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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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From what I hear they're near where the source material currently is stopped. I don't know for sure because I haven't read it, but I hear this went through book 7 or 8.

Thats what i've heard too. They have supposedly caught up to the books. So basically, if they do another one it wont be for another year or two
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal 66

Stop trying to fool everyone.

This is basically top decking expect you had to raid one of the Saint Seiya's closets and give the act of drawing a card a cool name.

i'm confused ..what is shining draw ? the fact that the card you want to have in your hands arrive in your hand without paying a tribute ?

not sure what this means
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal 67


I wish this was the point where the animators just gave up. At least it would have been amusing to watch.

i'm confused ..what is shining draw ? the fact that the card you want to have in your hands arrive in your hand without paying a tribute ?

not sure what this means

Quoted from the wiki, which makes it even more stupid than what I was gonna say:

ZEXAL allows Yuma and Astral to perform the Shining Draw (シャイニング・ドロー Shainingu Dorō) to create "ZW -" monsters that can be equipped to "Number C39: Utopia Ray". The cards are created with the effects needed to counter whatever the opponent has out.

So the power lets him create whatever cards he needs to win the duel! Fuck top decking, this is creating a card on the fly level.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal 67

I wish this was the point where the animators just gave up. At least it would have been amusing to watch.

Quoted from the wiki, which makes it even more stupid than what I was gonna say:

So the power lets him create whatever cards he needs to win the duel! Fuck top decking, this is creating a card on the fly level.

Wait so it's a free for all toolbox of counter effects ? Doesn't this remove any kind of tension for the duels ? What is the tribute for using this power ?
Wait so it's a free for all toolbox of counter effects ? Doesn't this remove any kind of tension for the duels ? What is the tribute for using this power ?

Well, it can only be used in the magical SPACE zones so he can't use it in_every_duel. Just probably the ones that matter. And couldn't have won without it anyway.

Also, what tension?
Well, it can only be used in the magical SPACE zones so he can't use it in_every_duel. Just probably the ones that matter. And couldn't have won without it anyway.

Also, what tension?

Card Dueling is supposed to be a match a of tactics with your limited arsenal in your hand.. this is what make the tensions in the duels. The duelling tension between the 2 opponent is what is this show supposed to be about unless one like to look at monsters

Also this magical space escuse is nonsense


Subete no aware
Oh yeah, the Titanic II I think it's called right? Talking about how things fly reminds me of those big planes, I think called the Airbus A380 from looking it up, and they can hold like 550 people and have a dual layered cabin. It kind of makes you wonder how something like that could fly or just how powerful the engines must be. Not to mention the fuel costs...
You know, I remember when those Airbuses were in the news, but I haven't really heard anything about them since. The market for premium flying probably just doesn't exist these days, considering how much space you must be losing if you want to throw in a dining lounge and other amenities.

They're also not really designed for long term travel in mind though. Transatlantic flights took around a week for the Hindenburg, and I don't know what kind of person would want to spend that amount of time on a plane without being paid to do so. lol

I skipped the first podcast for now but listened to all of the second one because it was about what you guys were watching. Some stuff I could follow along with such as Tamako Market or Vivired Operation but others I had no clue what you were talking about since I'm not watching them. With you guys talking about Saki I'm surprised you didn't bring up Chihayafuru as far as the shows you wanted to quickly touch on. Unless you felt there wasn't much to discuss or already knew the other guys weren't into the show or something.

I kind of want to go to the fourth one now based on the quick written preview where it ends with firehawk learns something so shocking it almost stops the show! haha.
I know we talk about Chihayafuru in a later episode, although I don't remember which one.

The shocking reveal is really silly though. I think it was something I must have subconsciously known but never thought about and when it came up, my brain just popped. lol
You can't make a third season when there are no more LNs to adapt wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Season 3 in 5 years. lol


Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT 12 END

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Try confirmed lol.

