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Skullgirls DLC Crowdsourcing - Completed, $829,829 raised, 4+1 characters funded

Personally, I think it's a bit too pie in the sky for my tastes, since we'd need to see an average of $27,100/day for the rest of the campaign in order to hit $725k. Unless there's a large number of bronies willing to pay $5k+ for a game that basically has nothing to do with MLP for the chance of a game featuring new characters by the creator of the FiM series to use that engine (or the last day making the first day look like small beer), of course.

Feng feng feng feng feng
I'd love to see this happen.

Azure J

So with Squiggly and Big Band already in, I'd want:

Black Dahlia

To show up next in that order. Geez, Skullgirls' starting to really get hype for me with all these new character concepts and happenings.
I ain't gonna lie. I want Feng and Annie in the game, but I'll definitely vote in Beowulf or Brain Drain if given the chance. :p
Pony fans pls, we've had some differences in the past, but this benefits the both of us.
Ponies and Skullgirls were neutral from the start. :p

Azure J

I like how two of entertainment media's biggest sects (Smash Bros. fanbase & The MLP fanbase) are not only totally amiable with the Skullgirls project but actively support them/have a decent amount of overlap between themselves. :p
I like how two of entertainment media's biggest sects (Smash Bros. fanbase & The MLP fanbase) are not only totally amiable with the Skullgirls project but actively support them/have a decent amount of overlap between themselves. :p
The downtrodden banding together. Seriously, this campaign is completely unpredictable. Maybe Peter should have Ono troll the FGC for some contributions at this point.
If there's a sharp increase in contributions as a result of that, I expect all of the Lab Zero guys to turn up to next week's Salty Cupcakes wearing headsets (preferably white ones).
We only need one person to do that.



Holy fuck.

I'm not sure if 725k is a reasonable point for this campaign to hit at this point, though. I mean, one can only hope, but that's just under what the entire campaign has made so far. And a lot of the people following Mane6's project were only doing it because... well, ponies.

I'd also suggest that someone ask Mane6 to post something about how their own game would benefit from the Skullgirls engine, because going by some comments, people apparently don't understand how it's any better than Fighter Maker.

Apparently he'll play similar to Wolverine. I want to see all kinds of ocean and cooking related nonsense from this guy. He and Minette are looking like the only two characters with strong ties to the ocean so...
Just added those to the stretch goals for shits and gigs.
Poor Leviathan is going to get torn in half at this rate.

Edit: Yes, the fourth character looks like they would come straight from the fan poll too. Suck it, Umbrella!


Unconfirmed Member
More than a little, yes.

...But when this started, we thought that two characters was an impossible dream. :p
With all due respect Ravi, but at the end of last year a lot of people seemed Skullgirls dead during the pre-patch days. You guys have come a long way. Congratulations!

Apparently he'll play similar to Wolverine. I want to see all kinds of ocean and cooking related nonsense from this guy. He and Minette are looking like the only two characters with strong ties to the ocean so...

Poor Leviathan is going to get torn in half at this rate.

Edit: Yes, the fourth character looks like they would come straight from the fan poll too. Suck it, Umbrella!

Pair Yu-Wan and Minette as two characters. Yu-Wan cooks, Minette serves.


I kicked in $30. I don't own the game, but it looks pretty cool. I guess I'll check it out on Steam when they give me a key.
So if Umbrella and Marie were planned to be playable in the original game before things got tight deadline-wise, was there ever as much work done on them as there was for Squigly? Or did focus just turn to working on Big Band and other background characters once they got more fan attention in the initial release?

And finally, after nearly a year in suspended animation, the game will finally come alive again — thanks to the dedication of its fans and the rousing success of an ongoing IndieGoGo campaign to bring more action into the Skullgirls universe.

“It's such a weird situation, and we had no expectation that it would even work,” says Peter Bartholow, CEO of Lab Zero Games.

Mashable spoke with Bartholow on Skullgirls’ death and fan-led rebirth — and the exciting things fans will get to see in a few short months.
Immediately after the game was released in April 2012 on the Playstation Network and Xbox Live Arcade, the Skullgirls team began teasing even more content for the game: new voice packs, color palettes and even DLC characters with their own story modes and stages. However, a few months later, Autumn Games was slapped with a series of lawsuits related to a separate game property — Def Jam Rapstar — and found itself interminably broke.

