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Wordpress Blog Created Today rumor: Activision pissed with BLOPS 2 Wii U sales

Wow, you're angry! My post had nothing to do with Kotaku. If you think it's "trolling" to point out that this thread is about an anonymous rumor from a random wordpress blog, then you need to be less sensitive.

I don't believe you, however, I cannot prove your intent. So ill just leave it. 90% of what you post reads like a kotaku defence in some way. Maybe its worth thinking why people would get that impression, rather than calling them "sensitive".

and I'm perfectly calm thank you. I just call things as I see them.
Nintendo's persistent problem -- across generations -- is a demographic problem.

Look at the games that make the big four publisher's bread and butter on consoles:

Need for Speed
Call of Duty
Assassin's Creed
Just Dance
Grand Theft Auto
Red Dead Redemption

Outside of Skylanders and JustDance (Which, by the way, sold best on Wii), all of those games have a laserlike focus on the 16-35 male demographic. I'm not saying that Nintendo has no interest in that demographic; but they are also concerned with drawing in women, the elderly, and children.

As such, 100 million Nintendo consoles sold may only mean 30 million 16-35 year old gamers, while 100 million Playstations sold is probably closer to 70 million. That is the key, persistent problem for Nintendo. Their demographic focus is simply different than all four of the big publishers, who are much more aligned with the demographic Sony and Microsoft are after.

Now add to that general problem another problem specific to this generation; install base. Not only do Nintendo's systems generally sell less software focused on 16-35 year olds, but a low install base only exacerbates this problem for third parties.

Totally agree, and I think it really has more to do with SONY and Microsoft having won those key demographics long ago, they started by winning over the younger teens by being the "Cool" at the transition of this we had years of Nintendo products being called "Kiddy" because this was the years when things like GTA was taking hold. No one can say that this image has left the minds of many gamers who were once 20 and now 35 and still don't see a Nintendo platforms as a home for them. Nintendo has very little chance in winning them back. We had a major outcry from the Bayonetta 2 stuff mostly because the game seems to not fit the Nintendo demographic.

I really don't want it to change. I would give my left arm for an Animal Crossing Wii U version of this 3DS new leaf. Nintendo can't have it both ways.


Did Activision even advertise the Wii U version? As I remember, because it was released earlier, all ads/most trailers had the 360/PS3 release date, they didn't bother mentioning the Wii U version. Same with ACIII.
People are taking this source seriously. You really should not, unless you are completely unskeptical or are already looking to kick the Wii U and use this as justification to do so.

Looking at the OPs post history, I can see the motivation.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Need for Speed
Call of Duty
Assassin's Creed
Just Dance
Grand Theft Auto
Red Dead Redemption

I wouldn't pay more than $20 for any of those games... and that's being overly generous in many cases.

Perhaps I am part of the problem. Heh.


It's like they don't know that people can own multiple consoles and would have bought the game on other platforms due to it being out already on those platforms.

Why should they? Only because PS3/360 have a bigger install basis therefore more online players, additionally, the WiiU is missing beloved online content? Come on.

People are taking this source seriously. You really should not, unless you are completely unskeptical or are already looking to kick the Wii U and use this as justification to do so.

You know the gif.


There's just no way in hell the major executives at Activision couldn't have seen this coming. No way in hell. It was obviously going to get low sales. The reason for porting it over would be for building interest on the platform for the title for future sales only.

Don't know who this guy is, but I have a hard time believing this came out of anyones mouth.


Junior Member
People are taking this source seriously. You really should not, unless you are completely unskeptical or are already looking to kick the Wii U and use this as justification to do so.

Shhhh. You're spoiling the fun. :<


Did Activision even advertise the Wii U version? As I remember, because it was released earlier, all ads/most trailers had the 360/PS3 release date, they didn't bother mentioning the Wii U version. Same with ACIII.

Advertisement was poor. Acknowledgement of it even existing was kept under wraps until they felt like talking about it though we knew much earlier.