Rika not only took over as the main heroine this last episode, but also took over as the main character. When she yells "I need a friend", she refers herself as "boku". No other character refered himself or herself as "boku." Kodaka - "Ore", Yozora - "watashi", Sena - "Atashi", Yukimura - "Watakushi", Kobato - "Ware", Maria - "Watashi" in Katakana. Rika referred herself as her own name until this last episode.
Galaxy Angel Z 1

Still as hilarious as ever. The color style used this season is a lot more pleasing to the eye and now there's full 24 minute episodes as opposed to last season's half episodes. I expect to take many screenshots of Mint being adorable.


Sailor Moon 23

This episode delivered on faces again unlike the previous one, though not the best of the series so far. Sulk Usagi is bound to be useful in the near future. This episode also proves that
Jadeite does indeed have a heart after all!
Way to explain things Usagi!

Be sure to also look at those in case you are curious about it. Basically some leaked cells from that pilot that made their way to eBay a while ago.

This show is a veritable cornucopia of faces. ONe of the most expressive shows I have seen for sure. I think thats one of the really fun things about it, and about older anime in general. Todasys shows just dont get silly like that as often unless its a comedy.

Oh, its the worst character in the worst show in anime history.
I don't see whats wrong with that picture though. that's her only purpose.

@Neo-Ranga 1-11

Actually better than I expected; the concept is interesting, the direction is consistently solid and the visuals are pretty inspired. It's also filled with 2D car animation.

Someone else actually watched this? I don't remember what the hell it was actually about.
Card Dueling is supposed to be a match a of tactics with your limited arsenal in your hand.. this is what make the tensions in the duels. The duelling tension between the 2 opponent is what is this show supposed to be about unless one like to look at monsters

Also this magical space escuse is nonsense

Normally that would be the case, but the show has pretty much the hit the point, where protag fights someone, gets hit by some trick early on, struggles for a bit, talk, talk, talk, suddenly comes up with a great combo to overcome the odds.

Doesn't help that protag almost never loses and the duels where he doesn't duel can probably be counted on one hand or two. And even those duels are pretty obvious who will win.


Galaxy Angel Z 1

Still as hilarious as ever. The color style used this season is a lot more pleasing to the eye and now there's full 24 minute episodes as opposed to last season's half episodes. I expect to take many screenshots of Mint being adorable.

This makes me so happy.
I'm always pushing this show and someone is finally finding the time to enjoy it :D
Its pure :cajun squeefood for the discerning kawaii connoisseur.


Subete no aware
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT 12 END

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Try confirmed lol.

Rika not only took over as the main heroine this last episode, but also took over as the main character. When she yells "I need a friend", she refers herself as "boku". No other character refered himself or herself as "boku." Kodaka - "Ore", Yozora - "watashi", Sena - "Atashi", Yukimura - "Watakushi", Kobato - "Ware", Maria - "Watashi" in Katakana. Rika referred herself as her own name until this last episode.

You know, that should have been an interesting character moment... if only the show didn't make me rage harder than Rika did in the actual episode. :p
This makes me so happy.
I'm always pushing this show and someone is finally finding the time to enjoy it :D
Its pure :cajun squeefood for the discerning kawaii connoisseur.

I like cute things and I also like to laugh, Galaxy Angel just so happens to combines those things that I like so well, and it even has the Miyukichi in it. I win in all aspects!
Ginga e Kickoff!! 37

Really not good episode and I think its on track to have a bad ending.
Really they lost by just ramming into each other? And they arent concerned about it though want to be number one in ginga off the record?
. Its just the premise and the way the writer penned this that made much of it feel really awkward and odd.

Aoto was amazing though. Guess Im ready for this to end.

Dont we have kind of a sports void this year, apart from Kuroko's Basketball 2nd season and the cycling anime (and cardfight), there are no others (and no soccer?).
Kotoura end

Whelp, that was definitely the final episode in every slice of life high school romcom ever. Needless to say, the climax was quite a bit more entertaining than the epilogue.