“The lawsuit has gummed up everything related to Autumn's funding,” Bartholow explains. “They had to lay off the core team.”
What the team didn’t expect was such a major response: In just 24 hours, fans fully funded the $150,000 needed to produce Squigly. As of this writing, the campaign has just under two weeks left to go and has raised over $397,000 — enough to produce Skullgirls’ first male character, Big Band.

The campaign is now staring down the barrel of another major reach goal: a Mystery DLC character from the Skullgirls universe that will be produced based on fan vote. Bartholow says that the team was shocked by the response, but couldn’t deny that the fans wanted to see success.
With ample time left to go in the campaign, the Lab Zero Games team has already pushed full steam ahead with Squigly, and will fund Big Band later in the fall. Those eager to get their hands on Squigly before the projected summer release date will have the opportunity to do so during the beta test of Skullgirls on PC — one of the tiered rewards in the game’s campaign.
Decent article on a website that has some pretty major clout/circulation. Much more just a click away.


The news made it onto Equestria Daily. Hopefully the Brony community ponies up some serious cash so we can get a guaranteed third character. I want a fourth, but even I'm not that hyped yet. I don't expect bumps to show themselves until the weekday period.
With all due respect Ravi, but at the end of last year a lot of people seemed Skullgirls dead during the pre-patch days. You guys have come a long way. Congratulations!
That was mostly Scytheavatar.
So if Umbrella and Marie were planned to be playable in the original game before things got tight deadline-wise, was there ever as much work done on them as there was for Squigly? Or did focus just turn to working on Big Band and other background characters once they got more fan attention in the initial release?
They talked about this on the streams iirc. They tried to focus on one character at a time because the work they do over time becomes efficient as everyone is used to the same character. Rotating between three characters would stretch resources, attention spans and familiarity pretty thin.
They talked about this on the streams iirc. They tried to focus on one character at a time because the work they do over time becomes efficient as everyone is used to the same character. Rotating between three characters would stretch resources, attention spans and familiarity pretty thin.
I can understand that, though it is a bit jarring to go from Squigly (someone a part of the three 'cut' characters from the original game) to skipping over Umbrella and Marie for Big Band and leaving those two at the mercy of fan voters.

I say that mostly since none of the list of characters we have to vote out of really grab me the way Umbrella or Marie did (besides maybe Eliza and Regina), so it'll be annoying when at least one of them inevitably gets passed over. :U


So if Umbrella and Marie were planned to be playable in the original game before things got tight deadline-wise, was there ever as much work done on them as there was for Squigly? Or did focus just turn to working on Big Band and other background characters once they got more fan attention in the initial release?

If I remember right only Squigly and Umbrella were planned for the original game, with Marie and Black Dhalia being the first batch of DLC.
And yeah, it's pretty funny how Umbrella was skipped. I guess that explains why she's always angry at those benchmark reached artworks XD



Umbrella and Marie were about as fleshed out as any of the fan vote characters. In a sense, Marie has some usable frames from her boss animations but almost nothing really. I don't believe her playstyle was ever really fleshed out either (although Mike figured she would do something with her vacuum). Umbrella probably has a much more fleshed out playstyle since she was next in line but it was never publicly discussed until the fundraiser as far as I know.
I can understand that, though it is a bit jarring to go from Squigly (someone a part of the three 'cut' characters from the original game) to skipping over Umbrella and Marie for Big Band and leaving those two at the mercy of fan voters.

I say that mostly since none of the list of characters we have to vote out of really grab me the way Umbrella or Marie did (besides maybe Eliza and Regina), so it'll be annoying when at least one of them inevitably gets passed over. :U
The fanbase stuck with them through thick and thin. It's more than anyone else has done so us getting Big Band is a great offering. Frankly, the game needs more guys so he kills two birds with one stone. I hope the floor is littered with birds by the end of this campaign. I also hope one of the new characters grabs you eventually too.
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