A few weeks before release they say sorry Wii U not getting dlc or the preorder bonuses previously offered with it.

It may have had extra effort put into aspects of it but it was still treated like the red headed step child.


Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't pay more than $20 for any of those games... and that's being overly generous in many cases.

Perhaps I am part of the problem. Heh.

I understand the yearly update stuff, and to a smaller extent GTA, but Red Dead is a legitimately good game you should check out if you haven't, and have the means to.
I can't believe the source is a Wordpress blog and people are replying like it's legit.

Not only a Wordpress blog, it's a recently-created Wordpress blog with just two posts made by some anonymous, no-name guy with his only "credentials" as a Twitter account with literally three posts to its name.

Anyone who is responding seriously to this "rumor" hasn't bothered to check the source at all.


I'm sure they did a great job of the port, but I'm not going to buy it when I can buy the superior - and likely cheaper - version on pc. You want my money, Activision? Then give the Wii U what it truly needs, exclusive new games built from the ground up to take advantage of that new controller. Multiplatform ports are fine and all, but I'm not surprised at all that the numbers were so low in the first few months during launch. And while I'm sure they made the best use they could out of the gamepad, it was nothing but a pithy effort to get something out on the Wii U so they wouldn't have had to focus actual resources on the console.

And gamers will prefer to buy Nintendo games? Yeah, no shit genius, there's a reason for that. Step up your game, give us a reason to buy your software and we will do it. Bitching about Nintendo's great first party games is no excuse when all you've done to entice gamers is to release a port of a game that saw release first on the established systems. A port of a game already available for other machines, no matter how good the port, is a shitty non-effort on your part that will excite only the very few.


I can't believe the source is a Wordpress blog and people are replying like it's legit.

Lol. I know right. Still though, even of this truly was the case, Activision would be kinda dumb to think that people wouldn't buy the better game than COD.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I understand the yearly update stuff, and to a smaller extent GTA, but Red Dead is a legitimately good game you should check out if you haven't, and have the means to.

I rarely pay more than $20 for -any- game... I'll pay $50 for a few of Nintendo's first party titles, but I certainly won't pay $60 for anything.


Is there any reason Activision doesn't put their games on the eShop? 'Cause literally every other company has most/all of theirs on it. Even EA.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
My official response to this is now posted on the BLOPS 2 Miiverse forum.


Not only a Wordpress blog, it's a recently-created Wordpress blog with just two posts made by some anonymous, no-name guy with his only "credentials" as a Twitter account with literally three posts to its name.

Anyone who is responding seriously to this "rumor" hasn't bothered to check the source at all.

Which kinda tells you the real reason they're here in this thread. It's sad really...


The reason I doubt this quote is because previous COD games sold reasonably well on the Wii. Nowhere near the numbers put up by their HD equivalents of course, but apart from MW3 (released when the Wii was effectively dead), I believe they all hit at least 1m in sales apiece. The BlOpsII sales may well be dismal and Nintendo in no small part responsible for mismanaging the console's launch, but I'm not sure even Activision would be prepared to cut their losses so quickly.

As an aside, I play BlOpsII on Wii U most days and the highest I've seen online at any single time was around 4.2k.


We didn't buy it because:

A. It was already out on other systems for a while.

B. It would be like using Google+ instead of Facebook; even if some things are better, there's no one else to play it with.

Spending your $60 on NSMBU instead of this game would be a logical thing to do.


Should be written with a quill, sealed with a wax stamp, and mailed to Activision.


This excuse is stupid as hell. In what universe would masses of people buy a gimped version of the game? I mean, if someone wanted the complete Black Ops package, would they consider the Wii U version? Sure they're patching and all that, but the Wii U version is missing Nuketown (which is a popular map on the PS3 and 360) and no DLC coming. If Activision didn't want to give Wii U owners the full package, then why would they expect them to purchase the game...just because? It's all about value, and the Wii U doesn't have it. It's not that the Wii U can't have DLC. Other games have it, and even paid DLC.