The bipolar nature of this series kind of wore thin after a while, especially when it was only on the surface and not actually shaking up the status quo. It definitely had its moments though. Might give the manga a try since I hear there's some legitimate despair in there.-
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal 68

So the big bad's big and evil plan is to collect trash from all over the city, toss it into a special cannon and shoot it at magic SPACE world to destroy it? Uh huh.
Normally that would be the case, but the show has pretty much the hit the point, where protag fights someone, gets hit by some trick early on, struggles for a bit, talk, talk, talk, suddenly comes up with a great combo to overcome the odds.

Doesn't help that protag almost never loses and the duels where he doesn't duel can probably be counted on one hand or two. And even those duels are pretty obvious who will win.

You're making me avoid this ....

Zetsuen no tempest .. end

Aika you're such a troll.


Isn't boku reserved for males?

Not always. Some girls in anime use boku in a tomboyish way and it sounds REALLY cute.

What they want you to believe it is about: half-naked girls pilot a badass giant robot and fight lots of enemies while shit explodes everywhere.

What it is actually about: slice-of-life anime about three sisters dealing with suddenly getting a giant robot that does their every bidding.

I just remember a lot of cute girls being bodypainted in various interesting ways and some weird shit with a giant robot. Actually I think those things are what attracted me to the show to begin with. the DVD covers were interesting looking. I only have vol 1 of it.


Tonight I will check out some Kamisama Dolls once the bluray player is freed up (my brother is using it now)
I love the opening and the visual style and the plot synopsis looks pretty interesting. Plus its short and has Cute. A great combination if you ask me!
Tonight I will check out some Kamisama Dolls once the bluray player is freed up (my brother is using it now)
I love the opening and the visual style and the plot synopsis looks pretty interesting. Plus its short and has Cute. A great combination if you ask me!

I really liked this show. Had a nice plot with some crazy/odd characters and it has an extremely catchy OP.


FMP! 3

Another aspect of Gauron's character Ali fails to emulate is his penchant for terrible jokes and dead baby humor. Gauron gets on the airplane with the rest of Kaname's class, headed for "Okinawa" (the ensuing events explain why Onizuka's class will be getting there, and Kaname's will not.) He makes a joke to the flight attendant about chucking the kids out of the airplane from really high up. The attendant makes a nervous, polite chuckle, and then he adds "I'm only joking." Which is of course, entirely unnecessary for normal people to say, except that Gauron is so crazy that he probably wasn't joking about throwing kids overboard.

Another thing that's crazy cool about Gauron is that his eyes are entirely different from everyone else's. The rest of the cast has wide eyes with big ol' irises. Gauron's eyes have tiny irises, darting around underneath his Treize eyebrows.

Most of this episode was actually about Sousuke stealing panties and Tessa feeling bad about firing missiles at bases, setting the tone for the series: comedy mingled with stark warfare. It also helps establish the characters, demonstrating that Sousuke is hapless in social life (which leads into an awesome moment with Wraith) and that Tessa has problems with killing people, in spite of her position (which is important in Sigma.)
Space Runaway Ideon 35:
That was an unusually intense battle. Usually, the fights in Ideon have been the low point, but they managed to ramp up the intensity in this episode and create a real sense of dread. This episode had one of the better uses of the main theme, too.

Poor Hannibal sacrifices himself in vain after all. Sheryl and Gije are finally getting together, and maybe I'm reading too much into some things, but it seemed like Karala might be pregnant (although do Buff Clan women have morning sickness? I don't know).
The end of the episode went back to the main themes the show has dealt with, and it offers more evidence that power inherently becomes corrupt and destructive in nature.


Subete no aware
Isn't boku reserved for males?
The interesting point is that it serves as a moment of self-signification.
Considering it's only children that refer to themselves in the third person, having Rika use some form of "I" should be a form of earth shattering character development/growth.
Instead, I don't believe anything has changed whatsoever... to the point where I didn't even notice that "drop" at all.

I like how it's rating TV-M... also, I'm curious to see what Viz's releases are like.

The fact that they couldn't even dump in the OVAs makes me think that they aren't interested in trying either though.
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