMERA THING DETECTS DOESNT IT?!?! The most intuitive thing they can do is get rid of it.
None of that presentation made any sense to me. From the weird 3D editor thing using the move controller to the really really weird rock band thing I was just continuously perplexed.
It was definitely odd but one thing i started thinking about is the possibility of people to create movies with this thing, create new environments and make movies.
I laughed at it, for all the wrong reasons. I guess it's better than showing a new LBP game though. Hopefully they're moving on to something better.


listen to the mad man
The 3D sculpting looked cool, but I don't actually understand what the end part was.

They emphasized that it was "live" and "shot in one take"--what was? The animations clearly weren't procedurally generated. It's possible the movements of the controllers had something to do with what was happening, but even then I'm not sure. Also the music obviously had to be pre-baked since it was too technically complex to be generated from simple button-pushing. They said it was just a concept rather than a game, but I don't actually understand what the concept was either.
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