This is the same with Mass Effect 3 on the Wii U. Why the hell would anyone in their right mind pick that game up when it's missing so much stuff? These third party developers just need to accept that if they're going to half-ass their game, then they can expect half-assed sales.

I also don't understand why gamers think players should simply throw money at these companies. They are not charities. If they want our money, then they need to make a good product to get it.


The reason I doubt this quote is because previous COD games sold reasonably well on the Wii. Nowhere near the numbers put up by their HD equivalents of course, but apart from MW3 (released when the Wii was effectively dead), I believe they all hit at least 1m in sales apiece. The BlOpsII sales may well be dismal and Nintendo in no small part responsible for mismanaging the console's launch, but I'm not sure even Activision would be prepared to cut their losses so quickly.

As an aside, I play BlOpsII on Wii U most days and the highest I've seen online at any single time was around 4.2k.

I'd blame it more on Wii U owners simply not being interested in the game. Lets say the game sold 200k(which is probably being kind) and the Wii U has 3 million consoles worldwide. This would mean that only about 6-7% of the owners bought the game. Those people are probably just buying it on their other consoles for obvious reasons.


Because you know exactly what the "gamer" wants. If I rolled my eyes any harder they would fall of my eye sockets.

I'm just going off sales numbers and the low interest that most people have in the system.

What's PS Vita's problem then? No one wants it?

No one wants it, because they can get more games at cheaper prices on their iPhone. Plus, having to carry around a dedicated gaming device is silly especially when you can play games that are more geared to the 20 minute commute than a full fledged PS Vita game.

Same thing could be said for the Wii-U. No one wants it because they either, already have a 360 or PS3 and have no interest in getting a system that basically does the same thing minus the online support, or it doesn't offer games that they're looking to play because there's no developer excitement.

Doesn't that logic kinda ignore the people who bought a Wii U but didn't buy CoD(which looks to be most of them)?

There's not that many people who bought a Wii-U.
This seems like a really safe thing to post.

"Publisher is disappointed in their Wii U sales, but they won't cut support! BUT IF THEY DO YOU KNOW I AM RIGHT, ALSO IF THEY DON'T."


The reason I doubt this quote is because previous COD games sold reasonably well on the Wii. Nowhere near the numbers put up by their HD equivalents of course, but apart from MW3 (released when the Wii was effectively dead), I believe they all hit at least 1m in sales apiece. The BlOpsII sales may well be dismal and Nintendo in no small part responsible for mismanaging the console's launch, but I'm not sure even Activision would be prepared to cut their losses so quickly.

As an aside, I play BlOpsII on Wii U most days and the highest I've seen online at any single time was around 4.2k.

The Wii has sold 100M systems. The Wii U has sold ~2M.

I have no reason to specifically believe this particular rumor, but I have strong reason to believe that the Wii U version sold vastly less than the more recent Wii versions did.
The reason their crappy ports and games aren't selling is because they aren't putting out games for people to want to buy the system for. They are defeating themselves. Ill keep my wiiu and buy Nintendo games I would be buying their games but they aren't putting them out.


It's a tough rumour to debunk because it's so bloody believable.

When I asked him about what his industry friends at other publishers think of the Wii U, he told me the following:
“There’s just no enthusiasm for it. The only reason publishers are still going to bring games to Wii U is because they don’t want to damage their relationship with Nintendo.”
That's what we're all thinking Western third party developers are thinking about Nintendo, right?


Junior Member
Too be fair people who want 3rd party games on Nintendo have been burned so many times with crappy ports that date back to the Gamecube era. The Nintendo version would always get a quickie job unless Nintendo threw some kind of moneyhat.

And here we go with the vicious cycle.

We'll see how Most Wanted does, but even that's a late port.

It seems like it's gonna be a long-ass time before development cycles reach a point where they can actually launch a game simultaneously on Wii U and other platforms. That might not start to happen until this fall.
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